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* Copyright 2020 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen.Tools.Omf {
/// <summary>
/// Apple IIgs OMF record.
/// </summary>
public class OmfRecord {
private const int NUMLEN = 4; // defined by NUMLEN field in header; always 4 for IIgs
/// <summary>
/// Offset of record start within file.
/// </summary>
public int FileOffset { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Total length, in bytes, of this record.
/// </summary>
public int Length { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Opcode.
/// </summary>
public Opcode Op { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Opcode, in human-readable form.
/// </summary>
public string OpName { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Value, in human-readable form.
/// </summary>
public string Value { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Opcode byte definition.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Nearly all of the 256 possible values are assigned. 5 are unused, 5 are reserved.
/// </remarks>
public enum Opcode : byte {
END = 0x00, // all
CONST_start = 0x01, // object
CONST_end = 0xdf, // object
ALIGN = 0xe0, // object
ORG = 0xe1, // object
RELOC = 0xe2, // load
INTERSEG = 0xe3, // load
USING = 0xe4, // object
STRONG = 0xe5, // object
GLOBAL = 0xe6, // object
GEQU = 0xe7, // object
MEM = 0xe8, // object ("not needed or supported on the Apple IIgs")
unused_e9 = 0xe9,
unused_ea = 0xea,
EXPR = 0xeb, // object
ZEXPR = 0xec, // object
BEXPR = 0xed, // object
RELEXPR = 0xee, // object
LOCAL = 0xef, // object
EQU = 0xf0, // object
DS = 0xf1, // all
LCONST = 0xf2, // all
LEXPR = 0xf3, // object
ENTRY = 0xf4, // RTL
cRELOC = 0xf5, // load
cINTERSEG = 0xf6, // load
SUPER = 0xf7, // load
unused_f8 = 0xf8,
unused_f9 = 0xf9,
unused_fa = 0xfa,
General = 0xfb, // reserved
Experimental1 = 0xfc, // reserved
Experimental2 = 0xfd, // reserved
Experimental3 = 0xfe, // reserved
Experimental4 = 0xff, // reserved
private OmfRecord() { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new OmfRecord instance from the data at the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This does not catch segment boundary overruns, unless they happen to overrun
/// the buffer entirely. The caller should either pass in a buffer that holds the
/// exact segment data, or check the return value for excess length.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="data">Data to analyze.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset of start of record.</param>
/// <param name="version">OMF segment version number.</param>
/// <param name="labLen">Label length, defined in OMF segment header.</param>
/// <param name="msgs">Output message holder.</param>
/// <param name="omfRec">New record instance.</param>
/// <returns>True on success.</returns>
public static bool ParseRecord(byte[] data, int offset,
OmfSegment.SegmentVersion version, int labLen, Formatter formatter,
List<string> msgs, out OmfRecord omfRec) {
omfRec = new OmfRecord();
omfRec.FileOffset = offset;
try {
return omfRec.DoParseRecord(data, offset, version, labLen, formatter, msgs);
} catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ioore) {
OmfSegment.AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "buffer overrun while parsing record");
Debug.WriteLine("Exception thrown decoding record: " + ioore.Message);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Parses OMF record data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data to analyze.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset of start of record.</param>
/// <param name="version">OMF segment version number.</param>
/// <param name="labLen">Label length, defined in OMF segment header.</param>
/// <param name="msgs">Output message holder.</param>
/// <returns>Parse result code.</returns>
private bool DoParseRecord(byte[] data, int offset,
OmfSegment.SegmentVersion version, int labLen, Formatter formatter,
List<string> msgs) {
int len = 1; // 1 byte for the opcode
Opcode opcode = Op = (Opcode)data[offset++];
OpName = opcode.ToString();
Value = string.Empty;
if (opcode >= Opcode.CONST_start && opcode <= Opcode.CONST_end) {
// length determined by opcode value
int count = (int)opcode;
len += count;
OpName = "CONST";
Value = count + " bytes of data";
} else {
switch (opcode) {
case Opcode.END:
case Opcode.ALIGN: {
int val = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
Value = formatter.FormatHexValue(val, 6);
case Opcode.ORG: {
int val = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
Value = "loc " + formatter.FormatAdjustment(val);
case Opcode.RELOC: {
