diff --git a/SourceGen/DisasmProject.cs b/SourceGen/DisasmProject.cs
index 0732e2c..d098f00 100644
--- a/SourceGen/DisasmProject.cs
+++ b/SourceGen/DisasmProject.cs
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ namespace SourceGen {
                         } else if (!sym.IsVariable) {
                             // Somehow we have a variable and a non-variable with the same
                             // name.  Platform/project symbols haven't been processed yet, so
-                            // this must be a clash with a user label.  This will likely cause
+                            // this must be a clash with a user label.  This could cause
                             // assembly source gen to fail later on.  It's possible to do this
                             // by "hiding" a table and then adding a user label, so we can't just
                             // fix it at project load time.  The full fix is to permanently
@@ -940,7 +940,6 @@ namespace SourceGen {
                             // hate trashing user data.
                             Debug.WriteLine("Found non-variable with var name in symbol table: "
                                 + sym);
-                            Debug.Assert(false);
diff --git a/SourceGen/LocalVariableLookup.cs b/SourceGen/LocalVariableLookup.cs
index f629092..67b4d0b 100644
--- a/SourceGen/LocalVariableLookup.cs
+++ b/SourceGen/LocalVariableLookup.cs
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ namespace SourceGen {
-                    mCurrentTable.DebugDump(mNextLvtOffset);
+                    //mCurrentTable.DebugDump(mNextLvtOffset);
                 // Update state to look for next table.
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/2019-local-variables b/SourceGen/SGTestData/2019-local-variables
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716a16a
Binary files /dev/null and b/SourceGen/SGTestData/2019-local-variables differ
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/2019-local-variables.dis65 b/SourceGen/SGTestData/2019-local-variables.dis65
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2447965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/2019-local-variables.dis65
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+### 6502bench SourceGen dis65 v1.0 ###
+"Comment":"project const","Label":"CONST_ONE","Value":241,"Source":"Project","Type":"Constant"},
+"Comment":"project const","Label":"CONST_ZERO","Value":240,"Source":"Project","Type":"Constant"},
+"Comment":"project addr","Label":"PROJ_ONE","Value":1,"Source":"Project","Type":"ExternalAddr"},
+"Comment":"project addr","Label":"PROJ_ZERO","Value":0,"Source":"Project","Type":"ExternalAddr"},
+"Comment":"project addr, should clash","Label":"PTR_2","Value":248,"Source":"Project","Type":"ExternalAddr"}}},
+"Text":"Would need to be edited to test duplicate labels.  Those currently cause assembly to fail (see the X_* vars).","BoxMode":false,"MaxWidth":80,"BackgroundColor":0},
+"Text":"Test name redefinition.  This is mostly of interest for assemblers without redefinable variables, but also of interest to the cross-reference window.","BoxMode":false,"MaxWidth":80,"BackgroundColor":0}},
+"Comment":"clash with project symbol","Label":"X_PROJ_ZERO","Value":16,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"},
+"Comment":"clash with user label","Label":"X_DPCODE","Value":128,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"}],"ClearPrevious":false},
+"Comment":"hidden table","Label":"HIDDEN0","Value":0,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"},
+"Comment":"hidden table","Label":"HIDDEN1","Value":1,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"}],"ClearPrevious":false},
+"Comment":"not hidden","Label":"NH0","Value":0,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"},
+"Comment":"not hidden","Label":"NH1","Value":1,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"}],"ClearPrevious":false},
+"Comment":"same as org","Label":"DPNOP","Value":128,"Source":"Variable","Type":"ExternalAddr"}],"ClearPrevious":false}}}
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_64tass.S b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_64tass.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3820eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_64tass.S
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+;Would need to be edited to test duplicate labels.  Those currently cause
+;assembly to fail (see the X_* vars).
