mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-10-05 10:55:09 +00:00
Andy McFadden b387298685 Fix various local variable de-duplication bugs
In 1.5.0-dev1, as part of changes to the way label localization
works, the local variable de-duplicator started checking against a
filtered copy of the symbol table.  Unfortunately it never
re-generated the table, so a long-lived LocalVariableLookup (like
the one used by LineListGen) would set up the dup map wrong and
be inconsistent with other parts of the program.

We now regenerate the table on every Reset().

The de-duplication stuff also had problems when opcodes and
operands were double-clicked on.  When the opcode is clicked, the
selection should jump to the appropriate variable declaration, but
it wasn't being found because the label generated in the list was
in its original form.  Fixed.

When an instruction operand is double-clicked, the instruction operand
editor opens with an "edit variable" shortcut.  This was showing
the de-duplicated name, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it
was passing that value on to the DefSymbol editor, which thought it
was being asked to create a new entry.  Fixed.  (Entering the editor
through the LvTable editor works correctly, with nary a de-duplicated
name in sight.  You'll be forced to rename it because it'll fail the
uniqueness test.)

References to de-duplicated local variables were getting lost when
the symbol's label was replaced (due largely to a convenient but
flawed shortcut: xrefs are attached to DefSymbol objects).  Fixed by
linking the XrefSets.

Given the many issues and their relative subtlety, I decided to make
the modified names more obvious, and went back to the "_DUPn" naming
strategy.  (I'm also considering just making it an error and
discarding conflicting entries during analysis... this is much more
complicated than I expected it to be.)

Quick tests can be performed in 2019-local-variables:
 - go to +000026, double-click on the opcode, confirm sel change
 - go to +000026, double-click on the operand, confirm orig name
   shown in shortcut and that shortcut opens editor with orig name
 - go to +00001a, down a line, click on PROJ_ZERO_DUP1 and confirm
   that it has a single reference (from +000026)
 - double-click on var table and confirm editing entry
2020-01-13 18:32:56 -08:00

