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<title>Main Window - 6502bench SourceGen</title>
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<h1>6502bench SourceGen: Main Window</h1>
<p><a href="index.html">Back to index</a></p>
<h2><a name="starting-new">Starting a New Project</a></h2>
<p>Select File &gt; New, or if no project is open, click "Start new project".
This opens the Create New Project window.</p>
<p>Start by selecting your target system from the tree on the left.
The panel on the right will show the CPU that will be selected, as well
as the symbol files and extension scripts that will be loaded by default.
All of these may be overridden later from the project properties.</p>
<p>Next, click the "Select File..." button. Pick the file you wish to
disassemble. The dialog will update with the pathname and some notes
about the file's size. Click "OK" if all looks good to create the
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Support for large 65816 programs is
incomplete. The maximum size for a data file is currently 1 MiB.</p>
<p>The first time you save the project (with File &gt; Save), you will be
prompted for the project name. It's best to use the data file's name
with ".dis65" added. This will be configured automatically. The data
file's name is not stored in the project file, so if you pick a different
name, or save the project in a different directory, you will have to
select the data file manually whenever you open the project.</p>
<h2><a name="opening">Opening an Existing Project</a></h2>
<p>Select File &gt; Open, or if no project is open, click "Open
existing project". Select the .dis65 project file from the standard
file dialog.</p>
<p>SourceGen will try to open a data file with the project's name,
minus the ".dis65". If it can't find a file with that name, or if there's
something wrong with it (e.g. the CRC doesn't match), you will be given
the opportunity to specify the location of the data file to use.</p>
<p>If non-fatal problems with the file are detected, a warning will be
shown. If it's something simple, like a missing .sym65 or extension
script file, you'll be notified. If it's something more complicated,
e.g. the project has a comment on an offset that doesn't exist, you
will be warned that the problematic data has been deleted, and will be
lost if the project is saved. You will also be given the opportunity
to cancel the loading of the project.</p>
<p>The locations of the last few projects you've worked with are saved
in the application settings. You can access them from
File &gt; Recent Projects. If no project is open, links to the two
most-recently opened projects will be available.</p>
<h2><a name="working">Working With a Project</a></h2>
<p>The main project window is divided into five areas:</p>
<li>Center: the code list. If no project is open, this will instead
have clickable links to open a new or existing project.
<li>Top left: cross-reference list.
<li>Bottom left: notes list.
<li>Top right: symbols list.
<li>Bottom right: line info.
<p>Most of the action takes place in the center code list.</p>
<h3><a name="code-list">Code List</a></h3>
<p>The code list provides a view of the code being disassembled. Each
line may be an instruction, data item, long comment, note, or
assembler directive.</p>
<p>The list is divided into columns:</p>
<li><b>Offset</b>. The offset within the file where the instruction
or data item starts. Always shown as a six-digit hex value
with a leading '+'.</li>
<li><b>Address</b>. The address where the assembled code will execute.
For 8-bit CPUs this is shown as a 4-digit hex number, for 16-bit
CPUs the bank is shown as well. Double-click on this field to open the
<a href="editors.html#address">Edit Address</a> dialog.</li>
<li><b>Bytes</b>. Shows up to four bytes from the data file that
correspond to the instruction or data. To see the full dump of
a longer item, such as an ASCII string, double-click on the field
to open the
<a href="tools.html#hexdump">Hex Dump Viewer</a>. (Note this is
a floating window, so you can keep it open while you work.)</li>
<li><b>Flags</b>. This shows the state of the status flags as they
were before the instruction was executed. Double-click on this
field to open the
<a href="editors.html#flags">Edit Status Flag Override</a> dialog.</li>
<li><b>Attributes</b>. Some instructions and data items have
interesting attributes. '@' indicates an entry point, 'H' means
one or more bytes has a hint, '#' means execution will not continue
to the following instruction, '>' is shown for branch targets, and
'!' appears when a conditional branch is never taken. (This
column is rarely useful and can be hidden.)</li>
<li><b>Label</b>. If a label has been defined for this offset, by
the user or generated automatically, it will appear here. Also,
full-line items like long comments and notes will start in this
field. Double-click on this field to open the
<a href="editors.html#label">Edit Label</a> dialog.</li>
<li><b>Opcode</b>. The instruction or pseudo-opcode mnemonic.
