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Andy McFadden b60dc4fee4 Add W65C02S support, part 1
We were claiming W65C02S, but it turns out that CPU has the Rockwell
extensions and the STP/WAI instructions.  We need to change existing
references to be "WDC 65C02", and add a new CPU definition for the
actual W65C02S chip.

This adds the new CPU definition, the instruction definitions for
the Rockwell extensions, and updates the selectors in project properties
and the instruction chart tool.

This change shouldn't affect any existing projects.  Still more to do
before W65C02 works though, mostly because the Rockwell instructions
introduced a new two-argument address mode that has to be handled in
various places.
2020-10-10 15:46:34 -07:00

827 lines
37 KiB

* Copyright 2018 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Asm65 {
/// <summary>
/// Human-readable text describing instructions.
/// The expectation is that the long description will include information about all
/// address modes and any differences in behavior between CPUs. So there will be one
/// entry per instruction mnemonic, and one global table for all CPUs, rather than one
/// entry per opcode and one instance per CpuDef.
/// There may, however, be different instances for different Cultures. Also, the 65816
/// traditionally splits JSR/JSL and JMP/JML, so in that case there will be two entries
/// for the same instruction.
/// </summary>
public class OpDescription {
private Dictionary<string, string> mShortDescriptions;
private Dictionary<string, string> mLongDescriptions;
private Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string> mAddressModeDescriptions;
private Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string> mCycleModDescriptions;
private OpDescription(Dictionary<string, string> sd, Dictionary<string, string> ld,
Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string> am, Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string> cm) {
mShortDescriptions = sd;
mLongDescriptions = ld;
mAddressModeDescriptions = am;
mCycleModDescriptions = cm;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an OpDescription instance for the requested region.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="region">TBD</param>
public static OpDescription GetOpDescription(string region) {
// ignoring region for now
return new OpDescription(sShort_enUS, sLong_enUS, sAddrMode_enUS, sCycleMod_enUS);
/// <summary>
/// Short description of instruction, e.g. "Load Accumulator".
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mnemonic">Instruction mnemonic.</param>
/// <returns>Short description string, or empty string if not found.</returns>
public string GetShortDescription(string mnemonic) {
if (mShortDescriptions.TryGetValue(mnemonic, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Long description of instruction. May span multiple lines, with embedded CRLF at
/// paragraph breaks.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mnemonic">Instruction mnemonic.</param>
/// <returns>Long description string, or empty string if not found.</returns>
public string GetLongDescription(string mnemonic) {
if (mLongDescriptions.TryGetValue(mnemonic, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Address mode short description.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="addrMode">Address mode to look up.</param>
/// <returns>Description string, or an empty string for instructions
/// with implied address modes.</returns>
public string GetAddressModeDescription(OpDef.AddressMode addrMode) {
if (mAddressModeDescriptions.TryGetValue(addrMode, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Cycle modifier description.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modBit">A single-bit item from the CycleMod enum.</param>
/// <returns>Description string, or question marks if not found.</returns>
public string GetCycleModDescription(OpDef.CycleMod modBit) {
if (mCycleModDescriptions.TryGetValue(modBit, out string desc)) {
return desc;
} else {
return "???";
/// <summary>
/// Short descriptions, USA English.
/// Text is adapted from instruction summaries in Eyes & Lichty, which are slightly
/// shorter than those in the CPU data sheet.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, string> sShort_enUS = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
// 65816 instructions.
