# 6502 Simulator Desktop Edition One of the best systems to start learning Assembly is with the old but amazing 8-bit Commodore 64. Thanks to Nick Morgan, creator of the [Easy 6502 and Easy 6502 tutorial with simulator](http://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/), you can learn assembly very easily! What would make it even easier is having your own Desktop 6502 Simulator to use. So to help make that happen I went ahead and did exactly that. While I am not finished it is usable, and I plan to do whatever I can to make it a great desktop app in the near future. ## Usage _At this time there are not any static builds (yet). You will find future builds here in the future._ First things first, clone the repository! *yarn install* (or npm install) *npm start* ## ToDo List *Test on Windows/Linux *Build Packages for all 3 Platforms *Make the the application integration desktop-ish (hotkeys/menu items for assemble, *debug, and other options). *Offer a Dark Theme