If an instruction is embedded inside this one, a &#9193; symbol
will appear.
If you double-click this field for an instruction or data item
whose operand refers to an address in the file, the view will jump to
that location.</li>
<li><b>Operand</b>. The instruction or data operand. Data operands
may span a large number of bytes. Double-click on this field to
open the
<a href="editors.html#operand">Edit Operand</a> or
<a href="editors.html#data">Edit Data Format</a> dialog, as
appropriate. (Note you can shift-double-click on data items to
edit multiple lines.)</li>
<li><b>Comment</b>. End-of-line comment, generally shown with a ';'
prefix. If enabled, cycle counts will appear here. Double-click
on this field to open the
<a href="editors.html#comment">Edit Comment</a> dialog.</li>
<p>Double-clicking anywhere on a line with a note or long comment will
open the
<a href="editors.html#note">Edit Note</a> or
<a href="editors.html#long-comment">Edit Long Comment</a> dialog,
<p>The code list is a standard Windows list view. You can left-click
to select an item, ctrl-left-click to toggle individual items on and
off, and shift-left-click to select a range. You can select all lines
with Edit &gt; Select All. Resize columns by
left-clicking on the divider in the header and dragging it.</p>
<p>Multi-line items, such as long comments or ASCII strings, are
selected as a whole when any part is selected.</p>
<p>Right-clicking opens a menu. The contents are the same as those in
the Actions menu item in the menu bar. The set of options that are
enabled will depend on what you have selected in the main window.</p>
<li><a href="editors.html#address">Set Address</a>. Sets the
target address at that offset. Enabled when a single instruction or
data line is selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#flags">Override Status Flags</a>. Changes
the status flags at that offset. Enabled when a single instruction
line is selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#label">Edit Label</a>. Sets the label
at that offset. Enabled when a single instruction or data line is
<li><a href="editors.html#operand">Edit Operand</a>. Sets the
operand format for that instruction. Enabled when a single instruction
line is selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#data">Edit Data Format</a>. Sets the
format for data operands. Enabled when one or more data
lines are selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#comment">Edit Comment</a>. Sets the
comment at that offset. Enabled when a single instruction or data
line is selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#long-comment">Edit Long Comment</a>. Sets
the long comment at that offset. Enabled when a single instruction
or data line, or an existing long comment, is selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#note">Edit Note</a>. Sets the note at
that offset. Enabled when a single instruction or data line, or
an existing note, is selected.</li>
<li><a href="editors.html#project-symbol">Edit Project Symbol</a>.
Sets the name, value, and comment of the project symbol. Enabled
when a single equate directive, generated from a project symbol, is
<li><a href="#hinting">Hinting</a> (Hint As Code Entry Point, Hint As
Data Start, Hint As Inline Data, Remove Hints). Enabled when one or more
code and data lines are selected. Remove Hints is only enabled when
at least one line has hints.</li>
<li><a href="#toggle-single">Toggle Single-Byte Format</a>. Toggles
a range of lines between default format and single-byte format. Enabled
when one or more data lines are selected.</li>
<li>Delete Note / Long Comment. Deletes the selected note or long
comment. Enabled when a single note or long comment is selected.</li>
<li><a href="tools.html#hexdump">Show Hex Dump</a>. Opens the hex dump
viewer with the current selection highlighted. Always enabled.</li>
<h3><a name="undo">Undo &amp; Redo</a></h3>
<p>You can undo a change with Edit &gt; Undo, or Ctrl+Z. You can redo a
change with Edit &gt; Redo, Ctrl+Y, or Ctrl+Shift+Z.</p>
<p>All changes to the project, including changes to the project properties,
are added to the undo/redo buffer. This has no fixed size limit, so no
matter how much you change, you can always undo back to the point where
the project was opened.</p>
<p>The undo buffer is not saved as part of the project, so closing and
reopening the project resets the buffer.</p>
<h3><a name="references">References Window</a></h3>
<p>When a single instruction or data line is selected in the main window,
all references to that offset will be shown in the References window.
