; 6502 Linux Logo ; Michaelangel007 ; https://github.com/Michaelangel007/6502_linux_logo ; Zero Page ROM vars zCursorX = $24 ; CH zCursorY = $25 ; CH zHgrPtr = $26 ; GBASL = Dst zTxtPtr = $28 ; BASL = Dst zSaveX = $F9 zSaveY = $FA zMask = $FB ; 16-bit but Acc has low zSrcShift = $FC ; i mod 8 zDstShift = $FD ; i mod 7 zUnpackBits = $FE ; 16-bit unpack ; ROM HOME = $FC58 IB_HGR = $D000 ; Integer BASIC ][ only AS_HGR = $F3E2 ; Applesoft BASIC ][+ or newer BASCALC = $FBC1 ; A=Row, Calculate BASL,BASH text address ;Bank Addr -- Addr Bank Read --- Write ------- ; 2 $C080 == $C088 1 Read RAM Write protect ; 2 $C081 == $C089 1 Read ROM Write enabled ; 2 $C082 == $C08A 1 Read ROM Write protect ; 2 $C083 == $C08B 1 Read RAM Write enabled RAMIN = $C080 ROMIN = $C081 MACHINEID1 = $FBB3 MACHINEID2 = $FBC0 MACHINEID3 = $FBBF ; //c version ; Config UnpackAddr = $3FD0 ; Y=191, $28 bytes at Keyboard buffer CONFIG_PROBE_CPUINFO = 1 CONFIG_PRINT_CPUINFO = 1 ; ======================================================================== ORG $900 Main jsr HOME ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO CONFIG_PROBE_CPUINFO DetectCPU ; Apple II Technical Note #7 ; https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/Apple%20II%20Documentation%20Project/Computers/Apple%20II/Apple%20II/Documentation/Misc%20%23007%20Apple%20II%20Family%20ID.pdf ; ; Machine $FBB3 $FBC0 $FBBE ; Apple ][ $38 ; Apple ][+ $EA ; Apple /// $EA ; Apple //e $06 $EA ; Apple //e+ $06 $E0 ; Apple //e Option Card $06 $E0 ; Apple //c $06 $00 $FF ; Apple //c 3.5 $06 $00 $00 ; Apple //c Org Mem XP $06 $00 $03 ; Apple //c Rev Mem XP $06 $00 $04 ; Apple //c+ $06 $00 $05 ; Apple IIgs detect_ram lda MACHINEID1 ; FBB3: $38 = ][, $EA = ][+, $06 = //e //c IIgs pha cmp #$38 ; bne apple_iiplus apple_ii pla jsr IB_HGR ; HGR on ][, ends with BNE $D01B beq apple_ii_normal apple_iiplus jsr AS_HGR ; ][ = $D000, Only on Apple ][+ pla cmp #$EA ; apple ][+? bne apple_iie ; if so keep going lda #"+" bne set_apple_ii ; if we get here we're a ii+ or iii in emulation mode apple_ii_normal lda #" " ; $A0 set_apple_ii sta ModType ; erase last 'e' in 'Apple IIe' lda #" " ; $A0 sta CpuType ; '_6502' lda #"6" sta CpuType+1 lda #"5" sta CpuType+2 detect_langcard sta RAMIN ; Detect 16K RAM / Language Card sta RAMIN ; Read RAM lda $D000 eor #$FF sta $D000 cmp $D000 bne apple_ii_48K eor #$FF sta $D000 RAM_64K ldx #"6" ldy #"4" bne RAM_size apple_ii_48K ldx #"4" ldy #"8" RAM_size lda #" " sta RamSize ; erase '1' in '128' stx RamSize+1 sty RamSize+2 bne done_detecting ; Detect //e //e+ //c apple_iie lda MACHINEID2 ; FBC0: $00 = //c, $EA = //e, E0 = //e+ beq apple_iic ; check for apple //c cmp #$E0 ; if we're an Apple IIe (original) bne RAM_64K ; then use 64K and finish beq apple_iie_enhanced apple_iic lda #"c" sta CpuType+1 lda MACHINEID3 cmp #$05 ; //c+ bne done_detecting apple_iie_enhanced ; //c+ ldx #1 ; //e+ jsr ModelPlus ; ^ done_detecting sta ROMIN ; Turn off Language Card sta ROMIN ; if it was probed FIN ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Unpack 2 bits/color -> $28 bytes/scanline ; ; Unpack one line to $200 ; Copy to 8 scanlines Unpack DO 1-CONFIG_PROBE_CPUINFO jsr AS_HGR ; *** DEBUG *** FIN lda #7 ; will INC, $0428 (Text) + $1C00 => $2028 (HGR) sta zCursorY ; Start Row=8 DrawRow lda #0 tay tax ; DstOffset within page sta zDstShift lda PackedBits sta zUnpackBits+0 NextSrcShift lda #0 sta zSrcShift lda PackedBits+1,Y sta zUnpackBits+1 GetBit jsr Unpack2Bits ; hhggffee C=? ddccbbaa bcs UnpackDone lsr zUnpackBits+1 ; 0hhggffe C=e ddccbbaa ror zUnpackBits+0 ; 0hhggffe C=e eddccbba lsr zUnpackBits+1 ; 00hhggff C=e eddccbba ror zUnpackBits+0 ; 00hhggff c=e eeddccbb inc zSrcShift ; inc zSrcShift CheckFetch lda zSrcShift cmp #8 ; have 8 input bits? bne GetBit iny ; src++ bne NextSrcShift UnpackDone ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO CONFIG_PRINT_CPUINFO ldx #0 PrintText jsr BASCALC ; ldy #0 CopyTextLine lda TextLine,X sta (zTxtPtr),Y inx ; 3*40 = 120 chars max iny cpy #40 bne CopyTextLine inc zCursorY lda zCursorY cmp #$17 ; Rows $14..