; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Source: GS/OS Reference Manual *SYNOPSIS GS/OS public addresses and constants. inline_entry @ $e100a8 ;GS/OS inline call entry point stack_entry @ $e100b0 ;GS/OS stack call entry point *TAG AppleIIgs-GSOS-Functions ; Class 1 GS/OS calls AddNotifyProc = $2034 BeginSession = $201D BindInt = $2031 ChangePath = $2004 ClearBackupBit = $200B Close = $2014 Create = $2001 DControl = $202E DelNotifyProc = $2035 Destroy = $2002 DInfo = $202C DRead = $202F DRename = $2036 DStatus = $202D DWrite = $2030 EndSession = $201E EraseDisk = $2025 ExpandPath = $200E Flush = $2015 Format = $2024 FSTSpecific = $2033 GetBootVol = $2028 GetDevNumber = $2020 GetDirEntry = $201C GetEOF = $2019 GetFileInfo = $2006 GetFSTInfo = $202B GetLevel = $201B GetMark = $2017 GetName = $2027 GetPrefix = $200A GetRefInfo = $2039 GetRefNum = $2038 GetStdRefNum = $2037 GetSysPrefs = $200F GetVersion = $202A NewLine = $2011 Null = $200D Open = $2010 OSShutdown = $2003 Quit = $2029 Read = $2012 RestCache = $2026 SessionStatus = $201F SetEOF = $2018 SetFileInfo = $2005 SetLevel = $201A SetMark = $2016 SetPrefix = $2009 SetSysPrefs = $200C UnbindInt = $2032 Volume = $2008 Write = $2013