2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "6502.h"
//#define DEBUG
int lengths[NUM_MODES]; // instruction length table, indexed by addressing mode
uint8_t * (*get_ptr[NUM_MODES])(); // addressing mode decoder table
Instruction instructions[0x100]; // instruction data table
Instruction inst; // the current instruction (used for convenience)
int jumping; // used to check that we don't need to increment the PC after a jump
/* Flag Checks */
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
static inline void N_flag(int8_t val)
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
SR.bits.sign = val < 0;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
static inline void Z_flag(uint8_t val)
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
SR.bits.zero = val == 0;
/* Stack Helpers */
static inline void stack_push(uint8_t val)
memory[0x100+(SP--)] = val;
static inline uint8_t stack_pull()
return memory[0x100+(++SP)];
/* Memory read/write wrappers */
static inline uint8_t * read_ptr()
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
return read_addr = get_ptr[inst.mode]();
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static inline uint8_t * write_ptr()
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
return write_addr = get_ptr[inst.mode]();
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
/* Instruction Implementations */
static void inst_ADC()
uint8_t operand = * read_ptr();
int tmp = A + operand + (SR.bits.carry & 1);
SR.bits.carry = tmp > 0xFF;
SR.bits.overflow = ((A^tmp)&(operand^tmp)&0x80) != 0;
A = tmp & 0xFF;
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2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_AND()
A &= * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_ASL()
uint8_t tmp = * read_ptr();
SR.bits.carry = (tmp & 0x80) != 0;
tmp <<= 1;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
* write_ptr() = tmp;
static void inst_BCC()
if (!SR.bits.carry) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BCS()
if (SR.bits.carry) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BEQ()
if (SR.bits.zero) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BIT()
uint8_t tmp = * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
Z_flag(tmp & A);
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
SR.bits.overflow = (tmp & 0x40) != 0;
static void inst_BMI()
if (SR.bits.sign) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BNE()
if (!SR.bits.zero) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BPL()
if (!SR.bits.sign) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BRK()
uint16_t newPC;
memcpy(&newPC, &memory[IRQ_VEC], sizeof(newPC));
PC += 2;
stack_push(PC >> 8);
stack_push(PC & 0xFF);
SR.bits.brk = 1;
SR.bits.interrupt = 1;
PC = newPC;
jumping = 1;
static void inst_BVC()
if (!SR.bits.overflow) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_BVS()
if (SR.bits.overflow) {
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
static void inst_CLC()
SR.bits.carry = 0;
static void inst_CLD()
SR.bits.decimal = 0;
static void inst_CLI()
SR.bits.interrupt = 0;
static void inst_CLV()
SR.bits.overflow = 0;
static void inst_CMP()
uint8_t operand = * read_ptr();
uint8_t tmpDiff = A - operand;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
SR.bits.carry = A >= operand;
static void inst_CPX()
uint8_t operand = * read_ptr();
uint8_t tmpDiff = X - operand;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
SR.bits.carry = X >= operand;
static void inst_CPY()
uint8_t operand = * read_ptr();
uint8_t tmpDiff = Y - operand;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
SR.bits.carry = Y >= operand;
static void inst_DEC()
uint8_t tmp = * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
* write_ptr() = tmp;
static void inst_DEX()
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_DEY()
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_EOR()
A ^= * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_INC()
uint8_t tmp = * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
* write_ptr() = tmp;
static void inst_INX()
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_INY()
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_JMP()
PC = read_ptr() - memory;
jumping = 1;
static void inst_JSR()
uint16_t newPC = read_ptr() - memory;
PC += 2;
stack_push(PC >> 8);
stack_push(PC & 0xFF);
PC = newPC;
jumping = 1;
static void inst_LDA()
A = * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
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static void inst_LDX()
X = * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_LDY()
Y = * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_LSR()
uint8_t tmp = * read_ptr();
SR.bits.carry = tmp & 1;
tmp >>= 1;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
* write_ptr() = tmp;
static void inst_NOP()
// nothing
static void inst_ORA()
A |= * read_ptr();
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_PHA()
static void inst_PHP()
SR.bits.brk = 1; // this is slightly unexpected, but it's what the real hardware does.