$16 (inclusive) bne PrintText dec zCursorY ; End of String offse for Model ; IN: X = 0 II+ ; ^ ; 1 //e+ ; ^ ModelPlus lda #"+" sta ModType,x FIN rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Expand 1 pixel (2 bits) via ; Output 2 pixels (4 bits) Unpack2Bits ; DoublePixel stx zSaveX lda zUnpackBits and #3 ; A=000000ba pha asl ; A=00000ba0 asl ; A=0000ba00 sta zMask pla ora zMask ; A=0000baba ldx #0 stx zMask ldx zDstShift beq NoShiftSherlock MakeShiftMask asl rol zMask dex bne MakeShiftMask NoShiftSherlock cmp #$80 ; msb of byte0 set? rol zMask ; shift in to lsb of byte1 ldx zDstShift ; x={0,1,2} + 4 < 7 cpx #3 ; all bits fit into dest byte? ldx zSaveX ora #$80 ora UnpackAddr,X ; do all bits that fit sta UnpackAddr,X bcc UpdateDestOffset ; Update partial next byte of dest inx stx zSaveX cpx #$28 ; C = x < 28 lda zMask ora #$80 ora UnpackAddr,X sta UnpackAddr,X ; x = x + 4 - 7 ; x = x - 3 ldx zDstShift dex dex dex bcc LineNotDone ; C = x < 28 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Copy Buffer to HGR sty zSaveY inc zCursorY jsr GetDestAddr ldx #7 ; Repeat each scanline 8 times Draw8Rows ldy #0 CopyScanLine lda UnpackAddr,Y sta (zHgrPtr),Y cpx #0 ; Clear source on last scanline copy bne CopyNextByte txa sta UnpackAddr,Y CopyNextByte iny cpy #40 ; 280/7 = 40 bytes/scanline bne CopyScanLine clc ; y = y+1 lda zHgrPtr+1 ; addr_y+1 = addr_y + $0400 adc #$04 sta zHgrPtr+1 dex bpl Draw8Rows ldy zSaveY lda zCursorY cmp #$14 ; Y=$40 .. $A0, Rows $8..$13 (inclusive) bcs OuputDone ldx #0 stx zSaveX beq LineNotDone ; Next Scan Line, start at dst bit 0 UpdateDestOffset ldx zDstShift inx inx inx inx LineNotDone stx zDstShift clc ldx zSaveX OuputDone rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Udpate the Text Address ; Update the HGR scanline Address ; Clear the Text buffer GetDestAddr lda zCursorY jsr BASCALC lda zTxtPtr+0 ; every 8 HGR scanline address sta zHgrPtr+0 ; is exactly same as Text low byte lda zTxtPtr+1 clc ; every 8 HGR scanline address adc #$1c ; is Text Page $04 + $1C = HGR Page $20 sta zHgrPtr+1 rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CpuType = * + 13 + 40 RamSize = * + 30 + 40 ModType = * + 24 + 40*2 ; Uppercase in case of Apple II without lowercase support ; 1 2 3 TextLine ;0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ASC " LINUX VERSION, COMPILED 2007 " ; Row $14 ASC " ONE 1.02MHZ 65C02 PROCESSOR, 128KB RAM " ; Row $15 ASC " APPLE IIe " ; Row $16 ; ^ ^ ^ ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;"__________________________________________________________@@@@@_______" ;"_________________________________________________________@@@@@@@______" ;"______________A__________________________________________@@_@_@@______" ;"@@@@@@_______AA@_________________________________________@BBBBB@______" ;"__@@__________@________________________________________@@__BBB__@@____" ;"__@@_______AAA__@@@_@@@@___@@@____@@@__@@@@@_@@@@@____@__________@@___" ;"__@@______A__A@__@@@____@@__@@_____@@____@@___@@_____@____________@@__" ;"__@@_____A___A@__@@_____@@__@@_____@@_____@@_@@______@____________@@@_" ;"__@@________AA@__@@_____@@__@@_____@@______@@@______BB@___________@@B_" ;"__@@_____@_AA@___@@_____@@__@@_____@@_____@@_@@____BBBBB@_______@BBBBB" ;"__@@____@@_AA@_@_@@_____@@__@@@___@@@____@@___@@___BBBBBB@_____@BBBBBB" ;"@@@@@@@@@@__@@@_@@@@___@@@@___@@@@_@@@_@@@@@_@@@@@__BBBBB@@@@@@@BBBBB_" ; Char &3 Color ; @ 00 Black ; A 01 Blue ; B 10 Orange ; _ 11 White ; NOTE: Generated by ascii2hgr2bit ; ASCII: 70*12 = 840 chars ; Packed 2bits/2pixel: 70 chars * 2 bits/char / 8 bits/byte = 140 bits / 8 = 17.5 bytes ; 840 chars * 2 bits/color / 8 bits/byte = 210 bytes PUT packedlogo.s