mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-10-27 07:29:00 +00:00
Andy McFadden cb114be0f6 Add "uninitialized data" format type
This allows regions that hold variable storage to be marked as data
that is initialized by the program before it is used.  Previously
the choices were to treat it as bulk data (initialized) or junk
(totally unused), neither of which are correct.

This is functionally equivalent to "junk" as far as source code
generation is concerned (though it doesn't have to be).

For the code/data/junk counter, uninitialized data is counted as
junk, because it technically does not need to be part of the binary.
2021-10-13 15:05:07 -07:00

1060 lines
46 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen.AsmGen {
#region IGenerator
/// <summary>
/// Generate source code compatible with the 64tass assembler
/// (https://sourceforge.net/projects/tass64/).
/// The assembler is officially called "64tass", but it's sometimes written "tass64" because
/// in some cases you can't start an identifier with a number.
/// We need to deal with a couple of unusual aspects:
/// (1) The prefix for a local label is '_', which is generally a legal character. So
/// if somebody creates a label with a leading '_', and it's not actually local, we have
/// to "de-local" it somehow.
/// (2) By default, labels are handled in a case-insensitive fashion, which is extremely
/// rare for programming languages. Case sensitivity can be enabled with the "-C" flag.
/// Anybody who wants to assemble the generated code will need to be aware of this.
/// </summary>
public class GenTass64 : IGenerator {
private const string ASM_FILE_SUFFIX = "_64tass.S"; // must start with underscore
private const string ASCII_ENC_NAME = "sg_ascii";
private const string HIGH_ASCII_ENC_NAME = "sg_hiascii";
// IGenerator
public DisasmProject Project { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public Formatter SourceFormatter { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public AppSettings Settings { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public AssemblerQuirks Quirks { get; private set; }
// IGenerator
public LabelLocalizer Localizer { get { return mLocalizer; } }
public int StartOffset {
get {
return mHasPrgHeader ? 2 : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Working directory, i.e. where we write our output file(s).
/// </summary>
private string mWorkDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// If set, long labels get their own line.
/// </summary>
private bool mLongLabelNewLine;
/// <summary>
/// Output column widths.
/// </summary>
private int[] mColumnWidths;
/// <summary>
/// Base filename. Typically the project file name without the ".dis65" extension.
/// </summary>
private string mFileNameBase;
/// <summary>
/// True if the first two bytes look like the header of a PRG file.
/// </summary>
private bool mHasPrgHeader;
/// <summary>
/// StringBuilder to use when composing a line. Held here to reduce allocations.
/// </summary>
private StringBuilder mLineBuilder = new StringBuilder(100);
/// <summary>
/// Label localization helper.
/// </summary>
private LabelLocalizer mLocalizer;
/// <summary>
/// Stream to send the output to.
/// </summary>
private StreamWriter mOutStream;
/// <summary>
/// What encoding are we currently set up for.
/// </summary>
private CharEncoding.Encoding mCurrentEncoding;
/// <summary>
/// Output mode; determines how ORG is handled.
/// </summary>
private enum OutputMode {
Unknown = 0, Loadable = 1, Streamable = 2
private OutputMode mOutputMode;
/// <summary>
/// Current pseudo-PC depth. 0 is the "real" PC.
/// </summary>
private int mPcDepth;
private bool mFirstIsOpen;
/// <summary>
/// Holds detected version of configured assembler.
/// </summary>
private CommonUtil.Version mAsmVersion = CommonUtil.Version.NO_VERSION;
// Version we're coded against.
private static CommonUtil.Version V1_53 = new CommonUtil.Version(1, 53, 1515);
private static CommonUtil.Version V1_54 = new CommonUtil.Version(1, 54, 1900);
private static CommonUtil.Version V1_55 = new CommonUtil.Version(1, 55, 2176);
private static CommonUtil.Version V1_56 = new CommonUtil.Version(1, 56, 2625);
// Pseudo-op string constants.
