2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
* Copyright 2018 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Asm65 {
/// <summary>
/// Operation code definitions for all 65xx-series CPUs.
/// Instances are immutable.
/// </summary>
public class OpDef {
/// <summary>
/// Effect an instruction has on code flow.
/// </summary>
public enum FlowEffect {
Unknown = 0,
Branch, // JMP, BRA, BRL, ... (jump to new address specified in operand)
Cont, // LDA, STA, PHP, NOP, ... (always continue to next instruction)
NoCont, // RTS, BRK, ... (jump to new address, not specified in operand)
CallSubroutine, // JSR, JSL (jump to new address, and also continue to next)
ConditionalBranch // BCC, BEQ, ... (jump to new address and/or continue to next)
/// <summary>
/// Addressing mode. This uses the same distinctions as Eyes & Lichty, which for
/// most purposes has some redundancy (e.g. StackRTI is only ever used with RTI, so
/// in most cases it could be considered Implied).
/// The mode, combined with the processor flags on the 65816, determines the number
/// of bytes required by the instruction.
/// </summary>
public enum AddressMode : byte {
Unknown = 0,
Abs, // OP addr 3
AbsInd, // OP (addr) 3 (JMP)
AbsIndLong, // OP [addr] 3 (JML)
AbsIndexX, // OP addr,X 3
AbsIndexXInd, // OP (addr,X) 3 (JMP/JSR)
AbsIndexXLong, // OP long,X 4
AbsIndexY, // OP addr,Y 3
AbsLong, // OP long 4
Acc, // OP A 1
BlockMove, // OP srcb,dstb 3 (MVN/MVP)
DP, // OP dp 2
DPInd, // OP (dp) 2
DPIndIndexY, // OP (dp),Y 2
DPIndIndexYLong, // OP [dp],Y 2
DPIndLong, // OP [dp] 2
DPIndexX, // OP dp,X 2
DPIndexXInd, // OP (dp,X) 2
DPIndexY, // OP dp,Y 2
Imm, // OP #const8 2
ImmLongA, // OP #const8/16 2 or 3, depending on 'm' flag
ImmLongXY, // OP #const8/16 2 or 3, depending on 'x' flag
Implied, // OP 1
PCRel, // OP label 2 (branch instructions)
PCRelLong, // OP label 3 (BRL)
StackAbs, // OP addr 3 (PEA)
StackDPInd, // OP (dp) 2 (PEI)
StackInt, // OP 2 (BRK, COP)
StackPCRelLong, // OP label 3 (PER)
StackPull, // OP 1 (PLA, PLX, ...)
StackPush, // OP 1 (PHA, PHX, ...)
StackRTI, // OP 1 (RTI)
StackRTL, // OP 1 (RTL)
StackRTS, // OP 1 (RTS)
StackRel, // OP sr,S 2
StackRelIndIndexY, // OP (sr,S),Y 2
WDM // OP 2?
/// <summary>
/// Cycle count modifiers. This is meant to be bitwise-ORed with the base value.
/// This defines things generally, with some modifiers noted as being specific to
/// certain CPUs. The actual instruction definitions may choose to include or
/// exclude bits according to the CPU being defined.
/// </summary>
public enum CycleMod {
// Data from chapter 19 of Eyes & Lichty.
OneIfM0 = 1 << 8, // +1 if M=0 (16-bit mem/accumulator)
TwoIfM0 = 1 << 9, // +2 if M=0 (16-bit mem/accumulator)
OneIfX0 = 1 << 10, // +1 if X=0 (16-bit index regs)
OneIfDpNonzero = 1 << 11, // +1 if DP reg != 0
OneIfIndexPage = 1 << 12, // +1 if indexing crosses page boundary
OneIfD1 = 1 << 13, // +1 if D=1 (decimal mode) ONLY on 65C02
OneIfBranchTaken = 1 << 14, // +1 if conditional branch taken
OneIfBranchPage = 1 << 15, // +1 if branch crosses page UNLESS '816 native
OneIfE0 = 1 << 16, // +1 if 65816/865816 native mode (E=0)
OneIf65C02 = 1 << 17, // +1 if 65C02
MinusOneIfNoPage = 1 << 18, // -1 if 65C02 and no page boundary crossed
BlockMove = 1 << 19, // +7 per byte moved
/// <summary>
/// Width disambiguation requirement.
/// </summary>
public enum WidthDisambiguation : byte {
None = 0,
// May want an additional item: "force long if operand suffix specified". This
// would let us generate LDAL for assemblers that like to have that made explicit,
// while avoiding prepending it to operands that are unambiguously long (e.g.
// $ff1122). The counter-argument is that the operand prefix is still useful
// for humans when looking at labels, e.g. "a:FOO" vs. "f:FOO", because the value
// of the label may not be apparent.
/// <summary>
/// Opcode numeric value, e.g. BRK is $00.
/// </summary>
public byte Opcode { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Addressing mode. Determines length of instruction (mostly) and decoding of operand.
/// </summary>
public AddressMode AddrMode { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// True if this is an undocumented opcode.
/// </summary>
public bool IsUndocumented { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Instruction mnemonic, e.g. LDA for Load Accumulator.
/// </summary>
public string Mnemonic { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Indication of which flags are affected by an instruction. Unaffected flags
/// will have the value TriState16.UNSPECIFIED.
/// This is not equivalent to the code flow status flag updater -- this just notes which
/// flags are modified directly by the instruction.
/// </summary>
public StatusFlags FlagsAffected { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Effect this instruction has on code flow.
/// </summary>
public FlowEffect Effect { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Cycles required. The low 8 bits hold the base cycle count, the remaining bits
/// are defined by the CycleMod enum.
/// </summary>
private int CycDef { get; set; }
public int Cycles { get { return CycDef & 0xff; } }
public CycleMod CycleMods { get { return (CycleMod)(CycDef & ~0xff); } }
/// <summary>
/// True if the operand's width is uniquely determined by the opcode mnemonic, even
/// if the operation supports operands with varying widths.
/// Certain ops (ADC AND CMP EOR LDA ORA SBC STA) can be direct page, absolute, or
/// absolute long. "LDA 0" could mean LDA $00 (A5), LDA $0000 (AD), or LDA $000000 (AF).
