; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Adapted from various online references. Comments are most directly from ; http://www.classic-games.com/atari2600/specs.html ; ; Some info on memory mirror maps by Chris Wilkson. *SYNOPSIS Atari 2600 (VCS) registers and constants ; 4K ROM is primarily $f000-ffff ; mirror: $x000 ; x = {odd} ; ; For 8K ROM, second bank is primarily $d000-dfff ; 128 bytes of RIOT RAM is primarily $80-ff and $180-1ff ; mirror: $xy80 ; x={even} ; y={0,1,4,5,8,9,C,D} ; --> ???0 ??0? 1xxx xxxx ; TIA write registers ; mirror: $xyz0 ; x = {even} ; y = {anything} ; z = {0, 4} ; --> ???0 ???? 0?xx xxxx *MULTI_MASK %0001000010000000 %0000000000000000 %0000000000111111 VSYNC > $00 ;W 0000 00x0 Vertical Sync Set-Clear VBLANK > $01 ;W xx00 00x0 Vertical Blank Set-Clear WSYNC > $02 ;W ---- ---- Wait for Horizontal Blank RSYNC > $03 ;W ---- ---- Reset Horizontal Sync Counter NUSIZ0 > $04 ;W 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 0 NUSIZ1 > $05 ;W 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 1 COLUP0 > $06 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 0 COLUP1 > $07 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 1 COLUPF > $08 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Playfield COLUBK > $09 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Background CTRLPF > $0a ;W 00xx 0xxx Control Playfield, Ball, Collisions REFP0 > $0b ;W 0000 x000 Reflection Player 0 REFP1 > $0c ;W 0000 x000 Reflection Player 1 PF0 > $0d ;W xxxx 0000 Playfield Register Byte 0 PF1 > $0e ;W xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 1 PF2 > $0f ;W xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 2 RESP0 > $10 ;W ---- ---- Reset Player 0 RESP1 > $11 ;W ---- ---- Reset Player 1 RESM0 > $12 ;W ---- ---- Reset Missle 0 RESM1 > $13 ;W ---- ---- Reset Missle 1 RESBL > $14 ;W ---- ---- Reset Ball AUDC0 > $15 ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Control 0 AUDC1 > $16 ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Control 1 AUDF0 > $17 ;W 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 0 AUDF1 > $18 ;W 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 1 AUDV0 > $19 ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 0 AUDV1 > $1a ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 1 GRP0 > $1b ;W xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 0 GRP1 > $1c ;W xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 1 ENAM0 > $1d ;W 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 0 ENAM1 > $1e ;W 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 1 ENABL > $1f ;W 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Ball HMP0 > $20 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 0 HMP1 > $21 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 1 HMM0 > $22 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 0 HMM1 > $23 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 1 HMBL > $24 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Ball VDELP0 > $25 ;W 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 0 VDELP1 > $26 ;W 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 1 VDELBL > $27 ;W 0000 000x Vertical Delay Ball RESMP0 > $28 ;W 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 0 to Player 0 RESMP1 > $29 ;W 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 1 to Player 1 HMOVE > $2a ;W ---- ---- Apply Horizontal Motion HMCLR > $2b ;W ---- ---- Clear Horizontal Move Registers CXCLR > $2c ;W ---- ---- Clear Collision Latches ; $2d-3f undefined, but $3e/3f may be used for bank switching ; TIA read registers. Same basic area as the write registers, but ; only the low 4 bits matter. I'm using $3x as the canonical value ; because that's what Adventure did. ; --> ???0 ???? 0??? xxxx *MULTI_MASK %0001000010000000 %0000000000000000 %0000000000001111 CXM0P < $30 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-P1 M0-P0 CXM1P < $31 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M1-P0 M1-P1 CXP0FB < $32 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision P0-PF P0-BL CXP1FB < $33 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision P1-PF P1-BL CXM0FB < $34 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-PF M0-BL CXM1FB < $35 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M1-PF M1-BL CXBLPF < $36 ;R x000 0000 Read Collision BL-PF ----- CXPPMM < $37 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision P0-P1 M0-M1 INPT0 < $38 ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 0 INPT1 < $39 ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 1 INPT2 < $3a ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 2 INPT3 < $3b ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 3 INPT4 < $3c ;R x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 0 INPT5 < $3d ;R x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 1 ; PIA/RIOT (6532) registers ; mirror: $xyz0 ; x = {even} ; y = {2,3,6,7,a,b,e,f} ; z = {8,a,c,e} ; --> ???0 ??1? 1??x xxxx *MULTI_MASK %0001001010000000 %0000001010000000 %0000000000011111 SWCHA @ $280 ;RW Port A data register (joysticks...) SWACNT @ $281 ;RW Port A data direction register (DDR) SWCHB @ $282 ;RW Port B data (console switches) SWBCNT @ $283 ;RW Port B data direction register (DDR) INTIM < $284 ;R Timer output TIM1T > $294 ;W set 1 clock interval TIM8T > $295 ;W set 8 clock interval TIM64T > $296 ;W set 64 clock interval T1024T > $297 ;W set 1024 clock interval *MULTI_MASK