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2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
* Copyright 2018 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Asm65 {
/// <summary>
/// Human-readable text describing instructions.
/// The expectation is that the long description will include information about all
/// address modes and any differences in behavior between CPUs. So there will be one
/// entry per instruction mnemonic, and one global table for all CPUs, rather than one
/// entry per opcode and one instance per CpuDef.
/// There may, however, be different instances for different Cultures. Also, the 65816
/// traditionally splits JSR/JSL and JMP/JML, so in that case there will be two entries
/// for the same instruction.
/// </summary>
public class OpDescription {
private Dictionary<string, string> mShortDescriptions;
private Dictionary<string, string> mLongDescriptions;
private Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string> mAddressModeDescriptions;
private Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string> mCycleModDescriptions;
private OpDescription(Dictionary<string, string> sd, Dictionary<string, string> ld,
Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string> am, Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string> cm) {
mShortDescriptions = sd;
mLongDescriptions = ld;
mAddressModeDescriptions = am;
mCycleModDescriptions = cm;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an OpDescription instance for the requested region.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="region">TBD</param>
public static OpDescription GetOpDescription(string region) {
// ignoring region for now
return new OpDescription(sShort_enUS, sLong_enUS, sAddrMode_enUS, sCycleMod_enUS);
/// <summary>
/// Short description of instruction, e.g. "Load Accumulator".
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mnemonic">Instruction mnemonic.</param>
/// <returns>Short description string, or empty string if not found.</returns>
public string GetShortDescription(string mnemonic) {
if (mShortDescriptions.TryGetValue(mnemonic, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Long description of instruction. May span multiple lines, with embedded CRLF at
/// paragraph breaks.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mnemonic">Instruction mnemonic.</param>
/// <returns>Long description string, or empty string if not found.</returns>
public string GetLongDescription(string mnemonic) {
if (mLongDescriptions.TryGetValue(mnemonic, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Address mode short description.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addrMode">Address mode to look up.</param>
/// <returns>Description string, or an empty string for instructions
/// with implied address modes.</returns>
public string GetAddressModeDescription(OpDef.AddressMode addrMode) {
if (mAddressModeDescriptions.TryGetValue(addrMode, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Cycle modifier description.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modBit">A single-bit item from the CycleMod enum.</param>
/// <returns>Description string, or question marks if not found.</returns>
public string GetCycleModDescription(OpDef.CycleMod modBit) {
if (mCycleModDescriptions.TryGetValue(modBit, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return "???";
/// <summary>
/// Short descriptions, USA English.
/// Text is adapted from instruction summaries in Eyes & Lichty, which are slightly
/// shorter than those in the CPU data sheet.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, string> sShort_enUS = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ OpName.ADC, "Add With Carry" },
{ OpName.AND, "AND Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.ASL, "Shift Memory or Accumulator Left" },
{ OpName.BCC, "Branch If Carry Clear" },
{ OpName.BCS, "Branch If Carry Set" },
{ OpName.BEQ, "Branch If Equal" },
{ OpName.BIT, "Test Memory Against Accumulator" },
{ OpName.BMI, "Branch If Minus" },
{ OpName.BNE, "Branch If Not Equal" },
{ OpName.BPL, "Branch If Plus" },
{ OpName.BRA, "Branch Always" },
{ OpName.BRK, "Software Break" },
{ OpName.BRL, "Branch Always Long" },
{ OpName.BVC, "Branch If Overflow Clear" },
{ OpName.BVS, "Branch If Overflow Set" },
{ OpName.CLC, "Clear Carry Flag" },
{ OpName.CLD, "Clear Decimal Flag" },
{ OpName.CLI, "Clear Interrupt Disable Flag" },
{ OpName.CLV, "Clear Overflow Flag" },
{ OpName.CMP, "Compare Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.COP, "Co-Processor" },
{ OpName.CPX, "Compare Index X With Memory" },
{ OpName.CPY, "Compare Index Y With Memory" },
{ OpName.DEC, "Decrement Accumulator" },
{ OpName.DEX, "Decrement Index X" },
{ OpName.DEY, "Decrement Index Y" },