{ OpName.ADC, "Add With Carry" },
{ OpName.AND, "AND Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.ASL, "Shift Memory or Accumulator Left" },
{ OpName.BCC, "Branch If Carry Clear" },
{ OpName.BCS, "Branch If Carry Set" },
{ OpName.BEQ, "Branch If Equal" },
{ OpName.BIT, "Test Memory Against Accumulator" },
{ OpName.BMI, "Branch If Minus" },
{ OpName.BNE, "Branch If Not Equal" },
{ OpName.BPL, "Branch If Plus" },
{ OpName.BRA, "Branch Always" },
{ OpName.BRK, "Software Break" },
{ OpName.BRL, "Branch Always Long" },
{ OpName.BVC, "Branch If Overflow Clear" },
{ OpName.BVS, "Branch If Overflow Set" },
{ OpName.CLC, "Clear Carry Flag" },
{ OpName.CLD, "Clear Decimal Flag" },
{ OpName.CLI, "Clear Interrupt Disable Flag" },
{ OpName.CLV, "Clear Overflow Flag" },
{ OpName.CMP, "Compare Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.COP, "Co-Processor" },
{ OpName.CPX, "Compare Index X With Memory" },
{ OpName.CPY, "Compare Index Y With Memory" },
{ OpName.DEC, "Decrement Accumulator" },
{ OpName.DEX, "Decrement Index X" },
{ OpName.DEY, "Decrement Index Y" },
{ OpName.EOR, "XOR Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.INC, "Increment Accumulator" },
{ OpName.INX, "Increment Index X" },
{ OpName.INY, "Increment Index Y" },
{ OpName.JML, "Jump Long" },
{ OpName.JMP, "Jump" },
{ OpName.JSL, "Jump to Subroutine Long" },
{ OpName.JSR, "Jump to Subroutine" },
{ OpName.LDA, "Load Accumulator from Memory" },
{ OpName.LDX, "Load Index X from Memory" },
{ OpName.LDY, "Load Index Y from Memory" },
{ OpName.LSR, "Logical Shift Memory or Accumulator Right" },
{ OpName.MVN, "Block Move Next" },
{ OpName.MVP, "Block Move Previous" },
{ OpName.NOP, "No Operation" },
{ OpName.ORA, "OR Accumulator With Memory" },
{ OpName.PEA, "Push Effective Absolute Address" },
{ OpName.PEI, "Push Effective Indirect Address" },
{ OpName.PER, "Push Effective Relative Indirect Address" },
{ OpName.PHA, "Push Accumulator" },
{ OpName.PHB, "Push Data Bank Register" },
{ OpName.PHD, "Push Direct Page Register" },
{ OpName.PHK, "Push Program Bank Register" },
{ OpName.PHP, "Push Processor Status Register" },
{ OpName.PHX, "Push Index Register X" },
{ OpName.PHY, "Push Index Register Y" },
{ OpName.PLA, "Pull Accumulator" },
{ OpName.PLB, "Pull Data Bank Register" },
{ OpName.PLD, "Pull Direct Page Register" },
{ OpName.PLP, "Pull Processor Status Register" },
{ OpName.PLX, "Pull Index Register X" },
{ OpName.PLY, "Pull Index Register Y" },
{ OpName.REP, "Reset Status Bits" },
{ OpName.ROL, "Rotate Memory or Accumulator Left" },
{ OpName.ROR, "Rotate Memory or Accumulator Right" },
{ OpName.RTI, "Return from Interrupt" },
{ OpName.RTL, "Return from Subroutine Long" },
{ OpName.RTS, "Return from Subroutine" },
{ OpName.SBC, "Subtract With Borrow" },
{ OpName.SEC, "Set Carry Flag" },
{ OpName.SED, "Set Decimal Flag" },
{ OpName.SEI, "Set Interrupt Disable Flag" },
{ OpName.SEP, "Set Status Bits" },
{ OpName.STA, "Store Accumulator to Memory" },
{ OpName.STP, "Stop Processor" },
{ OpName.STX, "Store Index X to Memory" },
{ OpName.STY, "Store Index Y to Memory" },
{ OpName.STZ, "Store Zero to Memory" },
{ OpName.TAX, "Transfer Accumulator to Index X" },
{ OpName.TAY, "Transfer Accumulator to Index Y" },
{ OpName.TCD, "Transfer 16-Bit Accumulator to Direct Page Register" },
{ OpName.TCS, "Transfer Accumulator to Stack Pointer" },
{ OpName.TDC, "Transfer Direct Page Register to 16-Bit Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TRB, "Test and Reset Memory Bits" },
{ OpName.TSB, "Test and Set Memory Bits" },
{ OpName.TSC, "Transfer Stack Pointer to 16-Bit Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TSX, "Transfer Stack Pointer to Index X" },
{ OpName.TXA, "Transfer Index X to Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TXS, "Transfer Index X to Stack Pointer" },
{ OpName.TXY, "Transfer Index X to Index Y" },
{ OpName.TYA, "Transfer Index Y to Accumulator" },
{ OpName.TYX, "Transfer Index Y to Index X" },
{ OpName.WAI, "Wait for Interrupt" },
{ OpName.WDM, "Future Expansion" },
{ OpName.XBA, "Exchange Accumulator B and A" },
{ OpName.XCE, "Exchange Carry and Emulation Bits" },
// MOS 6502 undocumented ops
{ OpName.ALR, "AND and Shift Right" },
{ OpName.ANC, "AND Accumulator With Value and Set Carry" },
{ OpName.ANE, "Transfer Index X to Accumulator and AND" },
{ OpName.ARR, "AND and Rotate Right" },
{ OpName.DCP, "Decrement and Compare" },
{ OpName.DOP, "Double-Byte NOP" },
{ OpName.ISC, "Increment and Subtract" },
{ OpName.JAM, "Halt CPU" },
{ OpName.LAS, "Load Acc, X, and Stack Pointer with Memory AND Stack Pointer" },
{ OpName.LAX, "Load Accumulator and Index X" },
//{ OpName.LXA, "OR, AND, and Transfer to X" },
{ OpName.RLA, "Rotate Left and AND" },
{ OpName.RRA, "Rotate Right and Add" },