private static PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames sDataOpNames =
new PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames(new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "EquDirective", "=" },
{ "VarDirective", ".var" },
{ "ArStartDirective", ".logical" },
{ "ArEndDirective", ".here" },
//RegWidthDirective // .as, .al, .xs, .xl
{ "DefineData1", ".byte" },
{ "DefineData2", ".word" },
{ "DefineData3", ".long" },
{ "DefineData4", ".dword" },
{ "Fill", ".fill" },
{ "Dense", ".byte" }, // not really dense, just comma-separated bytes
{ "Uninit", ".fill" },
{ "Align", ".align" },
{ "StrGeneric", ".text" },
{ "StrNullTerm", ".null" },
{ "StrLen8", ".ptext" },
{ "StrDci", ".shift" }
// IGenerator
public void GetDefaultDisplayFormat(out PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOps,
out Formatter.FormatConfig formatConfig) {
pseudoOps = sDataOpNames;
formatConfig = new Formatter.FormatConfig();
SetFormatConfigValues(ref formatConfig);
// IGenerator
public void Configure(DisasmProject project, string workDirectory, string fileNameBase,
AssemblerVersion asmVersion, AppSettings settings) {
Debug.Assert(project != null);
Project = project;
Quirks = new AssemblerQuirks();
if (asmVersion != null) {
mAsmVersion = asmVersion.Version; // Use the actual version.
} else {
mAsmVersion = V1_56; // No assembler installed, use default.
Quirks.StackIntOperandIsImmediate = true;
Quirks.LeadingUnderscoreSpecial = true;
Quirks.Need24BitsForAbsPBR = true;
Quirks.BitNumberIsArg = true;
Quirks.BankZeroAbsPBRRestrict = true;
mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
mFileNameBase = fileNameBase;
Settings = settings;
mLongLabelNewLine = Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_LONG_LABEL_NEW_LINE, false);
AssemblerConfig config = AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(settings,
mColumnWidths = (int[])config.ColumnWidths.Clone();
// 64tass emulates a loader on a 64K system. The address you specify with
// "* = <addr>" tells the loader where the code lives. If the project runs off the
// end of memory, you get a warning message and an output file that has the last
// part as the first part, because the loader wraps around.
// If (start_addr + total_len) doesn't fit without wrapping, we want to start
// the code with "* = 0" (or omit it entirely) and use ".logical" for the first.
// chunk. This allows us to generate the full 64K. Note that 65816 code that
// starts outside bank 0 will always fail this test.
// Thus there are two modes: "loadable" and "streamable". We could output everything
// as streamable but that's kind of ugly and prevents the PRG optimization.
// If the file has more than 64K of data in it, we need to add "--long-address" to
// the command-line arguments.
// Get start address. If this is a PRG file, the start address is the address
// of offset +000002.
bool hasPrgHeader = GenCommon.HasPrgHeader(project);
int offAdj = hasPrgHeader ? 2 : 0;
int startAddr = project.AddrMap.OffsetToAddress(offAdj);
if (startAddr + project.FileDataLength - offAdj > 65536) {
// Does not fit into memory at load address.
mOutputMode = OutputMode.Streamable;
mHasPrgHeader = false;
} else {
mOutputMode = OutputMode.Loadable;
mHasPrgHeader = hasPrgHeader;
//Debug.WriteLine("startAddr=$" + startAddr.ToString("x6") +
// " outputMode=" + mOutputMode + " hasPrg=" + mHasPrgHeader);
/// <summary>
/// Configures the assembler-specific format items. May be called without a Project.