+        .cpu    "65816"
+PROJ_ZERO =     $00        ;project addr
+PROJ_ONE =      $01        ;project addr
+CONST_ZERO =    $f0        ;project const
+*       =       $1000
+        .as
+        .xs
+        ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+        lda     (PROJ_ONE),y
+        sta     $03
+        ldx     $04
+        lda     CONST_ZERO,s
+        sta     $f1,s
+VAR_ZERO .var   $00
+VAR_TWO .var    $02
+VAR_THREE .var  $03
+CONST_ZERO_VAR .var $f0
+        ldy     VAR_ZERO
+        lda     (VAR_ZERO+1),y
+        sta     VAR_THREE
+        ldx     $04
+        lda     CONST_ZERO_VAR,s
+        sta     $f1,s
+        eor     0
+        ora     240,s
+X_PROJ_ZERO .var $10       ;clash with project symbol
+X_DPCODE .var   $80        ;clash with user label
+        lda     VAR_ZERO
+        lda     VAR_ZERO+1
+        lda     VAR_TWO
+        lda     VAR_THREE
+        lda     $04
+        lda     X_PROJ_ZERO
+        lda     $11
+        lda     DPCODE
+        ldx     PROJ_ZERO
+        ldx     PROJ_ONE
+        ldx     $02
+        bit     $ffa9
+        ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+        ldy     PROJ_ONE
+        ldy     $02
+        .byte   $2c
+NH0     .var    $00        ;not hidden
+NH1     .var    $01        ;not hidden
+L103C   lda     #$fe
+        beq     L103C
+        ldy     NH0
+        ldy     NH1
+        ldy     $02
+        nop
+PTR0    .var    $10
+CONST0  .var    $10
+        lda     PTR0
+        ldx     PTR0+1
+        ldy     $12
+        lda     (CONST0,s),y
+        sta     (CONST0+3,s),y
+;Test name redefinition.  This is mostly of interest for assemblers without
+;redefinable variables, but also of interest to the cross-reference window.
+PTR     .var    $20        ;#1
+        ldx     PTR
+PTR     .var    $22        ;#2
+        ldx     PTR
+PTR     .var    $24        ;#3
+        ldx     PTR
+PTR_1   nop
+PTR_A   .var    $20
+        ldy     PTR_A
+PTR_B   .var    $1f
+        ldy     PTR_B+1
+PTR_C   .var    $1d
+        ldy     PTR_C+3
+PTR_D   .var    $21
+        ldy     PTR_C+3
+VAL0    .var    $30
+VAL1    .var    $31
+VAL2    .var    $32
+VAL3    .var    $33
+VAL4    .var    $34
+VAL5    .var    $35
+        and     VAL0
+        and     VAL1
+        and     VAL2
+        and     VAL3
+        and     VAL4
+        and     VAL5
+VAL14   .var    $31
+        and     VAL0
+        and     VAL14
+        and     VAL14+1
+        and     VAL14+2
+        and     VAL14+3
+        and     VAL5
+DPNOP   .var    $80        ;same as org
+        lda     DPCODE
+        jsr     DPCODE
+        rts
+        .logical $0080
+DPCODE  nop
+        lda     DPCODE
+        lda     @wDPCODE
+        lda     @lDPCODE
+        rts
+        .here
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_Merlin32.S b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_Merlin32.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0663970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_Merlin32.S
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+;Would need to be edited to test duplicate labels.  Those currently cause
+;assembly to fail (see the X_* vars).