/// Similar ambiguities exist for some indexed modes. Assemblers generally use the
/// smallest form, but allow a longer form to be selected by modifying the opcode
/// (e.g. LDA: and LDAL) or operand (e.g. LDA >0).
/// Most operations that access memory require disambiguation for direct page vs.
/// absolute. Generally speaking, if the operand's high byte is empty, disambiguation
/// is required.
/// The JMP/JML and JSR/JSL mnemonics are commonly used (and, in some assemblers,
/// required to be used) to avoid the ambiguity. For these instructions, we want
/// to avoid modifying the mnemonic, so we set this flag.
/// </summary>
private bool IsOperandWidthUnambiguous { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Flag update delegate, used for code flow analysis.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prevFlags">Previous flags value.</param>
/// <param name="immVal">Immediate mode value, if any. Value may be 0-255
/// for an 8-bit operand, or 0-65535 for a 16-bit operand, or -1 if this is
/// not an immediate-mode instruction.</param>
/// <param name="newFlags">New flags value. For conditional branches, this is
/// the value to use when the branch is not taken.</param>
/// <param name="branchTakenFlags">For conditional branches, this is the updated
/// value when the branch is taken.</param>
private delegate StatusFlags FlagUpdater(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags);
private FlagUpdater StatusFlagUpdater { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Nullary constructor. Most things are left at default values.
/// </summary>
public OpDef() {
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NoChange;
/// <summary>
/// Copy constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="src">Object to copy from</param>
public OpDef(OpDef src) {
this.Opcode = src.Opcode;
this.AddrMode = src.AddrMode;
this.IsUndocumented = src.IsUndocumented;
this.Mnemonic = src.Mnemonic;
this.FlagsAffected = src.FlagsAffected;
this.Effect = src.Effect;
this.CycDef = src.CycDef;
this.IsOperandWidthUnambiguous = src.IsOperandWidthUnambiguous;
this.StatusFlagUpdater = src.StatusFlagUpdater;
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_V =
new StatusFlags() { V = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_D =
new StatusFlags() { D = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_I =
new StatusFlags() { I = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_Z =
new StatusFlags() { Z = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_C =
new StatusFlags() { C = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_NZ =
new StatusFlags() { N = 1, Z = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_NZC =
new StatusFlags() { N = 1, Z = 1, C = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_NVZC =
new StatusFlags() { N = 1, V = 1, Z = 1, C = 1 };
private static StatusFlags FlagsAffected_All =
new StatusFlags() { N = 1, V = 1, M = 1, X = 1, D = 1, I = 1, Z = 1, C = 1 };
/// <summary>
/// True if this operation is a branch instruction (conditional branch,
/// unconditional branch/jump, subroutine call).
/// </summary>
public bool IsBranch {
get {
return Effect == FlowEffect.Branch ||
Effect == FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch ||
Effect == FlowEffect.CallSubroutine;
/// <summary>
/// True if the operand is an immediate value, which should be prefixed with '#'.
/// </summary>
public bool IsImmediate {
get {
return AddrMode == AddressMode.Imm ||
AddrMode == AddressMode.ImmLongA ||
AddrMode == AddressMode.ImmLongXY;
/// <summary>
/// True if the operand is an "extended immediate" value, which includes PEA
/// as well as Imm.
/// </summary>
public bool IsExtendedImmediate {
get { // should this include PER as well?
return IsImmediate || AddrMode == AddressMode.StackAbs;
/// <summary>
/// True if the operand's width could be ambiguous. Generally speaking, assemblers
/// will use the shortest form possible, so disambiguation is about using a longer
/// form than may appear to be required.
/// </summary>
public bool IsWidthPotentiallyAmbiguous {
get {
if (IsOperandWidthUnambiguous) {
// JMP has Abs and AbsLong forms, but those are universally distinguished
// with unique mnemonics (JMP vs. JML). We don't want to generate "JMPL"
// or "JMP >long". Ditto for JSR/JSL.
return false;
switch (AddrMode) {
case AddressMode.Abs: // LDA $0000 vs LDA $00
case AddressMode.AbsLong: // LDA $000000 vs LDA $0000/LDA $00
case AddressMode.AbsIndexX: // LDA $0000,X vs LDA $00,X
case AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong: // LDA $000000,X vs LDA $0000,X/LDA $00,X
return true;
case AddressMode.AbsIndexY: // LDX $0000,Y vs LDX $00,Y
// AbsIndexY is widely used, but DPIndexY is only available for LDX/STX,
// and STX doesn't have AbsIndexY. So this is only ambiguous for LDX.
// We want to compare by opcode instance, rather than the byte code
// numeric value, to manage different instruction sets.
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
// (This also applies to the undocumented LAX instruction.)
if (this == OpLDX_AbsIndexY || this == OpLAX_AbsIndexY) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
return true;
return false;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get a value that indicates what sort of disambiguation is required. Only call
/// this if IsWidthPotentiallyAmbiguous is true.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instrWidth">Instruction width, including opcode.</param>
/// <param name="operandValue">Operand value, extracted from byte stream.</param>
/// <returns>Width disambiguation value.</returns>
public static WidthDisambiguation GetWidthDisambiguation(int instrWidth,
int operandValue) {
Debug.Assert(instrWidth > 2 && instrWidth <= 4); // zero-page ops are not ambiguous
if (instrWidth == 3 && operandValue < 0x100) {
return WidthDisambiguation.ForceAbs;
} else if (instrWidth == 4) {
if (operandValue < 0x10000) {
return WidthDisambiguation.ForceLong;
} else {
// The width disambiguator may be helpful for humans when reading labels
// whose value is not immediately apparent. "LDA a:FOO" vs. "LDA f:FOO"
// could be nice.