/// </summary>
private void SetFormatConfigValues(ref Formatter.FormatConfig config) {
// Must be lower case when --case-sensitive is used.
config.mUpperOpcodes = false;
config.mUpperPseudoOpcodes = false;
config.mUpperOperandA = false;
config.mUpperOperandS = false;
config.mUpperOperandXY = false;
config.mOperandWrapLen = 64;
config.mBankSelectBackQuote = true;
config.mForceDirectOpcodeSuffix = string.Empty;
config.mForceAbsOpcodeSuffix = string.Empty;
config.mForceLongOpcodeSuffix = string.Empty;
config.mForceDirectOperandPrefix = string.Empty;
config.mForceAbsOperandPrefix = "@w"; // word
config.mForceLongOperandPrefix = "@l"; // long
config.mEndOfLineCommentDelimiter = ";";
config.mFullLineCommentDelimiterBase = ";";
config.mBoxLineCommentDelimiter = ";";
config.mNonUniqueLabelPrefix = ""; // should be '_', but that's a valid label char
config.mCommaSeparatedDense = true;
config.mExpressionMode = Formatter.FormatConfig.ExpressionMode.Common;
// IGenerator
public GenerationResults GenerateSource(BackgroundWorker worker) {
List<string> pathNames = new List<string>(1);
string fileName = mFileNameBase + ASM_FILE_SUFFIX;
string pathName = Path.Combine(mWorkDirectory, fileName);
Formatter.FormatConfig config = new Formatter.FormatConfig();
GenCommon.ConfigureFormatterFromSettings(Settings, ref config);
SetFormatConfigValues(ref config);
// Configure delimiters for single-character operands.
Formatter.DelimiterSet charDelimSet = new Formatter.DelimiterSet();
charDelimSet.Set(CharEncoding.Encoding.C64Petscii, Formatter.SINGLE_QUOTE_DELIM);
charDelimSet.Set(CharEncoding.Encoding.C64ScreenCode, Formatter.SINGLE_QUOTE_DELIM);
charDelimSet.Set(CharEncoding.Encoding.Ascii, Formatter.SINGLE_QUOTE_DELIM);
new Formatter.DelimiterDef(string.Empty, '\'', '\'', " | $80"));
config.mCharDelimiters = charDelimSet;
SourceFormatter = new Formatter(config);
string msg = string.Format(Res.Strings.PROGRESS_GENERATING_FMT, pathName);
worker.ReportProgress(0, msg);
mLocalizer = new LabelLocalizer(Project);
mLocalizer.LocalPrefix = "_";
mLocalizer.QuirkNoOpcodeMnemonics = true;
bool needLongAddress = Project.FileDataLength > 65536 + (mHasPrgHeader ? 2 : 0);
string extraOptions = string.Empty +
(needLongAddress ? AsmTass64.LONG_ADDRESS : string.Empty) +
(mHasPrgHeader ? string.Empty : AsmTass64.NOSTART);
mPcDepth = 0;
mFirstIsOpen = true;
// Use UTF-8 encoding, without a byte-order mark.
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pathName, false, new UTF8Encoding(false))) {
mOutStream = sw;
if (Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_ADD_IDENT_COMMENT, false)) {
OutputLine(SourceFormatter.FullLineCommentDelimiter +
"64tass", mAsmVersion, AsmTass64.BASE_OPTIONS + extraOptions));
GenCommon.Generate(this, sw, worker);
mOutStream = null;
return new GenerationResults(pathNames, extraOptions);
// IGenerator
public void OutputAsmConfig() {
CpuDef cpuDef = Project.CpuDef;
string cpuStr;
if (cpuDef.Type == CpuDef.CpuType.Cpu65816) {
cpuStr = "65816";
} else if (cpuDef.Type == CpuDef.CpuType.Cpu65C02) {
cpuStr = "65c02";
} else if (cpuDef.Type == CpuDef.CpuType.CpuW65C02) {
cpuStr = "w65c02";
} else if (cpuDef.Type == CpuDef.CpuType.Cpu6502 && cpuDef.HasUndocumented) {
cpuStr = "6502i";
} else {
cpuStr = "6502";
OutputLine(string.Empty, SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(".cpu"),
'\"' + cpuStr + '\"', string.Empty);
// C64 PETSCII and C64 screen codes are built in. Define ASCII if we also
// need that.
