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synced 2025-03-13 04:36:18 +00:00
Multi-line comments (MLCs) can span multiple lines, and are formatted with word-wrapping. This isn't too expensive now, but languages with immutable strings aren't ideal for this sort of thing. Before we introduce fancier formatting, we want to ensure that we're not going to adversely affect rendering performance. The cache entry for a given offset is tied to the MLC object and the Formatter; if either are changed, the cached string list will not be used.
167 lines
7.8 KiB
167 lines
7.8 KiB
* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Asm65;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Holds a cache of formatted operands that may span multiple lines.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>This is intended for multi-line items with line counts that are non-trivial to
/// compute, such as strings which may be a mix of characters and hex data. The on-demand
/// line formatter needs to be able to render the Nth line of a multi-line operand, and will
/// potentially be very inefficient if it has to render lines 0 through N-1 as well. (Imagine
/// the list is rendered from end to start...) Single-line items, and multi-line items that
/// are easy to generate at an arbitrary offset (dense hex), aren't stored here.</para>
/// <para>The trick is knowing when the cached data must be invalidated. For example, a
/// fully formatted string line must be invalidated if:</para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>The Formatter changes (different delimiter definition)</item>
/// <item>The FormatDescriptor changes (different length, different text encoding, different
/// type of string)</item>
/// <item>The PseudoOpNames table changes (potentially altering the pseudo-op
/// string used)</item>
/// </list>
/// <para>Doing a full .equals() on the various items would reduce performance, so we use a
/// simple test on reference equality when possible, and expect that the client will try
/// to ensure that the various bits that are depended upon don't get replaced
/// unnecessarily.</para>
/// <para>We don't make much of an effort to purge stale entries, since that can only happen
/// when the operand at a specific offset changes to something that doesn't require fancy
/// formatting. The total memory required for all entries is relatively small.</para>
/// </remarks>
public class FormattedOperandCache {
/// <summary>
/// One entry in the cache.
/// </summary>
private class FormattedStringEntry {
public List<string> Lines { get; private set; }
public string PseudoOpcode { get; private set; }
private Formatter mFormatter;
private FormatDescriptor mFormatDescriptor;
private PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames mPseudoOpNames;
public FormattedStringEntry(List<string> lines, string popcode, Formatter formatter,
FormatDescriptor formatDescriptor, PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOpNames) {
// Can't be sure the list won't change, so duplicate it.
Lines = new List<string>(lines.Count);
foreach (string str in lines) {
PseudoOpcode = popcode;
mFormatter = formatter;
mFormatDescriptor = formatDescriptor;
mPseudoOpNames = pseudoOpNames;
/// <summary>
/// Checks the entry's dependencies.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The data analyzer regenerates stuff in Anattribs, so we can't expect to have
/// the same FormatDescriptor object.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>True if the dependencies match.</returns>
public bool CheckDeps(Formatter formatter, FormatDescriptor formatDescriptor,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOpNames) {
bool ok = (ReferenceEquals(mFormatter, formatter) &&
ReferenceEquals(mPseudoOpNames, pseudoOpNames) &&
mFormatDescriptor == formatDescriptor);
//if (!ok) {
// Debug.WriteLine("CheckDeps:" +
// (ReferenceEquals(mFormatter, formatter) ? "" : " fmt") +
// (ReferenceEquals(mPseudoOpNames, pseudoOpNames) ? "" : " pop") +
// (mFormatDescriptor == formatDescriptor ? "" : " dfd"));
return ok;
/// <summary>
/// Cached entries, keyed by file offset.
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<int, FormattedStringEntry> mStringEntries =
new Dictionary<int, FormattedStringEntry>();
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the formatted string data for the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">File offset.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Formatter dependency.</param>
/// <param name="formatDescriptor">FormatDescriptor dependency.</param>
/// <param name="pseudoOpNames">PseudoOpNames dependency.</param>
/// <param name="PseudoOpcode">Result: pseudo-op for this string.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the string list, or null if the entry is absent or invalid.
/// The caller must not modify the list.</returns>
public List<string> GetStringEntry(int offset, Formatter formatter,
FormatDescriptor formatDescriptor, PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOpNames,
out string PseudoOpcode) {
PseudoOpcode = null;
if (!mStringEntries.TryGetValue(offset, out FormattedStringEntry entry)) {
return null;
if (!entry.CheckDeps(formatter, formatDescriptor, pseudoOpNames)) {
//Debug.WriteLine(" stale entry at +" + offset.ToString("x6"));
return null;
PseudoOpcode = entry.PseudoOpcode;
return entry.Lines;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the string data entry for the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">File offset.</param>
/// <param name="lines">String data.</param>
/// <param name="pseudoOpcode">Pseudo-opcode for this line.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Formatter dependency.</param>
/// <param name="formatDescriptor">FormatDescriptor dependency.</param>
/// <param name="pseudoOpNames">PseudoOpNames dependency.</param>
public void SetStringEntry(int offset, List<string> lines, string pseudoOpcode,
Formatter formatter, FormatDescriptor formatDescriptor,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOpNames) {
Debug.Assert(lines != null);
FormattedStringEntry fse = new FormattedStringEntry(lines, pseudoOpcode,
formatter, formatDescriptor, pseudoOpNames);
mStringEntries[offset] = fse;
// Some counters for evaluating efficacy.
public int DebugFoundValidCount { get; private set; }
public int DebugFoundStaleCount { get; private set; }
public int DebugNotFoundCount { get; private set; }
public void DebugResetCounters() {
DebugFoundValidCount = DebugFoundStaleCount = DebugNotFoundCount = 0;
public void DebugLogCounters() {
Debug.WriteLine("Operand cache: valid=" + DebugFoundValidCount + ", stale=" +
DebugFoundStaleCount + ", missing=" + DebugNotFoundCount);