return WidthDisambiguation.ForceLongMaybe;
} else {
return WidthDisambiguation.None;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the full length of the instruction. Some 65816 operations use
/// a different number of bytes in 16-bit mode, so we need to know what the
/// M/X status flags are.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flags">Current status flags.</param>
/// <returns>Length, in bytes.</returns>
public int GetLength(StatusFlags flags) {
switch (AddrMode) {
case AddressMode.Unknown:
case AddressMode.Acc:
case AddressMode.Implied:
case AddressMode.StackPull:
case AddressMode.StackPush:
case AddressMode.StackRTI:
case AddressMode.StackRTL:
case AddressMode.StackRTS:
return 1;
case AddressMode.DP:
case AddressMode.DPIndexX:
case AddressMode.DPIndexY:
case AddressMode.DPIndexXInd:
case AddressMode.DPInd:
case AddressMode.DPIndLong:
case AddressMode.DPIndIndexY:
case AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong:
case AddressMode.Imm:
case AddressMode.PCRel:
case AddressMode.StackDPInd:
case AddressMode.StackInt:
case AddressMode.StackRel:
case AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY:
case AddressMode.WDM:
return 2;
case AddressMode.Abs:
case AddressMode.AbsIndexX:
case AddressMode.AbsIndexY:
case AddressMode.AbsIndexXInd:
case AddressMode.AbsInd:
case AddressMode.AbsIndLong:
case AddressMode.BlockMove:
case AddressMode.PCRelLong:
case AddressMode.StackAbs:
case AddressMode.StackPCRelLong:
return 3;
case AddressMode.AbsLong:
case AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong:
return 4;
case AddressMode.ImmLongA:
bool shortM = flags.ShortM;
return shortM ? 2 : 3;
case AddressMode.ImmLongXY:
bool shortX = flags.ShortX;
return shortX ? 2 : 3;
Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown address mode " + AddrMode);
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Return value from branch evaluation functions.
/// </summary>
public enum BranchTaken { Indeterminate = 0, Never, Always };
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a branch is always taken, never taken, or is indeterminate
/// (i.e. it's taken some of the time but not taken others).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flagVal">Processor status flag value.</param>
/// <param name="branchVal">Bit value corresponding to branch-taken.</param>
/// <returns>Branch taken indication.</returns>
private static BranchTaken FlagToBT(int flagVal, int branchVal) {
if (flagVal == TriState16.INDETERMINATE) {
return BranchTaken.Indeterminate;
} else if (flagVal == TriState16.UNSPECIFIED) {
// should never happen
return BranchTaken.Indeterminate;
} else if (flagVal == branchVal) {
return BranchTaken.Always;
} else {
return BranchTaken.Never;
/// <summary>
/// Determines if a conditional branch is always taken, based on the status flags.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="op">Conditional branch instruction.</param>
/// <param name="flags">Processor status flags.</param>
/// <returns>Whether the branch is sometimes, always, or never taken.</returns>
public static BranchTaken IsBranchTaken(OpDef op, StatusFlags flags) {
// Could add a delegate to every OpDef, but that seems silly.
switch (op.Opcode) {
case 0x10: // BPL
return FlagToBT(flags.N, 0);
case 0x30: // BMI
return FlagToBT(flags.N, 1);
case 0x50: // BVC
return FlagToBT(flags.V, 0);
case 0x70: // BVS
return FlagToBT(flags.V, 1);
case 0x90: // BCC
return FlagToBT(flags.C, 0);
case 0xb0: // BCS
return FlagToBT(flags.C, 1);
case 0xd0: // BNE
return FlagToBT(flags.Z, 0);
case 0xf0: // BEQ
return FlagToBT(flags.Z, 1);
// Not a conditional branch.
throw new Exception("Not a conditional branch");
/// <summary>
/// Get the raw operand value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">65xx code.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset of opcode.</param>
/// <param name="flags">Current status flags.</param>
/// <returns>Operand value.</returns>
public int GetOperand(byte[] data, int offset, StatusFlags flags) {
switch (GetLength(flags)) {
case 1:
return -1;
case 2:
return data[offset + 1];
case 3:
return (data[offset + 2] << 8) | data[offset + 1];
case 4:
return (data[offset + 3] << 16) | (data[offset + 2] << 8) | data[offset + 1];
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Computes the changes the instruction will have on the status flags.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="curFlags">Current status flags. This is used as the initial value
/// for the return values, and determines whether 65816 immediate operands are
/// treated as 8- or 16-bit.</param>
/// <param name="data">65xx data stream.</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset of opcode.</param>
/// <param name="newFlags">Effect this instruction has on flags.</param>
/// <param name="condBranchTakenFlags">Effect this conditional branch instruction
/// has on flags when the branch is taken. If this is not a conditional branch,
/// the value can be ignored.</param>
public void ComputeFlagChanges(StatusFlags curFlags, byte[] data, int offset,
out StatusFlags newFlags, out StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
int immVal = -1;
switch (AddrMode) {
case AddressMode.Imm:
case AddressMode.ImmLongA:
case AddressMode.ImmLongXY:
if (GetLength(curFlags) == 2) {
// 8-bit operand
immVal = data[offset + 1];
} else {
// 16-bit operand; make as such by negating it
// (if it's zero, 8 vs. 16 doesn't matter)
immVal = -((data[offset + 2]) << 16 | data[offset + 1]);
condBranchTakenFlags = curFlags;
// Invoke the flag update delegate.
newFlags = StatusFlagUpdater(curFlags, immVal, ref condBranchTakenFlags);
2018-10-09 12:27:47 -07:00
// TODO(maybe): there are some constraints we can impose: if Z=1 then
// N=0, and if N=1 then Z=0. I'm not sure this is actually useful though.
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_NoChange(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_Subroutine(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// The correct way to do this is to merge the flags from all code
// that RTS/RTLs back to here, but that's generally hard to do, especially
// since this will often be used to call into external code. The easiest
// thing to do is scramble CZVN and leave IDXM alone.
return FlagUpdater_NVZC(flags, immVal, ref condBranchTakenFlags);
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_Z(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.Z = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_C(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.C = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_NZ(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.Z = flags.N = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_NZC(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.C = flags.Z = flags.N = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_NVZC(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.C = flags.Z = flags.V = flags.N = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_LoadImm(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// We can set the N/Z flags based on the value loaded.
