; Copyright 2021 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Test standard inline script. ; ; Assembler: ACME ; % tass64 --ascii --case-sensitive --nostart 20260-nested-regions.S !cpu 6502 * = $1000 jmp calls ; EDIT: put appropriate labels on these f_AZ rts f_A1 rts f_PZ rts f_P1 rts f_W rts f_WA rts f_NR rts !align 63,0,0 calls nop jsr f_AZ !text "Test AZ_ low",$00 jsr f_AZ !xor $80 { !text "Test AZ_ high" } !byte $00 jsr f_A1 !text 12,"Test A1_ low" jsr f_A1 !byte 13 !xor $80 { !text "Test A1_ high" } jsr f_PZ !pet "Test PZ_",$00 jsr f_P1 !pet 8,"Test P1_" jsr f_W !word $1234 jsr f_WA !word calls jsr cont jsr f_NR nop ;check: not formatted as instruction brk cont nop ; end-of-file error cases jsr end_err1 jsr end_err2 nop rts end_err1 jsr f_A1 !text 255,"too long" nop end_err2 jsr f_AZ !text "does not end" ;must be last