* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Windows.Media;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen {
/// Load and save project data from/to a ".dis65" file.
/// The various data structures get cloned to avoid situations where you can't freely
/// rename and rearrange code because it's serialized directly to the save file. We
/// want to provide a layer of indirection on fields, output enums as strings rather
/// than digits, etc.
/// Also, the JavaScriptSerializer can't deal with integer keys, so we have to convert
/// dictionaries that use those to have string keys.
/// On the deserialization side, we want to verify the inputs to avoid anything strange
/// getting loaded that could cause a crash or weird behavior. The goal is to discard
/// anything that looks wrong, providing a useful notification to the user, rather than
/// failing outright.
/// I'm expecting the save file format to expand and evolve over time, possibly in
/// incompatible ways that require independent load routines for old and new formats.
public static class ProjectFile {
public const string FILENAME_EXT = ".dis65";
public static readonly string FILENAME_FILTER = Res.Strings.FILE_FILTER_DIS65;
// This is the version of content we're writing. Bump this any time we add anything.
// This doesn't create forward or backward compatibility issues, because JSON will
// ignore stuff that's in one side but not the other. However, if we're opening a
// newer file in an older program, it's worth letting the user know that some stuff
// may get lost as soon as they save the file.
public const int CONTENT_VERSION = 1;
private static readonly bool ADD_CRLF = true;
/// Serializes the project and writes it to the specified file.
/// Project to serialize.
/// Output path name.
/// Human-readable error string, or an empty string if all
/// went well.
/// True on success.
public static bool SerializeToFile(DisasmProject proj, string pathName,
out string errorMessage) {
try {
string serializedData = SerializableProjectFile1.SerializeProject(proj);
if (ADD_CRLF) {
// Add some line breaks. This looks awful, but it makes text diffs
// much more useful.
serializedData = TextUtil.NonQuoteReplace(serializedData, "{", "{\r\n");
serializedData = TextUtil.NonQuoteReplace(serializedData, "},", "},\r\n");
// Check to see if the project file is read-only. We want to fail early
// so we don't leave our .TMP file sitting around -- the File.Delete() call
// will fail if the destination is read-only.
if (File.Exists(pathName) &&
(File.GetAttributes(pathName) & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0) {
throw new IOException(string.Format(Res.Strings.ERR_FILE_READ_ONLY_FMT,
// The BOM is not required or recommended for UTF-8 files, but anecdotal
// evidence suggests that it's sometimes useful. Shouldn't cause any harm
// to have it in the project file. The explicit Encoding.UTF8 argument
// causes it to appear -- WriteAllText normally doesn't.
// Write to a temp file, then rename over original after write has succeeded.
string tmpPath = pathName + ".TMP";
File.WriteAllText(tmpPath, serializedData, Encoding.UTF8);
if (File.Exists(pathName)) {
File.Move(tmpPath, pathName);
errorMessage = string.Empty;
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
errorMessage = ex.Message;
return false;
/// Reads the specified file and deserializes it into the project.
/// Input path name.
/// Project to deserialize into.
/// File load report, which may contain errors or warnings.
/// True on success.
public static bool DeserializeFromFile(string pathName, DisasmProject proj,
out FileLoadReport report) {
Debug.WriteLine("Deserializing '" + pathName + "'");
report = new FileLoadReport(pathName);
string serializedData;
try {
serializedData = File.ReadAllText(pathName);
} catch (Exception ex) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Error, Res.Strings.ERR_PROJECT_LOAD_FAIL +
": " + ex.Message);
return false;
if (serializedData.StartsWith(SerializableProjectFile1.MAGIC)) {
// File is a match for SerializableProjectFile1. Strip header and deserialize.
serializedData = serializedData.Substring(SerializableProjectFile1.MAGIC.Length);
try {
bool ok = SerializableProjectFile1.DeserializeProject(serializedData,
proj, report);
if (ok) {
return ok;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ideally this won't happen -- errors should be caught explicitly. This
// is a catch-all to keep us from crashing on expectedly bad input.