{ OpName.EOR, "XOR Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.INC, "Increment Accumulator" },
{ OpName.INX, "Increment Index X" },
{ OpName.INY, "Increment Index Y" },
{ OpName.JMP, "Jump" },
{ OpName.JSL, "Jump to Subroutine Long" },
{ OpName.JSR, "Jump to Subroutine" },
{ OpName.LDA, "Load Accumulator from Memory" },
{ OpName.LDX, "Load Index X from Memory" },
{ OpName.LDY, "Load Index Y from Memory" },
{ OpName.LSR, "Logical Shift Memory or Accumulator Right" },
{ OpName.MVN, "Block Move Next" },
{ OpName.MVP, "Block Move Previous" },
{ OpName.NOP, "No Operation" },
{ OpName.ORA, "OR Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.PEA, "Push Effective Absolute Address" },
{ OpName.PEI, "Push Effective Indirect Address" },
{ OpName.PER, "Push Effective Relative Indirect Address" },
{ OpName.PHA, "Push Accumulator" },
{ OpName.PHB, "Push Data Bank Register" },
{ OpName.PHD, "Push Direct Page Register" },
{ OpName.PHK, "Push Program Bank Register" },
{ OpName.PHP, "Push Processor Status Register" },
{ OpName.PHX, "Push Index Register X" },
{ OpName.PHY, "Push Index Register Y" },
{ OpName.PLA, "Pull Accumulator" },
{ OpName.PLB, "Pull Data Bank Register" },
{ OpName.PLD, "Pull Direct Page Register" },
{ OpName.PLP, "Pull Processor Status Register" },
{ OpName.PLX, "Pull Index Register X" },
{ OpName.PLY, "Pull Index Register Y" },
{ OpName.REP, "Reset Status Bits" },
{ OpName.ROL, "Rotate Memory or Accumulator Left" },
{ OpName.ROR, "Rotate Memory or Accumulator Right" },
{ OpName.RTI, "Return from Interrupt" },
{ OpName.RTL, "Return from Subroutine Long" },
{ OpName.RTS, "Return from Subroutine" },
{ OpName.SBC, "Subtract With Borrow" },
{ OpName.SEC, "Set Carry Flag" },
{ OpName.SED, "Set Decimal Flag" },
{ OpName.SEI, "Set Interrupt Disable Flag" },
{ OpName.SEP, "Set Status Bits" },
{ OpName.STA, "Store Accumulator to Memory" },
{ OpName.STP, "Stop Processor" },
{ OpName.STX, "Store Index X to Memory" },
{ OpName.STY, "Store Index Y to Memory" },
{ OpName.STZ, "Store Zero to Memory" },
{ OpName.TAX, "Transfer Accumulator to Index X" },
{ OpName.TAY, "Transfer Accumulator to Index Y" },
{ OpName.TCD, "Transfer 16-Bit Accumulator to Direct Page Register" },
{ OpName.TCS, "Transfer Accumulator to Stack Pointer" },
{ OpName.TDC, "Transfer Direct Page Register to 16-Bit Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TRB, "Test and Reset Memory Bits" },
{ OpName.TSB, "Test and Set Memory Bits" },
{ OpName.TSC, "Transfer Stack Pointer to 16-Bit Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TSX, "Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X" },
{ OpName.TXA, "Transfer Index X to Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TXS, "Transfer Index X to Stack Pointer" },
{ OpName.TXY, "Transfer Index X to Index Y" },
{ OpName.TYA, "Transfer Index Y to Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TYX, "Transfer Index Y to Index X" },
{ OpName.WAI, "Wait for Interrupt" },
{ OpName.WDM, "Future Expansion" },
{ OpName.XBA, "Exchange Accumulator B and A" },
{ OpName.XCE, "Exchange Carry and Emulation Bits" },
// MOS 6502 undocumented ops
{ OpName.ALR, "AND and Shift Right" },
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.ANC, "AND Accumulator With Value and Set Carry" },
{ OpName.ANE, "Transfer Index X to Accumulator and AND" },
{ OpName.ARR, "AND and Rotate Right" },
{ OpName.DCP, "Decrement and Compare" },
{ OpName.DOP, "Double-Byte NOP" },
{ OpName.ISC, "Increment and Subtract" },
{ OpName.JAM, "Halt CPU" },
{ OpName.LAS, "Load Acc, X, and Stack Pointer with Memory AND Stack Pointer" },
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.LAX, "Load Accumulator and Index X" },
//{ OpName.LXA, "OR, AND, and Transfer to X" },
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.RLA, "Rotate Left and AND" },
{ OpName.RRA, "Rotate Right and Add" },
{ OpName.SAX, "Store Accumulator AND Index X" }, // AXS
{ OpName.SBX, "AND Acc With Index X, Subtract, and Store in X" }, // SAX
{ OpName.SHA, "AND Acc With Index X and High Byte, and Store" }, // AXA
{ OpName.SHX, "AND Acc With Index X and High Byte, and Store" }, // XAS
{ OpName.SHY, "AND Acc With Index Y and High Byte, and Store" }, // SAY
{ OpName.SLO, "Shift Left and OR" },
{ OpName.SRE, "Shift right and EOR" },
{ OpName.TAS, "AND Acc with Index X, Transfer to Stack, AND High Byte" },
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.TOP, "Triple-Byte NOP" },
// WDC 65C02 undocumented
{ OpName.LDD, "Load and Discard" },
/// <summary>
/// Long descriptions, USA English.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, string> sLong_enUS = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ OpName.ADC,
"Adds the accumulator and a value in memory, storing the result in the " +
"accumulator. Adds one if the carry is set."
