Improving sample program

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Tony Di Nucci 2019-04-26 16:40:23 +01:00
parent fd260cc840
commit 78edfb3253
2 changed files with 142 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -1,33 +1,56 @@
; simple program that paints cycling colours to the screen using the
; keyboard curor keys
; simple program that paints cycling colours to the screen using the keyboard curor keys and will max out your
; CPU in the process!
; Esc - ends the process
; Del - clears the screen - this is HORRIBLY SLOW! There is no clock emulation and so it's not possible within
; assembly to slow things down, i.e. to prevent painting to screen at lightning speed, meaning you have no real control.
; In order approximate this a delay of 20ms has been put into the terminal between rendering each pixel change. Since
; clearing the screen effectively redraws each pixel this means it takes around 64 * 64 * 20ms, so ~82 seconds!!
; While waiting for this process to complete the program won't respond to you pressing the Esc key.
; The emulator loads programs at 0x600 so make sure to assemble with text segment at this address.
; Compile with xa using command:
; xa draw.s -v -bt 1536
; draw position
ldx #$00
stx $00 ; draw position low
ldx #$e0
stx $01 ; draw position high
; buffer for last key pressed
key_addr = $f001
video_bottom_lb = $00
video_bottom_hb = $e0
video_top_lb = $00
video_top_hb = $f0
video_memory_ptr_lb = $00
video_memory_ptr_hb = $01
; address that holds the current colour to draw with
draw_colour_addr = $10
draw_colour_addr = $03
is_clearing_addr = $04
rubber_colour = $00
left_key_code = $50
right_key_code = $4f
up_key_code = $52
down_key_code = $51
esc_key_code = $29
del_key_code = $4c
; draw position
ldx #video_bottom_lb
stx video_memory_ptr_lb ; starting draw position low
ldx #video_bottom_hb
stx video_memory_ptr_hb ; starting draw position high
; main program loop
jsr read_key
; if we didn't read a key loop back round
cmp #$0
cmp #0
beq loop
cmp #left_key_code
@ -49,40 +72,51 @@ loop
cmp #down_key_code
bne loop
bne not_down
jsr move_down
jmp loop
cmp #del_key_code
bne not_del
jsr clear_screen
jmp loop
cmp #esc_key_code
bne loop
jmp exit
jmp loop
lda key_addr
; clear the key press buffer so we don't read same key press twice
ldx #$0
ldx #0
stx key_addr
lda $00
lda video_memory_ptr_lb
; if we're at $ff then we need to increment the high byte before rendering
cmp #$ff
bne do_right_render
; if we're at $efff then we have to stop because we'd start writing outside of video memory
lda $01
cmp $ef
lda video_memory_ptr_hb
cmp #$ef
bcs after_right_render
; increment high byte and reset the low one
inc $01
ldx #$00
stx $00
inc video_memory_ptr_hb
ldx #0
stx video_memory_ptr_lb
inc $00
inc video_memory_ptr_lb
jsr render_dot
@ -90,21 +124,21 @@ move_right
; comments for "move_right" also apply here but direction is obviously reversed
lda $00
lda video_memory_ptr_lb
cmp #$00
cmp #0
bne do_left_render
lda $01
cmp #$e0
lda video_memory_ptr_hb
cmp #video_bottom_hb
beq after_left_render
dec $01
ldx #$00
stx $00
dec video_memory_ptr_hb
ldx #0
stx video_memory_ptr_lb
dec $00
dec video_memory_ptr_lb
jsr render_dot
@ -112,24 +146,24 @@ move_left
; don't want to risk moving into non graphics memory so perform boundary checks
ldx $00
ldx video_memory_ptr_lb
; each line contains $40 (64) pixels, if low byte is above this then we're safe to move
cpx #$40
bcs after_up_boundary_check
; couldn't tell if we're safe by looking at low byte, does the high byte allow move?
ldx $01
ldx video_memory_ptr_hb
cpx #$e0
beq after_up_render
lda $00
lda video_memory_ptr_lb
sbc #$40
sta $00
sta video_memory_ptr_lb
; if carry flag is set then we'll also have to decrement the high byte
bcs after_up_subtract
dec $01
dec video_memory_ptr_hb
jsr render_dot
@ -139,19 +173,19 @@ move_up
; comments for "move_up" also apply here but direction is obviously reversed
ldx $00
ldx video_memory_ptr_lb
cpx #$9b
bcc after_down_boundary_check
ldx $01
ldx video_memory_ptr_hb
cpx #$ef
beq after_down_render
lda $00
lda video_memory_ptr_lb
adc #$40
sta $00
sta video_memory_ptr_lb
bcc after_down_add
inc $01
inc video_memory_ptr_hb
jsr render_dot
@ -159,13 +193,78 @@ move_down
; renders a pixel on the screen
; if we're clearing the screen then load the rubber colour...
ldx is_clearing_addr
cpx #0
beq set_colour
lda #rubber_colour
jmp end_set_colour
; ... else cycle the drawing colour
; change the drawing colour (256 colours and we'll wrap around when $ff is hit)
inc draw_colour_addr
lda draw_colour_addr
; write the "draw colour" to address pointed to across ($01 $00) - little endian
ldx #$00
sta ($00, x)
; write the "draw colour" to address pointed to across (video_memory_ptr_hb video_memory_ptr_lb)
ldx #video_memory_ptr_lb
sta (video_memory_ptr_lb, x)
; clears the screen
; go into "clear screen" mode
ldx #1
stx is_clearing_addr
ldx #video_bottom_lb
stx video_memory_ptr_lb
ldx #video_bottom_hb
stx video_memory_ptr_hb
; use the existing move_right routine to clear the screen from left-to-right/top-to-bottom
jsr move_right
; if we're not at the end of a block then just repeat
lda video_memory_ptr_lb
cmp #$ff
bne clear_pixel
; we're at the of the block...
lda video_memory_ptr_hb
; if we're at the end of the screen then break from loop
cmp #video_top_hb
beq end_clear_pixel
; otherwise move onto the next block
inc video_memory_ptr_hb
ldx #0
stx video_memory_ptr_lb
jmp clear_pixel
; come out of "clear screen" mode
ldx #0
stx is_clearing_addr
; move the draw position back to the top left of screen
ldx #video_bottom_lb
stx video_memory_ptr_lb
ldx #video_bottom_hb
stx video_memory_ptr_hb
; jump to here to end the process