mCurrentEncoding = CharEncoding.Encoding.C64Petscii;
CheckAsciiFormats(out bool hasAscii, out bool hasHighAscii);
if (hasHighAscii) {
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".enc", '"' + HIGH_ASCII_ENC_NAME + '"', string.Empty);
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".cdef", "$20,$7e,$a0", string.Empty);
mCurrentEncoding = CharEncoding.Encoding.HighAscii;
if (hasAscii) {
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".enc", '"' + ASCII_ENC_NAME + '"', string.Empty);
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".cdef", "$20,$7e,$20", string.Empty);
mCurrentEncoding = CharEncoding.Encoding.Ascii;
private void CheckAsciiFormats(out bool hasAscii, out bool hasHighAscii) {
int offset = 0;
hasAscii = hasHighAscii = false;
while (offset < Project.FileData.Length) {
Anattrib attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);
FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;
if (dfd != null) {
if (dfd.FormatSubType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.Ascii) {
Debug.Assert(dfd.IsNumeric || dfd.IsString);
hasAscii = true;
} else if (dfd.FormatSubType == FormatDescriptor.SubType.HighAscii) {
hasHighAscii = true;
if (hasAscii && hasHighAscii) {
if (attr.IsInstructionStart) {
// look for embedded instructions, which might have formatted char data
int len;
for (len = 1; len < attr.Length; len++) {
if (Project.GetAnattrib(offset + len).IsInstructionStart) {
offset += len;
} else {
// data items
offset += attr.Length;
// IGenerator
public string ModifyOpcode(int offset, OpDef op) {
if (op.IsUndocumented) {
if (Project.CpuDef.Type == CpuDef.CpuType.Cpu65C02 ||
Project.CpuDef.Type == CpuDef.CpuType.CpuW65C02) {
// none of the "LDD" stuff is handled
return null;
if ((op.Mnemonic == OpName.ANC && op.Opcode != 0x0b) ||
(op.Mnemonic == OpName.JAM && op.Opcode != 0x02)) {
// There are multiple opcodes that match the mnemonic. Output the
// mnemonic for the first one and hex for the rest.
return null;
} else if (op.Mnemonic == OpName.NOP || op.Mnemonic == OpName.DOP ||
op.Mnemonic == OpName.TOP) {
// the various undocumented no-ops aren't handled
return null;
} else if (op.Mnemonic == OpName.SBC) {
// this is the alternate reference to SBC
return null;
} else if (op == OpDef.OpSHA_DPIndIndexY) {
// not recognized ($93)
if (mAsmVersion < V1_55) {
return null;
if (op == OpDef.OpWDM_WDM) {
// 64tass v1.53 doesn't know what this is.
// 64tass v1.55 doesn't like this to have an operand.
// Output as hex.
return null;
return string.Empty; // indicate original is fine
// IGenerator
public FormatDescriptor ModifyInstructionOperandFormat(int offset, FormatDescriptor dfd,
int operand) {
return dfd;
// IGenerator
public void UpdateCharacterEncoding(FormatDescriptor dfd) {
CharEncoding.Encoding newEnc = PseudoOp.SubTypeToEnc(dfd.FormatSubType);
if (newEnc == CharEncoding.Encoding.Unknown) {
// probably not a character operand
if (newEnc != mCurrentEncoding) {
switch (newEnc) {
case CharEncoding.Encoding.Ascii:
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".enc", '"' + ASCII_ENC_NAME + '"', string.Empty);
case CharEncoding.Encoding.HighAscii:
// If this is a numeric operand (not string), and we're currently in
// ASCII mode, the "| $80" in the delimiter will handle this without
// the need for a .enc. Much less clutter for sources that have plain
// ASCII strings but test high ASCII constants.
if (mCurrentEncoding == CharEncoding.Encoding.Ascii && !dfd.IsString) {
newEnc = mCurrentEncoding;
} else {
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".enc", '"' + HIGH_ASCII_ENC_NAME + '"',
case CharEncoding.Encoding.C64Petscii:
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".enc", "\"none\"", string.Empty);
case CharEncoding.Encoding.C64ScreenCode:
OutputLine(string.Empty, ".enc", "\"screen\"", string.Empty);
mCurrentEncoding = newEnc;
// IGenerator
public void GenerateShortSequence(int offset, int length, out string opcode,
out string operand) {
Debug.Assert(length >= 1 && length <= 4);
// Use a comma-separated list of individual hex bytes.