static void inst_PLA()
A = stack_pull();
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2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_PLP()
SR.byte = stack_pull();
SR.bits.unused = 1;
static void inst_ROL()
int tmp = (* read_ptr()) << 1;
tmp |= SR.bits.carry & 1;
SR.bits.carry = tmp > 0xFF;
tmp &= 0xFF;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
* write_ptr() = tmp;
static void inst_ROR()
int tmp = * read_ptr();
tmp |= SR.bits.carry << 8;
SR.bits.carry = tmp & 1;
tmp >>= 1;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
* write_ptr() = tmp;
static void inst_RTI()
SR.byte = stack_pull();
SR.bits.unused = 1;
PC = stack_pull();
PC |= stack_pull() << 8;
//PC += 1;
jumping = 1;
static void inst_RTS()
PC = stack_pull();
PC |= stack_pull() << 8;
PC += 1;
jumping = 1;
static void inst_SBC()
uint8_t operand = ~(* read_ptr()); // identical to ACD with the operand inverted
int tmp = A + operand + (SR.bits.carry & 1);
SR.bits.carry = tmp > 0xFF;
SR.bits.overflow = ((A^tmp)&(operand^tmp)&0x80) != 0;
A = tmp & 0xFF;
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2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_SEC()
SR.bits.carry = 1;
static void inst_SED()
SR.bits.decimal = 1;
printf("DECIMAL! :(\r\n"); // TODO
static void inst_SEI()
SR.bits.interrupt = 1;
static void inst_STA()
* write_ptr() = A;
static void inst_STX()
* write_ptr() = X;
static void inst_STY()
* write_ptr() = Y;
static void inst_TAX()
X = A;
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static void inst_TAY()
Y = A;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_TSX()
X = SP;
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static void inst_TXA()
A = X;
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2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
static void inst_TXS()
SP = X;
static void inst_TYA()
A = Y;
2017-01-03 20:18:36 +00:00
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
/* Addressing Implementations */
uint8_t * get_IMM()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[(uint16_t) (PC+1)];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
uint16_t get_uint16()
{ // used only as part of other modes
uint16_t index;
memcpy(&index, get_IMM(), sizeof(index)); // hooray for optimising compilers
return index;
uint8_t * get_ZP()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[* get_IMM()];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
uint8_t * get_ZPX()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[((* get_IMM()) + X) & 0xFF];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
uint8_t * get_ZPY()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[((* get_IMM()) + Y) & 0xFF];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
uint8_t * get_ACC()
return &A;
uint8_t * get_ABS()
return &memory[get_uint16()];
uint8_t * get_ABSX()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[(uint16_t) (get_uint16() + X)];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
uint8_t * get_ABSY()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[(uint16_t) (get_uint16() + Y)];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
uint8_t * get_IND()
uint16_t ptr;
memcpy(&ptr, get_ABS(), sizeof(ptr));
return &memory[ptr];
uint8_t * get_XIND()
uint16_t ptr;
memcpy(&ptr, get_ZPX(), sizeof(ptr));
return &memory[ptr];
uint8_t * get_INDY()
uint16_t ptr;
memcpy(&ptr, get_ZP(), sizeof(ptr));
ptr += Y;
return &memory[ptr];
uint8_t * get_REL()
2017-01-03 21:51:21 +00:00
return &memory[(uint16_t) (PC + (int8_t) * get_IMM())];
2017-01-03 19:39:48 +00:00
/* Construction of Tables */
void init_tables() // this is only done at runtime to improve code readability.