{ OpName.AND,
"Performs a bitwise AND of the accumulator with a value in memory, storing " +
"the result in the accumulator."
{ OpName.ASL,
"Shifts memory or the accumulator one bit left. The low bit is set to zero, " +
"and the carry flag receives the high bit."
{ OpName.BCC,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor carry flag (C) is zero. " +
"Sometimes referred to as Branch If Less Than, or BLT."
{ OpName.BCS,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor carry flag (C) is one. " +
"Sometimes referred to as Branch If Greater Than or Equal, or BGE."
{ OpName.BEQ,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor zero flag (Z) is one."
{ OpName.BIT,
"Sets processor flags based on the result of two operations. The N and V flags " +
"are set according to bits 7 and 6, and the Z flag is set based on an AND of " +
"the accumulator and memory. However, when used with immediate addressing, " +
"the N and V flags are not affected."
{ OpName.BMI,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor negative flag (N) is one."
{ OpName.BNE,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor zero flag (Z) is zero."
{ OpName.BPL,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor negative flag (N) is zero."
{ OpName.BRA,
"Branches to a relative address."
{ OpName.BRK,
"Pushes state onto the stack, and jumps to the software break vector at " +
"$fffe-ffff. While this is technically a single-byte instruction, the " +
"program counter pushed onto the stack is incremented by two."
{ OpName.BRL,
"Branches to a long relative address."
{ OpName.BVC,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor overflow flag (V) is zero."
{ OpName.BVS,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor overflow flag (V) is one."
{ OpName.CLC,
"Sets the processor carry flag (C) to zero."
{ OpName.CLD,
"Sets the processor decimal flag (D) to zero."
{ OpName.CLI,
"Sets the processor interrupt disable flag (I) to zero."
{ OpName.CLV,
"Sets the processor overflow flag (V) to zero."
{ OpName.CMP,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"accumulator. Sets the carry, zero, and negative flags, but does not alter " +
"memory or the accumulator."
{ OpName.COP,
"Pushes state onto the stack, and jumps to the software interrupt vector at " +
{ OpName.CPX,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"X register. Sets the carry, zero, and negative flags, but does not alter " +
"memory or the X register."
{ OpName.CPY,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"Y register. Sets the carry, zero, and negative flags, but does not alter " +
"memory or the Y register."
{ OpName.DEC,
"Decrements the contents of the location specified by the operand by one."
{ OpName.DEX,
"Decrements the X register by one."
{ OpName.DEY,
"Decrements the Y register by one."
{ OpName.EOR,
"Performs a bitwise EOR of the accumulator with a value in memory, storing " +
"the result in the accumulator."
{ OpName.INC,
"Increments the contents of the location specified by the operand by one."
{ OpName.INX,
"Increments the X register by one."
{ OpName.INY,
"Increments the Y register by one."
{ OpName.JML,
"Branches to a long absolute address."
{ OpName.JMP,
"Branches to an absolute address."
{ OpName.JSL,
"Branches to a long absolute address after pushing the current address onto " +
"the stack. The value pushed is the address of the last operand byte."
{ OpName.JSR,
"Branches to an absolute address after pushing the current address onto " +
"the stack. The value pushed is the address of the last operand byte."
{ OpName.LDA,
"Loads the accumulator from memory."
{ OpName.LDX,
"Loads the X register from memory."
{ OpName.LDY,
"Loads the Y register from memory."
{ OpName.LSR,
"Shifts memory or the accumulator one bit right. The high bit is set to zero, " +
"and the carry flag receives the low bit."
{ OpName.MVN,
"Moves a block of memory, starting from a low address and incrementing. " +
"The source and destination addresses are in the X and Y registers, " +
"respectively. The accumulator holds the number of bytes to move minus 1, " +
"and the source and destination banks are specified by the operands."
{ OpName.MVP,
"Moves a block of memory, starting from a high address and decrementing. " +
"The source and destination addresses are in the X and Y registers, " +
"respectively. The accumulator holds the number of bytes to move minus 1, " +
"and the source and destination banks are specified by the operands."
{ OpName.NOP,
"No operation."
{ OpName.ORA,
"Performs a bitwise OR of the accumulator with a value in memory, storing " +
"the result in the accumulator."
