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Andy McFadden d48ab7582f Add Atari DVG visualizer
The DVG format, used for vector games like Asteroids, is the
predecessor to the AVG graphics used in games like Battlezone.

Also, added some extended error checks on wireframe vertices.

Also, minor edits to the README and daily tips.
2021-11-02 08:54:07 -07:00

489 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright 2020 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using PluginCommon;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Renders a wireframe visualization, generating a collection of line segments in clip space.
/// </summary>
public class WireframeObject {
/// <summary>
/// Line segment.
/// </summary>
public class LineSeg {
public double X0 { get; private set; }
public double Y0 { get; private set; }
public double X1 { get; private set; }
public double Y1 { get; private set; }
public LineSeg(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
if (double.IsNaN(x0) || double.IsNaN(y0) || double.IsNaN(x1) || double.IsNaN(y1)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid LineSeg: x0=" + x0 + " y0=" + y0 +
" x1=" + x1 + " y1=" + y1);
X0 = x0;
Y0 = y0;
X1 = x1;
Y1 = y1;
private class Vertex {
public Vector3 Vec { get; private set; }
public List<Face> Faces { get; private set; }
public bool IsExcluded { get; private set; }
public Vertex(double x, double y, double z, bool isExcluded) {
Vec = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Faces = new List<Face>();
IsExcluded = isExcluded;
public override string ToString() {
return Vec.ToString() + " + " + Faces.Count + " faces";
private class Edge {
public Vertex Vertex0 { get; private set; }
public Vertex Vertex1 { get; private set; }
public List<Face> Faces { get; private set; }
public bool IsExcluded { get; private set; }
public Edge(Vertex v0, Vertex v1, bool isExcluded) {
Vertex0 = v0;
Vertex1 = v1;
Faces = new List<Face>();
IsExcluded = isExcluded;
private class Face {
// Surface normal.
public Vector3 Normal { get; private set; }
// One vertex on the face, for BFC.
public Vertex Vert { get; set; }
// Flag set during BFC calculation.
public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
public Face(double x, double y, double z) {
Normal = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Normal.Normalize(); // not necessary, but easier to read in debug output
IsVisible = true;
public bool VerboseDebug { get; set; }
private bool mIs2d = false;
private List<Vertex> mVertices = new List<Vertex>();
private List<Vertex> mPoints = new List<Vertex>();
private List<Edge> mEdges = new List<Edge>();
private List<Face> mFaces = new List<Face>();
private double mBigMag = -1.0;
private double mBigMagRc = -1.0;
private double mCenterAdjX, mCenterAdjY;
// private constructor; use Create()
private WireframeObject() { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new object from a wireframe visualization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="visWire">Visualization object.</param>
/// <returns>New object, or null if visualization data fails validation.</returns>
public static WireframeObject Create(IVisualizationWireframe visWire) {
if (!visWire.Validate(out string msg)) {
// Should not be here -- visualizer should have checked validation and
// reported an error.
Debug.WriteLine("Wireframe validation failed: " + msg);
return null;
WireframeObject wireObj = new WireframeObject();
wireObj.mIs2d = visWire.Is2d;
// Start by extracting data from the visualization object. Everything stored
// there is loaded into this object. The VisWireframe validator will have
// ensured that all the indices are in range.
// IMPORTANT: do not retain "visWire", as it may be a proxy for an object with a
// limited lifespan.
float[] normalsX = visWire.GetNormalsX();
if (normalsX.Length > 0) {
float[] normalsY = visWire.GetNormalsY();
float[] normalsZ = visWire.GetNormalsZ();
for (int i = 0; i < normalsX.Length; i++) {
wireObj.mFaces.Add(new Face(normalsX[i], normalsY[i], normalsZ[i]));
float[] verticesX = visWire.GetVerticesX();
float[] verticesY = visWire.GetVerticesY();
float[] verticesZ = visWire.GetVerticesZ();
int[] excludedVertices = visWire.GetExcludedVertices();
// Compute min/max for X/Y for 2d re-centering. The trick is that we only want
// to use vertices that are visible. If the shape starts with a huge move off to
// the left, we don't want to include (0,0).
