; The following code has been partially converted from the C code of the ; QR code generator found at https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _RS_REMAINDER ;----------------------------------------------------------- .i = tmpVars+2 .factor = tmpVars+3 ; memset(result, 0, 16); // done in START_TEXT ; for (int i = dataLen-1; i >= 0; i--) { // Polynomial division ldx #MAX_DATA-1 .loopI stx .i ; uint8_t factor = data[i] ^ result[degree - 1]; lda msgData,x eor remainder + DEGREE - 1 sta .factor ; memmove(&result[1], &result[0], (size_t)(16 - 1) * sizeof(result[0])); ldx #DEGREE-1 .loopMove lda remainder-1,x sta remainder,x dex bne .loopMove ; result[0] = 0; lda #0 sta remainder ; for (int j = 16-1; j >= 0; j--) ldx #DEGREE-1 .loopJ ; result[j] ^= reedSolomonMultiply(generator[j], factor); lda Generator,x ldy .factor _RS_MULT eor remainder,x sta remainder,x ; } dex bpl .loopJ ; } ldx .i dex bpl .loopI ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Returns the product of the two given field elements modulo GF(2^8/0x11D). ; All inputs are valid. MAC _RS_MULT ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Russian peasant multiplication (x * y) ; Input: A = x, Y = y ; Result: A .x = tmpVars .y = tmpVars+1 sta .x sty .y ; uint8_t z = 0; lda #0 ; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { ldy #7 .loopI ; z = (uint8_t)((z << 1) ^ ((z >> 7) * 0x11D)); asl bcc .skipEorPoly eor #> i) & 1) * x; asl .y bcc .skipEorX eor .x .skipEorX ; } dey bpl .loopI ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Draws the raw codewords (including data and ECC) onto the given QR Code. This requires the initial state of ; the QR Code to be black at function modules and white at codeword modules (including unused remainder bits). MAC _DRAW_CODEWORDS ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Note: This part has the maximum RAM usage .right = tmpVars+0 .vert = tmpVars+1 .j = tmpVars+2 .y = tmpVars+3 .iBit = tmpVars+4 .iByte = tmpVars+5 ; blacken the (right) function modules in the bitmap IF QR_OVERLAP _BLACK_RIGHT ; returns with X = 0 ELSE _BLACK_FUNC ; returns with X = 0 ENDIF ; int i = 0; // Bit index into the data ; 2600 code has data in reversed order stx .iBit lda #TOTAL_LEN-1 sta .iByte ; // Do the funny zigzag scan ; for (int right = qrsize - 1; right >= 1; right -= 2) { // Index of right column in each column pair ldy #QR_SIZE - 1 .loopRight ; if (right == 6) cpy #6 bne .not6 ; right = 5; dey ; skip the timing column .not6 sty .right IF QR_OVERLAP ; overwrite shared data cpy #16 bne .skipBlackMiddle ; blacken the middle function modules in the bitmap _BLACK_MIDDLE .skipBlackMiddle cpy #8 bne .skipBlackLeft ; blacken the left function modules in the bitmap _BLACK_LEFT .skipBlackLeft ENDIF ; for (int vert = 0; vert < qrsize; vert++) { // Vertical counter ldy #QR_SIZE-1 .loopVert sty .vert ; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { ldy #-1 .loopJ iny sty .j ; bool upward = ((right + 1) & 2) != 0; // 2600 code works in reverse ldx .vert lda .right clc adc #1 and #$2 bne .notUp ; int y = upward ? qrsize - 1 - vert : vert; // Actual y coordinate lda #QR_SIZE-1 sec sbc .vert tax .notUp stx .y ; int x = right - j; // Actual x coordinate lda .right sec sbc .j ; sta .x tay ; if (!getModule(qrcode, x, y) && i < dataLen * 8) { ; ldy .x ; ldx .y jsr CheckPixel bne .skipPixel ldx .iByte bmi .skipPixel ; bool