+PROJ_ZERO equ  $00        ;project addr
+PROJ_ONE equ   $01        ;project addr
+CONST_ZERO equ $f0        ;project const
+         org   $1000
+         ldy   PROJ_ZERO
+         lda   (PROJ_ONE),y
+         sta   $03
+         ldx   $04
+         lda   CONST_ZERO,S
+         sta   $f1,S
+]VAR_ZERO equ  $00
+]VAR_TWO equ   $02
+]VAR_THREE equ $03
+]CONST_ZERO_VAR equ $f0
+         ldy   ]VAR_ZERO
+         lda   (]VAR_ZERO+1),y
+         sta   ]VAR_THREE
+         ldx   $04
+         lda   ]CONST_ZERO_VAR,S
+         sta   $f1,S
+         eor   0
+         ora   240,S
+]X_PROJ_ZERO equ $10      ;clash with project symbol
+]X_DPCODE equ  $80        ;clash with user label
+         lda   ]VAR_ZERO
+         lda   ]VAR_ZERO+1
+         lda   ]VAR_TWO
+         lda   ]VAR_THREE
+         lda   $04
+         lda   ]X_PROJ_ZERO
+         lda   $11
+         lda   DPCODE
+         ldx   PROJ_ZERO
+         ldx   PROJ_ONE
+         ldx   $02
+         bit   $ffa9
+         ldy   PROJ_ZERO
+         ldy   PROJ_ONE
+         ldy   $02
+         dfb   $2c
+]NH0     equ   $00        ;not hidden
+]NH1     equ   $01        ;not hidden
+L103C    lda   #$fe
+         beq   L103C
+         ldy   ]NH0
+         ldy   ]NH1
+         ldy   $02
+         nop
+]PTR0    equ   $10
+]CONST0  equ   $10
+         lda   ]PTR0
+         ldx   ]PTR0+1
+         ldy   $12
+         lda   (]CONST0,S),y
+         sta   (]CONST0+3,S),y
+;Test name redefinition.  This is mostly of interest for assemblers without
+;redefinable variables, but also of interest to the cross-reference window.
+]PTR     equ   $20        ;#1
+         ldx   ]PTR
+]PTR     equ   $22        ;#2
+         ldx   ]PTR
+]PTR     equ   $24        ;#3
+         ldx   ]PTR
+PTR_1    nop
+]PTR_A   equ   $20
+         ldy   ]PTR_A
+]PTR_B   equ   $1f
+         ldy   ]PTR_B+1
+]PTR_C   equ   $1d
+         ldy   ]PTR_C+3
+]PTR_D   equ   $21
+         ldy   ]PTR_C+3
+]VAL0    equ   $30
+]VAL1    equ   $31
+]VAL2    equ   $32
+]VAL3    equ   $33
+]VAL4    equ   $34
+]VAL5    equ   $35
+         and   ]VAL0
+         and   ]VAL1
+         and   ]VAL2
+         and   ]VAL3
+         and   ]VAL4
+         and   ]VAL5
+]VAL14   equ   $31
+         and   ]VAL0
+         and   ]VAL14
+         and   ]VAL14+1
+         and   ]VAL14+2
+         and   ]VAL14+3
+         and   ]VAL5
+]DPNOP   equ   $80        ;same as org
+         lda   DPCODE
+         jsr   DPCODE
+         rts
+         org   $0080
+DPCODE   nop
+         lda   DPCODE
+         lda:  DPCODE
+         ldal  DPCODE
+         rts
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_acme.S b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_acme.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92dd05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_acme.S
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+;Would need to be edited to test duplicate labels.  Those currently cause
+;assembly to fail (see the X_* vars).
+        !cpu    65816
+PROJ_ZERO =     $00        ;project addr
+PROJ_ONE =      $01        ;project addr
+CONST_ZERO =    $f0        ;project const
+*       =       $1000
+        !as
+        !rs
+        ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+        lda     (PROJ_ONE),y
+        sta     $03
+        ldx     $04
+        lda     CONST_ZERO,S
+        sta     $f1,S
+VAR_ZERO =      $00
+VAR_TWO =       $02
+VAR_THREE =     $03
+        ldy     VAR_ZERO
+        lda     (VAR_ZERO+1),y
+        sta     VAR_THREE
+        ldx     $04
+        lda     CONST_ZERO_VAR,S
+        sta     $f1,S
+        eor     0
+        ora     240,S
+X_PROJ_ZERO =   $10        ;clash with project symbol
+X_DPCODE =      $80        ;clash with user label
+        lda     VAR_ZERO
+        lda     VAR_ZERO+1
+        lda     VAR_TWO
+        lda     VAR_THREE
+        lda     $04
+        lda     X_PROJ_ZERO
+        lda     $11
+        lda+1   DPCODE
+        ldx     PROJ_ZERO
+        ldx     PROJ_ONE
+        ldx     $02
+        bit     $ffa9
+        ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+        ldy     PROJ_ONE
+        ldy     $02
+        !byte   $2c
+NH0     =       $00        ;not hidden
+NH1     =       $01        ;not hidden
+L103C   lda     #$fe
+        beq     L103C
+        ldy     NH0
+        ldy     NH1
+        ldy     $02
+        nop
+PTR0    =       $10
+CONST0  =       $10
+        lda     PTR0
+        ldx     PTR0+1
+        ldy     $12
+        lda     (CONST0,S),y
+        sta     (CONST0+3,S),y
+;Test name redefinition.  This is mostly of interest for assemblers without
+;redefinable variables, but also of interest to the cross-reference window.