opcode = sDataOpNames.DefineData1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.Append(SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(Project.FileData[offset + i], 2));
operand = sb.ToString();
// IGenerator
public void OutputDataOp(int offset) {
Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
Anattrib attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);
string labelStr = string.Empty;
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = Localizer.ConvLabel(attr.Symbol.Label);
string commentStr = SourceFormatter.FormatEolComment(Project.Comments[offset]);
string opcodeStr, operandStr;
FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;
Debug.Assert(dfd != null);
int length = dfd.Length;
Debug.Assert(length > 0);
bool multiLine = false;
switch (dfd.FormatType) {
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Default:
if (length != 1) {
length = 1;
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.DefineData1;
int operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, false);
operandStr = formatter.FormatHexValue(operand, length * 2);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericLE:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.GetDefineData(length);
operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, false);
operandStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, Project.SymbolTable,
Localizer.LabelMap, dfd, operand, length,
case FormatDescriptor.Type.NumericBE:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.GetDefineBigData(length);
if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(opcodeStr))) {
// Nothing defined, output as comma-separated single-byte values.
GenerateShortSequence(offset, length, out opcodeStr, out operandStr);
} else {
operand = RawData.GetWord(data, offset, length, true);
operandStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, Project.SymbolTable,
Localizer.LabelMap, dfd, operand, length,
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Fill:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.Fill;
operandStr = length + "," + formatter.FormatHexValue(data[offset], 2);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Dense:
multiLine = true;
opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
OutputDenseHex(offset, length, labelStr, commentStr);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Uninit:
// TODO: use the special syntax for uninit byte/word/dword if possible.
case FormatDescriptor.Type.Junk:
bool canAlign = (dfd.FormatType == FormatDescriptor.Type.Junk);
int fillVal = Helper.CheckRangeHoldsSingleValue(data, offset, length);
if (canAlign && fillVal >= 0 &&
GenCommon.CheckJunkAlign(offset, dfd, Project.AddrMap)) {
// .align <expression>[, <fill>]
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.Align;
int alignVal = 1 << FormatDescriptor.AlignmentToPower(dfd.FormatSubType);
operandStr = alignVal.ToString() +
"," + formatter.FormatHexValue(fillVal, 2);
} else if (fillVal >= 0 && (length > 1 || fillVal == 0x00)) {
// If multi-byte, or single byte and zero, treat same as Fill.
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.Fill;
operandStr = length + "," + formatter.FormatHexValue(fillVal, 2);
} else {
// treat same as Dense
multiLine = true;
opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
OutputDenseHex(offset, length, labelStr, commentStr);
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
multiLine = true;
opcodeStr = operandStr = null;
OutputString(offset, labelStr, commentStr);
opcodeStr = "???";
operandStr = "***";
if (!multiLine) {
opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opcodeStr);
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
private void OutputDenseHex(int offset, int length, string labelStr, string commentStr) {
Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
int maxPerLine = formatter.OperandWrapLen / formatter.CharsPerDenseByte;
string opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(sDataOpNames.Dense);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += maxPerLine) {
int subLen = length - i;
if (subLen > maxPerLine) {
subLen = maxPerLine;
string operandStr = formatter.FormatDenseHex(data, offset + i, subLen);
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
labelStr = commentStr = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Outputs formatted data in an unformatted way, because the code generator couldn't
/// figure out how to do something better.