black = getBit(data[i >> 3], 7 - (i & 7)); lda data,x ldx .iBit and BitMask,x beq .skipInv ; setModule(qrcode, x, y, black); ; ldy .x ldx .y jsr InvertPixel .skipInv ; i++; ldy .iBit iny tya and #$07 sta .iBit bne .skipByte dec .iByte .skipByte ; } .skipPixel ldy .j beq .loopJ ; } // for j ldy .vert dey bpl .loopVert ; } // for vert ldy .right dey dey bpl .loopRight ; } // for right ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _APPLY_MASK ;----------------------------------------------------------- IF QR_SINGLE_MASK .y = tmpVars ldx #QR_SIZE - 1 .loopY stx .y ldy #QR_SIZE - 1 .loopX ; 0: (x + y) % 2 == 0 tya eor .y lsr bcs .skipInvert jsr InvertPixel .skipInvert dey bpl .loopX dex bpl .loopY ELSE .y = tmpVars ;.x = tmpVars+2 .xMod3 = tmpVars+1 .yMod3 = tmpVars+2 .xDiv3 = tmpVars+3 .tmp = tmpVars+4 lda #0 sta .yMod3 ldx #QR_SIZE - 1 .loopY stx .y lda #0 sta .xMod3 sta .xDiv3 ldy #QR_SIZE - 1 .loopX ; sty .x lda qrPattern bne .not0 ; 0: (x + y) % 2 == 0 tya eor .y bpl .checkMod2 .not0 cmp #4 bne .not4 ; 4: (x / 3 + y / 2) % 2 == 0 lda .y lsr adc .xDiv3 bpl .checkMod2 .not4 bcs .above4 lsr bcs .not2 ; 2: x % 3 == 0 lda .xMod3 beq .invert bne .skipInvert .not2 bne .is3 ; 1: y % 2 == 0 txa bpl .checkMod2 .is3 ; 3: (x + y) % 3 == 0 lda .xMod3 ; sec sbc .yMod3 beq .invert bne .skipInvert .above4 cmp #6 beq .is6 bcs .is7 .is6 php ; 5: x * y % 2 + x * y % 3 == 0 ; 6: (x * y % 2 + x * y % 3) % 2 == 0 lda .xMod3 beq .modEven56 lda .yMod3 beq .modEven56 clc adc .xMod3 BIT_W .modEven56 lda #0 sta .tmp tya lsr bcc .even56 txa lsr bcc .even56 inc .tmp .even56 plp lda .tmp bcs .checkMod2 beq .invert bne .skipInvert .is7 ; 7: ((x + y) % 2 + x * y % 3) % 2 == 0 tya eor .y sta .tmp lda .xMod3 beq .modEven7 lda .yMod3 beq .modEven7 clc adc .xMod3 adc .tmp sta .tmp .modEven7 lda .tmp .checkMod2 lsr bcs .skipInvert .invert jsr InvertPixel .skipInvert ; next X dec .xMod3 bpl .xMod3OK lda #2 sta .xMod3 inc .xDiv3 .xMod3OK dey bpl .loopX ; next Y dec .yMod3 bpl .yMod3OK lda #2 sta .yMod3 .yMod3OK dex bmi .exitLoopY jmp .loopY .exitLoopY ENDIF ; !QR_SINGLE_MASK ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _DRAW_FORMAT ;----------------------------------------------------------- .idx = tmpVars ldy #NUM_FORMAT-1 .loopFormat sty .idx cpy #8 IF QR_SINGLE_MASK lda #%10101000 and BitMask,y bcc .lowFormat lda #%00100100 ELSE ldx qrPattern lda FormatLo,x and BitMask,y bcc .lowFormat lda FormatHi,x ENDIF and BitMask-8,y .lowFormat beq .skipFormat ldx FormatY1,y lda FormatX1,y tay jsr InvertPixel ldy .idx ldx FormatY2,y lda FormatX2,y tay jsr InvertPixel ldy .idx .skipFormat dey bpl .loopFormat ENDM ; ********** The user macros start here: ********** ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC START_MSG ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; A = message length ; add mode and length to message data tax lsr lsr lsr lsr ora #(MODE << 4) ; (MODE << 4) | (MSG_LEN >> 4) sta msgData + MAX_DATA - 1 txa asl asl asl asl ; (MSG_LEN << 4) sta msgData + MAX_DATA - 2 lda #MAX_DATA - 3 sta msgIdx ; clear the remaining data buffer ldx #TOTAL_LEN-3 lda #0 .loopClear sta data,x dex bpl .loopClear ENDM ;--------------------------------------------------------------- MAC ADD_MSG_BYTE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; A = byte to add ldx msgIdx pha lsr lsr lsr lsr ora msgData + 1,x sta msgData + 1,x pla asl asl asl asl sta