/* * Copyright 2019 faddenSoft * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using Asm65; namespace SourceGen.WpfGui { /// /// Edit a label. /// public partial class EditLabel : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged { /// /// Symbol object. When the dialog completes successfully, /// this will have the new symbol, or null if the user deleted the label. /// public Symbol LabelSym { get; private set; } /// /// Unique tag, for non-unique label creation. (Currently using offset.) /// private int mUniqueTag; /// /// Address we are editing the label for. /// private int mAddress; /// /// Reference to DisasmProject's SymbolTable. /// private SymbolTable mSymbolTable; /// /// Label formatter. /// private Formatter mFormatter; // Dialog label text color, saved off at dialog load time. private Brush mDefaultLabelColor; /// /// Recursion guard. /// private bool mInUpdateControls; public string NonUniqueButtonLabel { get; private set; } /// /// Set to true when input is valid. Controls whether the OK button is enabled. /// public bool IsValid { get { return mIsValid; } set { mIsValid = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } private bool mIsValid; /// /// Property backing the text in the text entry box. /// public string LabelText { get { return mLabelText; } set { mLabelText = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); } } string mLabelText; // Radio buttons. public bool mIsNonUniqueChecked, mIsNonUniqueEnabled; public bool IsNonUniqueChecked { get { return mIsNonUniqueChecked; } set { mIsNonUniqueChecked = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); } } public bool IsNonUniqueEnabled { get { return mIsNonUniqueEnabled; } set { mIsNonUniqueEnabled = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } public bool mIsLocalChecked, mIsLocalEnabled; public bool IsLocalChecked { get { return mIsLocalChecked; } set { mIsLocalChecked = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); } } public bool IsLocalEnabled { get { return mIsLocalEnabled; } set { mIsLocalEnabled = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } public bool mIsGlobalChecked, mIsGlobalEnabled; public bool IsGlobalChecked { get { return mIsGlobalChecked; } set { mIsGlobalChecked = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); } } public bool IsGlobalEnabled { get { return mIsGlobalEnabled; } set { mIsGlobalEnabled = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } public bool mIsExportedChecked, mIsExportedEnabled; public bool IsExportedChecked { get { return mIsExportedChecked; } set { mIsExportedChecked = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); } } public bool IsExportedEnabled { get { return mIsExportedEnabled; } set { mIsExportedEnabled = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } // INotifyPropertyChanged implementation public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "") { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } public EditLabel(Window owner, Symbol origSym, int address, int uniqueTag, SymbolTable symbolTable, Formatter formatter) { InitializeComponent(); Owner = owner; DataContext = this; LabelSym = origSym; mAddress = address; mUniqueTag = uniqueTag; mSymbolTable = symbolTable; mFormatter = formatter; string fmt = (string)FindResource("str_NonUniqueLocalFmt"); NonUniqueButtonLabel = string.Format(fmt, mFormatter.NonUniqueLabelPrefix); } private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { mDefaultLabelColor = maxLengthLabel.Foreground; IsNonUniqueEnabled = IsLocalEnabled = IsGlobalEnabled = IsExportedEnabled = true; if (LabelSym == null) { LabelText = string.Empty; IsGlobalChecked = true; } else { LabelText = LabelSym.GenerateDisplayLabel(mFormatter); switch (LabelSym.SymbolType) { case Symbol.Type.NonUniqueLocalAddr: IsNonUniqueChecked = true; break; case Symbol.Type.LocalOrGlobalAddr: IsLocalChecked = true; break; case Symbol.Type.GlobalAddr: IsGlobalChecked = true; break; case Symbol.Type.GlobalAddrExport: IsExportedChecked = true; break; default: Debug.Assert(false); // WTF