mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-05-31 22:41:37 +00:00
Andy McFadden 125080dbda Finish basic visualization editor implementation
The Visualization and Visualization Set editors are now fully
functional.  You can create, edit, and rearrange sets, and they're
now stored in the project file.
2019-12-02 16:38:32 -08:00

353 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using PluginCommon;
namespace RuntimeData.Apple {
public class VisHiRes : MarshalByRefObject, IPlugin, IPlugin_Visualizer {
// IPlugin
public string Identifier {
get { return "Apple II Hi-Res Graphic Visualizer"; }
private IApplication mAppRef;
private byte[] mFileData;
private AddressTranslate mAddrTrans;
// Visualization identifiers; DO NOT change or projects that use them will break.
private const string VIS_GEN_BITMAP = "apple2-hi-res-bitmap";
private const string VIS_GEN_BITMAP_FONT = "apple2-hi-res-bitmap-font";
private const string P_OFFSET = "offset";
private const string P_BYTE_WIDTH = "byteWidth";
private const string P_HEIGHT = "height";
private const string P_COL_STRIDE = "colStride";
private const string P_ROW_STRIDE = "rowStride";
private const string P_IS_COLOR = "isColor";
private const string P_IS_FIRST_ODD = "isFirstOdd";
private const string P_ITEM_BYTE_WIDTH = "itemByteWidth";
private const string P_ITEM_HEIGHT = "itemHeight";
private const string P_COUNT = "count";
private const int MAX_DIM = 4096;
// Visualization descriptors.
private VisDescr[] mDescriptors = new VisDescr[] {
new VisDescr(VIS_GEN_BITMAP, "Apple II Hi-Res Bitmap", VisDescr.VisType.Bitmap,
new VisParamDescr[] {
new VisParamDescr("File offset (hex)",
P_OFFSET, typeof(int), 0, 0x00ffffff, VisParamDescr.SpecialMode.Offset, 0),
new VisParamDescr("Width (in bytes)",
P_BYTE_WIDTH, typeof(int), 1, 40, 0, 1),
new VisParamDescr("Height",
P_HEIGHT, typeof(int), 1, 192, 0, 1),
new VisParamDescr("Column stride (bytes)",
P_COL_STRIDE, typeof(int), 0, 256, 0, 0),
new VisParamDescr("Row stride (bytes)",
P_ROW_STRIDE, typeof(int), 0, 256, 0, 0),
new VisParamDescr("Color",
P_IS_COLOR, typeof(bool), 0, 0, 0, true),
new VisParamDescr("First col odd",
P_IS_FIRST_ODD, typeof(bool), 0, 0, 0, false),
new VisParamDescr("Test Float",
"floaty", typeof(float), -5.0f, 5.0f, 0, 0.1f),
new VisDescr(VIS_GEN_BITMAP_FONT, "Apple II Hi-Res Bitmap Font", VisDescr.VisType.Bitmap,
new VisParamDescr[] {
new VisParamDescr("File offset (hex)",
P_OFFSET, typeof(int), 0, 0x00ffffff, VisParamDescr.SpecialMode.Offset, 0),
new VisParamDescr("Item width (in bytes)",
P_ITEM_BYTE_WIDTH, typeof(int), 1, 40, 0, 1),
new VisParamDescr("Item height",
P_ITEM_HEIGHT, typeof(int), 1, 192, 0, 8),
new VisParamDescr("Number of items",
P_COUNT, typeof(int), 1, 256, 0, 1),
// IPlugin
public void Prepare(IApplication appRef, byte[] fileData, AddressTranslate addrTrans) {
mAppRef = appRef;
mFileData = fileData;
mAddrTrans = addrTrans;
// IPlugin
public void Unprepare() {
mAppRef = null;
mFileData = null;
mAddrTrans = null;
// IPlugin_Visualizer
public VisDescr[] GetVisGenDescrs() {
return mDescriptors;
// IPlugin_Visualizer
public IVisualization2d Generate2d(VisDescr descr,
Dictionary<string, object> parms) {
switch (descr.Ident) {
return GenerateBitmap(parms);
// TODO (xyzzy)
return null;
mAppRef.DebugLog("Unknown ident " + descr.Ident);
return null;
private IVisualization2d GenerateBitmap(Dictionary<string, object> parms) {
int offset, byteWidth, height, colStride, rowStride;
bool isColor, isFirstOdd;
offset = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_OFFSET, 0);
byteWidth = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_BYTE_WIDTH, 0); // width ignoring colStride
height = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_HEIGHT, 0);
colStride = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_COL_STRIDE, 0);
rowStride = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_ROW_STRIDE, 0);
isColor = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_IS_COLOR, true);
isFirstOdd = Util.GetFromObjDict(parms, P_IS_FIRST_ODD, false);
// We allow the stride entries to be zero to indicate a "dense" bitmap.
if (colStride == 0) {
colStride = 1;
if (rowStride == 0) {
rowStride = byteWidth * colStride;
if (offset < 0 || offset >= mFileData.Length ||
byteWidth <= 0 || byteWidth > MAX_DIM ||
height <= 0 || height > MAX_DIM) {
// the UI should flag these based on range (and ideally wouldn't have called us)
mAppRef.DebugLog("Invalid parameter");
return null;
if (colStride <= 0 || colStride > MAX_DIM) {
mAppRef.DebugLog("Invalid column stride");
return null;
if (rowStride < byteWidth * colStride - (colStride-1) || rowStride > MAX_DIM) {
mAppRef.DebugLog("Invalid row stride");
return null;
int lastOffset = offset + rowStride * height - (colStride - 1) - 1;
if (lastOffset >= mFileData.Length) {
mAppRef.DebugLog("Bitmap runs off end of file (last offset +" +
lastOffset.ToString("x6") + ")");
return null;
VisBitmap8 vb = new VisBitmap8(byteWidth * 7, height);
if (!isColor) {
// B&W mode. Since we're not displaying this we don't need to worry about
// half-pixel shifts, and can just convert 7 bits to pixels.
