; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Sources: ; What's Where in the Apple, by William F. Luebbert *SYNOPSIS Applesoft BASIC addresses and constants HCOLOR1 @ $1C ;hi-res color mask COUNTH @ $1D ;hi-res high-order byte of step for line HBASL @ $26 ;base address for hi-res drawing LINNUM @ $50 ;line number ($50-51) TEXTTAB @ $67 ;pointer to start of Applesoft program ($67-68) VARTAB @ $69 ;pointer to start of Applesoft variables ($69-6A) FACMO @ $A0 ;middle-order byte of mantissa of FAC FACLO @ $A1 ;low-order byte of mantissa of FAC FACSIGN @ $A2 ;single byte sign of FAC CHRGET @ $B1 ;get next character or Applesoft token CHRGOT @ $B7 ;get next, but don't advance TXTPTR TXTPTR @ $B8 ;points at next char or token AUTORUN @ $D6 ;set to $80 to auto-run ERRFLG @ $D8 ;$80 if onerr active HPAG @ $E6 ;hi-res page to draw on ($20 or $40) SCALE @ $E7 ;hi-res graphics scale factor AMPERV @ $03F5 ;JMP to function that handles Applesoft '&' cmds ; ; Useful Applesoft routines. ; TODO: there are many more ; ERROR @ $D412 ;print error based on X-reg FRMNUM @ $DD67 ;evalute expression at TXTPTR, result into FAC SYN_ERROR @ $DEC9 ;throw SYNTAX ERROR CHKCOM @ $DEBE ;checks TXTPTR for comma ILLQ_ERROR @ $E199 ;throw ILLEGAL QUANTITY ERROR GETADR @ $E752 ;convert FAC to 2-byte integer in LINNUM GETBYT @ $E6F8 ;gets byte, in X/FACLO HFNS @ $F6B9 ;get hi-res x/y for hplot ; ; Applesoft BASIC tokens. ; TODO: this is a partial set ; *TAG Applesoft-Tokens TOK_PLOT = $8d TOK_HGR2 = $90 TOK_HGR = $91 TOK_HCOLOR = $92 TOK_HPLOT = $93 TOK_DRAW = $94 TOK_XDRAW = $95 TOK_INVERSE = $9e TOK_CLEAR = $bd TOK_NEW = $bf TOK_TO = $c1 TOK_AT = $c5 TOK_SGN = $d2 TOK_SCRN = $d7 TOK_EXP = $dd TOK_COS = $de TOK_SIN = $df