/* Instruction Lengths */
lengths[ACC] = 1;
lengths[ABS] = 3;
lengths[ABSX] = 3;
lengths[ABSY] = 3;
lengths[IMM] = 2;
lengths[IMPL] = 1;
lengths[IND] = 3;
lengths[XIND] = 2;
lengths[INDY] = 2;
lengths[REL] = 2;
lengths[ZP] = 2;
lengths[ZPX] = 2;
lengths[ZPY] = 2;
/* Addressing Modes */
get_ptr[ACC] = get_ACC;
get_ptr[ABS] = get_ABS;
get_ptr[ABSX] = get_ABSX;
get_ptr[ABSY] = get_ABSY;
get_ptr[IMM] = get_IMM;
get_ptr[IND] = get_IND;
get_ptr[XIND] = get_XIND;
get_ptr[INDY] = get_INDY;
get_ptr[REL] = get_REL;
get_ptr[ZP] = get_ZP;
get_ptr[ZPX] = get_ZPX;
get_ptr[ZPY] = get_ZPY;
/* Instructions */
instructions[0x00] = (Instruction) {"BRK impl", inst_BRK, IMPL};
instructions[0x01] = (Instruction) {"ORA X,ind", inst_ORA, XIND};
instructions[0x02] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x03] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x04] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x05] = (Instruction) {"ORA zpg", inst_ORA, ZP};
instructions[0x06] = (Instruction) {"ASL zpg", inst_ASL, ZP};
instructions[0x07] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x08] = (Instruction) {"PHP impl", inst_PHP, IMPL};
instructions[0x09] = (Instruction) {"ORA #", inst_ORA, IMM};
instructions[0x0A] = (Instruction) {"ASL A", inst_ASL, ACC};
instructions[0x0B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x0C] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x0D] = (Instruction) {"ORA abs", inst_ORA, ABS};
instructions[0x0E] = (Instruction) {"ASL abs", inst_ASL, ABS};
instructions[0x0F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x10] = (Instruction) {"BPL rel", inst_BPL, REL};
instructions[0x11] = (Instruction) {"ORA ind,Y", inst_ORA, INDY};
instructions[0x12] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x13] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x14] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x15] = (Instruction) {"ORA zpg,X", inst_ORA, ZPX};
instructions[0x16] = (Instruction) {"ASL zpg,X", inst_ASL, ZPX};
instructions[0x17] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x18] = (Instruction) {"CLC impl", inst_CLC, IMPL};
instructions[0x19] = (Instruction) {"ORA abs,Y", inst_ORA, ABSY};
instructions[0x1A] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x1B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x1C] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x1D] = (Instruction) {"ORA abs,X", inst_ORA, ABSX};
instructions[0x1E] = (Instruction) {"ASL abs,X", inst_ASL, ABSX};
instructions[0x1F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x20] = (Instruction) {"JSR abs", inst_JSR, ABS};
instructions[0x21] = (Instruction) {"AND X,ind", inst_AND, XIND};
instructions[0x22] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x23] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x24] = (Instruction) {"BIT zpg", inst_BIT, ZP};
instructions[0x25] = (Instruction) {"AND zpg", inst_AND, ZP};
instructions[0x26] = (Instruction) {"ROL zpg", inst_ROL, ZP};
instructions[0x27] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x28] = (Instruction) {"PLP impl", inst_PLP, IMPL};
instructions[0x29] = (Instruction) {"AND #", inst_AND, IMM};
instructions[0x2A] = (Instruction) {"ROL A", inst_ROL, ACC};
instructions[0x2B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x2C] = (Instruction) {"BIT abs", inst_BIT, ABS};
instructions[0x2D] = (Instruction) {"AND abs", inst_AND, ABS};
instructions[0x2E] = (Instruction) {"ROL abs", inst_ROL, ABS};
instructions[0x2F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x30] = (Instruction) {"BMI rel", inst_BMI, REL};
instructions[0x31] = (Instruction) {"AND ind,Y", inst_AND, INDY};
instructions[0x32] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x33] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x34] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x35] = (Instruction) {"AND zpg,X", inst_AND, ZPX};
instructions[0x36] = (Instruction) {"ROL zpg,X", inst_ROL, ZPX};
instructions[0x37] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x38] = (Instruction) {"SEC impl", inst_SEC, IMPL};
instructions[0x39] = (Instruction) {"AND abs,Y", inst_AND, ABSY};
instructions[0x3A] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x3B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x3C] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x3D] = (Instruction) {"AND abs,X", inst_AND, ABSX};
