;Project file was edited to get all big-endian data types, and to have an ;incorrect .junk alignment directive. org $1000 rts dfb $11 dw $1122 adr $112233 adrl $11223344 dfb $11 ddb $1122 dfb $11,$22,$33 dfb $11,$22,$33,$44 ds 2,$00 dfb $80 ds 3,$00 dfb $80 ds 4,$00 dfb $80 ds 5,$00 dfb $80 ds 256,$00 dfb $80 ds 257,$cc hex 11 dfb $80 hex 11223344556677889900 dfb $80 LABEL hex 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff ;comment hex 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeffffeeddccbbaa99887766554433221100 dfb $80 ds \,$aa dfb $81 ds 63,$00 dfb $81 ds 31,$ab hex 0000000000000001 dfb $81 hex 1000000000000000 dfb $81 ds 2,$dd ;incorrect alignment ds \,$00