**************************************** * Old school boxed output header. Brk * * multiple lines yay. How about a hy- * * phenated word? * * Looonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglo * * nglonglongword. * **************************************** * Throw in a line divider. These * * aren't: * * *! * * * * * &XYZ * * * **************************************** plataddr equ $3000 ;address only in platform file ;Short, unboxed comment here!! ;Two spaces after. More hyp- ;hens? org $1000 lda #$01 ;Comment! ;Comment rulers can be helpful in findin the edges of notes. Comments are hyph- ;enatingly fun. Like the note, this goes out to 80 columns. lda #$02 ;&another comment with &&s! ;Down to 64 columns this time. Why 64? Why not 64. A rose, by ;any other name, would break the line at the same place. Or hy- ;phen split. lda #$03 ;Ah, the classic 40-column limitation... ;brings back memories. Of, you know, h- ;yphenated things. lda #$04 ;Thirty columns. 'cause forty ;felt like too many. Oh, hyp- ;henation! lda #$05 ;comment ending in backslash\ ******************************************************************************** * Short box comment, 80 cols. * ******************************************************************************** lda #$06 ;comment, with, commas \\ \" \/ \\\ **************************************************************** * * * Choppy * * * * box * * * * comment * * * * 64 cols * * * **************************************************************** lda #$07 **************************************************************** * Some non-ASCII stuff: * * †•�␇ * * (right side of box looks pushed over on-screen because font * * isn't fully mono) * **************************************************************** lda #$08 **************************************** * Specific line break case at end of. * * Sentence. * * Alternate version for semicolon zz. * * Output. * * * * Same thing but with three spaces zz. * * Three! * * Again with the three spces between. * * Things. * * * * Try to make it the very last thing.. * **************************************** lda #$09 lda #$0a lda #$0b lda #$0c lda #$0d lda #$0e lda #$0f bit plataddr ;Pull in plataddr to see the comment on the platform file entry. rts bytes hex 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f ;Comment at the end of a lengthy bulk hex item might overflow various things, but could be wrapped. hex 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f