For each reference, the file offset, address, and some details about the
type of reference will be shown.</p>
<p>The reference type indicates whether the origin is an instruction or
data operand. Branch instructions are called out separately. In
addition, it will be identified as a numeric or symbolic reference.
Symbolic references may be offset from the actual operand value; if this
is the case, the adjustment will be shown as well.</p>
<p>Double-clicking on a reference moves the code list selection to that
reference, and adds the previous selection to the navigation stack.</p>
<h3><a name="notes">Notes Window</a></h3>
<p>When you add a note, it will also be added to this window.
Double-clicking on a note will jump directly to it, and add the previous
selection to the navigation stack. This makes notes useful as bookmarks.</p>
<h3><a name="symbols">Symbols Window</a></h3>
<p>All known <a href="intro.html#about-symbols">symbols</a> are shown
here. The filter buttons allow you to screen out symbols you're not
interested in, such as platform symbols or constants.</p>
<p>Clicking on one of the column headers will sort the list on that
field. Click a second time to reverse the sort direction.</p>
<p>Double-clicking on an auto or user label will jump to that label, and
add the previous selection to the navigation stack. This can be a handy
way to move around the file, jumping from label to label.</p>
<h3><a name="info">Info Window</a></h3>
<p>Some additional information about the currently-selected line is
shown, such as the formatting applied to the operand. If the operand
has a default format, any automatically-generated format will be noted.
For an instruction,
a summary is shown that includes the cycle count, flags affected, and a
brief description of what the instruction does. The latter can be
especially handy for undocumented instructions.</p>
<h3><a name="navigation">Navigation</a></h3>
<p>The simplest way to move through the code list is with the scroll wheel
on your mouse, or by left-clicking and dragging the scroll bar. You
can also use PgUp/PgDn and the arrow keys.</p>
<p>Use Edit &gt; Find to search for text. This performs a case-insensitive
text search on the label, opcode, operand, and comment fields.
Use Edit &gt; Find Next to find the next match.</p>
<p>Use Edit &gt; Go To to jump to an offset, address, or label. Remember
that offsets and addresses are always hexadecimal, and offsets start
with a '+'.</p>
<p>When you jump around, by double-clicking on an opcode or an entry
in one of the side windows, the currently-selected line is added to
a navigation stack. You can use the arrows on the toolbar to navigate
forward or backward. (You can use Alt+Left/Right Arrow, or
Ctrl+- / Ctrl+Shift+-, as keyboard shortcuts.)</p>
<h3><a name="hints">Adding and Removing Hints</a></h3>
<p>To add code entry or data hints, select the offsets with the instruction
opcodes, and then use the "Hint as Code Entry Point" or "Hint as Data"
menu item. Remember to avoid hinting additional bytes, especially with
code entry points, as that can lead to unwanted embedded instructions.</p>
<p>For inline data, select all of the data that the code analyzer should
skip, and use the "Hint as Inline Data" menu item.</p>
<p>If you're having a hard time selecting just the right bytes because
the instructions are caught up in a multi-byte data item, such as an
auto-detected ASCII string, you can use the "Toggle Single-Byte Format"
menu item to "flatten" the item. Apply the hint, then toggle the bytes
back to default format. You can also disable uncategorized data analysis
entirely from the
<a href="settings.html#project-properties">project properties</a> editor.
<h3><a name="clipboard">Copying to Clipboard</a></h3>
<p>When you use Edit &gt; Copy, all lines selected in the code list are
copied to the system clipboard. This can be a convenient way to post
code snippets into forum postings or documentation. The text is
copied from the data shown on screen, so your chosen capitalization
and pseudo-ops will appear in the copy.</p>
<p>A copy of all of the fields is also written to the clipboard, in
CSV format. If you open a program like Excel, you can use Paste Special
to put the data into individual cells.</p>
<p>By default, the label, opcode, operand, and comment fields are included
in the text form. From the
<a href="settings.html#app-settings">app settings</a> you can select
a different format that also includes the address and byte columns.</p>
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