1487 lines
68 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
using FormattedParts = SourceGen.DisplayList.FormattedParts;
using TextScanMode = SourceGen.ProjectProperties.AnalysisParameters.TextScanMode;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Converts file data and Anattrib contents into a series of strings and format metadata.
/// </summary>
public class LineListGen {
/// <summary>
/// Color multiplier for Notes. Used for "dark" mode.
/// </summary>
public float NoteColorMultiplier { get; set; } = 1.0f;
/// <summary>
/// List of display lines.
/// </summary>
private List<Line> mLineList;
/// <summary>
/// List of formatted parts to be presented to the user. This has one entry per line.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Separating FormattedParts out of Line seems odd at first, but we need changes to
/// DisplayList to cause events in XAML. I'm thinking the artificial separation of
/// Line from the formatted data holder may make future ports easier.
/// </remarks>
private DisplayList mDisplayList;
/// <summary>
/// Project that contains the data we're formatting, notably the FileData and
/// Anattribs arrays.
/// </summary>
private DisasmProject mProject;
/// <summary>
/// Code/data formatter.
/// </summary>
private Formatter mFormatter;
/// <summary>
/// If set, prepend cycle counts to EOL comments.
/// </summary>
private bool mShowCycleCounts;
/// <summary>
/// Names for pseudo-ops.
/// </summary>
private PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames mPseudoOpNames;
/// <summary>
/// Cache of previously-formatted data. The data is stored with references to
/// dependencies, so it should not be necessary to explicitly clear this.
/// </summary>
private FormattedOperandCache mFormattedLineCache;
/// <summary>
/// Local variable table data extractor.
/// </summary>
private LocalVariableLookup mLvLookup;
/// <summary>
/// Character test, for display of character data next to default data items.
/// </summary>
private CharEncoding.InclusionTest mCharTest;
private CharEncoding.Convert mCharConv;
/// <summary>
/// One of these per line of output in the display. It should be possible to draw
/// all of the output without needing to refer back to the project data. (Currently
/// making an exception for some selection-dependent field highlighting.)
/// Base fields are immutable, but the Parts property is set after creation.
/// </summary>
public class Line {
// Extremely-negative offset value ensures it's at the very top.
public const int HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET = int.MinValue + 1;
// These need to be bit flags so we can record which parts associated with a
// given offset are selected.
public enum Type {
Unclassified = 0,
// Primary functional items.
Code = 1 << 0,
Data = 1 << 1, // includes inline data
CodeOrData = (Code | Data),
// Decorative items, added by user or formatter.
LongComment = 1 << 2,
Note = 1 << 3,
Blank = 1 << 4,
// Assembler directives.
OrgDirective = 1 << 5,
EquDirective = 1 << 6,
RegWidthDirective = 1 << 7,
// Additional metadata.
LocalVariableTable = 1 << 8,
VisualizationSet = 1 << 9,
/// <summary>
/// Line type.
/// </summary>
public Type LineType { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Numeric offset value. Used to map a line item to the Anattrib. Note this is
/// set for all lines, and is the same for all lines in a multi-line sequence,
/// e.g. every line in a long comment has the file offset with which it is associated.
/// </summary>
public int FileOffset { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Number of offsets this line covers. Will be > 0 for code and data, zero for
/// everything else. The same value is used for all lines in a multi-line sequence.
/// </summary>
public int OffsetSpan { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// For multi-line entries, this indicates which line is represented. For
/// single-line entries, this will be zero.
/// </summary>
public int SubLineIndex { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Strings for display. Creation may be deferred. Use the DisplayList
/// GetFormattedParts() method to access this property.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Certain elements, such as multi-line comments, must be formatted to determine
/// the number of lines they span. We retain the results to avoid formatting
/// them twice.
/// </remarks>
public FormattedParts Parts { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Background color, used for Notes.
/// </summary>
public Color BackgroundColor { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// String for searching. May be created on demand when the Line is first searched.
/// </summary>
public string SearchString { get; set; }
public Line(int offset, int span, Type type) : this(offset, span, type, 0) { }
public Line(int offset, int span, Type type, int subLineIndex) {
FileOffset = offset;
OffsetSpan = span;
LineType = type;
SubLineIndex = subLineIndex;
/// <summary>
/// True if this line is code or data.
/// </summary>
public bool IsCodeOrData {
get {
return LineType == Type.Code || LineType == Type.Data;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified offset is represented by this line. There
/// will be only one code/data line for a given offset, but there may be
/// multiple others (comments, notes, etc.) associated with it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Contains(int offset) {
// Note OffsetSpan can be zero.
return (offset == FileOffset ||
(offset >= FileOffset && offset < FileOffset + OffsetSpan));
public override string ToString() {
return "Line type=" + LineType + " off=+" + FileOffset.ToString("x6") +
" span=" + OffsetSpan;
/// <summary>
/// Captures the set of selected lines. Lines are identified by offset and type.
/// The idea is to save the selection, rebuild the list -- potentially moving
/// stuff around -- and then rebuild the selection bitmap by finding matching
/// items.
/// We don't try to identify parts of multi-line things. If you've selected