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
xmin = ymin = 10e9;
xmax = ymax = -10e9;
for (int i = 0; i < verticesX.Length; i++) {
wireObj.mVertices.Add(new Vertex(verticesX[i], verticesY[i], verticesZ[i],
HasIndex(excludedVertices, i)));
int[] points = visWire.GetPoints();
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) {
Vertex vert = wireObj.mVertices[points[i]];
UpdateMinMax(vert, ref xmin, ref xmax, ref ymin, ref ymax);
IntPair[] edges = visWire.GetEdges();
int[] excludedEdges = visWire.GetExcludedEdges();
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++) {
int v0index = edges[i].Val0;
int v1index = edges[i].Val1;
//if (v0index < 0 || v0index >= wireObj.mVertices.Count ||
// v1index < 0 || v1index >= wireObj.mVertices.Count) {
// Debug.Assert(false);
// return null;
Vertex vert0 = wireObj.mVertices[v0index];
Vertex vert1 = wireObj.mVertices[v1index];
wireObj.mEdges.Add(new Edge(vert0, vert1, HasIndex(excludedEdges, i)));
UpdateMinMax(vert0, ref xmin, ref xmax, ref ymin, ref ymax);
UpdateMinMax(vert1, ref xmin, ref xmax, ref ymin, ref ymax);
IntPair[] vfaces = visWire.GetVertexFaces();
for (int i = 0; i < vfaces.Length; i++) {
int vindex = vfaces[i].Val0;
int findex = vfaces[i].Val1;
//if (vindex < 0 || vindex >= wireObj.mVertices.Count ||
// findex < 0 || findex >= wireObj.mFaces.Count) {
// Debug.Assert(false);
// return null;
Face face = wireObj.mFaces[findex];
if (face.Vert == null) {
face.Vert = wireObj.mVertices[vindex];
IntPair[] efaces = visWire.GetEdgeFaces();
for (int i = 0; i < efaces.Length; i++) {
int eindex = efaces[i].Val0;
int findex = efaces[i].Val1;
//if (eindex < 0 || eindex >= wireObj.mEdges.Count ||
// findex < 0 || findex >= wireObj.mFaces.Count) {
// Debug.Assert(false);
// return null;
Face face = wireObj.mFaces[findex];
if (face.Vert == null) {
face.Vert = wireObj.mEdges[eindex].Vertex0;
// All data has been loaded into friendly classes.
// Compute center of visible vertices.
wireObj.mCenterAdjX = -(xmin + xmax) / 2;
wireObj.mCenterAdjY = -(ymin + ymax / 2);
// Compute the magnitude of the largest vertex, for scaling.
double bigMag = -1.0;
double bigMagRc = -1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < wireObj.mVertices.Count; i++) {
Vector3 vec = wireObj.mVertices[i].Vec;
double mag = vec.Magnitude();
if (bigMag < mag) {
bigMag = mag;
// Repeat the operation with recentering. This isn't quite right as we're
// including all vertices, not just the visible ones.
mag = new Vector3(vec.X + wireObj.mCenterAdjX,
vec.Y + wireObj.mCenterAdjY, vec.Z).Magnitude();
if (bigMagRc < mag) {
bigMagRc = mag;
// Avoid divide-by-zero.
if (bigMag == 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: wireframe magnitude was zero");
bigMag = 1;
if (bigMagRc == 0) {
bigMagRc = 1;
wireObj.mBigMag = bigMag;
wireObj.mBigMagRc = bigMagRc;
return wireObj;
private static void UpdateMinMax(Vertex vert, ref double xmin, ref double xmax,
ref double ymin, ref double ymax) {
if (vert.Vec.X < xmin) {
xmin = vert.Vec.X;
if (vert.Vec.X > xmax) {
xmax = vert.Vec.X;
if (vert.Vec.Y < ymin) {
ymin = vert.Vec.Y;
if (vert.Vec.Y > ymax) {
ymax = vert.Vec.Y;
private static bool HasIndex(int[] arr, int val) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
if (arr[i] == val) {
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a list of line segments for the wireframe data and the specified
/// parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eulerX">Rotation about X axis.</params>
/// <param name="eulerY">Rotation about Y axis.</params>
/// <param name="eulerZ">Rotation about Z axis.</params>
/// <param name="doPersp">Perspective or othographic projection?</param>
/// <param name="doBfc">Perform backface culling?</param>
/// <param name="doRecenter">Re-center 2D renderings?</param>
/// <returns>List a of line segments, which could be empty if backface culling
/// was especially successful. All segment coordinates are in the range
/// [-1,1].</returns>
public List<LineSeg> Generate(int eulerX, int eulerY, int eulerZ,
bool doPersp, bool doBfc, bool doRecenter) {
if (VerboseDebug) {
Debug.WriteLine("Found center=" + mCenterAdjX + "," + mCenterAdjY);
Debug.WriteLine(" bigMag=" + mBigMag + " / " + mBigMagRc);
// overrule flags that don't make sense
if (mIs2d) {
doPersp = doBfc = false;
} else {
doRecenter = false;
List<LineSeg> segs = new List<LineSeg>(mEdges.Count);
// Camera Z coordinate adjustment, used to control how perspective projections
// appear. The larger the value, the farther the object appears to be. Very
// large values approximate an orthographic projection.
const double zadj = 3.0;
// Scale coordinate values to [-1,1].
double scale;
if (doRecenter) {
scale = 1.0 / mBigMagRc;
} else {
scale = 1.0 / mBigMag;
if (doPersp) {
// objects closer to camera are bigger; reduce scale slightly
scale = (scale * zadj) / (zadj + 0.3);
// Configure X/Y translation for 2D wireframes.
double transX = 0;
double transY = 0;
if (doRecenter) {
transX = mCenterAdjX;
transY = mCenterAdjY;
// In a left-handed coordinate system, +Z is away from the viewer. The
// visualizer expects a left-handed system with the "nose" aimed toward +Z,
// which leaves us looking at the back end of things. We can add a 180 degree
// rotation about Y so we're looking at the front instead, though this
// effectively reverses the direction of rotation about X. We can compensate
// for it by reversing the handedness of the X rotation.
