;Project was edited to add a label in the middle of a dense hex region, and add ;a duplicate label. .cpu "65816" .enc "sg_ascii" .cdef $20,$7e,$20 BMI1 = $30 ;opcode mnemonic zip = $cd absl = $1029 absh = $feed biggie = $123456 thirty2 = $12345678 ;32-bit constant test plataddr = $3000 ;address only in platform file projalsa = $3200 ;same val as projalso .logical $012345 .as .xs start clc xce sep #$30 lda #zip lda #zip+16 lda #zip-192 lda #absh lda #absh)+1 lda #absl lda #absl)-1 lda #start lda #`start pea $feed pea start & $ffff pea $0001 pea $3456 pea $0012 pea absh pea start & $ffff pea start >> 16 pea biggie & $ffff pea biggie >> 16 lda zip+1 lda @wzip+1 lda @lzip+1 lda absh-1 lda @labsh-1 lda absh+1 lda @labsh+1 lda 0+(start & $ffff)+1 lda start+1 lda 0+(start & $ffff)-1 lda start-1 lda 0+(biggie & $ffff)+1 lda biggie+1 lda 0+(biggie & $ffff)-1 lda biggie-1 rep #$30 .al .xl lda #zip lda #zip+16 lda #zip+64 lda #absl lda #absl >> 8 lda #absl-$1000 lda #(absl >> 8)-16 lda #absl >> 16 lda #absh lda #absh >> 8 lda #absh-$f000 lda #(absh >> 8)+16 lda #(absh >> 16)+1 lda #start & $ffff lda #start >> 8 lda #start >> 16 lda #biggie & $ffff lda #biggie >> 8 lda #biggie >> 16 bra _skipdata .byte zip .byte absh .byte start .byte `start .word zip .word absl .word absl >> 8 .word absl-$1000 .word 0+(absl >> 8)-16 .word absh .word absh >> 8 .word absh-$f000 .word 0+(absh >> 8)+16 .word start & $ffff .word start >> 8 .word start >> 16 .word 0+(start & $ffff)+1 .word start >> 8 .word start >> 16 .byte $fe,$ed .long zip .long absh .long absh >> 8 .long start .long start >> 8 .long start >> 16 .dword zip .dword absh .dword absh >> 8 .dword start-1 .dword start >> 8 .dword start >> 16 _skipdata lda #(biggie >> 16)-1 mvn #`biggie,#(`biggie)-17 mvp #`start,#(`start)+17 mvn #18,#1 mvp #%00000001,#%00010010 per _skipdata brl _nextchunk _nextchunk jml _L1000_1 .here .logical $1000 _L1000_1 nop _L1000 nop _L1000_0 nop _l1000 sep #$30 .as .xs lda plataddr lda $3100 lda projalsa lda $3300 bra _calls nop _targ nop nop _L1016 per _targ-1 per _targ per _targ+1 jsr _targ-1 jsr _targ jsr _targ+1 _L1028 bra _targ-1 _L102A bra _targ _L102C bra _targ+1 _L102E brl _targ-1 _L1031 brl _targ _L1034 brl _targ+1 _L1037 jmp _targ-1 _L103A jmp _targ _L103D jmp _targ+1 _L1040 jml _targ-1 jml _targ jml _targ+1 _calls jsr _L1016 jsr _L1028 jsr _L102A jsr _L102C jsr _L102E jsr _L1031 jsr _L1034 jsr _L1037 jsr _L103A jsr _L103D jsr _L1040 jsr $1044 jsr $1048 brl _L118E _bulk .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f ;bulky .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87,$88,$89,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f _string .text "This is a long string. Put a label and comment on it to confir" ;stringy .text "m that the label and comment only appear on the first line. T" .text "he quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs." _L118E lda #thirty2)+3 lda #`thirty2 rep #BMI1 .al .xl lda #(thirty2 & $ffff)+3 lda #((thirty2 >> 8) & $ffff)+4 lda #thirty2 >> 16 rts .here