6502bench SourceGen: Tools

Instruction Chart

This opens a window with a summary of all 256 opcodes. The CPU can be chosen from the pop-up list at the bottom. Undocumented opcodes for 6502/65C02 are shown in italics, and can be excluded from the list by unchecking the box at the bottom.

The status flags affected by each instruction reflect their behavior on the 65816. The only significant difference between 65816 and 6502/65C02 is the way the BRK instruction affects the D and B/X flags.


This opens a window with the ASCII character set. Each character is displayed next to its numeric value in decimal and hexadecimal. The pop-up list at the bottom allows you to flip between standard and "high" ASCII.

Hex Dump Viewer

You can use this to view the contents of the project data file by double-clicking the "bytes" column, or with Actions > Show Hex Dump. The viewer is displayed in a "modeless" dialog that does not prevent you from continuing to work with the project. If you double-click a different line in the project, the viewer will automatically highlight those bytes.

You can also use this to view the contents of arbitrary files by using Tools > Hex Dump. There is no fixed limit on the number of viewers you can have open simultaneously. (Be aware that the viewer currently loads the entire file into memory, and you will run out of room eventually. Not coincidentally, the viewer has a size limit of 16MiB per file.)

You can select lines with the mouse as you would in any other list view. Ctrl+A selects all lines. Ctrl+C copies the selected lines to the system clipboard.

The "character conversion" selector allows you to choose how the bytes are converted to characters for the Text column. Choose from the usual set of encodings.

If "ASCII-only dump" is not checked, non-printable bytes are shown in the ASCII dump as a middle dot ('·'). If the box is checked, non-printable bytes are represented by a period ('.') instead. The use of non-ASCII characters makes the dump unambiguous when unprintable characters are mixed with periods, but the lines may be unsuitable for pasting in some forums.

If "always on top" is checked, the window will stay above all other windows that don't also declare that they should always be on top. By default this box is checked when displaying project data, and not checked for external files.

File Concatenator

The File Concatenator combines multiple files into a single file. Select the files to add, arrange them in the proper order, then hit "Save". CRC-32 values are shown for reference.

File Slicer

The File Slicer allows you to "slice" a piece out of a file, saving it to a new file. Specify the start and length in decimal or hex. If you leave a field blank, they will default to offset 0 and the remaining length of the file, respectively.

The hex dumps show the area just before and after the chunk to be sliced, allowing you to confirm the placement.