{ OpName.PEA,
"Pushes the 16-bit operand onto the stack. This always pushes two bytes, " +
"regardless of the M/X processor flags."
{ OpName.PEI,
"Pushes a 16-bit value from the direct page onto the stack."
{ OpName.PER,
"Converts a relative offset to an absolute address, and pushes it onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHA,
"Pushes the accumulator onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHB,
"Pushes the data bank register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHD,
"Pushes the direct page register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHK,
"Pushes the program bank register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHP,
"Pushes the processor status register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHX,
"Pushes the X register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHY,
"Pushes the Y register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PLA,
"Pulls the accumulator off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLB,
"Pulls the data bank register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLD,
"Pulls the direct page register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLP,
"Pulls the processor status register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLX,
"Pulls the X register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLY,
"Pulls the Y register off of the stack."
{ OpName.REP,
"Sets specific bits in the processor status register to zero."
{ OpName.ROL,
"Rotates memory or the accumulator one bit left. The low bit is set to the " +
"carry flag, and the carry flag receives the high bit."
{ OpName.ROR,
"Rotates memory or the accumulator one bit right. The high bit is set to the " +
"carry flag, and the carry flag receives the low bit."
{ OpName.RTI,
"Pulls the status register and return address from the stack, and jumps " +
"to the exact address pulled (note this is different from RTL/RTS)."
{ OpName.RTL,
"Pulls the 24-bit return address from the stack, increments it, and jumps to it."
{ OpName.RTS,
"Pulls the 16-bit return address from the stack, increments it, and jumps to it."
{ OpName.SBC,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"accumulator, and leaves the result in the accumulator. Sets the carry, " +
"zero, and negative flags."
{ OpName.SEC,
"Sets the processor carry flag (C) to one."
{ OpName.SED,
"Sets the processor decimal flag (D) to one."
{ OpName.SEI,
"Sets the processor interrupt disable flag (I) to one."
{ OpName.SEP,
"Sets specific bits in the processor status register to one."
{ OpName.STA,
"Stores the value in the accumulator into memory."
{ OpName.STP,
"Stops the processor until a CPU reset occurs."
{ OpName.STX,
"Stores the value in the X register into memory."
{ OpName.STY,
"Stores the value in the Y register into memory."
{ OpName.STZ,
"Stores zero into memory."
{ OpName.TAX,
"Transfers the contents of the accumulator to the X register."
{ OpName.TAY,
"Transfers the contents of the accumulator to the Y register."
{ OpName.TCD,
"Transfers the 16-bit accumulator to the direct page register."
{ OpName.TCS,
"Transfers the 16-bit accumulator to the stack pointer register."
{ OpName.TDC,
"Transfers the direct page register to the 16-bit accumulator."
{ OpName.TRB,
"Logically ANDs the complement of the value in the accumulator with a value " +
"in memory, and stores it in memory. This can be used to clear specific bits " +
"in memory."
{ OpName.TSB,
"Logically ORs the value in the accumulator with a value in memory, and " +
"stores it in memory. This can be used to set specific bits in memory."
{ OpName.TSC,
"Transfers the stack pointer register to the 16-bit accumulator."
{ OpName.TSX,
"Transfers the stack pointer register to the X register."
{ OpName.TXA,
"Transfers the X register to the accumulator."
{ OpName.TXS,
"Transfers the X register to the stack pointer register."
{ OpName.TXY,
"Transfers the X register to the Y register."
{ OpName.TYA,
"Transfers the Y register to the accumulator."
{ OpName.TYX,
"Transfers the Y register to the X register."
{ OpName.WAI,
"Stalls the processor until an interrupt is received. If the interrupt " +
"disable flag (I) is set to one, execution will continue with the next " +
"instruction rather than calling through an interrupt vector."
{ OpName.WDM,
"Reserved for future expansion. (Behaves as a two-byte NOP.)"
{ OpName.XBA,
"Swaps the high and low bytes in the 16-bit accumulator. Sometimes referred " +
"to as SWA."
{ OpName.XCE,
"Exchanges carry and emulation bits."
// 6502 undocumented instructions.
// (See OpDef for a list of references.)
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.ANC,
"AND byte with accumulator. If result is negative then carry is set." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AAC"
{ OpName.ANE,
"Transfer X register to accumulator, then AND accumulator with value. " +
"This opcode is unstable." +
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: XAA"
{ OpName.ARR,
"AND byte with accumulator, then rotate one bit right. Equivalent to " +
"AND + ROR."