Res.Strings.ERR_PROJECT_FILE_CORRUPT + ": " + ex);
return false;
} else {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Error, Res.Strings.ERR_NOT_PROJECT_FILE);
return false;
#if false
public Dictionary IntKeysToStrings(Dictionary input) {
Dictionary output = new Dictionary();
foreach (KeyValuePair entry in input) {
output.Add(entry.Key.ToString(), entry.Value);
return output;
public Dictionary StringKeysToInts(Dictionary input) {
Dictionary output = new Dictionary();
foreach (KeyValuePair entry in input) {
if (!int.TryParse(entry.Key, out int intKey)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("bad non-int key: " + entry.Key);
output.Add(intKey, entry.Value);
return output;
/// Somewhat sloppy-looking JSON state dump.
internal class SerializableProjectFile1 {
// This appears at the top of the file, not as part of the JSON data. The version
// number refers to the file format version, not the application version.
public const string MAGIC = "### 6502bench SourceGen dis65 v1.0 ###";
public SerializableProjectFile1() { }
public class SerProjectProperties {
public string CpuName { get; set; }
public bool IncludeUndocumentedInstr { get; set; }
public int EntryFlags { get; set; }
public string AutoLabelStyle { get; set; }
public SerAnalysisParameters AnalysisParams { get; set; }
public List PlatformSymbolFileIdentifiers { get; set; }
public List ExtensionScriptFileIdentifiers { get; set; }
public SortedList ProjectSyms { get; set; }
public SerProjectProperties() { }
public SerProjectProperties(ProjectProperties props) {
CpuName = Asm65.CpuDef.GetCpuNameFromType(props.CpuType);
IncludeUndocumentedInstr = props.IncludeUndocumentedInstr;
EntryFlags = props.EntryFlags.AsInt;
AutoLabelStyle = props.AutoLabelStyle.ToString();
AnalysisParams = new SerAnalysisParameters(props.AnalysisParams);
// External file identifiers require no conversion.
PlatformSymbolFileIdentifiers = props.PlatformSymbolFileIdentifiers;
ExtensionScriptFileIdentifiers = props.ExtensionScriptFileIdentifiers;
// Convert project-defined symbols to serializable form.
ProjectSyms = new SortedList();
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in props.ProjectSyms) {
ProjectSyms.Add(kvp.Key, new SerDefSymbol(kvp.Value));
public class SerAnalysisParameters {
public bool AnalyzeUncategorizedData { get; set; }
public int MinCharsForString { get; set; }
public bool SeekNearbyTargets { get; set; }
public SerAnalysisParameters() { }
public SerAnalysisParameters(ProjectProperties.AnalysisParameters src) {
AnalyzeUncategorizedData = src.AnalyzeUncategorizedData;
MinCharsForString = src.MinCharsForString;
SeekNearbyTargets = src.SeekNearbyTargets;
public class SerAddressMap {
public int Offset { get; set; }
public int Addr { get; set; }
// Length is computed field, no need to serialize
public SerAddressMap() { }
public SerAddressMap(AddressMap.AddressMapEntry ent) {
Offset = ent.Offset;
Addr = ent.Addr;
public class SerTypeHintRange {
public int Low { get; set; }
public int High { get; set; }
public string Hint { get; set; }
public SerTypeHintRange() { }
public SerTypeHintRange(int low, int high, string hintStr) {
Low = low;
High = high;
Hint = hintStr;
public class SerMultiLineComment {
// NOTE: Text must be CRLF at line breaks.
