mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2025-02-07 14:31:00 +00:00
Andy McFadden 287ce3c065 First draft of updated web site
Added a SourceGen tutorial with lots of screen shots.  Uses
"responsive web design" so it works well on mobile devices.

This version is using jQuery load() calls to pull in pieces, but
that causes a lot of blink when loading because the loads are
asynchronous and may not complete until after the initial page
render has finished.

Tutorial prev/next links not yet working.
2021-06-06 14:07:36 -07:00

198 lines
7.5 KiB

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<title>Odds &amp; Ends - SourceGen Tutorial</title>
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<h2>Odds &amp; Ends</h2>
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<p>The rest of the code isn't really intended to do anything useful. It
just exists to illustrate some odd situations.</p>
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<img src="images/t2-2078.png" alt="t2-2078"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>Look at the code starting at $2078. It ends with a <code>BRK</code>
at $2081, which as noted earlier is a bad sign. If you look two lines
above the <code>BRK</code>, you'll see that it's loading the accumulator
with zero, then doing a <code>BNE</code>, which should never be
taken (note the cycle count for the <code>BNE</code> is 2).
The trick is in the two lines before that, which use self-modifying code to
change the <code>LDA</code> immediate operand from $00 to $ff.
The <code>BNE</code> is actually a branch-always.</p>
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<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-override-status.png" alt="t2-override-status.png"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>We can fix this by correcting the status flags. Select line $207F,
and then <samp>Actions &gt; Override Status Flags</samp>. This lets us specify what
the flags should be before the instruction is executed. For each flag,
we can override the default behavior and specify that the flag is
clear (0), set (1), or indeterminate (could be 0 or 1). In this case,
we know that the self-modified code will be loading a non-zero value, so
in the "<samp>Z</samp>" column click on the button in the "<samp>Zero</samp>" row.
Click "<samp>OK</samp>".</p>
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<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-2078-done.png" alt="t2-2078-done"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>The <code>BNE</code> is now an always-taken branch, and the code
list rearranges itself appropriately (and the cycle count is now 3).</p>
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<img src="images/t2-2086.png" alt="t2-2086"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>Continuing on, the code at $2086 touches a few consecutive locations
that have auto-generated labels.</p>
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<img src="images/t2-2081-stuff.png" alt="t2-2081-stuff"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>Edit the label on line $2081, setting it to <kbd>STUFF</kbd>.
Notice how the references to $2081 through $2084 have changed from
auto-generated labels to references to <code>STUFF</code>.</p>
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<img src="images/t2-seek-nearby.png" alt="t2-seek-nearby"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>For some projects this may be undesirable. Use
<samp>Edit &gt; Project Properties</samp>, then in the
<samp>Analysis Parameters</samp> box un-check
<samp>Seek nearby targets</samp>, and click <samp>OK</samp>.</p>
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<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>You'll notice that the references to $2081 and later have switched
back to auto labels. If you scroll up, you'll see that the references to
<code>PTR1+1</code> and <code>PTR2+1</code> were
not affected, because local variables use explicit widths rather
than the "nearby" logic.</p>
<p>The nearby-target behavior is generally desirable, because it lets you
avoid explicitly labeling every part of a multi-byte data item. For now,
use <samp>Edit &gt; Undo</samp> to switch it back on.
(Changes to project properties are added to the undo/redo buffer
just like any other change to the project.)</p>
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<div class="grid-item-image">
<img src="images/t2-2092.png" alt="t2-2092"/>
<div class="grid-item-text">
<p>The code at $2092 looks a bit strange. <code>LDX</code>, then a
<code>BIT</code> with a weird symbol, then another <code>LDX</code>. If
you look at the "bytes" column, you'll notice that the three-byte
<code>BIT</code> instruction has only one byte on its line.</p>
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<p>The trick here is that the <code>LDX #$01</code> is embedded inside the
<code>BIT</code> instruction. When the code runs through here, X is set
to $00, then the <code>BIT</code> instruction sets some flags, then the
<code>STA</code> runs. Several lines down there's a <code>BNE</code>
to $2095, which is in the middle of the <code>BIT</code> instruction.
It loads X with $01, then also continues to the <code>STA</code>.</p>
<p>Embedded instructions are unusual but not unheard-of. (This trick is
used extensively in Microsoft BASICs, such as Applesoft.) When you see the
extra symbol in the opcode field, you need to look closely at what's going
<hr style="width:80%;"/>
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<p>This is the end of the basic tutorial (congratulations!).
The next sections explore some advanced topics.</p>
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