int bx = 0;
int by = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
int colIdx = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < byteWidth; col++) {
byte val = mFileData[offset + colIdx];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++) {
vb.SetPixelIndex(bx, by, (byte)((val & 0x01) + 1)); // black or white
val >>= 1;
colIdx += colStride;
bx = 0;
offset += rowStride;
} else {
int bx = 0;
int by = 0;
#if false
// Color mode. We treat the data as a strictly 140-mode bitmap, which doesn't
// quite match up with how the pixels will be displayed, but does allow a
// straightforward conversion between file formats. Color fringing is severe.
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
int lastBit;
if (isFirstOdd) {
lastBit = 0; // pretend we already have one bit
} else {
lastBit = -1;
for (int colByte = 0; colByte < byteWidth; colByte += colStride) {
byte val = mFileData[offset + colByte];
bool hiBitSet = (val & 0x80) != 0;
// Grab 3 or 4 pairs of bits.
int pairCount = (lastBit < 0) ? 3 : 4;
while (pairCount-- > 0) {
int twoBits;
if (lastBit >= 0) {
// merge with bit from previous byte
twoBits = (lastBit << 1) | (val & 0x01);
val >>= 1;
lastBit = -1;
} else {
// grab two bits
twoBits = (val & 0x03);
val >>= 2;
if (hiBitSet) {
twoBits += 4;
// We're in 140 mode, so set two adjacent pixels.
vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by, sHiResColorMap[twoBits]);
vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by, sHiResColorMap[twoBits]);
bool thisEven = ((colByte & 0x01) == 0) ^ isFirstOdd;
if (thisEven) {
// started in even column we have one bit left over
lastBit = val & 0x01;
} else {
// started in odd column, all bits consumed
lastBit = -1;
bx = 0;
offset += rowStride;
// Color conversion similar to what CiderPress does, but without the half-pixel
// shift (we're trying to create a 1:1 bitmap, not 1:2).
bool[] lineBits = new bool[byteWidth * 7];
bool[] hiFlags = new bool[byteWidth * 7]; // overkill, but simplifies things
int[] colorBuf = new int[byteWidth * 7];
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
// Unravel the bits.
int idx = 0;
int colIdx = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < byteWidth; col++) {
byte val = mFileData[offset + colIdx];
bool hiBitSet = (val & 0x80) != 0;
for (int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++) {
hiFlags[idx] = hiBitSet;
lineBits[idx] = (val & 0x01) != 0;
val >>= 1;
colIdx += colStride;
// Convert to color.
int lastBit = byteWidth * 7;
for (idx = 0; idx < lastBit; idx++) {
int colorShift = hiFlags[idx] ? 4 : 0;
if (!lineBits[idx]) {
// Bit not set, set pixel to black.
colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.Black0 + colorShift;
} else {
// Bit set, set pixel to white or color.
if (idx > 0 && colorBuf[idx - 1] != (int)HiResColors.Black0 &&
colorBuf[idx - 1] != (int)HiResColors.Black1) {
// previous bit was also set, this is white
colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.White0 + colorShift;
// the previous pixel is part of a run of white
colorBuf[idx - 1] = (int)HiResColors.White0 + colorShift;
} else {
// previous bit not set *or* was first pixel in line;
// set color based on whether this is even or odd pixel col
bool isOdd = ((idx & 0x01) != 0) ^ isFirstOdd;
if (isOdd) {
colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.Green + colorShift;
} else {
colorBuf[idx] = (int)HiResColors.Purple + colorShift;
// Do we have a run of the same color? If so, smooth the color out.
// Note that white blends smoothly with everything.
if (idx > 1 && (colorBuf[idx - 2] == colorBuf[idx] ||
colorBuf[idx - 2] == (int)HiResColors.White0 ||
colorBuf[idx - 2] == (int)HiResColors.White1)) {
//if (colorBuf[idx - 1] != (int)HiResColors.Black0 &&
// colorBuf[idx - 1] != (int) HiResColors.Black1) {
// mAppRef.DebugLog("Unexpected color at row=" + by +
// " idx=" + idx + ": " + colorBuf[idx - 1]);
colorBuf[idx - 1] = colorBuf[idx];
// Write to bitmap.
for (idx = 0; idx < lastBit; idx++) {
vb.SetPixelIndex(bx++, by, sHiResColorMap[colorBuf[idx]]);
// move to next row
bx = 0;
offset += rowStride;
return vb;
private enum HiResColors {
Black0 = 0,
Green = 1,
Purple = 2,
White0 = 3,
Black1 = 4,
Orange = 5,
Blue = 6,
White1 = 7
// Maps HiResColors to the palette entries.
private static readonly byte[] sHiResColorMap = new byte[8] {
1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2
private void SetHiResPalette(VisBitmap8 vb) {
// These don't match directly to hi-res color numbers because we want to
// avoid adding black/white twice.
vb.AddColor(0, 0, 0, 0); // 0=transparent
vb.AddColor(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); // 1=black0/black1
vb.AddColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); // 2=white0/white1
vb.AddColor(0xff, 0x11, 0xdd, 0x00); // 3=green
vb.AddColor(0xff, 0xdd, 0x22, 0xdd); // 4=purple
vb.AddColor(0xff, 0xff, 0x66, 0x00); // 5=orange
vb.AddColor(0xff, 0x22, 0x22, 0xff); // 6=blue