msgData,x dec msgIdx ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC STOP_MSG ;----------------------------------------------------------- IF QR_PADDING .msgLen = tmpVars ; pad with optional filler bytes (QR code works without too) lda #MAX_MSG - 1 sec sbc .msgLen bcc .noPadding tax .loopPadding lda #$ec ; defined by QR standard sta msgData,x dex bmi .noPadding lda #$11 ; defined by QR standard sta msgData,x dex bpl .loopPadding .noPadding ENDIF ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC GEN_QR_CODE ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; This is the main macro to use! QRCodeCode ; calculate the ECC RSRemainder _RS_REMAINDER ; draw the code words onto the bitmap DrawCodes _DRAW_CODEWORDS ; apply the pattern mask ApplyMask _APPLY_MASK ; blacken the function modules in the bitmap again ; and draw the function modules in the bitmap DrawFunc _DRAW_FUNC ; draw the format bits DrawFormat _DRAW_FORMAT ECHO "QR Code encoding code:", [. - QRCodeCode]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - QRCodeCode ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC QR_CODE_DATA ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Add this to your code's data area QRCodeData ; Format Information Strings IF QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 IF QR_LEVEL = 0 ; L FormatLo .byte %11101111 .byte %11100101 .byte %11111011 .byte %11110001 .byte %11001100 .byte %11000110 .byte %11011000 .byte %11010010 FormatHi .byte %10001000 .byte %11100110 .byte %01010100 .byte %00111010 .byte %01011110 .byte %00110000 .byte %10000010 .byte %11101100 ENDIF IF QR_LEVEL = 1 ; M FormatLo .byte %10101000 .byte %10100010 .byte %10111100 .byte %10110110 .byte %10001011 .byte %10000001 .byte %10011111 .byte %10010101 FormatHi .byte %00100100 .byte %01001010 .byte %11111000 .byte %10010110 .byte %11110010 .byte %10011100 .byte %00101110 .byte %01000000 ENDIF ; TODO: levels Q and H ENDIF ; position of the 15 type information bits FormatX1 .byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 .byte 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 FormatY2 .byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ; ds 8, QR_SIZE-9 ; shared FormatY1 ds 8, QR_SIZE-9 .byte QR_SIZE-8, QR_SIZE-6, QR_SIZE-5, QR_SIZE-4 .byte QR_SIZE-3, QR_SIZE-2, QR_SIZE-1 FormatX2 ds 7, 8 .byte QR_SIZE-8, QR_SIZE-7, QR_SIZE-6, QR_SIZE-5 .byte QR_SIZE-4, QR_SIZE-3, QR_SIZE-2, QR_SIZE-1 BitMask .byte $80, $40, $20, $10, $8, $4, $2, $1 Generator ; data in reversed order! IF DEGREE = 7 .byte $75, $44, $0b, $a4, $9a, $7a, $7f ENDIF IF DEGREE = 10 .byte $c1, $9d, $71, $5f, $5e, $c7, $6f, $9f .byte $c2, $d8 ENDIF IF DEGREE = 15 .byte $1a, $86, $20, $97, $84, $8b, $69, $69 .byte $0a, $4a, $70, $a3, $6f, $c4, $1d ENDIF IF DEGREE = 16 ; Reed-Solomon ECC generator polynomial for degree 16 ; g(x)=(x+1)(x+?)(x+?^2)(x+?^3)...(x+?^15) ; = x^16+3bx^15+0dx^14+68x^13+bdx^12+44x^11+d1x^10+1e^x9+08x^8 ; +a3x^7+41x^6+29x^5+e5x^4+62x^3+32x^2+24x+3b .byte $3b, $24, $32, $62, $e5, $29, $41, $a3 .byte $08, $1e, $d1, $44, $bd, $68, $0d, $3b ENDIF IF DEGREE = 26 .byte $5e, $2b, $4d, $92, $90, $46, $44, $87 .byte $2a, $e9, $75, $d1, $28, $91, $18, $ce .byte $38, $4d, $98, $c7, $62, $88, $04, $b7 .byte $44, $f6 ENDIF DEGREE = . - Generator ; verify data ECHO "QR Code encoding data:", [. - QRCodeData]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - QRCodeData ENDM