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A simple 6502 emulator, with I/O via a 6850 UART.
examples | ||
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6502-emu.c | ||
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6850.c | ||
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Makefile | ||
A relatively simple and bug-free 6502 emulator. It is capable of running ehBasic.
Many 6502 emulators make extensive use of macros, which I personally think makes code harder to understand. At the other extreme, some emulators implement each addressing mode of each instruction separately, which is a big waste of time and makes the code harder to maintain.
I chose a middle-ground, and used lookup tables for instruction decoding and address decoding. This also gets rid of the common "giant opcode switch statement" (which can be seen in my CHIP8 emulator project).
Usage Example:
[david@D-ARCH 6502-emu]$ ./6502-emu examples/ehbasic.rom
Enhanced 6502 BASIC 2.22 (c) Lee Davison
[C]old/[W]arm ?
Memory size ?
40191 Bytes free
Enhanced BASIC 2.22
10 X1=59
15 Y1=21
20 I1=-1.0
23 I2=1.0
26 R1=-2.0
28 R2=1.0
30 S1=(R2-R1)/X1
35 S2=(I2-I1)/Y1
40 FOR Y=0 TO Y1
50 I3=I1+S2*Y
60 FOR X=0 TO X1
70 R3=R1+S1*X
73 Z1=R3
76 Z2=I3
80 FOR N=0 TO 30
90 A=Z1*Z1
95 B=Z2*Z2
100 IF A+B>4.0 GOTO 130
110 Z2=2*Z1*Z2+I3
115 Z1=A-B+R3
120 NEXT N
130 PRINT CHR$(63-N);
140 NEXT X
160 NEXT Y
170 END
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