{ OpName.SAX, "Store Accumulator AND Index X" }, // AXS
{ OpName.SBX, "AND Acc With Index X, Subtract, and Store in X" }, // SAX
{ OpName.SHA, "AND Acc With Index X and High Byte, and Store" }, // AXA
{ OpName.SHX, "AND Acc With Index X and High Byte, and Store" }, // XAS
{ OpName.SHY, "AND Acc With Index Y and High Byte, and Store" }, // SAY
{ OpName.SLO, "Shift Left and OR" },
{ OpName.SRE, "Shift right and EOR" },
{ OpName.TAS, "AND Acc with Index X, Transfer to Stack, AND High Byte" },
{ OpName.TOP, "Triple-Byte NOP" },
// WDC 65C02 undocumented
{ OpName.LDD, "Load and Discard" },
// Rockwell 65C02 extensions
{ OpName.BBR0, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR1, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR2, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR3, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR4, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR5, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR6, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBR7, "Branch on Bit Reset" },
{ OpName.BBS0, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS1, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS2, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS3, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS4, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS5, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS6, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.BBS7, "Branch on Bit Set" },
{ OpName.RMB0, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB1, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB2, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB3, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB4, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB5, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB6, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.RMB7, "Reset Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB0, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB1, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB2, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB3, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB4, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB5, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB6, "Set Memory Bit" },
{ OpName.SMB7, "Set Memory Bit" },
/// <summary>
/// Long descriptions, USA English.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, string> sLong_enUS = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
{ OpName.ADC,
"Adds the accumulator and a value in memory, storing the result in the " +
"accumulator. Adds one if the carry is set."
{ OpName.AND,
"Performs a bitwise AND of the accumulator with a value in memory, storing " +
"the result in the accumulator."
{ OpName.ASL,
"Shifts memory or the accumulator one bit left. The low bit is set to zero, " +
"and the carry flag receives the high bit."
{ OpName.BCC,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor carry flag (C) is zero. " +
"Sometimes referred to as Branch If Less Than, or BLT."
{ OpName.BCS,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor carry flag (C) is one. " +
"Sometimes referred to as Branch If Greater Than or Equal, or BGE."
{ OpName.BEQ,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor zero flag (Z) is one."
{ OpName.BIT,
"Sets processor flags based on the result of two operations. The N and V flags " +
"are set according to bits 7 and 6, and the Z flag is set based on an AND of " +
"the accumulator and memory. However, when used with immediate addressing, " +
"the N and V flags are not affected."
{ OpName.BMI,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor negative flag (N) is one."
{ OpName.BNE,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor zero flag (Z) is zero."
{ OpName.BPL,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor negative flag (N) is zero."
{ OpName.BRA,
"Branches to a relative address."
{ OpName.BRK,
"Pushes state onto the stack, and jumps to the software break vector at " +
"$fffe-ffff. While this is technically a single-byte instruction, the " +
"program counter pushed onto the stack is incremented by two. The interrupt " +
"flag is set, and on 65C02/65816 the D flag is cleared. " +
"On 6502, 65C02, and 65816 in emulation mode, the status flags pushed onto " +
"the stack will have the 'B' flag (which overlaps the 'X' flag) set so the " +
"interrupt handler can tell the difference between hardware and software " +
{ OpName.BRL,
"Branches to a long relative address."
{ OpName.BVC,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor overflow flag (V) is zero."
{ OpName.BVS,
"Branches to a relative address if the processor overflow flag (V) is one."
{ OpName.CLC,
"Sets the processor carry flag (C) to zero."