flags.Z = (immVal != 0) ? 0 : 1;
if (immVal >= 0) {
// 8-bit operand
flags.N = (immVal >> 7) & 0x01;
} else {
// 16-bit operand
immVal = -immVal;
flags.N = (immVal >> 15) & 0x01;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_ANDImm(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// AND #00 --> Z=1, else Z=prev
// AND #7f --> N=0, else N=prev
if (immVal == 0) {
flags.Z = 1;
bool hiBitClear;
if (immVal >= 0) {
// 8-bit operand
hiBitClear = ((immVal >> 7) & 0x01) == 0;
} else {
// 16-bit operand
immVal = -immVal;
hiBitClear = ((immVal >> 15) & 0x01) == 0;
if (hiBitClear) {
flags.N = 0;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_ORAImm(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// ORA #00 --> Z=prev, else Z=0
// ORA #80 --> N=1, else N=prev
if (immVal != 0) {
flags.Z = 0;
bool hiBitSet;
if (immVal >= 0) {
// 8-bit operand
hiBitSet = ((immVal >> 7) & 0x01) != 0;
} else {
// 16-bit operand
immVal = -immVal;
hiBitSet = ((immVal >> 15) & 0x01) != 0;
if (hiBitSet) {
flags.N = 1;
return flags;
2018-10-09 12:27:47 -07:00
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_ROL(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// this rotates the N flag into C, so set C=N
// if carry is one, set Z=0; otherwise set Z/N=indeterminate
// (if Z=1 we should set Z=C, but this seems rare and I don't entirely trust Z)
if (flags.C == 1) {
flags.C = flags.N;
flags.Z = 0;
flags.N = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
} else {
flags.C = flags.N;
flags.Z = flags.N = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_ROR(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// if carry is set, set Z=0 and N=1;
// if carry is clear, set N=0;
// if carry is clear and Z=1, everything is zero and no flags change
// (this seems unlikely, so I'm going to assume we've mis-read a flag and ignore this)
// otherwise, Z/N/C=indeterminate
if (flags.C == 1) {
flags.Z = 0;
flags.N = 1;
flags.C = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
} else if (flags.C == 0) {
flags.N = 0;
flags.Z = flags.C = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
} else {
flags.C = flags.Z = flags.N = TriState16.INDETERMINATE;
return flags;
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_PLP(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// All flags are unknown. The caller may be able to match with a previous
// PHP to get something less fuzzy.
flags.C = flags.Z = flags.I = flags.D = flags.X = flags.M = flags.V = flags.N =
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_REP(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.C)) != 0) {
flags.C = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.Z)) != 0) {
flags.Z = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.I)) != 0) {
flags.I = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.D)) != 0) {
flags.D = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.X)) != 0) {
flags.X = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.M)) != 0) {
flags.M = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.V)) != 0) {
flags.V = 0;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.N)) != 0) {
flags.N = 0;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_SEP(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.C)) != 0) {
flags.C = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.Z)) != 0) {
flags.Z = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.I)) != 0) {
flags.I = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.D)) != 0) {
flags.D = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.X)) != 0) {
flags.X = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.M)) != 0) {
flags.M = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.V)) != 0) {
flags.V = 1;
if ((immVal & (1 << (int)StatusFlags.FlagBits.N)) != 0) {
flags.N = 1;
return flags;
private static StatusFlags FlagUpdater_XCE(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
// We want the 'E' flag to always have a definite value. If we don't know
// what's in the carry flag, guess it's a return to emulation.
StatusFlags newFlags = flags;
if (flags.C == 0) {
// transition to native
newFlags.E = 0;
newFlags.X = newFlags.M = 1;
} else /*C==1 or C==?*/ {
// transition to emulation
// The registers will be treated as short by the CPU, ignoring M/X, but
// the assembler won't generally know that. Set the flags to definite
// values here so we generate the necessary directives.
newFlags.E = 1;
newFlags.X = newFlags.M = 1;
newFlags.C = flags.E;
return newFlags;
// ======================================================================================
// Base operation definitions, one per op.
private static OpDef OpUnknown = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.Unknown,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpADC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.ADC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NVZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NVZC
private static OpDef OpAND = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.AND,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ // special handling for imm
private static OpDef OpASL = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.ASL,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpBCC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BCC,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate(StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.C = 0;
flags.C = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBCS = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BCS,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.C = 1;
flags.C = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBEQ = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BEQ,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.Z = 1;
flags.Z = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBIT = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BIT,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC, // special handling for imm
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC // special handling for imm
private static OpDef OpBMI = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BMI,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.N = 1;
flags.N = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBNE = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BNE,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.Z = 0;
flags.Z = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBPL = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BPL,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.N = 0;
flags.N = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBRA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BRA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Branch
private static OpDef OpBRK = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BRK,
Effect = FlowEffect.NoCont
private static OpDef OpBRL = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BRL,
Effect = FlowEffect.Branch
private static OpDef OpBVC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BVC,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.V = 0;
flags.V = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpBVS = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.BVS,
Effect = FlowEffect.ConditionalBranch,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
condBranchTakenFlags.V = 1;
flags.V = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpCLC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CLC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_C,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.C = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpCLD = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CLD,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_D,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.D = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpCLI = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CLI,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_I,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.I = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpCLV = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CLV,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_V,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.V = 0;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpCMP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CMP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpCOP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.COP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpCPX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CPX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpCPY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.CPY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpDEC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.DEC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpDEX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.DEX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpDEY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.DEY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpEOR = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.EOR,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpINC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.INC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpINX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.INX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpINY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.INY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpJML = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.JML, // technically JMP with long operand, but JML is convention
Effect = FlowEffect.Branch,
IsOperandWidthUnambiguous = true,
private static OpDef OpJMP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.JMP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Branch,
IsOperandWidthUnambiguous = true
private static OpDef OpJSL = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.JSL, // technically JSR with long operand, but JSL is convention
Effect = FlowEffect.CallSubroutine,
IsOperandWidthUnambiguous = true,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_Subroutine
private static OpDef OpJSR = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.JSR,
Effect = FlowEffect.CallSubroutine,
IsOperandWidthUnambiguous = true,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_Subroutine
private static OpDef OpLDA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.LDA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ // special handling for imm
private static OpDef OpLDX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.LDX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ // special handling for imm
private static OpDef OpLDY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.LDY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ // special handling for imm
private static OpDef OpLSR = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.LSR,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpMVN = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.MVN,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpMVP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.MVP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpNOP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.NOP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpORA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.ORA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ // special handling for imm