public string Text { get; set; }
public bool BoxMode { get; set; }
public int MaxWidth { get; set; }
public int BackgroundColor { get; set; }
public SerMultiLineComment() { }
public SerMultiLineComment(MultiLineComment mlc) {
Text = mlc.Text;
BoxMode = mlc.BoxMode;
MaxWidth = mlc.MaxWidth;
BackgroundColor = ColorToInt(mlc.BackgroundColor);
public class SerSymbol {
public string Label { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
public string Source { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public SerSymbol() { }
public SerSymbol(Symbol sym) {
Label = sym.Label;
Value = sym.Value;
Source = sym.SymbolSource.ToString();
Type = sym.SymbolType.ToString();
public class SerFormatDescriptor {
public int Length { get; set; }
public string Format { get; set; }
public string SubFormat { get; set; }
public SerWeakSymbolRef SymbolRef { get; set; }
public SerFormatDescriptor() { }
public SerFormatDescriptor(FormatDescriptor dfd) {
Length = dfd.Length;
Format = dfd.FormatType.ToString();
SubFormat = dfd.FormatSubType.ToString();
if (dfd.SymbolRef != null) {
SymbolRef = new SerWeakSymbolRef(dfd.SymbolRef);
public class SerWeakSymbolRef {
public string Label { get; set; }
public string Part { get; set; }
public SerWeakSymbolRef() { }
public SerWeakSymbolRef(WeakSymbolRef weakSym) {
Label = weakSym.Label;
Part = weakSym.ValuePart.ToString();
public class SerDefSymbol : SerSymbol {
public SerFormatDescriptor DataDescriptor { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
public SerDefSymbol() { }
public SerDefSymbol(DefSymbol defSym) : base(defSym) {
DataDescriptor = new SerFormatDescriptor(defSym.DataDescriptor);
Comment = defSym.Comment;
// Fields are serialized to/from JSON. Do not change the field names.
public int _ContentVersion { get; set; }
public int FileDataLength { get; set; }
public int FileDataCrc32 { get; set; }
public SerProjectProperties ProjectProps { get; set; }
public List AddressMap { get; set; }
public List TypeHints { get; set; }
public Dictionary StatusFlagOverrides { get; set; }
public Dictionary Comments { get; set; }
public Dictionary LongComments { get; set; }
public Dictionary Notes { get; set; }
public Dictionary UserLabels { get; set; }
public Dictionary OperandFormats { get; set; }
/// Serializes a DisasmProject into an augmented JSON string.
/// Project to serialize.
/// Augmented JSON string.
public static string SerializeProject(DisasmProject proj) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(MAGIC); // augment with version string, which will be stripped
sb.Append("\r\n"); // will be ignored by deserializer; might get converted to \n
SerializableProjectFile1 spf = new SerializableProjectFile1();
spf._ContentVersion = ProjectFile.CONTENT_VERSION;
Debug.Assert(proj.FileDataLength == proj.FileData.Length);
spf.FileDataLength = proj.FileDataLength;
spf.FileDataCrc32 = (int)proj.FileDataCrc32;
// Convert AddressMap to serializable form.
spf.AddressMap = new List();
foreach (AddressMap.AddressMapEntry ent in proj.AddrMap) {
spf.AddressMap.Add(new SerAddressMap(ent));
// Reduce TypeHints to a collection of ranges. Output the type enum as a string
// so we're not tied to a specific value.
spf.TypeHints = new List();
TypedRangeSet trs = new TypedRangeSet();
for (int i = 0; i < proj.TypeHints.Length; i++) {
trs.Add(i, (int)proj.TypeHints[i]);
IEnumerator iter = trs.RangeListIterator;
while (iter.MoveNext()) {
if (iter.Current.Type == (int)CodeAnalysis.TypeHint.NoHint) {
spf.TypeHints.Add(new SerTypeHintRange(iter.Current.Low, iter.Current.High,
// Convert StatusFlagOverrides to serializable form. Just write the state out
// as an integer... not expecting it to change. If it does, we can convert.
spf.StatusFlagOverrides = new Dictionary();
for (int i = 0; i < proj.StatusFlagOverrides.Length; i++) {
if (proj.StatusFlagOverrides[i] == Asm65.StatusFlags.DefaultValue) {
spf.StatusFlagOverrides.Add(i.ToString(), proj.StatusFlagOverrides[i].AsInt);
// Convert Comments to serializable form.