{ OpName.CLD,
"Sets the processor decimal flag (D) to zero."
{ OpName.CLI,
"Sets the processor interrupt disable flag (I) to zero."
{ OpName.CLV,
"Sets the processor overflow flag (V) to zero."
{ OpName.CMP,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"accumulator. Sets the carry, zero, and negative flags, but does not alter " +
"memory or the accumulator."
{ OpName.COP,
"Pushes state onto the stack, and jumps to the software interrupt vector at " +
{ OpName.CPX,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"X register. Sets the carry, zero, and negative flags, but does not alter " +
"memory or the X register."
{ OpName.CPY,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"Y register. Sets the carry, zero, and negative flags, but does not alter " +
"memory or the Y register."
{ OpName.DEC,
"Decrements the contents of the location specified by the operand by one."
{ OpName.DEX,
"Decrements the X register by one."
{ OpName.DEY,
"Decrements the Y register by one."
{ OpName.EOR,
"Performs a bitwise EOR of the accumulator with a value in memory, storing " +
"the result in the accumulator."
{ OpName.INC,
"Increments the contents of the location specified by the operand by one."
{ OpName.INX,
"Increments the X register by one."
{ OpName.INY,
"Increments the Y register by one."
{ OpName.JML,
"Branches to a long absolute address."
{ OpName.JMP,
"Branches to an absolute address."
{ OpName.JSL,
"Branches to a long absolute address after pushing the current address onto " +
"the stack. The value pushed is the address of the last operand byte."
{ OpName.JSR,
"Branches to an absolute address after pushing the current address onto " +
"the stack. The value pushed is the address of the last operand byte."
{ OpName.LDA,
"Loads the accumulator from memory."
{ OpName.LDX,
"Loads the X register from memory."
{ OpName.LDY,
"Loads the Y register from memory."
{ OpName.LSR,
"Shifts memory or the accumulator one bit right. The high bit is set to zero, " +
"and the carry flag receives the low bit."
{ OpName.MVN,
"Moves a block of memory, starting from a low address and incrementing. " +
"The source and destination addresses are in the X and Y registers, " +
"respectively. The accumulator holds the number of bytes to move minus 1, " +
"and the source and destination banks are specified by the operands."
{ OpName.MVP,
"Moves a block of memory, starting from a high address and decrementing. " +
"The source and destination addresses are in the X and Y registers, " +
"respectively. The accumulator holds the number of bytes to move minus 1, " +
"and the source and destination banks are specified by the operands."
{ OpName.NOP,
"No operation."
{ OpName.ORA,
"Performs a bitwise OR of the accumulator with a value in memory, storing " +
"the result in the accumulator."
{ OpName.PEA,
"Pushes the 16-bit operand onto the stack. This always pushes two bytes, " +
"regardless of the M/X processor flags."
{ OpName.PEI,
"Pushes a 16-bit value from the direct page onto the stack."
{ OpName.PER,
"Converts a relative offset to an absolute address, and pushes it onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHA,
"Pushes the accumulator onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHB,
"Pushes the data bank register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHD,
"Pushes the direct page register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHK,
"Pushes the program bank register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHP,
"Pushes the processor status register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHX,
"Pushes the X register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PHY,
"Pushes the Y register onto the stack."
{ OpName.PLA,
"Pulls the accumulator off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLB,
"Pulls the data bank register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLD,
"Pulls the direct page register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLP,
"Pulls the processor status register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLX,
"Pulls the X register off of the stack."
{ OpName.PLY,
"Pulls the Y register off of the stack."
{ OpName.REP,
"Sets specific bits in the processor status register to zero."
{ OpName.ROL,
"Rotates memory or the accumulator one bit left. The low bit is set to the " +
"carry flag, and the carry flag receives the high bit."
{ OpName.ROR,
"Rotates memory or the accumulator one bit right. The high bit is set to the " +
"carry flag, and the carry flag receives the low bit."
{ OpName.RTI,
"Pulls the status register and return address from the stack, and jumps " +
"to the exact address pulled (note this is different from RTL/RTS)."
{ OpName.RTL,
"Pulls the 24-bit return address from the stack, increments it, and jumps to it."
{ OpName.RTS,
"Pulls the 16-bit return address from the stack, increments it, and jumps to it."
{ OpName.SBC,
"Subtracts the value specified by the operand from the contents of the " +
"accumulator, and leaves the result in the accumulator. Sets the carry, " +
"zero, and negative flags."