private static OpDef OpPEA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PEA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPEI = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PEI,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPER = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PER,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHB = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHB,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHD = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHD,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHK = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHK,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPHY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PHY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpPLA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PLA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpPLB = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PLB,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpPLD = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PLD,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpPLP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PLP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_All,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_PLP
private static OpDef OpPLX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PLX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpPLY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.PLY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpREP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.REP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_All,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_REP
private static OpDef OpROL = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.ROL,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
2018-10-09 12:27:47 -07:00
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_ROL
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
private static OpDef OpROR = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.ROR,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
2018-10-09 12:27:47 -07:00
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_ROR
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
private static OpDef OpRTI = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.RTI,
Effect = FlowEffect.NoCont
private static OpDef OpRTL = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.RTL,
Effect = FlowEffect.NoCont
private static OpDef OpRTS = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.RTS,
Effect = FlowEffect.NoCont
private static OpDef OpSBC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.SBC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NVZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NVZC
private static OpDef OpSEC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.SEC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_C,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.C = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpSED = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.SED,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_D,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.D = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpSEI = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.SEI,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_I,
StatusFlagUpdater = delegate (StatusFlags flags, int immVal,
ref StatusFlags condBranchTakenFlags) {
flags.I = 1;
return flags;
private static OpDef OpSEP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.SEP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_All,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_SEP
private static OpDef OpSTA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.STA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpSTP = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.STP,
Effect = FlowEffect.NoCont
private static OpDef OpSTX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.STX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpSTY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.STY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpSTZ = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.STZ,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpTAX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TAX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTAY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TAY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTCD = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TCD,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTCS = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TCS,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpTDC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TDC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTRB = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TRB,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_Z,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_Z
private static OpDef OpTSB = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TSB,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_Z,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_Z
private static OpDef OpTSC = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TSC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTSX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TSX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTXA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TXA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTXS = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TXS,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpTXY = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TXY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTYA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TYA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpTYX = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.TYX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpWAI = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.WAI,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont // when I=1 (interrupts disabled), continues on interrupt
private static OpDef OpWDM = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.WDM,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpXBA = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.XBA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpXCE = new OpDef() {
Mnemonic = OpName.XCE,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_C,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_XCE
#region 65816 Instructions
// ======================================================================================
// Operation + address mode definitions.
// It's possible for more than one definition to have the same opcode number. The
// 6502 only supports 8-bit LDA imm, while the 65816 version can be 8 or 16. There
// are minor differences in behavior for some opcodes on different CPUs.
// Significantly, the "invalid" 6502 ops overlap with official ops defined on later CPUs.
public static readonly OpDef OpInvalid = new OpDef(OpUnknown) {
AddrMode = AddressMode.Unknown
public static readonly OpDef OpBRK_StackInt = new OpDef(OpBRK) {
Opcode = 0x00,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackInt,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfE0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x01,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCOP_StackInt = new OpDef(OpCOP) {
Opcode = 0x02,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackInt,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfE0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_StackRel = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x03,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTSB_DP = new OpDef(OpTSB) {
Opcode = 0x04,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DP = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x05,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpASL_DP = new OpDef(OpASL) {
Opcode = 0x06,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x07,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpPHP_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHP) {
Opcode = 0x08,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x09,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_ORAImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_Imm = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x09,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_ORAImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpASL_Acc = new OpDef(OpASL) {
Opcode = 0x0a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Acc,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpPHD_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHD) {
Opcode = 0x0b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpTSB_Abs = new OpDef(OpTSB) {
Opcode = 0x0c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_Abs = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x0d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpASL_Abs = new OpDef(OpASL) {
Opcode = 0x0e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x0f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBPL_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBPL) {
Opcode = 0x10,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x11,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DPInd = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x12,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x13,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTRB_DP = new OpDef(OpTRB) {
Opcode = 0x14,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x15,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpASL_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpASL) {
Opcode = 0x16,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x17,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCLC_Implied = new OpDef(OpCLC) {
Opcode = 0x18,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x19,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpINC_Acc = new OpDef(OpINC) {
Opcode = 0x1a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Acc,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpTCS_Implied = new OpDef(OpTCS) {
Opcode = 0x1b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpTRB_Abs = new OpDef(OpTRB) {
Opcode = 0x1c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x1d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpASL_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpASL) {
Opcode = 0x1e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0 | CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpORA_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpORA) {
Opcode = 0x1f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpJSR_Abs = new OpDef(OpJSR) {
Opcode = 0x20,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x21,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpJSR_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpJSL) {
Opcode = 0x22,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_StackRel = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x23,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBIT_DP = new OpDef(OpBIT) {
Opcode = 0x24,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DP = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x25,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpROL_DP = new OpDef(OpROL) {
Opcode = 0x26,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x27,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpPLP_StackPull = new OpDef(OpPLP) {
Opcode = 0x28,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPull,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x29,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_ANDImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_Imm = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x29,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_ANDImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpROL_Acc = new OpDef(OpROL) {
Opcode = 0x2a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Acc,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpPLD_StackPull = new OpDef(OpPLD) {
Opcode = 0x2b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPull,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpBIT_Abs = new OpDef(OpBIT) {
Opcode = 0x2c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_Abs = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x2d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpROL_Abs = new OpDef(OpROL) {
Opcode = 0x2e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x2f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBMI_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBMI) {
