/* * Copyright 2020 faddenSoft * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using Asm65; using CommonUtil; namespace SourceGen.Tools.Omf { /// /// Apple IIgs OMF file segment. /// /// /// Three versions of OMF were used for Apple IIgs binaries: v1.0, v2.0, and v2.1. (There's /// also a "v0" used for older Orca/M 8-bit products.) The Apple IIgs Programmer's /// Workshop Reference says: /// /// "This section describes Version 2.0 of the Apple IIGS object module /// format(OMF). The System Loader supports files written in either Version 2.0 or /// Version 1.0 of the OMF. The APW Linker, however, creates load files that /// conform to Version 1.0 of the OMF. Notes in this section describe the differences /// between Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 of the OMF. The Compact utility program, /// described in Chapter 3, converts load files from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0." /// /// Most IIgs binaries are v1.0 or v2.0. /// /// You'd hope that parsing segments would be unambiguous, but that is not the case. /// From the same reference: /// /// "In Version 1.0, [the first] field is described as follows. For object files /// and load files, BLKCNT is a 4-byte field containing the number of blocks in the file /// that the segment requires. Each block is 512 bytes. The segment header is part of /// the first block of the segment. Segments in an object file or load file start on block /// boundaries. For library files (ProDOS 16 file type $B2), this field is BYTECNT, /// indicating the number of bytes in the segment. Library-file segments are not /// aligned to block boundaries." /// /// This choice means it's impossible to unambiguously parse a v1 OMF file without knowing /// its ProDOS file type, which we don't have access to. In most cases we can make a /// reasonable guess. /// /// Documentation bugs: /// - GS/OS ref: table F-2 says "blockCount" where it should say "SEGNAME", and shows the /// offset of "tempOrg" as $2a (should be $2c). /// - GS/OS ref: appendix F refers to a "REVISION" field, which does not seem to exist. /// public class OmfSegment { // v0.0: Original Orca/M OMF format. 0x24 bytes followed by variable-length SEGNAME. public const int MIN_HEADER_V0 = 0x24 + 1; // v1.0: Initial IIgs OMF format. Adds LCBANK, SEGNUM, ENTRY, DISPNAME, DISPDATA, and // LOADNAME. Ambiguates BLKCNT/BYTECNT. public const int MIN_HEADER_V1 = MIN_HEADER_V0 + 8 + LOAD_NAME_LEN; // v2.0: Updated IIgs OMF format. Removes LCBANK, redefines KIND, and embraces BYTECNT. public const int MIN_HEADER_V2 = MIN_HEADER_V1 + 4; // v2.1: adds TEMPORG and a couple of attribute flags. No "min" constant needed. // Length of LOADNAME field. private const int LOAD_NAME_LEN = 10; private const int DISK_BLOCK_SIZE = 512; public class NameValueNote { public string Name { get; private set; } public object Value { get; private set; } public int Width { get; private set; } public string Note { get; private set; } public NameValueNote(string name, object value, int width, string note) { Name = name; Value = value; Width = width; Note = note; } } /// /// Values pulled from file header. Useful for display. /// public List RawValues = new List(); /// /// All known OMF versions. /// public enum SegmentVersion { v0_0, v1_0, v2_0, v2_1 } /// /// All known segment kinds. /// public enum SegmentKind { Code = 0x00, Data = 0x01, JumpTable = 0x02, PathName = 0x04, LibraryDict = 0x08, Init = 0x10, AbsoluteBank = 0x11, // v1.0 only; became a flag DpStack = 0x12 } /// /// Segment attribute flags, included in the Kind field. /// [Flags] public enum SegmentAttribute { BankRel = 0x0100, // v2.1 Skip = 0x0200, // v2.1 Reloadable = 0x0400, // v2.0 AbsBank = 0x0800, // v2.0 NoSpecial = 0x1000, // v2.0 PosnIndep = 0x2000, // Private = 0x4000, // Dynamic = 0x8000 // } private byte[] mFileData; // // Header fields and header-derived values. // public int FileOffset { get; private set; } public int RawFileLength { get; private set; } // from BLKCNT or BYTECNT public int FileLength { get; private set; } // last block may be short public int ResSpc { get; private set; } public int Length { get; private set; } public int LabLen { get; private set; } public SegmentVersion Version { get; private set; } public int BankSize { get; private