2023-06-19 05:33:43 -04:00

25 lines
832 B

package com.htmlism.mos6502.dsl
//import com.htmlism.mos6502.model._
* For a memory-mapped device that may return different values across multiple reads (e.g. a random number generator)
* @param name
* A name for this device, used to alias its address
* @tparam A
* The return type of the read
case class VolatileDevice[A](name: String, address: ZeroAddress):
def read(using ctx: AssemblyContext): Unit =
val _ = ctx
// ctx.push(LDA, ev, s"write ${ev.toShow(x)} to $name ($n)")
object VolatileDevice:
given namedResourceForVolatileDevice[A]: NamedResource[VolatileDevice[A]] =
new NamedResource[VolatileDevice[A]]:
def toDefinitions(x: VolatileDevice[A]): List[Definition[ZeroAddress]] =
Definition(x.name, x.address, "Volatile generator for A values")