+PTR     =       $20        ;#1
+        ldx     PTR
+PTR_3   =       $22        ;#2
+        ldx     PTR_3
+PTR_4   =       $24        ;#3
+        ldx     PTR_4
+PTR_1   nop
+PTR_A   =       $20
+        ldy     PTR_A
+PTR_B   =       $1f
+        ldy     PTR_B+1
+PTR_C   =       $1d
+        ldy     PTR_C+3
+PTR_D   =       $21
+        ldy     PTR_C+3
+VAL0    =       $30
+VAL1    =       $31
+VAL2    =       $32
+VAL3    =       $33
+VAL4    =       $34
+VAL5    =       $35
+        and     VAL0
+        and     VAL1
+        and     VAL2
+        and     VAL3
+        and     VAL4
+        and     VAL5
+VAL14   =       $31
+        and     VAL0
+        and     VAL14
+        and     VAL14+1
+        and     VAL14+2
+        and     VAL14+3
+        and     VAL5
+DPNOP   =       $80        ;same as org
+        lda+1   DPCODE
+        jsr     DPCODE
+        rts
+        !pseudopc $0080 {
+DPCODE  nop
+        lda+1   DPCODE
+        lda+2   DPCODE
+        lda+3   DPCODE
+        rts
+        } ;!pseudopc
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_cc65.S b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_cc65.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8687686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_cc65.S
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+;Would need to be edited to test duplicate labels.  Those currently cause
+;assembly to fail (see the X_* vars).
+         .setcpu "65816"
+PROJ_ZERO =      $00        ;project addr
+PROJ_ONE =       $01        ;project addr
+CONST_ZERO =     $f0        ;project const
+;         .segment "SEG000"
+         .org    $1000
+         .a8
+         .i8
+         ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+         lda     (PROJ_ONE),y
+         sta     $03
+         ldx     $04
+         lda     CONST_ZERO,S
+         sta     $f1,S
+VAR_ZERO =       $00
+VAR_TWO  =       $02
+VAR_THREE =      $03
+         ldy     VAR_ZERO
+         lda     (VAR_ZERO+1),y
+         sta     VAR_THREE
+         ldx     $04
+         lda     CONST_ZERO_VAR,S
+         sta     $f1,S
+         eor     0
+         ora     240,S
+X_PROJ_ZERO =    $10        ;clash with project symbol
+X_DPCODE =       $80        ;clash with user label
+         lda     VAR_ZERO
+         lda     VAR_ZERO+1
+         lda     VAR_TWO
+         lda     VAR_THREE
+         lda     $04
+         lda     X_PROJ_ZERO
+         lda     $11
+         lda     z:DPCODE
+         ldx     PROJ_ZERO
+         ldx     PROJ_ONE
+         ldx     $02
+         bit     $ffa9
+         ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+         ldy     PROJ_ONE
+         ldy     $02
+         .byte   $2c
+NH0      =       $00        ;not hidden
+NH1      =       $01        ;not hidden
+L103C:   lda     #$fe
+         beq     L103C
+         ldy     NH0
+         ldy     NH1
+         ldy     $02
+         nop
+PTR0     =       $10
+CONST0   =       $10
+         lda     PTR0
+         ldx     PTR0+1
+         ldy     $12
+         lda     (CONST0,S),y
+         sta     (CONST0+3,S),y
+;Test name redefinition.  This is mostly of interest for assemblers without
+;redefinable variables, but also of interest to the cross-reference window.