set; } public SegmentKind Kind { get; private set; } public SegmentAttribute Attrs { get; private set; } public int Org { get; private set; } public int Align { get; private set; } public int LcBank { get; private set; } // v1.0 only public int SegNum { get; private set; } public int Entry { get; private set; } public int DispData { get; private set; } public int TempOrg { get; private set; } // v2.1; only used by MPW IIgs public string LoadName { get; private set; } // unused in load segments public string SegName { get; private set; } // According to GS/OS ref, an OMF file is considered "foreign" unless: // - the NUMSEX field is 0 // - the NUMLEN field is 4 // - the BANKSIZE field is <= $10000 // - the ALIGN field is <= $10000 // // So we don't need to store NUMLEN or NUMSEX. According to the GS/OS ref, // "The BANKSIZE and align restrictions are enforced by the linker, and violations // of them are unlikely in a load file." /// /// Record list, from body of segment. /// public List Records = new List(); /// /// Relocation list, for segments in Load files. /// public List Relocs = new List(); /// /// True if this is an ExpressLoad segment. /// public bool IsExpressLoad { get { if (Kind != SegmentKind.Data) { return false; } if ((Attrs & SegmentAttribute.Dynamic) == 0) { return false; } // Should be case-insensitive? I'm assuming it's not padded with spaces since // it's longer than 10 chars. if (!(SegName == EXPRESSLOAD || SegName == EXPRESSLOAD_OLD)) { return false; } if (SegNum != 1) { Debug.WriteLine("WEIRD: ~ExpressLoad not first segment"); } return true; } } private const string EXPRESSLOAD = "~ExpressLoad"; private const string EXPRESSLOAD_OLD = "ExpressLoad"; // Constructor is private; use ParseHeader() to create an instance. private OmfSegment() { } public enum ParseResult { Unknown = 0, Success, Failure, IsLibrary } /// /// Parses an OMF segment header. If successful, a new OmfSegment object is created. /// /// File data. /// Offset at which to start parsing. /// Set to true to parse the header as if it were part /// of a library file. Affects parsing of v1 headers. /// Notes and errors generated by the parser. /// Completed object, or null on failure. /// Result code. public static ParseResult ParseHeader(byte[] data, int offset, bool parseAsLibrary, List msgs, out OmfSegment segResult) { segResult = null; //Debug.WriteLine("PARSE offset=" + offset); Debug.Assert(offset < data.Length); if (data.Length - offset < MIN_HEADER_V0) { // Definitely too small. AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "remaining file space too small to hold segment"); return ParseResult.Failure; } OmfSegment newSeg = new OmfSegment(); newSeg.mFileData = data; newSeg.FileOffset = offset; // Start with the version number. The meaning of everything else depends on this. int minLen, expectedDispName; switch (data[offset + 0x0f]) { case 0: newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v0_0; minLen = MIN_HEADER_V0; expectedDispName = 0x24; break; case 1: newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v1_0; minLen = MIN_HEADER_V1; expectedDispName = 0x2c; break; case 2: newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v2_0; minLen = MIN_HEADER_V2; expectedDispName = 0x2c; break; default: // invalid version, this is probably not OMF AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid segment type " + data[offset + 0x0f]); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (data.Length - offset < minLen) { // Too small for this version of the header. AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "remaining file space too small to hold " + newSeg.Version + " segment"); return ParseResult.Failure; } int blkByteCnt = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x00, 4, false); newSeg.ResSpc = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x04, 4, false); newSeg.Length = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x08, 4, false); newSeg.LabLen = data[offset + 0x0d]; int numLen = data[offset + 0x0e]; newSeg.BankSize = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x10, 4, false); int numSex, dispName; if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v0_0) { newSeg.Org = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 4, false); newSeg.Align = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x18, 4, false); numSex = data[offset + 0x1c]; // 7 unused bytes follow dispName = 0x24; if (newSeg.LabLen == 0) { newSeg.DispData = dispName + data[offset + dispName]; } else { newSeg.DispData = dispName + LOAD_NAME_LEN; } } else { newSeg.BankSize = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x10, 4, false); newSeg.Org = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x18, 4, false); newSeg.Align = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x1c, 4, false); numSex = data[offset + 0x20]; newSeg.LcBank = data[offset + 0x21]; // v1.0 only newSeg.SegNum = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x22, 2, false); newSeg.Entry = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x24, 4, false); dispName = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x28, 2, false); newSeg.DispData = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x2a, 2, false); } // The only way to detect a v2.1 segment is by checking DISPNAME. if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v2_0 && dispName > 0x2c) { newSeg.Version = SegmentVersion.v2_1; expectedDispName += 4; if (data.Length - offset < minLen + 4) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "remaining file space too small to hold " + newSeg.Version + " segment"); return ParseResult.Failure; } newSeg.TempOrg = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x2c, 4, false); } // Extract Kind and its attributes. The Orca/M 2.0 manual refers to the 1-byte // field in v0/v1 as "TYPE" and the 2-byte field as "KIND", but we're generally // following the GS/OS reference nomenclature. int kindByte, kindWord; if (newSeg.Version <= SegmentVersion.v1_0) { kindByte = data[offset + 0x0c]; if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SegmentKind), kindByte & 0x1f)) { // Example: Moria GS has a kind of $1F for its GLOBALS segment. AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid segment kind $" + kindByte.ToString("x2")); return ParseResult.Failure; } newSeg.Kind = (SegmentKind)(kindByte & 0x1f); int kindAttrs = 0; if ((kindByte & 0x20) != 0) { kindAttrs |= (int)SegmentAttribute.PosnIndep; } if ((kindByte & 0x40) != 0) { kindAttrs |= (int)SegmentAttribute.Private; } if ((kindByte & 0x80) != 0) { kindAttrs |= (int)SegmentAttribute.Dynamic; } newSeg.Attrs = (SegmentAttribute)kindAttrs; } else { // Yank all the attribute bits out at once. Don't worry about v2.0 vs. v2.1. kindWord = RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 2, false); if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SegmentKind), kindWord & 0x001f)) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid segment kind $" + kindWord.ToString("x4")); return ParseResult.Failure; } newSeg.Kind = (SegmentKind)(kindWord & 0x001f); newSeg.Attrs = (SegmentAttribute)(kindWord & 0xff00); } // If we found a library dictionary segment, and we're not currently handling the // file as a library, reject this and try again. if (newSeg.Kind == SegmentKind.LibraryDict && !parseAsLibrary) { AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "found Library Dictionary segment, retrying as library"); return ParseResult.IsLibrary; } // We've got the basic pieces. Handle the block-vs-byte debacle. int segLen; bool asBlocks = false; if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v0_0) { // Always block count. segLen = blkByteCnt * DISK_BLOCK_SIZE; asBlocks = true; } else if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_0) { // Always byte count. segLen = blkByteCnt; } else /*v1.0*/ { // Only Library files should treat the field as bytes. We can eliminate Load // files by checking for a nonzero SegNum field, but there's no reliable way // to tell the difference between Object and Library while looking at a segment // in isolation. if (parseAsLibrary) { segLen = blkByteCnt; } else { segLen = blkByteCnt * DISK_BLOCK_SIZE; asBlocks = true; } } newSeg.RawFileLength = newSeg.FileLength = segLen; // // Perform validity checks. If any of these fail, we're probably reading something // that isn't OMF (or, if this isn't the first segment, we might have gone off the // rails at some point). // if (numLen != 4) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "NUMLEN must be 4, was " + numLen); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (numSex != 0) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "NUMSEX must be 0, was " + numSex); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (offset + segLen > data.Length) { if (asBlocks && offset + segLen - data.Length < DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) { // I have found a few examples (e.g. BRIDGE.S16 in Davex v1.23, SYSTEM:START // on an old Paintworks GS disk) where the file's length doesn't fill out // the last block in the file. If we continue, and the segment actually // does pass EOF, we'll fail while reading the records. AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "file EOF is not a multiple of 512; last segment may be truncated"); newSeg.FileLength = data.Length - offset; } else { // Segment is longer than the file. (This can happen easily in a static lib if // we're not parsing it as such.) AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "segment file length exceeds EOF (segLen=" + segLen + ", remaining=" + (data.Length - offset) + ")"); return ParseResult.Failure; } } if (dispName < expectedDispName || dispName > (segLen - LOAD_NAME_LEN)) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid DISPNAME " + dispName + " (expected " + expectedDispName + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")"); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (newSeg.DispData < expectedDispName + LOAD_NAME_LEN || newSeg.DispData > (segLen - 1)) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid DISPDATA " + newSeg.DispData + " (expected " + (expectedDispName + LOAD_NAME_LEN) + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")"); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (newSeg.BankSize > 0x00010000) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid BANKSIZE $" + newSeg.BankSize.ToString("x")); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (newSeg.Align > 0x00010000) { AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid ALIGN $" + newSeg.Align.ToString("x")); return ParseResult.Failure; } if (newSeg.BankSize != 0x00010000 && newSeg.BankSize != 0) { // This is fine, just a little weird. AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "unusual BANKSIZE $" + newSeg.BankSize.ToString("x6")); } if (newSeg.Align != 0 && newSeg.Align != 0x0100 && newSeg.Align != 0x00010000) { // Unexpected; the loader will round up. AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "unusual ALIGN $" + newSeg.Align.ToString("x6")); } if (newSeg.Entry != 0 && newSeg.Entry >= newSeg.Length) { // This is invalid, but if we got this far we might as well keep going. AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "invalid ENTRY $" + newSeg.Entry.ToString("x6")); } // Extract LOADNAME. Fixed-width field, padded with spaces. Except for the // times when it's filled with zeroes instead. string loadName = string.Empty; int segNameStart = dispName; if (newSeg.Version != SegmentVersion.v0_0) { loadName = ExtractString(data, offset + dispName, LOAD_NAME_LEN); segNameStart += LOAD_NAME_LEN; } // Extract SEGNAME. May be fixed- or variable-width. string segName; if (newSeg.LabLen == 0) { // string preceded by length byte int segNameLen = data[offset + segNameStart]; if (segNameStart + 1 + segNameLen > segLen) { AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "var-width SEGNAME ran off end of segment (len=" + segNameLen + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")"); return ParseResult.Failure; } segName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, offset + segNameStart + 1, segNameLen); } else { // fixed-width string if (segNameStart + newSeg.LabLen > segLen) { AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "fixed-width SEGNAME ran off end of segment (LABLEN=" + newSeg.LabLen + ", segLen=" + segLen + ")"); return ParseResult.Failure; } segName = ExtractString(data, offset + segNameStart, newSeg.LabLen); } //AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "GOT LOADNAME='" + loadName + "' SEGNAME='" + segName + "'"); newSeg.LoadName = loadName; newSeg.SegName = segName; // // Populate the "raw data" table. We add the fields shown in the specification in // the order in which they appear. // if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v0_0 || (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v1_0 && !parseAsLibrary)) { newSeg.AddRaw("BLKCNT", blkByteCnt, 4, "blocks"); } else { newSeg.AddRaw("BYTECNT", blkByteCnt, 4, "bytes"); } newSeg.AddRaw("RESSPC", newSeg.ResSpc, 4, string.Empty); newSeg.AddRaw("LENGTH", newSeg.Length, 4, string.Empty); if (newSeg.Version <= SegmentVersion.v1_0) { string attrStr = AttrsToString(newSeg.Attrs); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrStr)) { attrStr = " -" + attrStr; } newSeg.AddRaw("KIND", data[offset+0x0c], 1, KindToString(newSeg.Kind) + attrStr); } else { newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", data[offset + 0x0c], 1, string.Empty); } newSeg.AddRaw("LABLEN", newSeg.LabLen, 1, (newSeg.LabLen == 0 ? "variable length" : "fixed length")); newSeg.AddRaw("NUMLEN", numLen, 1, "must be 4"); newSeg.AddRaw("VERSION", data[offset + 0x0f], 1, VersionToString(newSeg.Version)); newSeg.AddRaw("BANKSIZE", newSeg.BankSize, 4, string.Empty); if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_0) { string attrStr = AttrsToString(newSeg.Attrs); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrStr)) { attrStr = " -" + attrStr; } newSeg.AddRaw("KIND", RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 2, false), 2, KindToString(newSeg.Kind) + attrStr); newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x16, 2, false), 2, string.Empty); } else { newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", RawData.GetWord(data, offset + 0x14, 4, false), 4, string.Empty); } newSeg.AddRaw("ORG", newSeg.Org, 4, (newSeg.Org != 0 ? "" : "relocatable")); // alignment is rounded up to page/bank string alignStr; if (newSeg.Align == 0) { alignStr = "no alignment"; } else if (newSeg.Align <= 0x0100) { alignStr = "align to page"; } else { alignStr = "align to bank"; } newSeg.AddRaw("ALIGN", newSeg.Align, 4, alignStr); newSeg.AddRaw("NUMSEX", numSex, 1, "must be 0"); if (newSeg.Version == SegmentVersion.v1_0) { newSeg.AddRaw("LCBANK", newSeg.LcBank, 1, string.Empty); } else { newSeg.AddRaw("undefined", data[offset + 0x21], 1, string.Empty); } if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v1_0) { newSeg.AddRaw("SEGNUM", newSeg.SegNum, 2, string.Empty); newSeg.AddRaw("ENTRY", newSeg.Entry, 4, string.Empty); newSeg.AddRaw("DISPNAME", dispName, 2, string.Empty); newSeg.AddRaw("DISPDATA", newSeg.DispData, 2, string.Empty); if (newSeg.Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_1) { newSeg.AddRaw("TEMPORG", newSeg.TempOrg, 4, string.Empty); } newSeg.AddRaw("LOADNAME", loadName, 10, string.Empty); } newSeg.AddRaw("SEGNAME", segName, 0, string.Empty); segResult = newSeg; return ParseResult.Success; } public bool ParseBody(Formatter formatter, List msgs) { int offset = FileOffset + DispData; while (true) { bool result = OmfRecord.ParseRecord(mFileData, offset, Version, LabLen, formatter, msgs, out OmfRecord omfRec); if (!result) { // Parsing failure. Bail out. return false; } if (offset + omfRec.Length > FileOffset + RawFileLength) { // Overrun. AddErrorMsg(msgs, offset, "record ran off end of file (" + omfRec + ")"); return false; } if (omfRec.Op == OmfRecord.Opcode.END) { // v0/v1 pad to 512-byte block boundaries, so some slop is expected there, // but v2.x should be snug. Doesn't have to be, but might indicate a // bug in the parser. int remaining = (FileOffset + FileLength) - (offset + omfRec.Length); Debug.Assert(remaining >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("END record found, remaining space=" + remaining); if (remaining >= DISK_BLOCK_SIZE || (Version >= SegmentVersion.v2_0 && remaining != 0)) { AddInfoMsg(msgs, offset, "found " + remaining + " bytes past END record"); } return true; } Records.Add(omfRec); offset += omfRec.Length; } } /// /// Tests to see whether the record collection is congruent with a Load file. /// public bool CheckRecords_LoadFile() { bool constSection = true; foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) { switch (omfRec.Op) { case OmfRecord.Opcode.LCONST: case OmfRecord.Opcode.DS: if (!constSection) { Debug.WriteLine("Found LCONST/DS past const section"); return false; } break; case OmfRecord.Opcode.RELOC: case OmfRecord.Opcode.cRELOC: case OmfRecord.Opcode.INTERSEG: case OmfRecord.Opcode.cINTERSEG: case OmfRecord.Opcode.SUPER: constSection = false; break; default: // incompatible record return false; } } return true; } /// /// Tests to see whether the record collection is congruent with an Object or Library file. /// public bool CheckRecords_ObjectOrLib() { foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) { switch (omfRec.Op) { case OmfRecord.Opcode.RELOC: case OmfRecord.Opcode.cRELOC: case OmfRecord.Opcode.INTERSEG: case OmfRecord.Opcode.cINTERSEG: case OmfRecord.Opcode.SUPER: case OmfRecord.Opcode.ENTRY: return false; default: break; } } return true; } public void GenerateRelocDict() { Debug.Assert(CheckRecords_LoadFile()); foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) { switch (omfRec.Op) { case OmfRecord.Opcode.RELOC: case OmfRecord.Opcode.cRELOC: case OmfRecord.Opcode.INTERSEG: case OmfRecord.Opcode.cINTERSEG: case OmfRecord.Opcode.SUPER: OmfReloc.GenerateRelocs(this, omfRec, mFileData, Relocs); break; default: break; } } } private byte[] mConstData; /// /// Returns a reference to the unpacked constant data from the body of a Load segment /// (i.e. the LCONST/DS part). /// public byte[] GetConstData() { if (mConstData != null) { return mConstData; } // We haven't generated this yet; do it now. Start by determining the length. int totalLen = 0; foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) { if (omfRec.Op != OmfRecord.Opcode.LCONST && omfRec.Op != OmfRecord.Opcode.DS) { break; } // safe to assume NUMLEN=4, NUMSEX=0 totalLen += RawData.GetWord(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 1, 4, false); } byte[] data = new byte[totalLen]; int bufOffset = 0; foreach (OmfRecord omfRec in Records) { if (omfRec.Op == OmfRecord.Opcode.DS) { int len = RawData.GetWord(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 1, 4, false); bufOffset += len; // new buffers are zero-filled } else if (omfRec.Op == OmfRecord.Opcode.LCONST) { int len = RawData.GetWord(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 1, 4, false); Array.Copy(mFileData, omfRec.FileOffset + 5, data, bufOffset, len); bufOffset += len; } else { break; } } Debug.Assert(bufOffset == totalLen); Debug.WriteLine("Generated " + totalLen + " bytes of LCONST/DS data for " + this); mConstData = data; return data; } // // Helper functions. // private void AddRaw(string name, object value, int width, string note) { if (value is byte) { value = (int)(byte)value; } RawValues.Add(new NameValueNote(name, value, width, note)); } public static void AddInfoMsg(List msgs, int offset, string msg) { msgs.Add("Note (+" + offset.ToString("x6") + "): " + msg); } public static void AddErrorMsg(List msgs, int offset, string msg) { msgs.Add("Error (+" + offset.ToString("x6") + "): " + msg); } /// /// Extracts a fixed-length ASCII string, stopping early if a '\0' is encountered. /// private static string ExtractString(byte[] data, int offset, int len) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = offset; i < offset + len; i++) { byte b = data[i]; if (b == 0) { break; } sb.Append((char)b); } return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Converts a segment version to a human-readable string. /// public static string VersionToString(SegmentVersion vers) { switch (vers) { case SegmentVersion.v0_0: return "v0.0"; case SegmentVersion.v1_0: return "v1.0"; case SegmentVersion.v2_0: return "v2.0"; case SegmentVersion.v2_1: return "v2.1"; default: return "v?.?"; } } /// /// Converts a segment kind to a human-readable string. /// public static string KindToString(SegmentKind kind) { switch (kind) { case SegmentKind.Code: return "Code"; case SegmentKind.Data: return "Data"; case SegmentKind.JumpTable: return "Jump Table"; case SegmentKind.PathName: return "Pathname"; case SegmentKind.LibraryDict: return "Library Dict"; case SegmentKind.Init: return "Init"; case SegmentKind.AbsoluteBank: return "Abs Bank"; case SegmentKind.DpStack: return "DP/Stack"; default: return "???"; } } public static string AttrsToString(SegmentAttribute attrs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int bit = 1 << i; if (((int)attrs & bit) != 0) { SegmentAttribute attr = (SegmentAttribute)bit; sb.Append(' '); sb.Append(attr.ToString()); } } return sb.ToString(); } public override string ToString() { return "[OmfSegment " + SegNum + " '" + LoadName + "' '" + SegName + "']"; } } }