len += 1 + 1 + 4 + 4; // 10
int width = data[offset];
int operandOff = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 2, 4, false);
Value = width + " bytes @" + formatter.FormatHexValue(operandOff, 4);
case Opcode.INTERSEG: {
len += 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4; // 14
int width = data[offset];
int operandOff = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 2, 4, false);
int segNum = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 8, 2, false);
Value = width + " bytes @" + formatter.FormatHexValue(operandOff, 4) +
" (seg " + segNum + ")";
case Opcode.USING:
case Opcode.STRONG: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
Value = "'" + label + "'";
case Opcode.GLOBAL:
case Opcode.LOCAL: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
int bytes;
byte type;
byte priv = 0;
if (version == OmfSegment.SegmentVersion.v0_0) {
bytes = data[offset];
type = data[offset + 1];
offset += 2;
len += 2;
} else if (version == OmfSegment.SegmentVersion.v1_0) {
bytes = data[offset];
type = data[offset + 1];
priv = data[offset + 2];
offset += 3;
len += 3;
} else {
bytes = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, 2, false);
type = data[offset + 2];
priv = data[offset + 3];
offset += 4;
len += 4;
Value = (char)type + " '" + label + "' " +
formatter.FormatHexValue(bytes, 4) +
((priv == 0) ? "" : " private");
case Opcode.GEQU:
case Opcode.EQU: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
int bytes;
byte type;
byte priv = 0;
if (version == OmfSegment.SegmentVersion.v0_0) {
bytes = data[offset];
type = data[offset + 1];
offset += 2;
len += 2;
} else if (version == OmfSegment.SegmentVersion.v1_0) {
bytes = data[offset];
type = data[offset + 1];
priv = data[offset + 2];
offset += 3;
len += 3;
} else {
bytes = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, 2, false);
type = data[offset + 2];
priv = data[offset + 3];
offset += 4;
len += 4;
string expr = GetExpression(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen,
formatter, msgs);
Value = (char)type + " '" + label + "' " +
formatter.FormatHexValue(bytes, 4) +
((priv == 0) ? "" : " private") + " = " + expr;
case Opcode.MEM: {
int addr1 = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
int addr2 = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
Value = formatter.FormatHexValue(addr1, 4) + ", " +
formatter.FormatHexValue(addr2, 4);
case Opcode.EXPR:
case Opcode.ZEXPR:
case Opcode.BEXPR:
case Opcode.LEXPR: {
int cap = data[offset++];
string expr = GetExpression(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen,
formatter, msgs);
Value = "(" + cap + ") " + expr;
case Opcode.RELEXPR: {
int cap = data[offset++];
int rel = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
string expr = GetExpression(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen,
formatter, msgs);
Value = "(" + cap + ") " + formatter.FormatAdjustment(rel) + " " + expr;
case Opcode.DS: {
int count = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
Value = count + " bytes of $00";
case Opcode.LCONST: {
int count = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
len += count;
Value = count + " bytes of data";
case Opcode.cRELOC: {
len += 1 + 1 + 2 + 2; // 6
int width = data[offset];
int operandOff = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 2, 2, false);
Value = width + " bytes @" + formatter.FormatHexValue(operandOff, 4);
case Opcode.cINTERSEG: {
len += 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2; // 7
int width = data[offset];
int operandOff = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 2, 2, false);
int segNum = data[offset + 4];
Value = width + " bytes @" + formatter.FormatHexValue(operandOff, 4) +
" (seg " + segNum + ")";
case Opcode.SUPER: {
int count = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
int type = data[offset];
len += count; // count includes type byte
Value = (count - 1) + " bytes, type=" +
formatter.FormatHexValue(type, 2);
if (type > 37) {
OmfSegment.AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset,
"found SUPER record with bogus type=$" + type.ToString("x2"));
// the length field allows us to skip it, so keep going
case Opcode.General:
case Opcode.Experimental1:
case Opcode.Experimental2:
case Opcode.Experimental3:
case Opcode.Experimental4: {
OmfSegment.AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "found unusual record type " +
formatter.FormatHexValue((int)opcode, 2));
int count = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
len += count;
case Opcode.unused_e9:
case Opcode.unused_ea:
case Opcode.unused_f8:
case Opcode.unused_f9:
case Opcode.unused_fa:
// These are undefined, can't be parsed.