spf.Comments = new Dictionary();
for (int i = 0; i < proj.Comments.Length; i++) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proj.Comments[i])) {
spf.Comments.Add(i.ToString(), proj.Comments[i]);
// Convert multi-line comments to serializable form.
spf.LongComments = new Dictionary();
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in proj.LongComments) {
spf.LongComments.Add(kvp.Key.ToString(), new SerMultiLineComment(kvp.Value));
// Convert multi-line notes to serializable form.
spf.Notes = new Dictionary();
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in proj.Notes) {
spf.Notes.Add(kvp.Key.ToString(), new SerMultiLineComment(kvp.Value));
// Convert user-defined labels to serializable form.
spf.UserLabels = new Dictionary();
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in proj.UserLabels) {
spf.UserLabels.Add(kvp.Key.ToString(), new SerSymbol(kvp.Value));
// Convert operand and data item format descriptors to serializable form.
spf.OperandFormats = new Dictionary();
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in proj.OperandFormats) {
spf.OperandFormats.Add(kvp.Key.ToString(), new SerFormatDescriptor(kvp.Value));
spf.ProjectProps = new SerProjectProperties(proj.ProjectProps);
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string cereal = ser.Serialize(spf);
// Stick a linefeed at the end. Makes git happier.
return sb.ToString();
/// Deserializes an augmented JSON string into a DisasmProject.
/// Serialized data.
/// Project to populate.
/// Error report object.
/// True on success, false on fatal error.
public static bool DeserializeProject(string cereal, DisasmProject proj,
FileLoadReport report) {
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
SerializableProjectFile1 spf;
try {
spf = ser.Deserialize(cereal);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// The deserializer seems to be stuffing the entire data stream into the
// exception, which we don't really want, so cap it at 256 chars.
string msg = ex.Message;
if (msg.Length > 256) {
msg = msg.Substring(0, 256) + " [...]";
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Error, Res.Strings.ERR_PROJECT_FILE_CORRUPT +
": " + msg);
return false;
if (spf._ContentVersion > ProjectFile.CONTENT_VERSION) {
// Post a warning.
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Notice, Res.Strings.PROJECT_FROM_NEWER_APP);
if (spf.FileDataLength <= 0) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Error, Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_FILE_LENGTH +
": " + spf.FileDataLength);
return false;
// Initialize the object and set a few simple items.
// Deserialize ProjectProperties: misc items.
proj.ProjectProps.CpuType = Asm65.CpuDef.GetCpuTypeFromName(spf.ProjectProps.CpuName);
proj.ProjectProps.IncludeUndocumentedInstr = spf.ProjectProps.IncludeUndocumentedInstr;
proj.ProjectProps.EntryFlags = Asm65.StatusFlags.FromInt(spf.ProjectProps.EntryFlags);
if (Enum.TryParse(spf.ProjectProps.AutoLabelStyle,
out AutoLabel.Style als)) {
proj.ProjectProps.AutoLabelStyle = als;
} else {
// unknown value, leave as default
proj.ProjectProps.AnalysisParams = new ProjectProperties.AnalysisParameters();
proj.ProjectProps.AnalysisParams.AnalyzeUncategorizedData =
proj.ProjectProps.AnalysisParams.MinCharsForString =
proj.ProjectProps.AnalysisParams.SeekNearbyTargets =
// Deserialize ProjectProperties: external file identifiers.
Debug.Assert(proj.ProjectProps.PlatformSymbolFileIdentifiers.Count == 0);
foreach (string str in spf.ProjectProps.PlatformSymbolFileIdentifiers) {
Debug.Assert(proj.ProjectProps.ExtensionScriptFileIdentifiers.Count == 0);
foreach (string str in spf.ProjectProps.ExtensionScriptFileIdentifiers) {
// Deserialize ProjectProperties: project symbols.
