/* * Copyright 2020 faddenSoft * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web.Script.Serialization; using CommonUtil; namespace SourceGen { /// /// SourceGen Edit Commands implementation. /// /// /// This is an "experimental feature", meaning it's not in its final form and may be /// lacking in features or error checking. /// public static class Sgec { public const string SGEC_EXT = "_sgec.txt"; // Commands. private const string SET_COMMENT = "set-comment"; private const string SET_LONG_COMMENT = "set-long-comment"; private const string SET_NOTE = "set-note"; // Regular expression used for parsing lines. private const string LINE_PATTERN = @"^([A-Za-z-]+)\s([^:]+):(.+)$"; private static Regex sLineRegex = new Regex(LINE_PATTERN); private const int GROUP_CMD = 1; private const int GROUP_POS = 2; private const int GROUP_VALUE = 3; private static bool OUTPUT_ADDR = true; // addr vs. offset // Lifted from ProjectFile. public class SerMultiLineComment { // NOTE: Text must be CRLF at line breaks. public string Text { get; set; } public bool BoxMode { get; set; } public int MaxWidth { get; set; } public int BackgroundColor { get; set; } public SerMultiLineComment() { } public SerMultiLineComment(MultiLineComment mlc) { Text = mlc.Text; BoxMode = mlc.BoxMode; MaxWidth = mlc.MaxWidth; BackgroundColor = CommonWPF.Helper.ColorToInt(mlc.BackgroundColor); } } /// /// Generates a position string, which may be a file offset, an address, or a /// position delta. /// private static string PositionStr(int offset, int prevOffset, AddressMap addrMap, bool relMode) { if (prevOffset < 0 || !relMode) { // hex offset or address if (OUTPUT_ADDR) { return '$' + addrMap.OffsetToAddress(offset).ToString("x4"); } else { return '+' + offset.ToString("x6"); } } else { // decimal delta return '>' + (offset - prevOffset).ToString(); } } /// /// Exports comments in SGEC format. /// /// File to write to. /// Project object. /// Details on failure or success. /// True on success. public static bool ExportToFile(string pathName, DisasmProject proj, bool relMode, out string detailMsg) { int numItems = 0; JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); int prevOffset = -1; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pathName, false, new UTF8Encoding(false))) { for (int offset = 0; offset < proj.FileDataLength; offset++) { if (proj.Notes.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment nt)) { SerMultiLineComment serCom = new SerMultiLineComment(nt); string cereal = ser.Serialize(serCom); sw.WriteLine(SET_NOTE + " " + PositionStr(offset, prevOffset, proj.AddrMap, relMode) + ':' + cereal); prevOffset = offset; numItems++; } if (proj.LongComments.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment lc)) { SerMultiLineComment serCom = new SerMultiLineComment(lc); string cereal = ser.Serialize(serCom); sw.WriteLine(SET_LONG_COMMENT + " " + PositionStr(offset, prevOffset, proj.AddrMap, relMode) + ':' + cereal); prevOffset = offset; numItems++; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proj.Comments[offset])) { sw.WriteLine(SET_COMMENT + " " + PositionStr(offset, prevOffset, proj.AddrMap, relMode) + ':' + proj.Comments[offset]); prevOffset = offset; numItems++; } } } detailMsg = "exported " + numItems + " items."; return true; } /// /// Import comments in SGEC format. /// /// File to read from. /// Project object. /// Change set that will hold changes. /// Failure detail, or null on success. /// True on success. public static bool ImportFromFile(string pathName, DisasmProject proj, ChangeSet cs, out string detailMsg) { string[] lines; try { lines = File.ReadAllLines(pathName); } catch (IOException ex) { // not expecting this to happen detailMsg = ex.Message; return false; } JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); int lineNum = 0; int prevOffset = -1; foreach (string line in lines) { lineNum++; // first line is 1 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line[0] == '#') { // ignore continue; } MatchCollection matches = sLineRegex.Matches(line); if (matches.Count != 1) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": unable to parse into tokens"; return false; } string posStr = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_POS].Value; int offset; if (posStr[0] == '+') { // offset if (!Asm65.Number.TryParseIntHex(posStr.Substring(1), out offset)) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": unable to parse offset '" + posStr + "'"; return false; } } else if (posStr[0] == '$') { // address if (!Asm65.Address.ParseAddress(posStr, (1 << 24) - 1, out int addr)) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": unable to parse address '" + posStr + "'"; return false; } offset = proj.AddrMap.AddressToOffset(0, addr); } else if (posStr[0] == '>') { // relative offset if (prevOffset < 0) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": first address/offset cannot be relative"; return false; } if (!Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(posStr.Substring(1), out int delta, out int _)) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": unable to parse delta"; return false; } offset = prevOffset + delta; } else { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": unknown position type '" + posStr[0] + "'"; return false; } prevOffset = offset; if (!proj.GetAnattrib(offset).IsStart) { // This causes problems when we try to do a LineListGen update, because // we specifically request it to do the modified offset, which happens to // be in the middle of an instruction, and it gets very confused. detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": attempt to modify middle of instr/data item"; return false; } string cmdStr = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_CMD].Value; string valueStr = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_VALUE].Value; switch (cmdStr) { case SET_COMMENT: { string oldComment = proj.Comments[offset]; string newComment = valueStr; if (oldComment == newComment) { // no change break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldComment)) { // overwriting existing entry; make a note Debug.WriteLine("Replacing comment +" + offset.ToString("x6") + " '" + oldComment + "'"); } UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateCommentChange(offset, oldComment, newComment); cs.Add(uc); } break; case SET_LONG_COMMENT: { if (!DeserializeMlc(ser, valueStr, false, out MultiLineComment newComment)) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": failed to deserialize value"; return false; } proj.LongComments.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment oldComment); if (oldComment == newComment) { // no change break; } UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateLongCommentChange(offset, oldComment, newComment); cs.Add(uc); } break; case SET_NOTE: { if (!DeserializeMlc(ser, valueStr, true, out MultiLineComment newNote)) { detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": failed to deserialize value"; return false; } proj.Notes.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment oldNote); if (oldNote == newNote) { // no change break; } UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateNoteChange(offset, oldNote, newNote); cs.Add(uc); } break; default: detailMsg = "Line " + lineNum + ": unknown command '" + cmdStr + "'"; return false; } } detailMsg = "applied " + cs.Count + " changes."; return true; } private static bool DeserializeMlc(JavaScriptSerializer ser, string cereal, bool isNote, out MultiLineComment mlc) { mlc = null; SerMultiLineComment smlc; try { smlc = ser.Deserialize(cereal); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Deserialization failed: " + ex.Message); return false; } if (isNote) { mlc = new MultiLineComment(smlc.Text, CommonWPF.Helper.ColorFromInt(smlc.BackgroundColor)); } else { mlc = new MultiLineComment(smlc.Text, smlc.BoxMode, smlc.MaxWidth); } return true; } } }