return false;
Length = len;
//Debug.WriteLine("REC +" + (offset-1).ToString("x6") + " " + this);
return true;
private static int GetNum(byte[] data, ref int offset, ref int len) {
int val = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, NUMLEN, false);
offset += NUMLEN;
len += NUMLEN;
return val;
private static string GetLabel(byte[] data, ref int offset, ref int len, int labLen) {
if (labLen == 0) {
labLen = data[offset++];
string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset, labLen).Trim();
offset += labLen;
len += labLen;
return str;
/// <summary>
/// Expression operations.
/// </summary>
private enum ExprOp : byte {
End = 0x00,
Addition = 0x01,
Subtraction = 0x02,
Multiplication = 0x03,
Division = 0x04,
IntegerRemainder = 0x05,
UnaryNegation = 0x06,
BitShift = 0x07,
AND = 0x08,
OR = 0x09,
EOR = 0x0a,
NOT = 0x0b,
LessThenEqualTo = 0x0c,
GreaterThanEqualTo = 0x0d,
NotEqual = 0x0e,
LessThan = 0x0f,
GreaterThan = 0x10,
EqualTo = 0x11,
BitAND = 0x12,
BitOR = 0x13,
BitEOR = 0x14,
BitNOT = 0x15,
PushLocation = 0x80,
PushConstant = 0x81,
PushLabelWeak = 0x82,
PushLabelValue = 0x83,
PushLabelLength = 0x84,
PushLabelType = 0x85,
PushLabelCount = 0x86,
PushRelOffset = 0x87,
private static readonly string[] ExprStrs = new string[] {
string.Empty, // 0x00 End
"+", // 0x01 Addition
"-", // 0x02 Subtraction
"*", // 0x03 Multiplication
"/", // 0x04 Division
"%", // 0x05 Integer Remainder
"neg", // 0x06 Unary Negation
"shift", // 0x07 Bit Shift
"&&", // 0x08 AND
"||", // 0x09 OR
"^^", // 0x0a EOR
"!", // 0x0b NOT
"<=", // 0x0c LE
">=", // 0x0d GE
"!=", // 0x0e NE
"<", // 0x0f LT
">", // 0x10 GT
"==", // 0x11 EQ
"&", // 0x12 Bit AND
"|", // 0x13 Bit OR
"^", // 0x14 Bit EOR
"~", // 0x15 Bit NOT
private static string GetExpression(byte[] data, ref int offset, ref int len, int labLen,
Formatter formatter, List<string> msgs) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
byte operVal = data[offset++];
// Generate an operand string, if appropriate.
if (operVal > 0 && operVal < ExprStrs.Length) {
sb.Append(' ');
} else {
ExprOp oper = (ExprOp)operVal;
switch (oper) {
case ExprOp.End:
done = true;
case ExprOp.PushLocation:
sb.Append(" [loc]");
case ExprOp.PushConstant: {
int val = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
sb.Append(' ');
sb.Append(formatter.FormatHexValue(val, 4));
case ExprOp.PushLabelWeak: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
sb.Append(" weak:'");
case ExprOp.PushLabelValue: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
sb.Append(" '");
case ExprOp.PushLabelLength: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
sb.Append(" len:'");
case ExprOp.PushLabelType: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
sb.Append(" typ:'");
case ExprOp.PushLabelCount: {
string label = GetLabel(data, ref offset, ref len, labLen);
sb.Append(" cnt:'");
case ExprOp.PushRelOffset: {
int adj = GetNum(data, ref offset, ref len);
sb.Append(" rel:");
OmfSegment.AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset,
"Found unexpected expression operator " +
formatter.FormatHexValue((int)oper, 2));
if (sb.Length > 0) {
sb.Remove(0, 1); // remove leading space
return sb.ToString();
public override string ToString() {
return Length + " " + OpName + " " + Value;