instructions[0x3E] = (Instruction) {"ROL abs,X", inst_ROL, ABSX};
instructions[0x3F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x40] = (Instruction) {"RTI impl", inst_RTI, IMPL};
instructions[0x41] = (Instruction) {"EOR X,ind", inst_EOR, XIND};
instructions[0x42] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x43] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x44] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x45] = (Instruction) {"EOR zpg", inst_EOR, ZP};
instructions[0x46] = (Instruction) {"LSR zpg", inst_LSR, ZP};
instructions[0x47] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x48] = (Instruction) {"PHA impl", inst_PHA, IMPL};
instructions[0x49] = (Instruction) {"EOR #", inst_EOR, IMM};
instructions[0x4A] = (Instruction) {"LSR A", inst_LSR, ACC};
instructions[0x4B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x4C] = (Instruction) {"JMP abs", inst_JMP, ABS};
instructions[0x4D] = (Instruction) {"EOR abs", inst_EOR, ABS};
instructions[0x4E] = (Instruction) {"LSR abs", inst_LSR, ABS};
instructions[0x4F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x50] = (Instruction) {"BVC rel", inst_BVC, REL};
instructions[0x51] = (Instruction) {"EOR ind,Y", inst_EOR, INDY};
instructions[0x52] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x53] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x54] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x55] = (Instruction) {"EOR zpg,X", inst_EOR, ZPX};
instructions[0x56] = (Instruction) {"LSR zpg,X", inst_LSR, ZPX};
instructions[0x57] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x58] = (Instruction) {"CLI impl", inst_CLI, IMPL};
instructions[0x59] = (Instruction) {"EOR abs,Y", inst_EOR, ABSY};
instructions[0x5A] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x5B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x5C] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x5D] = (Instruction) {"EOR abs,X", inst_EOR, ABSX};
instructions[0x5E] = (Instruction) {"LSR abs,X", inst_LSR, ABSX};
instructions[0x5F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x60] = (Instruction) {"RTS impl", inst_RTS, IMPL};
instructions[0x61] = (Instruction) {"ADC X,ind", inst_ADC, XIND};
instructions[0x62] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x63] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x64] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x65] = (Instruction) {"ADC zpg", inst_ADC, ZP};
instructions[0x66] = (Instruction) {"ROR zpg", inst_ROR, ZP};
instructions[0x67] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x68] = (Instruction) {"PLA impl", inst_PLA, IMPL};
instructions[0x69] = (Instruction) {"ADC #", inst_ADC, IMM};
instructions[0x6A] = (Instruction) {"ROR A", inst_ROR, ACC};
instructions[0x6B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x6C] = (Instruction) {"JMP ind", inst_JMP, IND};
instructions[0x6D] = (Instruction) {"ADC abs", inst_ADC, ABS};
instructions[0x6E] = (Instruction) {"ROR abs", inst_ROR, ABS};
instructions[0x6F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x70] = (Instruction) {"BVS rel", inst_BVS, REL};
instructions[0x71] = (Instruction) {"ADC ind,Y", inst_ADC, INDY};
instructions[0x72] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x73] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x74] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x75] = (Instruction) {"ADC zpg,X", inst_ADC, ZPX};
instructions[0x76] = (Instruction) {"ROR zpg,X", inst_ROR, ZPX};
instructions[0x77] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x78] = (Instruction) {"SEI impl", inst_SEI, IMPL};
instructions[0x79] = (Instruction) {"ADC abs,Y", inst_ADC, ABSY};
instructions[0x7A] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x7B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x7C] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x7D] = (Instruction) {"ADC abs,X", inst_ADC, ABSX};
instructions[0x7E] = (Instruction) {"ROR abs,X", inst_ROR, ABSX};
instructions[0x7F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x80] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x81] = (Instruction) {"STA X,ind", inst_STA, XIND};
instructions[0x82] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x83] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x84] = (Instruction) {"STY zpg", inst_STY, ZP};
