Creating new address region Editing existing address region: Edit the region's attributes. Region length will not be changed. Edit the region's attributes, and convert the floating end to a fixed end. Edit the region's attributes, and resize it to the selection. The new end offset will be {0}, for a length of {1}. Create a new region, with a fixed end point. The region will start at {0} and have a length of {1}. Unable to create a new region with a fixed end point here. Create a new region, with a floating end point. The region will start at {0} and end at the next region boundary. Currently, the length is {1}, but that may change as other regions are added and removed. Unable to create a new region with a floating end point here. Internal error. Internal error (invalid value). The new region has the same start offset and length as an existing region. The start offset of the new region is the same as the start offset of an existing region, and one or both have a floating end point. The new region straddles the start or end of an existing region.