IsGlobalChecked = true; break; } } UpdateControls(); } private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e) { labelTextBox.SelectAll(); labelTextBox.Focus(); } private void UpdateControls() { if (mInUpdateControls) { return; } mInUpdateControls = true; LabelTextChanged(); mInUpdateControls = false; } private bool mHadNonUniquePrefix = false; private void LabelTextChanged() { bool isBlank = (LabelText.Length == 0); // Strip leading non-unique prefix and the trailing annotation. string trimLabel = Symbol.TrimAndValidateLabel(LabelText, mFormatter.NonUniqueLabelPrefix, out bool isValid, out bool isLenValid, out bool isFirstCharValid, out bool hasNonUniquePrefix, out Symbol.LabelAnnotation anno); // If they type '@'/':'/'.' at the start of the label, switch the radio button. // Alternatively, if they choose a different radio button, remove the prefix. // We only want to do this on the first event so we don't wedge the control. if (hasNonUniquePrefix && !mHadNonUniquePrefix && !IsNonUniqueChecked) { IsNonUniqueChecked = true; } else if (hasNonUniquePrefix && mHadNonUniquePrefix && !IsNonUniqueChecked) { LabelText = LabelText.Substring(1); hasNonUniquePrefix = false; } mHadNonUniquePrefix = hasNonUniquePrefix; if (isBlank || isLenValid) { maxLengthLabel.Foreground = mDefaultLabelColor; } else { maxLengthLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red; } if (isBlank || isFirstCharValid) { firstLetterLabel.Foreground = mDefaultLabelColor; } else { firstLetterLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red; } if (isBlank || isValid) { // TODO(maybe): if the problem is that the label starts with a number, we // shouldn't light up this (which is the "valid chars are" label) as well. validCharsLabel.Foreground = mDefaultLabelColor; } else { validCharsLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red; } #if false if (hasNonUniqueTag) { IsNonUniqueChecked = true; IsLocalEnabled = IsGlobalEnabled = IsExportedEnabled = false; } else { IsNonUniqueEnabled = IsLocalEnabled = IsGlobalEnabled = IsExportedEnabled = true; } #endif // Refuse to continue if the label already exists and this isn't a non-unique label. // The only exception is if it's the same symbol, and it's user-defined. (If // they're trying to edit an auto label, we want to force them to change the name.) // // NOTE: if label matching is case-insensitive, we want to allow a situation // where a label is being renamed from "FOO" to "Foo". We should be able to // test for object equality on the Symbol to determine if we're renaming a // symbol to itself. if (!IsNonUniqueChecked && isValid && mSymbolTable.TryGetValue(trimLabel, out Symbol sym) && (sym != LabelSym || LabelSym.SymbolSource != Symbol.Source.User)) { isValid = false; notDuplicateLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Red; } else if (IsNonUniqueChecked) { notDuplicateLabel.Foreground = Brushes.Gray; } else { notDuplicateLabel.Foreground = mDefaultLabelColor; } IsValid = isBlank || isValid; } private void OkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LabelText)) { LabelSym = null; } else { Symbol.Type symbolType; if (IsNonUniqueChecked) { symbolType = Symbol.Type.NonUniqueLocalAddr; } else if (IsLocalChecked == true) { symbolType = Symbol.Type.LocalOrGlobalAddr; } else if (IsGlobalChecked == true) { symbolType = Symbol.Type.GlobalAddr; } else if (IsExportedChecked == true) { symbolType = Symbol.Type.GlobalAddrExport; } else { Debug.Assert(false); // WTF symbolType = Symbol.Type.GlobalAddr; } // Parse and strip the annotation and optional non-unique tag. string trimLabel = Symbol.TrimAndValidateLabel(LabelText, mFormatter.NonUniqueLabelPrefix, out bool unused1, out bool unused2, out bool unused3, out bool hasNonUniquePrefix, out Symbol.LabelAnnotation anno); if (IsNonUniqueChecked) { LabelSym = new Symbol(trimLabel, mAddress, anno, mUniqueTag); } else { Debug.Assert(!hasNonUniquePrefix); LabelSym = new Symbol(trimLabel, mAddress, Symbol.Source.User, symbolType, anno); } } DialogResult = true; } } }