/// </summary>
private void OutputNoJoy(int offset, int length, string labelStr, string commentStr) {
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
Debug.Assert(length > 0);
Debug.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset < data.Length);
bool singleValue = true;
byte val = data[offset];
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
if (data[offset + i] != val) {
singleValue = false;
if (singleValue && length > 1) {
string opcodeStr = SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(sDataOpNames.Fill);
string operandStr = length + "," + SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(val, 2);
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
} else {
OutputDenseHex(offset, length, labelStr, commentStr);
// IGenerator
public void OutputEquDirective(string name, string valueStr, string comment) {
OutputLine(name, SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(sDataOpNames.EquDirective),
valueStr, SourceFormatter.FormatEolComment(comment));
// IGenerator
public void OutputLocalVariableTable(int offset, List<DefSymbol> newDefs,
LocalVariableTable allDefs) {
foreach (DefSymbol defSym in newDefs) {
string valueStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(SourceFormatter,
Project.SymbolTable, null, defSym.DataDescriptor, defSym.Value, 1,
valueStr, SourceFormatter.FormatEolComment(defSym.Comment));
// IGenerator
public void OutputArDirective(CommonUtil.AddressMap.AddressChange change) {
// 64tass separates the "compile offset", which determines where the output fits
// into the generated binary, and "program counter", which determines the code
// the assembler generates. Since we need to explicitly specify every byte in
// the output file, having a distinct compile offset isn't useful here. We want
// to set it once before the first line of code, then leave it alone.
// Any subsequent ORG changes are made to the program counter, and take the form
// of a pair of ops (".logical <addr>" to open, ".here" to end). Omitting the .here
// causes an error.
// If this is a "streamable" file, meaning it won't actually load into 64K of RAM
// without wrapping around, then we skip the "* = addr" (same as "* = 0") and just
// start with ".logical" segments.
// The assembler's approach is best represented by having an address region that
// spans the entire file, with one or more "logical" regions inside. In practice
// (especially for multi-bank 65816 code) that may not be the case, but the
// assembler is still expecting us to start with a "* =" and then fit everything
// inside that. So we treat the first region specially, whether or not it wraps
// the rest of the file.
Debug.Assert(mPcDepth >= 0);
int nextAddress = change.Address;
if (nextAddress == Address.NON_ADDR) {
// Start non-addressable regions at zero to ensure they don't overflow bank.
nextAddress = 0;
if (change.IsStart) {
if (change.Region.HasValidPreLabel) {
string labelStr = mLocalizer.ConvLabel(change.Region.PreLabel);
OutputLine(labelStr, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty);
if (mPcDepth == 0 && mFirstIsOpen) {
// Set the "real" PC for the first address change. If we're in "loadable"
// mode, just set "*=". If we're in "streaming" mode, we set "*=" to zero
// and then use a pseudo-PC.
if (mOutputMode == OutputMode.Loadable) {
OutputLine("*", "=",
SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(nextAddress, 4), string.Empty);
} else {
// Set the real PC to address zero to ensure we get a full 64KB. The
// assembler assumes this as a default, so it can be omitted.
//OutputLine("*", "=", SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(0, 4), string.Empty);
AddressMap.AddressRegion region = change.Region;
string addrStr;
if (region.HasValidIsRelative) {
int diff = nextAddress - region.PreLabelAddress;
string pfxStr;
if (diff >= 0) {
pfxStr = "*+";
} else {
pfxStr = "*-";
diff = -diff;
addrStr = pfxStr + SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(diff, 4);
} else {
addrStr = SourceFormatter.FormatHexValue(nextAddress, 4);
} else {
if (mPcDepth > 0 || !mFirstIsOpen) {
// close previous block
string.Empty, string.Empty);
} else {
// mark initial "*=" region as closed, but don't output anything
mFirstIsOpen = false;
// IGenerator
public void FlushArDirectives() { }
// IGenerator
public void OutputRegWidthDirective(int offset, int prevM, int prevX, int newM, int newX) {
if (prevM != newM) {
string mop = (newM == 0) ? ".al" : ".as";
OutputLine(string.Empty, SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(mop),
string.Empty, string.Empty);
if (prevX != newX) {
string xop = (newX == 0) ? ".xl" : ".xs";
OutputLine(string.Empty, SourceFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(xop),
string.Empty, string.Empty);
// IGenerator
public void OutputLine(string fullLine) {
// IGenerator
public void OutputLine(string label, string opcode, string operand, string comment) {
// Break the line if the label is long and it's not a .EQ/.VAR directive.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label) &&
!string.Equals(opcode, sDataOpNames.EquDirective,
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
!string.Equals(opcode, sDataOpNames.VarDirective,
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
if (mLongLabelNewLine && label.Length >= mColumnWidths[0]) {
label = string.Empty;
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, label, 0);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, opcode, mColumnWidths[0]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, operand,
mColumnWidths[0] + mColumnWidths[1]);
TextUtil.AppendPaddedString(mLineBuilder, comment,
mColumnWidths[0] + mColumnWidths[1] + mColumnWidths[2]);
private void OutputString(int offset, string labelStr, string commentStr) {
// Generic strings whose encoding matches the configured text encoding are output
// with a simple .text directive.