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.ProjectProps.ProjectSyms) {
if (!CreateSymbol(kvp.Value, report, out Symbol sym)) {
if (!CreateFormatDescriptor(kvp.Value.DataDescriptor, report,
out FormatDescriptor dfd)) {
proj.ProjectProps.ProjectSyms[sym.Label] =
new DefSymbol(sym, dfd, kvp.Value.Comment);
// Deserialize address map.
foreach (SerAddressMap addr in spf.AddressMap) {
proj.AddrMap.Set(addr.Offset, addr.Addr);
// Deserialize type hints. Default value in new array as NoHint, so we don't
// need to write those. They should not have been recorded in the file.
foreach (SerTypeHintRange range in spf.TypeHints) {
if (range.Low < 0 || range.High >= spf.FileDataLength || range.Low > range.High) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Warning, Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_RANGE +
": " + Res.Strings.PROJECT_FIELD_TYPE_HINT +
" +" + range.Low.ToString("x6") + " - +" + range.High.ToString("x6"));
CodeAnalysis.TypeHint hint;
try {
hint = (CodeAnalysis.TypeHint) Enum.Parse(
typeof(CodeAnalysis.TypeHint), range.Hint);
} catch (ArgumentException) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Warning, Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_TYPE_HINT +
": " + range.Hint);
for (int i = range.Low; i <= range.High; i++) {
proj.TypeHints[i] = hint;
// Deserialize status flag overrides.
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.StatusFlagOverrides) {
if (!ParseValidateKey(kvp.Key, spf.FileDataLength,
Res.Strings.PROJECT_FIELD_STATUS_FLAGS, report, out int intKey)) {
proj.StatusFlagOverrides[intKey] = Asm65.StatusFlags.FromInt(kvp.Value);
// Deserialize comments.
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.Comments) {
if (!ParseValidateKey(kvp.Key, spf.FileDataLength,
Res.Strings.PROJECT_FIELD_COMMENT, report, out int intKey)) {
proj.Comments[intKey] = kvp.Value;
// Deserialize long comments.
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.LongComments) {
if (!ParseValidateKey(kvp.Key, spf.FileDataLength,
Res.Strings.PROJECT_FIELD_LONG_COMMENT, report, out int intKey)) {
proj.LongComments[intKey] = new MultiLineComment(kvp.Value.Text,
kvp.Value.BoxMode, kvp.Value.MaxWidth);
// Deserialize notes.
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.Notes) {
if (!ParseValidateKey(kvp.Key, spf.FileDataLength,
Res.Strings.PROJECT_FIELD_NOTE, report, out int intKey)) {
proj.Notes[intKey] = new MultiLineComment(kvp.Value.Text,
// Deserialize user-defined labels.
SortedList labelDupCheck =
new SortedList(spf.UserLabels.Count);
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.UserLabels) {
if (!ParseValidateKey(kvp.Key, spf.FileDataLength,
Res.Strings.PROJECT_FIELD_USER_LABEL, report, out int intKey)) {
Symbol.Source source;
Symbol.Type type;
try {
source = (Symbol.Source)Enum.Parse(typeof(Symbol.Source), kvp.Value.Source);
type = (Symbol.Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(Symbol.Type), kvp.Value.Type);
if (source != Symbol.Source.User) {
// User labels are always source=user. I don't think it really matters,
// but best to keep junk out.
throw new Exception("wrong source for user label");
} catch (ArgumentException) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Warning, Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_SYMBOL_ST +
": " + kvp.Value.Source + "/" + kvp.Value.Type);
// Check for duplicate labels. We only want to compare label strings, so we
// can't test UserLabels.ContainsValue (which might be a linear search anyway).
