; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Source: GS/OS Reference Manual *SYNOPSIS GS/OS public addresses and constants. gsos_inline_ent @ $e100a8 ;GS/OS inline call entry point gsos_stack_ent @ $e100b0 ;GS/OS stack call entry point *TAG AppleIIgs-GSOS-Functions ; Class 0 ProDOS 16 calls. P16_ALLOC_INTERRUPT = $0031 P16_CHANGE_PATH = $0004 P16_CLEAR_BACKUP_BIT = $000B P16_CLOSE = $0014 P16_CREATE = $0001 P16_DEALLOC_INTERTUPT = $0032 P16_DESTROY = $0002 P16_D_INFO = $002C P16_ERASE_DISK = $0025 P16_EXPAND_PATH = $000E P16_FLUSH = $0015 P16_FORMAT = $0024 P16_GET_BOOT_VOL = $0028 P16_GET_DEV_NUM = $0020 P16_GET_DIR_ENTRY = $001C P16_GET_EOF = $0019 P16_GET_FILE_INFO = $0006 P16_GET_LAST_DEV = $0021 P16_GET_LEVEL = $001B P16_GET_MARK = $0017 P16_GET_NAME = $0027 P16_GET_PREFIX = $000A P16_GET_VERSION = $002A P16_NEWLINE = $0011 P16_OPEN = $0010 P16_QUIT = $0029 P16_READ = $0012 P16_READ_BLOCK = $0022 P16_SET_EOF = $0018 P16_SET_FILE_INFO = $0005 P16_SET_LEVEL = $001A P16_SET_MARK = $0016 P16_SET_PREFIX = $0009 P16_VOLUME = $0008 P16_WRITE = $0013 P16_WRITE_BLOCK = $0023 ; Class 1 GS/OS calls. Names match the macros defined in Orca/M's M16.GSOS ; (i.e. they all end with "GS" except for FSTSpecific). AddNotifyProcGS = $2034 BeginSessionGS = $201D BindIntGS = $2031 ChangePathGS = $2004 ClearBackupBitGS = $200B CloseGS = $2014 CreateGS = $2001 DControlGS = $202E DelNotifyProcGS = $2035 DestroyGS = $2002 DInfoGS = $202C DReadGS = $202F DRenameGS = $2036 DStatusGS = $202D DWriteGS = $2030 EndSessionGS = $201E EraseDiskGS = $2025 ExpandPathGS = $200E FlushGS = $2015 FormatGS = $2024 FSTSpecific = $2033 GetBootVolGS = $2028 GetDevNumberGS = $2020 GetDirEntryGS = $201C GetEOFGS = $2019 GetFileInfoGS = $2006 GetFSTInfoGS = $202B GetLevelGS = $201B GetMarkGS = $2017 GetNameGS = $2027 GetPrefixGS = $200A GetRefInfoGS = $2039 GetRefNumGS = $2038 GetStdRefNumGS = $2037 GetSysPrefsGS = $200F GetVersionGS = $202A NewLineGS = $2011 NullGS = $200D OpenGS = $2010 OSShutdownGS = $2003 QuitGS = $2029 ReadGS = $2012 ResetCacheGS = $2026 SessionStatusGS = $201F SetEOFGS = $2018 SetFileInfoGS = $2005 SetLevelGS = $201A SetMarkGS = $2016 SetPrefixGS = $2009 SetSysPrefsGS = $200C UnbindIntGS = $2032 VolumeGS = $2008 WriteGS = $2013