Opcode = 0x30,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x31,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DPInd = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x32,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x33,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBIT_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpBIT) {
Opcode = 0x34,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x35,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpROL_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpROL) {
Opcode = 0x36,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x37,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpSEC_Implied = new OpDef(OpSEC) {
Opcode = 0x38,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x39,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEC_Acc = new OpDef(OpDEC) {
Opcode = 0x3a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Acc,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpTSC_Implied = new OpDef(OpTSC) {
Opcode = 0x3b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpBIT_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpBIT) {
Opcode = 0x3c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x3d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpROL_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpROL) {
Opcode = 0x3e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0 | CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpAND_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpAND) {
Opcode = 0x3f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpRTI_StackRTI = new OpDef(OpRTI) {
Opcode = 0x40,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRTI,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfE0)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x41,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpWDM_WDM = new OpDef(OpWDM) {
Opcode = 0x42,
AddrMode = AddressMode.WDM,
CycDef = 2 // arbitrary; actual time is undefined
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_StackRel = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x43,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpMVP_BlockMove = new OpDef(OpMVP) {
Opcode = 0x44,
AddrMode = AddressMode.BlockMove,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.BlockMove)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DP = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x45,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpLSR_DP = new OpDef(OpLSR) {
Opcode = 0x46,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x47,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpPHA_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHA) {
Opcode = 0x48,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x49,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_Imm = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x49,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLSR_Acc = new OpDef(OpLSR) {
Opcode = 0x4a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Acc,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpPHK_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHK) {
Opcode = 0x4b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpJMP_Abs = new OpDef(OpJMP) {
Opcode = 0x4c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_Abs = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x4d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLSR_Abs = new OpDef(OpLSR) {
Opcode = 0x4e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x4f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBVC_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBVC) {
Opcode = 0x50,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x51,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DPInd = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x52,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x53,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpMVN_BlockMove = new OpDef(OpMVN) {
Opcode = 0x54,
AddrMode = AddressMode.BlockMove,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.BlockMove)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x55,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpLSR_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpLSR) {
Opcode = 0x56,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x57,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCLI_Implied = new OpDef(OpCLI) {
Opcode = 0x58,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x59,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpPHY_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHY) {
Opcode = 0x5a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTCD_Implied = new OpDef(OpTCD) {
Opcode = 0x5b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpJMP_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpJML) {
Opcode = 0x5c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x5d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpLSR_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpLSR) {
Opcode = 0x5e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0 | CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpEOR_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpEOR) {
Opcode = 0x5f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpRTS_StackRTS = new OpDef(OpRTS) {
Opcode = 0x60,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRTS,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x61,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpPER_StackPCRelLong = new OpDef(OpPER) {
Opcode = 0x62,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPCRelLong,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_StackRel = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x63,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTZ_DP = new OpDef(OpSTZ) {
Opcode = 0x64,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DP = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x65,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpROR_DP = new OpDef(OpROR) {
Opcode = 0x66,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x67,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpPLA_StackPull = new OpDef(OpPLA) {
Opcode = 0x68,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPull,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x69,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_Imm = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x69,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpROR_Acc = new OpDef(OpROR) {
Opcode = 0x6a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Acc,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpRTL_StackRTL = new OpDef(OpRTL) {
Opcode = 0x6b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRTL,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpJMP_AbsInd = new OpDef(OpJMP) {
Opcode = 0x6c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIf65C02)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_Abs = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x6d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpROR_Abs = new OpDef(OpROR) {
Opcode = 0x6e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x6f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpBVS_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBVS) {
Opcode = 0x70,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x71,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero |
CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DPInd = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x72,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x73,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTZ_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpSTZ) {
Opcode = 0x74,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x75,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpROR_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpROR) {
Opcode = 0x76,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x77,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSEI_Implied = new OpDef(OpSEI) {
Opcode = 0x78,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x79,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpPLY_StackPull = new OpDef(OpPLY) {
Opcode = 0x7a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPull,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTDC_Implied = new OpDef(OpTDC) {
Opcode = 0x7b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpJMP_AbsIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpJMP) {
Opcode = 0x7c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x7d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpROR_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpROR) {
Opcode = 0x7e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0 | CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpADC_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpADC) {
Opcode = 0x7f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpBRA_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBRA) {
Opcode = 0x80,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x81,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpBRL_PCRelLong = new OpDef(OpBRL) {
Opcode = 0x82,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRelLong,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_StackRel = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x83,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTY_DP = new OpDef(OpSTY) {
Opcode = 0x84,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DP = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x85,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTX_DP = new OpDef(OpSTX) {
Opcode = 0x86,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x87,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEY_Implied = new OpDef(OpDEY) {
Opcode = 0x88,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpBIT_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpBIT) {
Opcode = 0x89,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_Z, // special case
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_Z,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBIT_Imm = new OpDef(OpBIT) {
Opcode = 0x89,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_Z, // special case
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_Z,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTXA_Implied = new OpDef(OpTXA) {
Opcode = 0x8a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpPHB_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHB) {
Opcode = 0x8b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpSTY_Abs = new OpDef(OpSTY) {
Opcode = 0x8c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_Abs = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x8d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTX_Abs = new OpDef(OpSTX) {
Opcode = 0x8e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x8f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBCC_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBCC) {
Opcode = 0x90,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x91,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DPInd = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x92,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x93,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTY_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpSTY) {
Opcode = 0x94,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x95,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTX_DPIndexY = new OpDef(OpSTX) {
Opcode = 0x96,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x97,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpTYA_Implied = new OpDef(OpTYA) {
Opcode = 0x98,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x99,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTXS_Implied = new OpDef(OpTXS) {
Opcode = 0x9a,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpTXY_Implied = new OpDef(OpTXY) {
Opcode = 0x9b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpSTZ_Abs = new OpDef(OpSTZ) {
Opcode = 0x9c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x9d,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTZ_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpSTZ) {