+PTR      =       $20        ;#1
+         ldx     PTR
+PTR_3    =       $22        ;#2
+         ldx     PTR_3
+PTR_4    =       $24        ;#3
+         ldx     PTR_4
+PTR_1:   nop
+PTR_A    =       $20
+         ldy     PTR_A
+PTR_B    =       $1f
+         ldy     PTR_B+1
+PTR_C    =       $1d
+         ldy     PTR_C+3
+PTR_D    =       $21
+         ldy     PTR_C+3
+VAL0     =       $30
+VAL1     =       $31
+VAL2     =       $32
+VAL3     =       $33
+VAL4     =       $34
+VAL5     =       $35
+         and     VAL0
+         and     VAL1
+         and     VAL2
+         and     VAL3
+         and     VAL4
+         and     VAL5
+VAL14    =       $31
+         and     VAL0
+         and     VAL14
+         and     VAL14+1
+         and     VAL14+2
+         and     VAL14+3
+         and     VAL5
+DPNOP    =       $80        ;same as org
+         lda     z:DPCODE
+         jsr     DPCODE
+         rts
+;         .segment "SEG001"
+         .org    $0080
+DPCODE:  nop
+         lda     DPCODE
+         lda     a:DPCODE
+         lda     f:DPCODE
+         rts
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_cc65.cfg b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_cc65.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b5f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Expected/2019-local-variables_cc65.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# 6502bench SourceGen generated linker script for 2019-local-variables
+    MAIN: file=%O, start=%S, size=65536;
+#    MEM000: file=%O, start=$1000, size=126;
+#    MEM001: file=%O, start=$0080, size=11;
+    CODE: load=MAIN, type=rw;
+#    SEG000: load=MEM000, type=rw;
+#    SEG001: load=MEM001, type=rw;
diff --git a/SourceGen/SGTestData/Source/2019-local-variables.S b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Source/2019-local-variables.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9872326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SourceGen/SGTestData/Source/2019-local-variables.S
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+; Copyright 2019 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved.
+; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0).
+; Assembler: Merlin 32
+        org     $1000
+; Define these as project symbols.
+PROJ_ZERO equ   $00
+PROJ_ONE equ    $01
+CONST_ZERO equ  $f0
+CONST_ONE equ   $f1
+PTR_2   equ     $f8             ;used to test uniqifier later on
+        ldy     PROJ_ZERO
+        lda     (PROJ_ONE),y
+        sta     $03             ;undefined yet
+        ldx     $04             ;undefined yet
+        lda     CONST_ZERO,S    ;explicitly set symbol
+        sta     CONST_ONE,S     ;leave as default (hex)
+; TABLE - test redefinition of project symbol values
+]VAR_ZERO equ   $00             ;2b
+]VAR_TWO  equ   $02             ;1b
+]VAR_THREE equ  $03             ;1b
+]CONST_ZERO equ $f0             ;1b const
+        ldy     PROJ_ZERO       ;should become ]VAR_ZERO
+        lda     (PROJ_ONE),y    ;should become ]VAR_ZERO+1
+        sta     $03             ;should become ]VAR_THREE
+        ldx     $04             ;undefined yet
+        lda     CONST_ZERO,S    ;should become ]CONST_ZERO
+        sta     CONST_ONE,S     ;leave as default (hex)
+        eor     $00             ;explicitly format as decimal
+        ora     $f0,S           ;explicitly format as decimal