/// part of a multi-line string, then when we restore the selection you'll have
/// the entire string selected. For the operations that are possible across
/// multiple offsets, this seems like reasonable behavior.
/// We can't precisely restore the selection in terms of which file offsets
/// are selected. If you select one byte and apply a code hint, we'll restore
/// the selection to a line with 1-4 bytes. This gets weird if you hit "undo",
/// as you will then have 1-4 bytes selected rather than the original one. It
/// might be better to just clear the selection on "undo".
/// </summary>
public class SavedSelection {
private class Tag {
public int mOffset;
public int mSpan;
public Line.Type mTypes;
public Tag(int offset, int span, Line.Type lineType) {
//Debug.Assert(offset >= 0);
Debug.Assert(span >= 0);
mOffset = offset;
mSpan = (span == 0) ? 1 : span;
mTypes = lineType;
private List<Tag> mSelectionTags = new List<Tag>();
/// <summary>
/// This is a place to save the file offset associated with the ListView's
/// TopItem, so we can position the list appropriately.
/// </summary>
private NavStack.Location mTopPosition;
// Use Generate().
private SavedSelection() { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new SavedSelection object, generating a list of tags from the
/// lines that are currently selected.
/// If nothing is selected, SavedSelection will have no members.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dl">Display list, with list of Lines.</param>
/// <param name="sel">Bit vector specifying which lines are selected.</param>
/// <param name="topIndex">Index of line that appears at the top of the list
/// control.</param>
/// <returns>New SavedSelection object.</returns>
public static SavedSelection Generate(LineListGen dl, DisplayListSelection sel,
int topIndex) {
SavedSelection savedSel = new SavedSelection();
//Debug.Assert(topOffset >= 0);
int topOffset = dl[topIndex].FileOffset;
int firstIndex = dl.FindLineIndexByOffset(topOffset);
Debug.Assert(topIndex >= firstIndex);
savedSel.mTopPosition =
new NavStack.Location(topOffset, topIndex - firstIndex, false);
List<Line> lineList = dl.mLineList;
Debug.Assert(lineList.Count == sel.Length);
// Generate tags, which are a combination of the offset, span, and a merge
// of types of all the lines associated with that offset.
// We may want to consider some sort of optimization for a "select all"
// operation, although there aren't many changes you can make after selecting
// all lines in a very large file.
Tag tag = null;
int curOffset = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < lineList.Count; i++) {
if (!sel[i]) {
Line line = lineList[i];
// Code hinting can transform code to data and vice-versa, so we
// want the tag to reflect the fact that both could exist.
Line.Type lineType = line.LineType;
if (lineType == Line.Type.Code || lineType == Line.Type.Data) {
lineType = Line.Type.CodeOrData;
if (line.FileOffset != curOffset) {
// advanced to new offset, flush previous
if (tag != null) {
curOffset = line.FileOffset;
tag = new Tag(line.FileOffset, line.OffsetSpan, lineType);
} else {
// another item at same offset
tag.mSpan = Math.Max(tag.mSpan, line.OffsetSpan);
tag.mTypes |= lineType;
if (curOffset == -1) {
// It's hard to cause an action that requires save/restore when you don't
// have anything selected in the ListView. However, this can happen if
// you do a sequence like:
// - Open a file that starts with a JMP followed by data.
// - Click on the blank line below the code, which has the code's offset,
// and select "remove hint". This causes the blank line to vanish,
// so the Restore() won't select anything.
// - Click "undo".
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: no selection found");
} else {
// Add the in-progress tag to the list.
return savedSel;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a selection set by identifying the set of lines in the display list
/// that correspond to items in the SavedSelection tag list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dl">Display list, with list of Lines.</param>
/// <returns>Set of selected lines.</returns>
public DisplayListSelection Restore(LineListGen dl, out int topIndex) {
List<Line> lineList = dl.mLineList;
DisplayListSelection sel = new DisplayListSelection(lineList.Count);
topIndex = -1;
// Walk through the tag list, which is ordered by ascending offset, and
// through the display list, which is similarly ordered.
int tagIndex = 0;
int lineIndex = 0;
while (tagIndex < mSelectionTags.Count && lineIndex < lineList.Count) {
Tag tag = mSelectionTags[tagIndex];
int lineOffset = lineList[lineIndex].FileOffset;
// If a line encompassing this offset was at the top of the ListView
// control before, use this line's index as the top.
if (topIndex < 0 && lineList[lineIndex].Contains(mTopPosition.Offset)) {
topIndex = lineIndex;
if (lineOffset >= tag.mOffset && lineOffset < tag.mOffset + tag.mSpan) {
// Intersection. If the line type matches, add it to the set.
// TODO(someday): this is doing the wrong thing when we have more
// than one blank line at an offset.
if ((tag.mTypes & lineList[lineIndex].LineType) != 0) {
sel[lineIndex] = true;
// Advance to the next line entry.
} else if (tag.mOffset < lineOffset) {
// advance tag
} else {
Debug.Assert(tag.mOffset > lineOffset);
// Continue search for topIndex, if necessary.
while (topIndex < 0 && lineIndex < lineList.Count) {
if (lineList[lineIndex].Contains(mTopPosition.Offset)) {
topIndex = lineIndex;
Debug.WriteLine("TopOffset " + mTopPosition + " --> index " + topIndex);
// Adjust position within an element. This is necessary so we don't jump to
// the top of multi-line long comments or notes whenever any part of that
// comment or note is at the top of the list.
if (topIndex >= 0 && mTopPosition.LineDelta > 0) {
int adjIndex = topIndex + mTopPosition.LineDelta;
if (adjIndex >= lineList.Count ||
lineList[adjIndex].FileOffset != mTopPosition.Offset) {
Debug.WriteLine("Can't adjust top position");