//eulerY = (eulerY + 180) % 360;
// Form rotation matrix.
Matrix33 rotMat = new Matrix33();
rotMat.SetRotationEuler(eulerX, eulerY, eulerZ, Matrix33.RotMode.ZYX_LLL);
//Debug.WriteLine("ROT: " + rotMat);
if (doBfc) {
// Mark faces as visible or not. This is determined with the surface normal,
// rather than by checking whether a transformed triangle is clockwise.
foreach (Face face in mFaces) {
// Transform the surface normal.
Vector3 rotNorm = rotMat.Multiply(face.Normal);
if (doPersp) {
// Transform one vertex to get a vector from the camera to the
// surface. We want (V0 - C), where C is the camera; since we're
// at the origin, we just need -C.
if (face.Vert == null) {
Debug.WriteLine("GLITCH: no vertex for face");
face.IsVisible = true;
Vector3 camVec = rotMat.Multiply(face.Vert.Vec); // transform
camVec = camVec.Multiply(-scale); // scale to [-1,1] and negate to get -C
camVec = camVec.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -zadj)); // translate
// Now compute the dot product of the camera vector.
double dot = Vector3.Dot(camVec, rotNorm);
face.IsVisible = (dot >= 0);
// "Face {0} vis={1,-5} dot={2,-8:N2}: camVec={3} rotNorm={4}",
// index++, face.IsVisible, dot, camVec, rotNorm));
} else {
// For orthographic projection, the camera is essentially looking
// down the Z axis at every X,Y, so we can trivially check the
// value of Z in the transformed normal.
face.IsVisible = (rotNorm.Z <= 0);
foreach (Vertex point in mPoints) {
// There are no "point faces" at the moment, so no BFC is applied.
Vector3 vec = point.Vec;
if (doRecenter) {
vec = new Vector3(vec.X + transX, vec.Y + transY, vec.Z);
Vector3 trv = rotMat.Multiply(vec);
double xc, yc;
if (doPersp) {
double zc = trv.Z * scale;
xc = (trv.X * scale * zadj) / (zadj + zc);
yc = (trv.Y * scale * zadj) / (zadj + zc);
} else {
xc = trv.X * scale;
yc = trv.Y * scale;
//Debug.WriteLine("POINT " + xc + "," + yc);
// Zero-length line segments don't do anything. Try a '+'.
const double dist = 1 / 64.0;
double x0 = Math.Max(-1.0, xc - dist);
double x1 = Math.Min(xc + dist, 1.0);
segs.Add(new LineSeg(x0, yc, x1, yc));
double y0 = Math.Max(-1.0, yc - dist);
double y1 = Math.Min(yc + dist, 1.0);
segs.Add(new LineSeg(xc, y0, xc, y1));
foreach (Edge edge in mEdges) {
if (doBfc) {
// To be visible, vertices and edges must either not specify any
// faces, or must specify a visible face. They can also be hidden
// by the level-of-detail exclusion mechanism.
if (!IsVertexVisible(edge.Vertex0) || edge.Vertex0.IsExcluded ||
!IsVertexVisible(edge.Vertex1) || edge.Vertex1.IsExcluded ||
!IsEdgeVisible(edge) || edge.IsExcluded) {
Vector3 vec0 = edge.Vertex0.Vec;
Vector3 vec1 = edge.Vertex1.Vec;
if (doRecenter) {
vec0 = new Vector3(vec0.X + transX, vec0.Y + transY, vec0.Z);
vec1 = new Vector3(vec1.X + transX, vec1.Y + transY, vec1.Z);
Vector3 trv0 = rotMat.Multiply(vec0);
Vector3 trv1 = rotMat.Multiply(vec1);
double x0, y0, x1, y1;
if (doPersp) {
// Left-handed system, so +Z is away from viewer.
double z0 = trv0.Z * scale;
double z1 = trv1.Z * scale;
x0 = (trv0.X * scale * zadj) / (zadj + z0);
y0 = (trv0.Y * scale * zadj) / (zadj + z0);
x1 = (trv1.X * scale * zadj) / (zadj + z1);
y1 = (trv1.Y * scale * zadj) / (zadj + z1);
} else {
x0 = trv0.X * scale;
y0 = trv0.Y * scale;
x1 = trv1.X * scale;
y1 = trv1.Y * scale;
segs.Add(new LineSeg(x0, y0, x1, y1));
return segs;
private bool IsVertexVisible(Vertex vert) {
if (vert.Faces.Count == 0) {
return true;
foreach (Face face in vert.Faces) {
if (face.IsVisible) {
return true;
return false;
private bool IsEdgeVisible(Edge edg) {
if (edg.Faces.Count == 0) {
return true;
foreach (Face face in edg.Faces) {
if (face.IsVisible) {
return true;
return false;