# 6502 Simulator Desktop Edition One of the best systems to start learning Assembly is with the old but amazing 8-bit Commodore 64. Thanks to [Nick Morgan](https://twitter.com/skilldrick), creator of the [Easy 6502 and Easy 6502 tutorial with simulator](http://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/), you can learn assembly very easily! What would make it even easier is having your own Desktop 6502 Simulator to use. So to help make that happen I went ahead and did exactly that. While I am not finished it is usable, and I plan to do whatever I can to make it a great desktop app in the near future. ![6502 Desktop Simulator](/assets/6502Desktop_SS.png "6502Desktop on OSX") # Getting Started ## Binary Downloads [OSX Build 0.3.7](https://github.com/3DEsprit/6502SimDesktop/releases/download/0.3.7/6502Desktop-OSX_0.3.7.zip) [Windows Build 0.3.7](https://github.com/3DEsprit/6502SimDesktop/releases/download/0.3.7/6502Desktop-Win_0.3.7.zip) [Linux Build 0.3.7](https://github.com/3DEsprit/6502SimDesktop/releases/download/0.3.7/6502Desktop-Linux_0.3.7.zip) ## Install Manually _If there is not a build for your OS or if you would like to compile from source, you can install manually:_ First things first, clone the repository by downloading with the Green Download button above, or cloning on your system. `git clone https://github.com/3DEsprit/6502SimDesktop.git` `yarn install` (or `npm install` without [Yarn](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn)) `npm start` Have fun! ## ToDo List * Finish Memory Monitor *In Progress* * Add Menu/Hotkey Support for functions * Update Register/Flag Viewing * Addition of UI Animations * Create Snazzy Icon (In process) * Test on Linux * Build Packages for Win/Linux Platforms * ~~Reactive CSS with the window size~~ * Make the the sim integration more desktop-ish *In Progress*. * Various Colored Themes * Look at options to offer on Mac App Store, and Windows App Store * Switch to Electron-Builder for Builds * Change Linux Builds to AppImage ## License The base simulator used in this app was created by [Nick Morgon](https://twitter.com/skilldrick), and you can find the original code in the [6502js Repo](https://github.com/skilldrick/6502js).