{ OpName.SEC,
"Sets the processor carry flag (C) to one."
{ OpName.SED,
"Sets the processor decimal flag (D) to one."
{ OpName.SEI,
"Sets the processor interrupt disable flag (I) to one."
{ OpName.SEP,
"Sets specific bits in the processor status register to one."
{ OpName.STA,
"Stores the value in the accumulator into memory."
{ OpName.STP,
"Stops the processor until a CPU reset occurs."
{ OpName.STX,
"Stores the value in the X register into memory."
{ OpName.STY,
"Stores the value in the Y register into memory."
{ OpName.STZ,
"Stores zero into memory."
{ OpName.TAX,
"Transfers the contents of the accumulator to the X register."
{ OpName.TAY,
"Transfers the contents of the accumulator to the Y register."
{ OpName.TCD,
"Transfers the 16-bit accumulator to the direct page register."
{ OpName.TCS,
"Transfers the 16-bit accumulator to the stack pointer register."
{ OpName.TDC,
"Transfers the direct page register to the 16-bit accumulator."
{ OpName.TRB,
"Logically ANDs the complement of the value in the accumulator with a value " +
"in memory, and stores it in memory. This can be used to clear specific bits " +
"in memory."
{ OpName.TSB,
"Logically ORs the value in the accumulator with a value in memory, and " +
"stores it in memory. This can be used to set specific bits in memory."
{ OpName.TSC,
"Transfers the stack pointer register to the 16-bit accumulator."
{ OpName.TSX,
"Transfers the stack pointer register to the X register."
{ OpName.TXA,
"Transfers the X register to the accumulator."
{ OpName.TXS,
"Transfers the X register to the stack pointer register."
{ OpName.TXY,
"Transfers the X register to the Y register."
{ OpName.TYA,
"Transfers the Y register to the accumulator."
{ OpName.TYX,
"Transfers the Y register to the X register."
{ OpName.WAI,
"Stalls the processor until an interrupt is received. If the interrupt " +
"disable flag (I) is set to one, execution will continue with the next " +
"instruction rather than calling through an interrupt vector."
{ OpName.WDM,
"Reserved for future expansion. (Behaves as a two-byte NOP.)"
{ OpName.XBA,
"Swaps the high and low bytes in the 16-bit accumulator. Sometimes referred " +
"to as SWA."
{ OpName.XCE,
"Exchanges carry and emulation bits."
// 6502 undocumented instructions.
// (See OpDef for a list of references.)
{ OpName.ANC,
"AND byte with accumulator. If result is negative then carry is set." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AAC"
{ OpName.ANE,
"Transfer X register to accumulator, then AND accumulator with value. " +
"This opcode is unstable." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: XAA"
{ OpName.ARR,
"AND byte with accumulator, then rotate one bit right. Equivalent to " +
"AND + ROR."
{ OpName.ALR,
"AND byte with accumulator, then shift right one bit. Equivalent to AND + LSR." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: ASR"
{ OpName.DCP,
"Decrement memory location, then compare result to accumulator. Equivalent " +
"to DEC + CMP." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: DCM"
{ OpName.DOP,
"Double-byte no-operation." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: NOP / SKB"
{ OpName.ISC,
"Increment memory, then subtract memory from accumulator with borrow. " +
"Equivalent to INC + SBC." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: ISC / INS"
{ OpName.JAM,
"Crash the CPU, halting execution and ignoring interrupts." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: KIL / JAM"
{ OpName.LAS,
"AND memory with stack pointer, then transfer result to accumulator, " +
"X register, and stack pointer. (Note: possibly unreliable.)" +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: LAE / LAR"
{ OpName.LAX,
"Load accumulator and X register from memory. Equivalent to LDA + LDX." +
"\r\n\r\nThe immediate mode is unstable. It " +
{ OpName.LXA,*/
"ORs accumulator with a value, ANDs result with immediate value, then stores " +
"the result in accumulator and X register. " +
"Equivalent to ORA + AND + TAX." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: LXA / ATX / OAL"
{ OpName.RLA,
"Rotate memory one bit left, then AND accumulator with memory. Equivalent " +
"to ROL + AND."
{ OpName.RRA,
"Rotate memory one bit right, then add accumulator to memory with carry. " +
"Equivalent to ROR + ADC."
