mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-07-27 11:29:01 +00:00
Andy McFadden 42e6e6df1e Add 2020-cycle-counts
A quick test to confirm that the cycle counting mechanism is
generating the correct results.
2019-09-14 18:51:03 -07:00

81 lines
1.9 KiB

;6502bench SourceGen v1.3.0-dev6
!cpu 65816
* = $10f0
L10F0 sec ;2
xce ;2
bra L1108 ;4
!fill 20,$00
L1108 bra L110A ;3
L110A lda #$00 ;2
beq L1110 ;3
!byte $00
!byte $00
L1110 bne L1110 ;2
lda $1234 ;4
beq L1119 ;2+
brk ;7
!byte $01
L1119 lda $22,S ;4
trb $02 ;5+
asl $03,x ;6+
clc ;2
xce ;2
rep #$30 ;3
lda #$0011 ;3
ldy #$0022 ;3
trb $04 ;7+
asl $05,x ;8+
ldx $1235 ;5
beq L1134 ;2+
brk ;8
!byte $02
L1134 lda $33,S ;5
beq L113A ;2+
bra L10F0 ;3
L113A rep #$20 ;3
sep #$10 ;3
sta $10 ;4+
stx $11 ;3+
sty $12 ;3+
rep #$10 ;3
sep #$20 ;3
sta $11 ;3+
stx $12 ;4+
sty $13 ;4+
rep #$30 ;3
lda $1234 ;5
adc #$0066 ;3
adc $1235 ;5
sed ;2
adc #$0077 ;3
adc $1236 ;5
sec ;2
xce ;2
sbc #$88 ;2
sbc $1237 ;4
cld ;2
sbc #$99 ;2
sbc $1238 ;4
rts ;6