; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). *SYNOPSIS Addresses exported from fdraw ; These come from FDRAW.DEFS.S, which would be included as a source ; file in any code that wanted to use the fdraw library. fdraw_start = $6000 f_Init @ $6000 ;init library; sets color=0 page=$20 f_majvers @ $6003 ;library major version f_minvers @ $6004 ;library minor version f_in_arg @ $6005 ;arg for misc functions f_in_x0l @ $6006 ;low part of X0 coord (0-279) f_in_x0h @ $6007 ;high part of X0 coord (0-279) f_in_y0 @ $6008 ;Y0 coord (0-191) f_in_x1l @ $6009 ;low part of X1 coord (0-279) f_in_x1h @ $600a ;high part of X1 coord (0-279) f_in_y1 @ $600b ;Y1 coord (0-191) f_in_rad @ $600c ;circle radius (0-255) f_SetColor @ $6010 ;set color used for drawing (0-7) f_SetPage @ $6013 ;set page to value in arg ($20 or $40) f_Clear @ $6016 ;erase current page to current color f_DrawPoint @ $6019 ;plot a single point at X0,Y0 f_DrawLine @ $601c ;draw line from X0,Y0 to X1,Y1 (inclusive) f_DrawRect @ $601f ;draw rect w/corners X0,Y0 and X1,Y1 f_FillRect @ $6022 ;draw filled rect w/corners X0,Y0 and X1,Y1 f_DrawCircle @ $6025 ;draw circle at X0,Y0 with radius=rad f_FillCircle @ $6028 ;draw filled circle at X0,Y0 with radius=rad f_SetLineMode @ $602b ;set line mode from arg (0=normal, 1=xdraw) f_FillRaster @ $6031 ;draw shape from raster table f_rast_top @ $6034 ;top line (0-191) f_rast_bottom @ $6035 ;bottom line (inclusive) (0-191) f_rastx0l @ $6036 ;address of rastx1l table (read-only) f_rastx0h @ $6038 ;address of rastx1h table (read-only) f_rastx1l @ $603a ;address of rastx2l table (read-only) f_rastx1h @ $603c ;address of rastx2h table (read-only)