{ OpName.SAX,
"AND X register with accumulator, without changing the contents of either " +
"register, subtract an immediate value, then store result in X register." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AAX / AXS"
{ OpName.SBX,
"AND X register with accumulator and transfer to X register, then " +
"subtract byte from X register without borrow." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AXS / SAX"
{ OpName.SHA,
"AND X register with accumulator, then AND result with 7 and store." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: AHX, AXA"
{ OpName.SHX,
"AND X register with the high byte of the argument + 1, and store the result." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: SXA / XAS"
{ OpName.SHY,
"AND Y register with the high byte of the argument + 1, and store the result." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: SYA / SAY"
{ OpName.SLO,
"Shift memory left one bit, then OR accumulator with memory. Equivalent to " +
"ASL + ORA." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: ASO"
{ OpName.SRE,
"Shift memory right one bit, then EOR accumulator with memory. Equivalent to " +
"LSR + EOR." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: LSE"
{ OpName.TAS,
"AND X register with accumulator, without changing the contents of either " +
"register, and transfer to stack pointer. Then " +
"AND stack pointer with high byte of operand + 1." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: SHS / XAS"
{ OpName.TOP,
"Triple-byte no-operation. This actually performs a load." +
"\r\n\r\nAlt mnemonic: NOP / SKW"
// 65C02 undocumented instructions.
{ OpName.LDD,
"Load and Discard. Usually a no-op, but the activity on the address bus " +
"can affect memory-mapped I/O."
// Rockwell 65C02 extensions.
{ OpName.BBR0, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR1, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR2, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR3, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR4, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR5, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR6, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBR7, BBR_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS0, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS1, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS2, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS3, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS4, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS5, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS6, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.BBS7, BBS_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB0, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB1, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB2, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB3, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB4, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB5, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB6, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.RMB7, RMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB0, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB1, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB2, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB3, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB4, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB5, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB6, SMB_DESC },
{ OpName.SMB7, SMB_DESC },
private static string BBR_DESC =
"Branches to a relative address if the specified bit in memory is zero.";
private static string BBS_DESC =
"Branches to a relative address if the specified bit in memory is one.";
private static string RMB_DESC =
"Clears a bit in memory.";
private static string SMB_DESC =
"Sets a bit in memory.";
/// <summary>
/// Address mode short descriptions, USA English.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string> sAddrMode_enUS =
new Dictionary<OpDef.AddressMode, string>() {
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Abs, "Absolute" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsInd, "Absolute Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndLong, "Absolute Indirect Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexX, "Absolute Indexed X" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexXInd, "Absolute Indexed X Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexXLong, "Absolute Indexed X Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsIndexY, "Absolute Indexed Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.AbsLong, "Absolute Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Acc, "Accumulator" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.BlockMove, "Block Move" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DP, "Direct Page" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPInd, "Direct Page Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndIndexY, "Direct Page Indirect Indexed Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndIndexYLong, "Direct Page Indirect Indexed Y Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndLong, "Direct Page Indirect Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexX, "Direct Page Indexed X" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexXInd, "Direct Page Indexed X Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPIndexY, "Direct Page Indexed Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.DPPCRel, "Direct Page / PC Relative" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Imm, "Immediate" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongA, "Immediate" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongXY, "Immediate" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.Implied, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.PCRel, "PC Relative" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.PCRelLong, "PC Relative Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackAbs, "Stack Absolute" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackDPInd, "Stack Direct Page Indirect" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackInt, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackPCRelLong, "Stack PC Relative Long" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackPull, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackPush, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRTI, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRTL, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRTS, "" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRel, "Stack Relative" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.StackRelIndIndexY, "Stack Relative Indirect Index Y" },
{ OpDef.AddressMode.WDM, "" }
/// <summary>
/// Cycle modifier descriptions. These are intended to be very terse.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string> sCycleMod_enUS =
new Dictionary<OpDef.CycleMod, string>() {
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfM0, "+1 if M=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.TwoIfM0, "+2 if M=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfX0, "+1 if X=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfDpNonzero, "+1 if DL != 0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfIndexPage, "+1 if index across page" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfD1, "+1 if D=1 on 65C02" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfBranchTaken, "+1 if branch taken" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfBranchPage, "+1 if branch across page unless E=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIfE0, "+1 if E=0" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.OneIf65C02, "+1 if 65C02" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.MinusOneIfNoPage, "-1 if 65C02 and not across page" },
{ OpDef.CycleMod.BlockMove, "+7 per byte" },