Opcode = 0x9e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTA_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpSTA) {
Opcode = 0x9f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDY_ImmLongXY = new OpDef(OpLDY) {
Opcode = 0xa0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongXY,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_LoadImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDY_Imm = new OpDef(OpLDY) {
Opcode = 0xa0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_LoadImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xa1,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDX_ImmLongXY = new OpDef(OpLDX) {
Opcode = 0xa2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongXY,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_LoadImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDX_Imm = new OpDef(OpLDX) {
Opcode = 0xa2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_LoadImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_StackRel = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xa3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDY_DP = new OpDef(OpLDY) {
Opcode = 0xa4,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DP = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xa5,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDX_DP = new OpDef(OpLDX) {
Opcode = 0xa6,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xa7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpTAY_Implied = new OpDef(OpTAY) {
Opcode = 0xa8,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpLDA) { // 16-bit CPU
Opcode = 0xa9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_LoadImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_Imm = new OpDef(OpLDA) { // 8-bit CPU
Opcode = 0xa9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_LoadImm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpTAX_Implied = new OpDef(OpTAX) {
Opcode = 0xaa,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpPLB_StackPull = new OpDef(OpPLB) {
Opcode = 0xab,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPull,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpLDY_Abs = new OpDef(OpLDY) {
Opcode = 0xac,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_Abs = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xad,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDX_Abs = new OpDef(OpLDX) {
Opcode = 0xae,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xaf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBCS_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBCS) {
Opcode = 0xb0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xb1,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DPInd = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xb2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xb3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDY_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpLDY) {
Opcode = 0xb4,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xb5,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDX_DPIndexY = new OpDef(OpLDX) {
Opcode = 0xb6,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xb7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCLV_Implied = new OpDef(OpCLV) {
Opcode = 0xb8,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xb9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpTSX_Implied = new OpDef(OpTSX) {
Opcode = 0xba,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpTYX_Implied = new OpDef(OpTYX) {
Opcode = 0xbb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpLDY_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpLDY) {
Opcode = 0xbc,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xbd,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDX_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpLDX) {
Opcode = 0xbe,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpLDA_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpLDA) {
Opcode = 0xbf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCPY_ImmLongXY = new OpDef(OpCPY) {
Opcode = 0xc0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongXY,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCPY_Imm = new OpDef(OpCPY) {
Opcode = 0xc0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xc1,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpREP_Imm = new OpDef(OpREP) {
Opcode = 0xc2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_StackRel = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xc3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCPY_DP = new OpDef(OpCPY) {
Opcode = 0xc4,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DP = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xc5,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEC_DP = new OpDef(OpDEC) {
Opcode = 0xc6,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xc7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpINY_Implied = new OpDef(OpINY) {
Opcode = 0xc8,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xc9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_Imm = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xc9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEX_Implied = new OpDef(OpDEX) {
Opcode = 0xca,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpWAI_Implied = new OpDef(OpWAI) {
Opcode = 0xcb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 3 // 3 to shut down, more to restart
public static readonly OpDef OpCPY_Abs = new OpDef(OpCPY) {
Opcode = 0xcc,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_Abs = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xcd,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEC_Abs = new OpDef(OpDEC) {
Opcode = 0xce,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xcf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpBNE_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBNE) {
Opcode = 0xd0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xd1,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DPInd = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xd2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xd3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpPEI_StackDPInd = new OpDef(OpPEI) {
Opcode = 0xd4,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackDPInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xd5,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEC_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpDEC) {
Opcode = 0xd6,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xd7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero)
public static readonly OpDef OpCLD_Implied = new OpDef(OpCLD) {
Opcode = 0xd8,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xd9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpPHX_StackPush = new OpDef(OpPHX) {
Opcode = 0xda,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPush,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSTP_Implied = new OpDef(OpSTP) {
Opcode = 0xdb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 3 // 3 to shut down, more to reset out
public static readonly OpDef OpJMP_AbsIndLong = new OpDef(OpJML) {
Opcode = 0xdc,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndLong,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xdd,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpDEC_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpDEC) {
Opcode = 0xde,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0 | CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpCMP_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpCMP) {
Opcode = 0xdf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCPX_ImmLongXY = new OpDef(OpCPX) {
Opcode = 0xe0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongXY,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpCPX_Imm = new OpDef(OpCPX) {
Opcode = 0xe0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xe1,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSEP_Imm = new OpDef(OpSEP) {
Opcode = 0xe2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_StackRel = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xe3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRel,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpCPX_DP = new OpDef(OpCPX) {
Opcode = 0xe4,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DP = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xe5,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpINC_DP = new OpDef(OpINC) {
Opcode = 0xe6,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DPIndLong = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xe7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpINX_Implied = new OpDef(OpINX) {
Opcode = 0xe8,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_ImmLongA = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xe9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.ImmLongA,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_Imm = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xe9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpNOP_Implied = new OpDef(OpNOP) {
Opcode = 0xea,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpXBA_Implied = new OpDef(OpXBA) {
Opcode = 0xeb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpCPX_Abs = new OpDef(OpCPX) {
Opcode = 0xec,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_Abs = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xed,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpINC_Abs = new OpDef(OpINC) {
Opcode = 0xee,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_AbsLong = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xef,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpBEQ_PCRel = new OpDef(OpBEQ) {
Opcode = 0xf0,
AddrMode = AddressMode.PCRel,
CycDef = 2 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken | CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xf1,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero |
CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DPInd = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xf2,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPInd,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_StackRelIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xf3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpPEA_StackAbs = new OpDef(OpPEA) {
Opcode = 0xf4,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackAbs,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xf5,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpINC_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpINC) {
Opcode = 0xf6,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.TwoIfM0)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_DPIndIndexYLong = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xf7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong,
CycDef = 6 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpSED_Implied = new OpDef(OpSED) {
Opcode = 0xf8,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xf9,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpPLX_StackPull = new OpDef(OpPLX) {
Opcode = 0xfa,
AddrMode = AddressMode.StackPull,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfX0)
public static readonly OpDef OpXCE_Implied = new OpDef(OpXCE) {
Opcode = 0xfb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpJSR_AbsIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpJSR) {
Opcode = 0xfc,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xfd,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
public static readonly OpDef OpINC_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpINC) {
Opcode = 0xfe,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7 | (int)(CycleMod.TwoIfM0 | CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpSBC_AbsIndexXLong = new OpDef(OpSBC) {
Opcode = 0xff,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfM0 | CycleMod.OneIfD1)
#endregion 65816 Instructions
#region Undocumented 6502
// ======================================================================================
// Undocumented 6502 instructions.
// There are 151 defined opcodes. The rest officially have undefined behavior. In
// most cases it's pretty stable, in others the behavior can differ between CPU
// variants.
