; See the LICENSE file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Source: https://www.pagetable.com/?p=926 ; ; This does not include the C64 Kernal values, as those are common ; to both platforms. *SYNOPSIS C128 Kernal addresses and constants ; ; C128 Kernal jump table ; SPIN_SPOUT @ $FF47 ;set up fast serial ports for I/O CLOSE_ALL @ $FF4A ;close all files on a device C64MODE @ $FF4D ;reconfigure system as C64 DMA_CALL @ $FF50 ;send command to DMA device BOOT_CALL @ $FF53 ;boot-load program from disk PHOENIX @ $FF56 ;init function cartridges LKUPLA @ $FF59 ;search tables for given LA LKUPSA @ $FF5C ;search tables for given SA PFKEY @ $FF65 ;program a function key SWAPPER @ $FF5F ;switch 40/80 columns DLCHR @ $FF62 ;init 80-col character RAM SETBNK @ $FF68 ;set bank for I/O operations GETCFG @ $FF6B ;lookup MMU data for given bank JSRFAR @ $FF6E ;gosub in another bank JMPFAR @ $FF71 ;goto another bank INDFET @ $FF74 ;LDA (fetvec),Y from any bank INDSTA @ $FF77 ;STA (stavec),Y to any bank INDCMP @ $FF7A ;CMP (cmpvec),Y to any bank PRIMM @ $FF7D ;print string following