// Dump the labels into a sorted list.
if (labelDupCheck.ContainsKey(kvp.Value.Label)) {
kvp.Value.Label, intKey));
labelDupCheck.Add(kvp.Value.Label, string.Empty);
proj.UserLabels[intKey] = new Symbol(kvp.Value.Label, kvp.Value.Value,
source, type);
// Deserialize operand format descriptors.
foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in spf.OperandFormats) {
if (!ParseValidateKey(kvp.Key, spf.FileDataLength,
out int intKey)) {
if (!CreateFormatDescriptor(kvp.Value, report, out FormatDescriptor dfd)) {
if (intKey < 0 || intKey + dfd.Length > spf.FileDataLength) {
string.Format(Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_FD_FMT, intKey));
// TODO(maybe): check to see if the descriptor straddles an address change.
// Not fatal but it'll make things look weird.
proj.OperandFormats[intKey] = dfd;
return true;
/// Creates a Symbol from a SerSymbol.
/// Deserialized data.
/// Error report object.
/// True on success.
private static bool CreateSymbol(SerSymbol ssym, FileLoadReport report,
out Symbol outSym) {
outSym = null;
Symbol.Source source;
Symbol.Type type;
try {
source = (Symbol.Source)Enum.Parse(typeof(Symbol.Source), ssym.Source);
type = (Symbol.Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(Symbol.Type), ssym.Type);
} catch (ArgumentException) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Warning, Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_SYMBOL_ST +
": " + ssym.Source + "/" + ssym.Type);
return false;
outSym = new Symbol(ssym.Label, ssym.Value, source, type/*, ssym.IsExport*/);
return true;
/// Creates a FormatDescriptor from a SerFormatDescriptor.
/// Deserialized data.
/// Error report object.
/// Created FormatDescriptor.
/// True on success.
private static bool CreateFormatDescriptor(SerFormatDescriptor sfd,
FileLoadReport report, out FormatDescriptor dfd) {
dfd = null;
FormatDescriptor.Type format;
FormatDescriptor.SubType subFormat;
try {
format = (FormatDescriptor.Type)Enum.Parse(
typeof(FormatDescriptor.Type), sfd.Format);
subFormat = (FormatDescriptor.SubType)Enum.Parse(
typeof(FormatDescriptor.SubType), sfd.SubFormat);
} catch (ArgumentException) {
report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Warning, Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_FD_FORMAT +
": " + sfd.Format + "/" + sfd.SubFormat);
return false;
if (sfd.SymbolRef == null) {
dfd = FormatDescriptor.Create(sfd.Length, format, subFormat);
} else {
WeakSymbolRef.Part part;
try {
part = (WeakSymbolRef.Part)Enum.Parse(
typeof(WeakSymbolRef.Part), sfd.SymbolRef.Part);
} catch (ArgumentException) {
": " + sfd.SymbolRef.Part);
return false;
dfd = FormatDescriptor.Create(sfd.Length,
new WeakSymbolRef(sfd.SymbolRef.Label, part),
format == FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericBE);
return true;
/// Parses an integer key that was stored as a string, and checks to see if the
/// value falls within an acceptable range.
/// Integer key, in string form.
/// Length of file, for range check.
/// Name of field, for error messages.
/// Error report object.
/// Returned integer key.
/// True on success, false on failure.
private static bool ParseValidateKey(string keyStr, int fileLen, string fieldName,
FileLoadReport report, out int intKey) {
if (!int.TryParse(keyStr, out intKey)) {
Res.Strings.ERR_INVALID_INT_VALUE + " (" +
fieldName + ": " + keyStr + ")");
return false;
// Shouldn't allow DisplayList.Line.HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET on anything but
// LongComment. Maybe "bool allowNegativeKeys"?
if (intKey < fileLen &&
(intKey >= 0 || intKey == LineListGen.Line.HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET)) {
return true;
} else {
" (" + fieldName + ": " + intKey + ")");
return false;
private static int ColorToInt(Color color) {
return (color.A << 24) | (color.R << 16) | (color.G << 8) | color.B;
private static Color ColorFromInt(int colorInt) {
return Color.FromArgb((byte)(colorInt >> 24), (byte)(colorInt >> 16),
(byte)(colorInt >> 8), (byte)colorInt);