!cpu 6510 * = $1000 jsr L1035 jsr L1038 jsr L1059 jsr L107D jsr L109E jsr L10BD jsr L10C0 jsr L10E1 jsr L1100 jsr L1103 jsr L1116 jsr L1124 jsr L1169 jsr L11AE jsr L11F3 jsr L1238 nop nop nop brk !byte $00 L1035 ora ($00,x) jam L1038 slo ($00,x) !byte $04,$00 ora $00 asl $00 slo $00 php ora #$00 asl anc #$00 !byte $0c,$00,$00 ora+2 $0000 asl+2 $0000 slo+2 $0000 bpl @L1056 @L1056 ora ($00),y !byte $12 L1059 slo ($00),y !byte $14,$00 ora $00,x asl $00,x slo $00,x clc ora $0000,y !byte $1a slo $0000,y !byte $1c,$00,$00 ora+2 $0000,x asl+2 $0000,x slo+2 $0000,x jsr $0000 and ($00,x) !byte $22 L107D rla ($00,x) bit $00 and $00 rol $00 rla $00 plp and #$00 rol !byte $2b,$00 bit+2 $0000 and+2 $0000 rol+2 $0000 rla+2 $0000 bmi @L109B @L109B and ($00),y !byte $32 L109E rla ($00),y !byte $34,$00 and $00,x rol $00,x rla $00,x sec and $0000,y !byte $3a rla $0000,y !byte $3c,$00,$00 and+2 $0000,x rol+2 $0000,x rla+2 $0000,x rti L10BD eor ($00,x) !byte $42 L10C0 sre ($00,x) !byte $44,$00 eor $00 lsr $00 sre $00 pha eor #$00 lsr asr #$00 jmp @L10D3 @L10D3 eor+2 $0000 lsr+2 $0000 sre+2 $0000 bvc @L10DE @L10DE eor ($00),y !byte $52 L10E1 sre ($00),y !byte $54,$00 eor $00,x lsr $00,x sre $00,x cli eor $0000,y !byte $5a sre $0000,y !byte $5c,$00,$00 eor+2 $0000,x lsr+2 $0000,x sre+2 $0000,x rts L1100 adc ($00,x) !byte $62 L1103 rra ($00,x) !byte $64,$00 adc $00 ror $00 rra $00 pla adc #$00 ror arr #$00 jmp ($0000) L1116 adc+2 $0000 ror+2 $0000 rra+2 $0000 bvs @L1121 @L1121 adc ($00),y !byte $72 L1124 rra ($00),y !byte $74,$00 adc $00,x ror $00,x rra $00,x sei adc $0000,y !byte $7a rra $0000,y !byte $7c,$00,$00 adc+2 $0000,x ror+2 $0000,x rra+2 $0000,x !byte $80,$00 sta ($00,x) !byte $82,$00 sax ($00,x) sty $00 sta $00 stx $00 sax $00 dey !byte $89,$00 txa ane #$00 sty+2 $0000 sta+2 $0000 stx+2 $0000 sax+2 $0000 bcc @L1166 @L1166 sta ($00),y !byte $92 L1169 sha ($00),y sty $00,x sta $00,x stx $00,y sax $00,y tya sta $0000,y txs tas $0000,y shy+2 $0000,x sta+2 $0000,x shx $0000,y sha $0000,y ldy #$00 lda ($00,x) ldx #$00 lax ($00,x) ldy $00 lda $00 ldx $00 lax $00 tay lda #$00 tax !byte $ab,$00 ldy+2 $0000 lda+2 $0000 ldx+2 $0000 lax+2 $0000 bcs @L11AB @L11AB lda ($00),y !byte $b2 L11AE lax ($00),y ldy $00,x lda $00,x ldx $00,y lax $00,y clv lda $0000,y tsx las $0000,y ldy+2 $0000,x lda+2 $0000,x ldx+2 $0000,y lax+2 $0000,y cpy #$00 cmp ($00,x) !byte $c2,$00 dcp ($00,x) cpy $00 cmp $00 dec $00 dcp $00 iny cmp #$00 dex sbx #$00 cpy+2 $0000 cmp+2 $0000 dec+2 $0000 dcp+2 $0000 bne @L11F0 @L11F0 cmp ($00),y !byte $d2 L11F3 dcp ($00),y !byte $d4,$00 cmp $00,x dec $00,x dcp $00,x cld cmp $0000,y !byte $da dcp $0000,y !byte $dc,$00,$00 cmp+2 $0000,x dec+2 $0000,x dcp+2 $0000,x cpx #$00 sbc ($00,x) !byte $e2,$00 isc ($00,x) cpx $00 sbc $00 inc $00 isc $00 inx sbc #$00 nop !byte $eb,$00 cpx+2 $0000 sbc+2 $0000 inc+2 $0000 isc+2 $0000 beq @L1235 @L1235 sbc ($00),y !byte $f2 L1238 isc ($00),y !byte $f4,$00 sbc $00,x inc $00,x isc $00,x sed sbc $0000,y !byte $fa isc $0000,y !byte $fc,$00,$00 sbc+2 $0000,x inc+2 $0000,x isc+2 $0000,x