package com.htmlism.mos6502.dsl import com.htmlism.mos6502.model.* /** * @param name * A name for this location, used to alias its address * * @tparam A * The input type of the write and the output type of the read */ case class ReadWriteLocation[A: Operand](name: String, address: ZeroAddress): def read(using ctx: AssemblyContext): Unit = val _ = ctx // ctx.push(LDA, ev, s"write ${ev.toShow(x)} to $name ($n)") def write(x: A)(using ctx: AssemblyContext): Unit = ctx.push(LDA, x) ctx.push(STA, this) object ReadWriteLocation: given operandForReadWriteLocation[A]: Operand[ReadWriteLocation[A]] = new Operand[ReadWriteLocation[A]]: def toAddressLiteral(x: ReadWriteLocation[A]): String = def toShow(x: ReadWriteLocation[A]): String = def operandType: OperandType = MemoryLocation given namedResourceForReadWriteLocation[A]: NamedResource[ReadWriteLocation[A]] = new NamedResource[ReadWriteLocation[A]]: def toDefinitions(x: ReadWriteLocation[A]): List[Definition[ZeroAddress]] = List: Definition(, x.address, "Read/write location for A values")