// CString and L8String have directives (.null, .ptext), but we can only use
// them if the string fits on one line and doesn't include delimiters.
// We might be able to define a macro for Reverse.
// We don't currently switch character encodings in the middle of a file. We could
// do so to flip between PETSCII, screen codes, low ASCII, and high ASCII, but it
// adds a lot of noise and it's unclear that this is generally useful.
Anattrib attr = Project.GetAnattrib(offset);
FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;
Debug.Assert(dfd != null);
Debug.Assert(dfd.Length > 0);
CharEncoding.Convert charConv = null;
switch (dfd.FormatSubType) {
case FormatDescriptor.SubType.Ascii:
charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertAscii;
case FormatDescriptor.SubType.HighAscii:
charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertHighAscii;
case FormatDescriptor.SubType.C64Petscii:
charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertC64Petscii;
case FormatDescriptor.SubType.C64Screen:
charConv = CharEncoding.ConvertC64ScreenCode;
if (charConv == null) {
OutputNoJoy(offset, dfd.Length, labelStr, commentStr);
// Issue a .enc, if needed.
Formatter formatter = SourceFormatter;
byte[] data = Project.FileData;
int hiddenLeadingBytes = 0;
int shownLeadingBytes = 0;
int trailingBytes = 0;
string opcodeStr;
switch (dfd.FormatType) {
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrNullTerm;
trailingBytes = 1;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrLen8;
hiddenLeadingBytes = 1;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
shownLeadingBytes = 2;
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrDci;
if ((Project.FileData[offset + dfd.Length - 1] & 0x80) == 0) {
// ".shift" directive only works for strings where the low bit starts
// clear and ends high.
// TODO(maybe): this is sub-optimal for high-ASCII DCI strings.
OutputNoJoy(offset, dfd.Length, labelStr, commentStr);
StringOpFormatter stropf = new StringOpFormatter(SourceFormatter,
Formatter.DOUBLE_QUOTE_DELIM,StringOpFormatter.RawOutputStyle.CommaSep, charConv,
stropf.IsDciString = (dfd.FormatType == FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci);
// Feed bytes in, skipping over hidden bytes (leading L8, trailing null).
stropf.FeedBytes(data, offset + hiddenLeadingBytes,
dfd.Length - hiddenLeadingBytes - trailingBytes, shownLeadingBytes,
Debug.Assert(stropf.Lines.Count > 0);
// See if we need to do this over.
bool redo = false;
switch (dfd.FormatType) {
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringGeneric:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringReverse:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL16:
// All good the first time.
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringNullTerm:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringL8:
case FormatDescriptor.Type.StringDci:
if (stropf.Lines.Count != 1) {
// Must be single-line.
opcodeStr = sDataOpNames.StrGeneric;
stropf.IsDciString = false;
redo = true;
if (redo) {
//Debug.WriteLine("REDO off=+" + offset.ToString("x6") + ": " + dfd.FormatType);
// This time, instead of skipping over leading length bytes, we include them
// explicitly.
stropf.FeedBytes(data, offset, dfd.Length, hiddenLeadingBytes,
opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opcodeStr);
foreach (string str in stropf.Lines) {
OutputLine(labelStr, opcodeStr, str, commentStr);
labelStr = commentStr = string.Empty; // only show on first
#endregion IGenerator
#region IAssembler
/// <summary>
/// Cross-assembler execution interface.
