; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Sources: ; GS/OS Reference Manual ; Orca/M 2.0 assembler manual ; NiftyList data file ; Brutal Deluxe "GS/OS Internals" *SYNOPSIS GS/OS public addresses and constants. gsos_inline_ent @ $e100a8 4 ;GS/OS inline call entry point gsos_stack_ent @ $e100b0 4 ;GS/OS stack call entry point *TAG AppleIIgs-GSOS-Functions ; Class 0 ProDOS 16 calls. P16_ALLOC_INTERRUPT = $0031 ;(Int#,@Code) P16_CHANGE_PATH = $0004 ;(@Path1,@Path2) P16_CLEAR_BACKUP_BIT = $000B ;(@Path) P16_CLOSE = $0014 ;(Ref) P16_CREATE = $0001 ;(@Path,Acc,Typ,Aux/4,StT,CrD,CrT) P16_DEALLOC_INTERTUPT = $0032 ;(Int#) P16_DESTROY = $0002 ;(@Path) P16_D_INFO = $002C ;(Dev#,@DevName) P16_ERASE_DISK = $0025 ;(@DevName,@VolName,fsID) P16_EXPAND_PATH = $000E ;(@PathIn,@PathOut,Flags) P16_FLUSH = $0015 ;(Ref) P16_FORMAT = $0024 ;(@DevName,@VolName,fsID) P16_GET_BOOT_VOL = $0028 ;(@Buff) P16_GET_DEV_NUM = $0020 ;(@DevName,Dev#) P16_GET_DIR_ENTRY = $001C ;(Ref#,z,Bs,Dis,@Bf,dEnt/36) P16_GET_EOF = $0019 ;(Ref,EOF/4) P16_GET_FILE_INFO = $0006 ;(@P,a,t,xt/4,s,cDT,mDT,b/4) P16_GET_LAST_DEV = $0021 ;(Dev#) P16_GET_LEVEL = $001B ;(Level) P16_GET_MARK = $0017 ;(Ref,Pos/4) P16_GET_NAME = $0027 ;(@Buff) P16_GET_PREFIX = $000A ;(Pfx#,@Buff) P16_GET_VERSION = $002A ;(Version) P16_NEWLINE = $0011 ;(Ref,Mask,Char) P16_OPEN = $0010 ;(Ref,@Path,xxx/4) P16_QUIT = $0029 ;(@Path,Flags) P16_READ = $0012 ;(Ref,@Where,Count/4,xfCount/4) P16_READ_BLOCK = $0022 ;(Dev#,@Where,Blk#/4) P16_SET_EOF = $0018 ;(Ref,EOF/4) P16_SET_FILE_INFO = $0005 ;(@P,a,t,xt/4,z,cD,cT,mD,mT) P16_SET_LEVEL = $001A ;(Level) P16_SET_MARK = $0016 ;(Ref,Pos/4) P16_SET_PREFIX = $0009 ;(Pfx#,@Prefix) P16_VOLUME = $0008 ;(@DevN,@VolN,Blks/4,FreeBlks/4,fsID) P16_WRITE = $0013 ;(Ref,@Where,Count/4,xfCount/4) P16_WRITE_BLOCK = $0023 ;(Dev#,@Where,Blk#/4) ; Class 1 GS/OS calls. Names match the macros defined in Orca/M's M16.GSOS ; (i.e. they all end with "GS" except for FSTSpecific). AddNotifyProcGS = $2034 ;(1:@proc) BeginSessionGS = $201D ;(0:) BindIntGS = $2031 ;(3:IntNum,VecRefNum,@handler) ChangePathGS = $2004 ;(2-3:@P1,@P2,TrustMeFlag) ClearBackupBitGS = $200B ;(1:@P) CloseGS = $2014 ;(1:ref) CreateGS = $2001 ;(1-7:@P,Acc,Typ,Aux/4,Stg,EOF/4,rEOF/4) DControlGS = $202E ;(5:n,code,@ctlList,count/4,xfer/4) DelNotifyProcGS = $2035 ;(1:@proc) DestroyGS = $2002 ;(1:@P) DInfoGS = $202C ;(2-10:n,@n,chr,B/4,sl,unit,ver,dTyp,@hd,@nx) DReadGS = $202F ;(6:n,@bf,count/4,blk/4,blkSz,xfer/4) DRenameGS = $2036 ;(2:n,@newName) DStatusGS = $202D ;(5:n,statusReq,@statList,count/4,xfer/4) DWriteGS = $2030 ;(6:n,@bf,count/4,blk/4,blkSz,xfer/4) EndSessionGS = $201E ;(0:) EraseDiskGS = $2025 ;(1-6:@DevN,@VolN,gotFS,wantFS,flags,realVolName) ExpandPathGS = $200E ;(2-3:@InPath,@OutPath,UpcaseFlg) FlushGS = $2015 ;(1-2:ref,flags) FormatGS = $2024 ;(1-6:@DevN,@VolN,gotFS,wantFS,flags,realVolName) FSTSpecific = $2033 ;(2+...) GetBootVolGS = $2028 ;(1:@n) GetDevNumberGS = $2020 ;(2:@DevN,devnum) GetDirEntryGS = $201C ;(5-17:rf,fl,bs,ds,@n,n,T,EOF/4,b/4,c/8,m/8,A,X/4,FS,@o,resEOF/4,resBk/4) GetEOFGS = $2019 ;(2:ref,eof/4) GetFileInfoGS = $2006 ;(2-12:@P,A,T,X/4,S,c/8,m/8,@Opt,EOF/4,B/4,rEOF/4,rB/4) GetFSTInfoGS = $202B ;(2-7:n,fs,@n,ver,attr,bSz,mxV/4,mxF/4) GetLevelGS = $201B ;(1-2:level,levelMode) GetMarkGS = $2017 ;(2:ref,pos/4) GetNameGS = $2027 ;(1:@n) GetPrefixGS = $200A ;(2:pfxNum,@Pfx) GetRefInfoGS = $2039 ;(2-5:ref,acc,@path,resNum,level) GetRefNumGS = $2038 ;(2-6:@path,ref,acc,res,case,disp) GetStdRefNumGS = $2037 ;(2:pfxNum,refNum) GetSysPrefsGS = $200F ;(1:prefs) GetVersionGS = $202A ;(1:version) JudgeNameGS = $2007 ;(3-6:fileSysID,Descr,@Rules,MaxLen,@Path,Result) NewLineGS = $2011 ;(4:ref,ANDmask,NumChars,@NLtable) NullGS = $200D ;(0:) OpenGS = $2010 ;(2-15:ref,@P,Acc,fork,gotAcc,+GET_FILE_INFO) OSShutdownGS = $2003 ;(1:Flags) QuitGS = $2029 ;(0-2:@P,flags) ReadGS = $2012 ;(4-5:ref,@buff,count/4,xfer/4,cacheFlg) ResetCacheGS = $2026 ;(0:) SessionStatusGS = $201F ;(1:status) SetEOFGS = $2018 ;(3:ref,base,displ/4) SetFileInfoGS = $2005 ;(2-12:@P,A,T,X/4,,c/8,m/8,@Opt,,,,) SetLevelGS = $201A ;(1-2:level,levelMode) SetMarkGS = $2016 ;(3:ref,base,displ/4) SetPrefixGS = $2009 ;(1-2:pfxNum,@Pfx) SetStdRefNum = $203a ;(2:pfxNum,refNum) SetSysPrefsGS = $200C ;(1:prefs) UnbindIntGS = $2032 ;(1:IntNum) VolumeGS = $2008 ;(2-8:@DevN,@vnOut,blks/4,free/4,fSys,BlkSz,char,devID) WriteGS = $2013 ;(4-5:ref,@buff,count/4,xfer/4,cacheFlg) ; Shell calls. These are used just like GS/OS calls. See chapter 24 ; in the Orca/M 2.0 manual and M16.Shell. SH_ChangeVector = $010C SH_ConsoleOut = $011A SH_Direction = $010F SH_Error = $0105 SH_Execute = $010D SH_ExpandDevices = $0114 SH_Export = $0116 SH_FastFile = $010E SH_GetCommand = $011D SH_GetIODevices = $011C SH_GetLang = $0103 SH_GetLInfo = $0101 SH_InitWildcard = $0109 SH_Keypress = $011E SH_NextWildcard = $010A SH_PopVariables = $0117 SH_PushVariables = $0118 SH_ReadIndexed = $0108 SH_ReadKey = $011f SH_ReadVariable = $010B SH_Redirect = $0110 SH_Set = $0106 SH_SetIODevices = $011B SH_SetLang = $0104 SH_SetLInfo = $0102 SH_SetStopFlag = $0119 SH_Stop = $0113 SH_UnsetVariable = $0115 SH_Version = $0107 SH_ChangeVectorGS = $014C SH_ConsoleOutGS = $015A SH_DirectionGS = $014F SH_ErrorGS = $0145 SH_ExecuteGS = $014D SH_ExpandDevicesGS = $0154 SH_ExportGS = $0156 SH_FastFileGS = $014E SH_GetCommandGS = $015D SH_GetIODevicesGS = $015C SH_GetLangGS = $0143 SH_GetLInfoGS = $0141 SH_InitWildcardGS = $0149 SH_KeypressGS = $015E SH_NextWildcardGS = $014A SH_PopVariablesGS = $0157 SH_PushVariablesGS = $0158 SH_ReadIndexedGS = $0148 SH_ReadKeyGS = $015f SH_ReadVariableGS = $014B SH_RedirectGS = $0150 SH_SetGS = $0146 SH_SetIODevicesGS = $015B SH_SetLangGS = $0144 SH_SetLInfoGS = $0142 SH_SetStopFlagGS = $0159 SH_StopGS = $0153 SH_UnsetVariableGS = $0155 SH_VersionGS = $0147 *TAG ; ; Error codes. ; ; Most of these are public, defined in the GS/OS Reference Manual. ; E_NO_ERROR = $00 ;successful operation E_BAD_SYSTEM_CALL = $01 ;bad GS/OS call number E_FST_LOAD_FAIL = $02 E_INVALID_PCOUNT = $04 ;parameter