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
// There is no universally agreed-upon set of mnemonics for these instructions. The
// mnemonics "XAS" and "AXS" sometimes mean one thing and sometimes another. The
// reference I've chosen to use as primary is "NMOS 6510 Unintended Opcodes":
// https://csdb.dk/release/?id=161035
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
// Other references:
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
// http://nesdev.com/undocumented_opcodes.txt
// http://visual6502.org/wiki/index.php?title=6502_all_256_Opcodes
// http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/docs/6502-NMOS.extra.opcodes
private static OpDef OpANC = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.ANC,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpANE = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.ANE,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
private static OpDef OpALR = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.ALR,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
private static OpDef OpARR = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.ARR,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NVZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NVZC
private static OpDef OpDCP = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.DCP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_C,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_C
private static OpDef OpDOP = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.DOP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
private static OpDef OpJAM = new OpDef() {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
IsUndocumented = true,
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
Mnemonic = OpName.JAM,
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Effect = FlowEffect.NoCont
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
private static OpDef OpISC = new OpDef() {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
IsUndocumented = true,
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
Mnemonic = OpName.ISC,
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NVZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NVZC
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
private static OpDef OpLAS = new OpDef() {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
IsUndocumented = true,
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
Mnemonic = OpName.LAS,
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpLAX = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.LAX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
//private static OpDef OpLXA = new OpDef() {
// IsUndocumented = true,
// Mnemonic = OpName.LXA,
// Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
// FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
// StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
private static OpDef OpRLA = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.RLA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpRRA = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.RRA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NVZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NVZC
private static OpDef OpSAX = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SAX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZ,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZ
private static OpDef OpSBX = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SBX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpSHA = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SHA,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
private static OpDef OpTAS = new OpDef() {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
IsUndocumented = true,
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
Mnemonic = OpName.TAS,
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpSHX = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SHX,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpSHY = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SHY,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
private static OpDef OpSLO = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SLO,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpSRE = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.SRE,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
FlagsAffected = FlagsAffected_NZC,
StatusFlagUpdater = FlagUpdater_NZC
private static OpDef OpTOP = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.TOP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x03,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_DP = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x07,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_Absolute = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x0f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x13,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x17,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x1b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpSLO_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpSLO) {
Opcode = 0x1f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x23,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_DP = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x27,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_Absolute = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x2f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x33,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x37,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x3b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpRLA_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpRLA) {
Opcode = 0x3f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x43,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_DP = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x47,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_Absolute = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x4f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x53,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x57,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x5b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpSRE_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpSRE) {
Opcode = 0x5f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x63,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_DP = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x67,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_Absolute = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x6f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x73,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x77,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x7b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpRRA_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpRRA) {
Opcode = 0x7f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpSAX_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpSAX) {
Opcode = 0x83,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpSAX_DP = new OpDef(OpSAX) {
Opcode = 0x87,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpSAX_Absolute = new OpDef(OpSAX) {
Opcode = 0x8f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpSAX_DPIndexY = new OpDef(OpSAX) {
Opcode = 0x97,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexY,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
Opcode = 0xa3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_DP = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
Opcode = 0xa7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_Absolute = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
Opcode = 0xaf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
Opcode = 0xb3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 5 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_DPIndexY = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
Opcode = 0xb7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexY,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
Opcode = 0xbf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xc3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_DP = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xc7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_Abs = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xcf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xd3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 8
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xd7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xdb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 7
public static readonly OpDef OpDCP_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpDCP) {
Opcode = 0xdf,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_DPIndexXInd = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xe3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexXInd,
CycDef = 8
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_DP = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xe7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 5
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_Abs = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xef,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 6
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xf3,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 8
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xf7,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 6
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xfb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 7
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpISC_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpISC) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xff,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 7
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpALR_Imm = new OpDef(OpALR) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0x4b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpARR_Imm = new OpDef(OpARR) {
Opcode = 0x6b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpANE_Imm = new OpDef(OpANE) {
Opcode = 0x8b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpLAX_Imm = new OpDef(OpLAX) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xab,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpSBX_Imm = new OpDef(OpSBX) {
Opcode = 0xcb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpDOP_Imm = new OpDef(OpDOP) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpDOP_DP = new OpDef(OpDOP) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpDOP_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpDOP) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpTOP_Abs = new OpDef(OpTOP) {
Opcode = 0x0c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpTOP_AbsIndeX = new OpDef(OpTOP) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpJAM_Implied = new OpDef(OpJAM) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 1
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpTAS_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpTAS) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0x9b,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpSHY_AbsIndexX = new OpDef(OpSHY) {
Opcode = 0x9c,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexX,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpSHX_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpSHX) {
Opcode = 0x9e,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpSHA_DPIndIndexY = new OpDef(OpSHA) {
Opcode = 0x93,
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndIndexY,
CycDef = 6
public static readonly OpDef OpSHA_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpSHA) {
Opcode = 0x9f,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 5
public static readonly OpDef OpANC_Imm = new OpDef(OpANC) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
2018-10-05 14:07:57 -07:00
public static readonly OpDef OpLAS_AbsIndexY = new OpDef(OpLAS) {
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Opcode = 0xbb,
AddrMode = AddressMode.AbsIndexY,
CycDef = 4 | (int)(CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage)
#endregion Undocumented 6502
#region Undocumented 65C02
// ======================================================================================
// Undocumented 65C02 instructions.
// The 65C02 declared all undefined opcodes to be NOPs, but some of them can have
// side effects.
// References:
// http://laughtonelectronics.com/Arcana/KimKlone/Kimklone_opcode_mapping.html
// Most undocumented instructions are a single-byte, single-cycle NOP. I don't know
// if these are "undocumented" in the strictest sense of the word, but we'll treat
// them that way for disassembly purposes.
public static readonly OpDef OpNOP_65C02 = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.NOP,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied,
CycDef = 1
// 65C02 undocumented "Load and Discard" instruction. These cause bus traffic.
private static OpDef OpLDD = new OpDef() {
IsUndocumented = true,
Mnemonic = OpName.LDD,
Effect = FlowEffect.Cont,
AddrMode = AddressMode.Implied
public static readonly OpDef OpLDD_Absolute = new OpDef(OpLDD) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpLDD_DP = new OpDef(OpLDD) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.DP,
CycDef = 3
public static readonly OpDef OpLDD_DPIndexX = new OpDef(OpLDD) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.DPIndexX,
CycDef = 4
public static readonly OpDef OpLDD_Imm = new OpDef(OpLDD) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.Imm,
CycDef = 2
public static readonly OpDef OpLDD_Weird = new OpDef(OpLDD) {
// multiple opcodes
AddrMode = AddressMode.Abs, // not really, but has the right number of bytes
CycDef = 8
#endregion Undocumented
/// <summary>
/// Generates one of the multiply-defined opcodes from a prototype. This is
/// particularly useful for undocumented opcodes that are repeated several times. In
/// a couple of cases (SBC, some NOPs), the undocumented opcode is just another
/// reference to an existing instruction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="opcode">Instruction opcode.</param>
/// <param name="proto">Instruction prototype.</param>
/// <returns>Newly-created OpDef.</returns>
public static OpDef GenerateUndoc(byte opcode, OpDef proto) {
return new OpDef(proto) { Opcode = opcode, IsUndocumented = true };
public override string ToString() {
return Opcode.ToString("x2") + "/" + Mnemonic + " " + AddrMode;