/// </summary>
public class AsmTass64 : IAssembler {
// Standard options. For historical reasons the assembler expects PETSCII input by
// default, and requires "--ascii" for ASCII/UTF-8 input. This flag switches the
// default "none" encoding from "raw" to something that converts characters to
// PETSCII, so if you want to output strings in another format (such as ASCII) an
// explicit encoding must be specified.
public const string BASE_OPTIONS = "--ascii --case-sensitive -Wall";
public const string LONG_ADDRESS = " --long-address";
public const string NOSTART = " --nostart";
// Paths from generator.
private List<string> mPathNames;
// Directory to make current before executing assembler.
private string mWorkDirectory;
// Additional options specified by the source generator.
private string mExtraOptions;
// IAssembler
public void GetExeIdentifiers(out string humanName, out string exeName) {
humanName = "64tass Assembler";
exeName = "64tass";
// IAssembler
public AssemblerConfig GetDefaultConfig() {
return new AssemblerConfig(string.Empty, new int[] { 8, 8, 11, 73 });
// IAssembler
public AssemblerVersion QueryVersion() {
AssemblerConfig config =
AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(AppSettings.Global, AssemblerInfo.Id.Tass64);
if (config == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExecutablePath)) {
return null;
ShellCommand cmd = new ShellCommand(config.ExecutablePath, "--version",
Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), null);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.Stdout)) {
return null;
// Windows - Stdout: "64tass Turbo Assembler Macro V1.53.1515\r\n"
// Linux - Stdout: "64tass Turbo Assembler Macro V1.53.1515?\n"
const string PREFIX = "Macro V";
string str = cmd.Stdout;
int start = str.IndexOf(PREFIX);
int end = (start < 0) ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '?', '\r', '\n' }, start + 1);
if (start < 0 || end < 0 || start + PREFIX.Length >= end) {
Debug.WriteLine("Couldn't find version in " + str);
return null;
start += PREFIX.Length;
string versionStr = str.Substring(start, end - start);
CommonUtil.Version version = CommonUtil.Version.Parse(versionStr);
if (!version.IsValid) {
return null;
return new AssemblerVersion(versionStr, version);
// IAssembler
public void Configure(GenerationResults results, string workDirectory) {
// Clone path names, in case the caller decides to modify the original.
mPathNames = CommonUtil.Container.CopyStringList(results.PathNames);
mExtraOptions = results.ExtraOptions;
mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
// IAssembler
public AssemblerResults RunAssembler(BackgroundWorker worker) {
// Reduce input file to a partial path if possible. This is really just to make
// what we display to the user a little easier to read.
string pathName = mPathNames[0];
if (pathName.StartsWith(mWorkDirectory)) {
pathName = pathName.Remove(0, mWorkDirectory.Length + 1);
} else {
// Unexpected, but shouldn't be a problem.
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: source file is not in work directory");
AssemblerConfig config =
AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(AppSettings.Global, AssemblerInfo.Id.Tass64);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExecutablePath)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Assembler not configured");
return null;
worker.ReportProgress(0, Res.Strings.PROGRESS_ASSEMBLING);
string outFileName = pathName.Substring(0, pathName.Length - 2);
// Wrap pathname in quotes in case it has spaces.
// (Do we need to shell-escape quotes in the pathName?)
ShellCommand cmd = new ShellCommand(config.ExecutablePath,
BASE_OPTIONS + mExtraOptions +
" \"" + pathName + "\"" + " -o \"" + outFileName + "\"",
mWorkDirectory, null);
// Can't really do anything with a "cancel" request.
// Output filename is the input filename without the ".S". Since the filename
// was generated by us we can be confident in the format.
string outputFile = mPathNames[0].Substring(0, mPathNames[0].Length - 2);
return new AssemblerResults(cmd.FullCommandLine, cmd.ExitCode, cmd.Stdout,
cmd.Stderr, outputFile);
#endregion IAssembler