count out of range E_GSOS_ACTIVE = $07 ;GS/OS is busy E_DEV_NOT_FOUND = $10 ;device not found E_INVALID_DEV_NUM = $11 ;invalid device number (request) E_DRVR_BAD_REQ = $20 ;invalid request E_DRVR_BAD_CODE = $21 ;invalid control or status code E_DRVR_BAD_PARM = $22 ;bad call parameter E_DRVR_NOT_OPEN = $23 ;character device not open E_DRVR_PRIOR_OPEN = $24 ;character device already open E_IRQ_TABLE_FULL = $25 ;interrupt table full E_DRVR_NO_RESRC = $26 ;resources not available E_DRVR_IO_ERROR = $27 ;I/O error E_DRVR_NO_DEV = $28 ;no device connected E_DRVR_BUSY = $29 ;driver is busy E_DRVR_WR_PROT = $2b ;device is write-protected E_DRVR_BAD_COUNT = $2c ;invalid byte count E_DRVR_BAD_BLOCK = $2d ;invalid block address E_DRVR_DISK_SW = $2e ;disk has been switched E_DRVR_OFF_LINE = $2f ;device off line or no media present E_BAD_PATH_SYNTAX = $40 ;invalid pathname syntax E_INVALID_REF_NUM = $43 ;invalid reference number E_PATH_NOT_FOUND = $44 ;subdirectory does not exist E_VOL_NOT_FOUND = $45 ;volume not found E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = $46 ;file not found E_DUP_PATHNAME = $47 ;create or rename with existing name E_VOLUME_FULL = $48 ;volume full E_VOL_DIR_FULL = $49 ;volume directory full E_VERSION_ERROR = $4a ;version error (incompatible file format) E_BAD_STORE_TYPE = $4b ;unsupported (or incorrect) storage type E_END_OF_FILE = $4c ;end-of-file encountered E_OUT_OF_RANGE = $4d ;position out of range E_INVALID_ACCESS = $4e ;access not allowed E_BUFF_TOO_SMALL = $4f ;buffer too small E_FILE_BUSY = $50 ;file is already open E_DIR_ERROR = $51 ;directory error E_UNKNOWN_VOL = $52 ;unknown volume type E_PARM_RANGE_ERR = $53 ;parameter out of range E_OUT_OF_MEM = $54 ;out of memory E_DUP_VOLUME = $57 ;duplicate volume name E_NOT_BLOCK_DEV = $58 ;not a block device E_INVALID_LEVEL = $59 ;specified level outside legal range E_DAMAGED_BITMAP = $5a ;block number too large E_BAD_PATH_NAMES = $5b ;invalid path names for ChangePath E_NOT_SYSTEM_FILE = $5c ;not an executable file E_OS_UNSUPPORTED = $5d ;operating system not supported E_STACK_OVERFLOW = $5f ;too many applications on stack E_DATA_UNAVAIL = $60 ;data unavailable E_END_OF_DIR = $61 ;end of directory has been reached E_INVALID_CLASS = $62 ;invalid FST call class E_RES_NOT_FOUND = $63 ;file does not contain required resource E_INVALID_FST_ID = $64 ;FST ID is invalid E_INVALID_FST_OP = $65 E_FST_CAUTION = $66 E_DUP_DEVICE = $67 ;device exists with same name as replacement name E_DEV_LIST_FULL = $68 E_SUP_LIST_FULL = $69 E_FST_ERROR = $6a ; E_RESOURCE_EXIST = $70 ;cannot expand file, resource fork already exists E_RES_ADD_ERR = $71 ;cannot add resource fork to this type of file E_NETWORK_ERROR = $88 ; ; File system IDs. ; FSID_PRODOS = $0001 ;ProDOS/SOS FSID_DOS33 = $0002 FSID_DOS32 = $0003 ;DOS 3.2 or 3.1 FSID_PASCAL = $0004 FSID_MFS = $0005 FSID_HFS = $0006 FSID_LISA = $0007 FSID_CPM = $0008 FSID_CHARACTER = $0009 FSID_MSDOS = $000a FSID_HIGH_SIERRA = $000b FSID_ISO_9660 = $000c FSID_APPLESHARE = $000d