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If a clod be wash" .text "ed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promon" .text "tory were. As well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine ow" .text "n were. Any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved i" .text "n mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell " .text "tolls; it tolls for thee." .byte $81 .text "low ASCII dc",$e9 .byte $80 .byte $e8,$e9,$e7,$e8,$a0,$c1,$d3,$c3,$c9,$c9,$a0,$e4,$e3,$69 .byte $80 .text "'low'quoted",$22,"''tex",$f4 .byte $80 .byte $a2,$e8,$e9,$e7,$e8,$a2,$f1,$f5,$ef,$f4,$e5,$e4,$a7,$a2,$a2,$f4 .byte $e5,$f8,$74 .byte $80 .text "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789''" .text $a7 .byte $80 .text "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901" .text "23456789012345678",$b9 .byte $81 .text $f2,"icd IICSA wol" .byte $80 .byte $72,$e9,$e3,$e4,$a0,$c9,$c9,$c3,$d3,$c1,$a0,$e8,$e7,$e9,$e8 .byte $80 .text $b9,"8765432109876543210987654321098765432109876543210987654321" .text "098765432109876543210" .byte $80 .text $ae,"eeht rof sllot ti ;sllot lleb eht mohw rof wonk ot dnes re" .text "ven erofereht dna ,dniknam ni devlovni ma I esuaceb ,em sehsin" .text "imid htaed snam ynA .erew nwo eniht fo ro sdneirf yht fo rona" .text "m a fi sa llew sA .erew yrotnomorp a fi sa llew sA .ssel eht s" .text "i eporuE ,aes eht yb yawa dehsaw eb dolc a fI .niam eht fo tr" .text "ap a ,tnenitnoc eht fo eceip a si nam yreve ;flesti fo eritne " .text ",dnalsi na si nam oN" .byte $81