{ OpName.ALR,
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
"AND byte with accumulator, then shift right one bit. Equivalent to AND + LSR." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: ASR"
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.DCP,
"Decrement memory location, then compare result to accumulator. Equivalent " +
"to DEC + CMP." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: DCM"
{ OpName.DOP,
"Double-byte no-operation." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: NOP / SKB"
{ OpName.ISC,
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
"Increment memory, then subtract memory from accumulator with borrow. " +
"Equivalent to INC + SBC." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: ISC / INS"
{ OpName.JAM,
"Crash the CPU, halting execution and ignoring interrupts." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: KIL / JAM"
{ OpName.LAS,
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
"AND memory with stack pointer, then transfer result to accumulator, " +
"X register, and stack pointer. (Note: possibly unreliable.)" +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: LAE / LAR"
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.LAX,
"Load accumulator and X register from memory. Equivalent to LDA + LDX." +
"\r\n\r\nThe immediate mode is unstable. It " +
{ OpName.LXA,*/
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
"ORs accumulator with a value, ANDs result with immediate value, then stores " +
"the result in accumulator and X register. " +
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
"Equivalent to ORA + AND + TAX." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: LXA / ATX / OAL"
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.RLA,
"Rotate memory one bit left, then AND accumulator with memory. Equivalent " +
"to ROL + AND."
{ OpName.RRA,
"Rotate memory one bit right, then add accumulator to memory with carry. " +
"Equivalent to ROR + ADC."
{ OpName.SAX,
"AND X register with accumulator, without changing the contents of either " +
"register, subtract an immediate value, then store result in X register." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AAX / AXS"
{ OpName.SBX,
"AND X register with accumulator and transfer to X register, then " +
"subtract byte from X register without borrow." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AXS / SAX"
{ OpName.SHA,
"AND X register with accumulator, then AND result with 7 and store." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AHX, AXA"
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.SHX,
"AND X register with the high byte of the argument + 1, and store the result." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: SXA / XAS"
{ OpName.SHY,
"AND Y register with the high byte of the argument + 1, and store the result." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: SYA / SAY"
{ OpName.SLO,
"Shift memory left one bit, then OR accumulator with memory. Equivalent to " +
"ASL + ORA." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: ASO"
{ OpName.SRE,
"Shift memory right one bit, then EOR accumulator with memory. Equivalent to " +
"LSR + EOR." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: LSE"
{ OpName.TAS,
"AND X register with accumulator, without changing the contents of either " +
"register, and transfer to stack pointer. Then " +
"AND stack pointer with high byte of operand + 1." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: SHS / XAS"
2018-09-28 17:05:11 +00:00
{ OpName.TOP,
"Triple-byte no-operation. This actually performs a load." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: NOP / SKW"
// 65C02 undocumented instructions.
{ OpName.LDD,
"Load and Discard. Usually a no-op, but the activity on the address bus " +
"can affect memory-mapped I/O."
/// <summary>
/// Address mode short descriptions, USA English.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string> sAddrMode_enUS =
new Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string>() {
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Abs, "Absolute" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsInd, "Absolute Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndLong, "Absolute Indirect Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexX, "Absolute Indexed X" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexXInd, "Absolute Indexed X Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong, "Absolute Indexed X Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexY, "Absolute Indexed Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsLong, "Absolute Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Acc, "Accumulator" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.BlockMove, "Block Move" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DP, "Direct Page" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPInd, "Direct Page Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndIndexY, "Direct Page Indirect Indexed Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong, "Direct Page Indirect Indexed Y Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndLong, "Direct Page Indirect Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexX, "Direct Page Indexed X" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexXInd, "Direct Page Indexed X Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexY, "Direct Page Indexed Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Imm, "Immediate" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongA, "Immediate" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongXY, "Immediate" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Implied, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.PCRel, "PC Relative" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.PCRelLong, "PC Relative Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackAbs, "Stack Absolute" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackDPInd, "Stack Direct Page Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackInt, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackPCRelLong, "Stack PC Relative Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackPull, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackPush, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRTI, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRTL, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRTS, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRel, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY, "Stack Relative Indirect Index Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.WDM, "" }
/// <summary>
/// Cycle modifier descriptions. These are intended to be very terse.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string> sCycleMod_enUS =
new Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string>() {
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfM0, "+1 if M=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.TwoIfM0, "+2 if M=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfX0, "+1 if X=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero, "+1 if DL != 0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage, "+1 if index across page" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfD1, "+1 if D=1 on 65C02" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken, "+1 if branch taken" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage, "+1 if branch across page unless E=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfE0, "+1 if E=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIf65C02, "+1 if 65C02" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage, "-1 if 65C02 and not across page" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.BlockMove, "+7 per byte" },