+; TABLE - test redefinition of symbol labels
+]PROJ_ZERO equ  $10             ;EDIT: rename to PROJ_ZERO
+]DPCODE equ     $80             ;EDIT: rename to DPCODE
+        lda     $00
+        lda     $01
+        lda     $02
+        lda     $03
+        lda     $04
+        lda     $10
+        lda     $11
+        lda     $80
+; TABLE/CLEAR - empty table
+        ldx     $00
+        ldx     $01
+        ldx     $02
+; confirm that hidden tables are skipped over
+        dfb     $2c
+; TABLE (hidden)
+]HIDDEN0 equ    $00
+]HIDDEN1 equ    $01
+        lda     #$ff
+        ldy     $00
+        ldy     $01
+        ldy     $02
+        dfb     $2c
+; TABLE (not hidden)
+]NH0    equ     $00
+]NH1    equ     $01
+:label  lda     #$fe
+        beq     :label
+        ldy     $00
+        ldy     $01
+        ldy     $02
+        nop
+]PTR0   equ     $10             ;2b
+]CONST0 equ     $10             ;4b
+        lda     ]PTR0
+        ldx     ]PTR0+1
+        ldy     ]PTR0+2         ;should be hex
+        lda     (]CONST0,S),y
+        sta     (]CONST0+3,S),y
+; test redefinition of name
+]PTR    equ     $20             ;2b
+        ldx     ]PTR
+]PTR    equ     $22             ;2b
+        ldx     ]PTR
+]PTR    equ     $24             ;2b
+        ldx     ]PTR
+; define user label to try to trip up the uniqifier
+PTR_1   nop
+; test redefinition of value
+]PTR_A  equ     $20             ;2b
+        ldy     ]PTR_A          ;PTR_A
+]PTR_B  equ     $1f             ;2b
+        ldy     ]PTR_A          ;PTR_B+1
+]PTR_C  equ     $1d             ;4b
+        ldy     ]PTR_A          ;PTR_C+3
+]PTR_D  equ     $21             ;1b
+        ldy     ]PTR_A          ;should come up as hex
+]VAL0   equ     $30             ;1b
+]VAL1   equ     $31             ;1b
+]VAL2   equ     $32             ;1b
+]VAL3   equ     $33             ;1b
+]VAL4   equ     $34             ;1b
+]VAL5   equ     $35             ;1b
+        and     ]VAL0
+        and     ]VAL1
+        and     ]VAL2
+        and     ]VAL3
+        and     ]VAL4
+        and     ]VAL5
+]VAL14  equ     $31             ;4b
+        and     ]VAL0
+        and     ]VAL1           ;these four become ]VAL14
+        and     ]VAL2
+        and     ]VAL3
+        and     ]VAL4
+        and     ]VAL5
+; TABLE - test direct page label vs. variable
+]DPNOP   equ     $80
+        lda     ]DPNOP
+        jsr     DPCODE
+        rts
+        org     $0080
+DPCODE  nop
+        lda     DPCODE          ;should be DPNOP
+        lda     |DPCODE         ;should be DPCODE
+        lda     >DPCODE         ;should be DPCODE
+        rts
diff --git a/SourceGen/WpfGui/EditDefSymbol.xaml.cs b/SourceGen/WpfGui/EditDefSymbol.xaml.cs
index 25c77f4..d3fd13a 100644
--- a/SourceGen/WpfGui/EditDefSymbol.xaml.cs
+++ b/SourceGen/WpfGui/EditDefSymbol.xaml.cs
@@ -226,7 +226,8 @@ namespace SourceGen.WpfGui {
             bool valueUniqueValid = true;
             if (mIsVariable && valueValid && widthValid) {
                 foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DefSymbol> kvp in mDefSymbolList) {
-                    if (DefSymbol.CheckOverlap(kvp.Value, thisValue, thisWidth, symbolType)) {
+                    if (kvp.Value != mOldSym &&
+                            DefSymbol.CheckOverlap(kvp.Value, thisValue, thisWidth, symbolType)) {
                         valueUniqueValid = false;