instructions[0x85] = (Instruction) {"STA zpg", inst_STA, ZP};
instructions[0x86] = (Instruction) {"STX zpg", inst_STX, ZP};
instructions[0x87] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x88] = (Instruction) {"DEY impl", inst_DEY, IMPL};
instructions[0x89] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x8A] = (Instruction) {"TXA impl", inst_TXA, IMPL};
instructions[0x8B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x8C] = (Instruction) {"STY abs", inst_STY, ABS};
instructions[0x8D] = (Instruction) {"STA abs", inst_STA, ABS};
instructions[0x8E] = (Instruction) {"STX abs", inst_STX, ABS};
instructions[0x8F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x90] = (Instruction) {"BCC rel", inst_BCC, REL};
instructions[0x91] = (Instruction) {"STA ind,Y", inst_STA, INDY};
instructions[0x92] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x93] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x94] = (Instruction) {"STY zpg,X", inst_STY, ZPX};
instructions[0x95] = (Instruction) {"STA zpg,X", inst_STA, ZPX};
instructions[0x96] = (Instruction) {"STX zpg,Y", inst_STX, ZPY};
instructions[0x97] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x98] = (Instruction) {"TYA impl", inst_TYA, IMPL};
instructions[0x99] = (Instruction) {"STA abs,Y", inst_STA, ABSY};
instructions[0x9A] = (Instruction) {"TXS impl", inst_TXS, IMPL};
instructions[0x9B] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x9C] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x9D] = (Instruction) {"STA abs,X", inst_STA, ABSX};
instructions[0x9E] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0x9F] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xA0] = (Instruction) {"LDY #", inst_LDY, IMM};
instructions[0xA1] = (Instruction) {"LDA X,ind", inst_LDA, XIND};
instructions[0xA2] = (Instruction) {"LDX #", inst_LDX, IMM};
instructions[0xA3] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xA4] = (Instruction) {"LDY zpg", inst_LDY, ZP};
instructions[0xA5] = (Instruction) {"LDA zpg", inst_LDA, ZP};
instructions[0xA6] = (Instruction) {"LDX zpg", inst_LDX, ZP};
instructions[0xA7] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xA8] = (Instruction) {"TAY impl", inst_TAY, IMPL};
instructions[0xA9] = (Instruction) {"LDA #", inst_LDA, IMM};
instructions[0xAA] = (Instruction) {"TAX impl", inst_TAX, IMPL};
instructions[0xAB] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xAC] = (Instruction) {"LDY abs", inst_LDY, ABS};
instructions[0xAD] = (Instruction) {"LDA abs", inst_LDA, ABS};
instructions[0xAE] = (Instruction) {"LDX abs", inst_LDX, ABS};
instructions[0xAF] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xB0] = (Instruction) {"BCS rel", inst_BCS, REL};
instructions[0xB1] = (Instruction) {"LDA ind,Y", inst_LDA, INDY};
instructions[0xB2] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xB3] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xB4] = (Instruction) {"LDY zpg,X", inst_LDY, ZPX};
instructions[0xB5] = (Instruction) {"LDA zpg,X", inst_LDA, ZPX};
instructions[0xB6] = (Instruction) {"LDX zpg,Y", inst_LDX, ZPY};
instructions[0xB7] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xB8] = (Instruction) {"CLV impl", inst_CLV, IMPL};
instructions[0xB9] = (Instruction) {"LDA abs,Y", inst_LDA, ABSY};
instructions[0xBA] = (Instruction) {"TSX impl", inst_TSX, IMPL};
instructions[0xBB] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xBC] = (Instruction) {"LDY abs,X", inst_LDY, ABSX};
instructions[0xBD] = (Instruction) {"LDA abs,X", inst_LDA, ABSX};
instructions[0xBE] = (Instruction) {"LDX abs,Y", inst_LDX, ABSY};
instructions[0xBF] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xC0] = (Instruction) {"CPY #", inst_CPY, IMM};
instructions[0xC1] = (Instruction) {"CMP X,ind", inst_CMP, XIND};
instructions[0xC2] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xC3] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xC4] = (Instruction) {"CPY zpg", inst_CPY, ZP};
instructions[0xC5] = (Instruction) {"CMP zpg", inst_CMP, ZP};
instructions[0xC6] = (Instruction) {"DEC zpg", inst_DEC, ZP};
instructions[0xC7] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xC8] = (Instruction) {"INY impl", inst_INY, IMPL};
instructions[0xC9] = (Instruction) {"CMP #", inst_CMP, IMM};
instructions[0xCA] = (Instruction) {"DEX impl", inst_DEX, IMPL};
instructions[0xCB] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xCC] = (Instruction) {"CPY abs", inst_CPY, ABS};
instructions[0xCD] = (Instruction) {"CMP abs", inst_CMP, ABS};
instructions[0xCE] = (Instruction) {"DEC abs", inst_DEC, ABS};
instructions[0xCF] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xD0] = (Instruction) {"BNE rel", inst_BNE, REL};
instructions[0xD1] = (Instruction) {"CMP ind,Y", inst_CMP, INDY};
instructions[0xD2] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xD3] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xD4] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xD5] = (Instruction) {"CMP zpg,X", inst_CMP, ZPX};
instructions[0xD6] = (Instruction) {"DEC zpg,X", inst_DEC, ZPX};
instructions[0xD7] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xD8] = (Instruction) {"CLD impl", inst_CLD, IMPL};
instructions[0xD9] = (Instruction) {"CMP abs,Y", inst_CMP, ABSY};
instructions[0xDA] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xDB] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xDC] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xDD] = (Instruction) {"CMP abs,X", inst_CMP, ABSX};
instructions[0xDE] = (Instruction) {"DEC abs,X", inst_DEC, ABSX};
instructions[0xDF] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xE0] = (Instruction) {"CPX #", inst_CPX, IMM};
instructions[0xE1] = (Instruction) {"SBC X,ind", inst_SBC, XIND};
instructions[0xE2] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xE3] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xE4] = (Instruction) {"CPX zpg", inst_CPX, ZP};
instructions[0xE5] = (Instruction) {"SBC zpg", inst_SBC, ZP};
instructions[0xE6] = (Instruction) {"INC zpg", inst_INC, ZP};
instructions[0xE7] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xE8] = (Instruction) {"INX impl", inst_INX, IMPL};
instructions[0xE9] = (Instruction) {"SBC #", inst_SBC, IMM};
instructions[0xEA] = (Instruction) {"NOP impl", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xEB] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xEC] = (Instruction) {"CPX abs", inst_CPX, ABS};
instructions[0xED] = (Instruction) {"SBC abs", inst_SBC, ABS};
instructions[0xEE] = (Instruction) {"INC abs", inst_INC, ABS};
instructions[0xEF] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xF0] = (Instruction) {"BEQ rel", inst_BEQ, REL};
instructions[0xF1] = (Instruction) {"SBC ind,Y", inst_SBC, INDY};
instructions[0xF2] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xF3] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xF4] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xF5] = (Instruction) {"SBC zpg,X", inst_SBC, ZPX};
instructions[0xF6] = (Instruction) {"INC zpg,X", inst_INC, ZPX};
instructions[0xF7] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xF8] = (Instruction) {"SED impl", inst_SED, IMPL};
instructions[0xF9] = (Instruction) {"SBC abs,Y", inst_SBC, ABSY};
instructions[0xFA] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xFB] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xFC] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
instructions[0xFD] = (Instruction) {"SBC abs,X", inst_SBC, ABSX};
instructions[0xFE] = (Instruction) {"INC abs,X", inst_INC, ABSX};
instructions[0xFF] = (Instruction) {"???", inst_NOP, IMPL};
void reset_cpu()
A = 0;
X = 0;
Y = 0;
SP = 0xFF;
SR.byte = 0;
SR.bits.interrupt = 1;
SR.bits.unused = 1;
memcpy(&PC, &memory[RST_VEC], sizeof(PC));
int load_rom(char * filename)
{ // TODO allow more flexible loading
memset(memory, 0, sizeof(memory)); // clear ram first
FILE * fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Error: could not open file\n");
return -1;
if (!fread(&memory[0xC000], 0x4000, 1, fp)) {
printf("Error: ROM file too short.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
void step_cpu()
inst = instructions[memory[PC]];
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("PC=%04X OPCODE=%02X: %s\r\n", PC, memory[PC], inst.mnemonic);
printf("A=%02X X=%02X Y=%02X SR=%02X SP=%02X\r\n", A, X, Y, SR.byte, SP);
/* dump memory for analysis (slows down emulation significantly) */
FILE * fp = fopen("memdump", "w");
fwrite(&memory, sizeof(memory), 1, fp);
jumping = 0;
if (jumping == 0) PC += lengths[inst.mode];