// can't adjust; maybe they deleted several lines from comment
} else {
topIndex = adjIndex;
Debug.WriteLine("Top index adjusted to " + adjIndex);
if (topIndex < 0) {
// This can happen if you delete the header comment while scrolled
// to the top of the list.
topIndex = 0;
return sel;
public void DebugDump() {
Debug.WriteLine("Selection (" + mSelectionTags.Count + " offsets):");
foreach (Tag tag in mSelectionTags) {
Debug.WriteLine(" +" + tag.mOffset.ToString("x6") + "/" +
tag.mSpan + ": " + tag.mTypes);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proj">Project object.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Formatter object.</param>
public LineListGen(DisasmProject proj, DisplayList displayList, Formatter formatter,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames) {
Debug.Assert(proj != null);
Debug.Assert(displayList != null);
Debug.Assert(formatter != null);
Debug.Assert(opNames != null);
mProject = proj;
mDisplayList = displayList;
mFormatter = formatter;
mPseudoOpNames = opNames;
mLineList = new List<Line>();
mFormattedLineCache = new FormattedOperandCache();
mShowCycleCounts = AppSettings.Global.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_SHOW_CYCLE_COUNTS,
mLvLookup = new LocalVariableLookup(mProject.LvTables, mProject, null, false, false);
mDisplayList.ListGen = this;
/// <summary>
/// Changes the Formatter object. Clears the line list, instigating a full re-render.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="formatter">Formatter object.</param>
public void SetFormatter(Formatter formatter) {
mFormatter = formatter;
// We probably just changed settings, so update this as well.
mShowCycleCounts = AppSettings.Global.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_SHOW_CYCLE_COUNTS,
/// <summary>
/// Changes the pseudo-op name object. Clears the line list, instigating a
/// full re-render. If the new set is unchanged from the old set, nothing is done.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="opNames">Pseudo-op names.</param>
public void SetPseudoOpNames(PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames) {
if (mPseudoOpNames == opNames) {
mPseudoOpNames = opNames;
Debug.Assert(mPseudoOpNames == opNames);
/// <summary>
/// Number of lines in the list.
/// </summary>
public int Count { get { return mLineList.Count; } }
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the Nth element.
/// </summary>
public Line this[int key] {
get {
return mLineList[key];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Line's FormattedParts object, generating it first if necessary.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Object with formatted strings.</returns>
public FormattedParts GetFormattedParts(int index) {
Line line = mLineList[index];
if (line.Parts == null) {
FormattedParts parts;
switch (line.LineType) {
case Line.Type.Code:
parts = GenerateInstructionLine(line.FileOffset, line.OffsetSpan);
case Line.Type.Data:
parts = GenerateDataLine(line.FileOffset, line.SubLineIndex);
case Line.Type.LocalVariableTable:
parts = GenerateLvTableLine(line.FileOffset, line.SubLineIndex);
case Line.Type.VisualizationSet:
out VisualizationSet visSet);
parts = FormattedParts.CreateVisualizationSet(visSet);
case Line.Type.Blank:
// Nothing to do.
parts = FormattedParts.CreateBlankLine();
case Line.Type.OrgDirective:
case Line.Type.RegWidthDirective:
case Line.Type.LongComment:
case Line.Type.Note:
// should have been done already
parts = FormattedParts.Create("x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x");
line.Parts = parts;
return line.Parts;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string with the concatenation of the searchable portions of the line.
/// Different sections are separated with an unlikely unicode character. The goal
/// is to have a single string per line that can be searched quickly, without having
/// adjacent fields spill into each other.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Line index.</param>
/// <returns>Formatted line contents.</returns>
public string GetSearchString(int index) {
Line line = mLineList[index];
if (line.SearchString == null) {
const char sep = '\u203b'; // REFERENCE MARK
FormattedParts parts = GetFormattedParts(index);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Some parts may be null, e.g. for long comments. Append() can deal.
line.SearchString = sb.ToString();
return line.SearchString;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the first line entry that encompasses the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to search for. Negative values are allowed.</param>
/// <returns>Line list index, or -1 if not found.</returns>
private static int FindLineByOffset(List<Line> lineList, int offset) {
if (lineList.Count == 0) {
return -1;
int low = 0;
int high = lineList.Count - 1;
int mid = -1;
bool found = false;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
Line line = lineList[mid];
if (line.Contains(offset)) {
// found a match
found = true;
} else if (line.FileOffset > offset) {
// too big, move the high end in
high = mid - 1;
} else if (line.FileOffset < offset) {
// too small, move the low end in
low = mid + 1;
} else {
// WTF
throw new Exception("Bad binary search");
if (!found) {
return -1;
// We found *a* matching line. Seek backward to find the *first* matching line.
while (mid > 0) {
Line upLine = lineList[mid - 1];
if (upLine.Contains(offset)) {
} else {
return mid;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the first line entry that encompasses the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to search for.</param>
/// <returns>Line list index, or -1 if not found.</returns>
public int FindLineIndexByOffset(int offset) {
return FindLineByOffset(mLineList, offset);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the code or data line entry that encompasses the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to search for.</param>
/// <returns>Line list index, or -1 if not found.</returns>
public int FindCodeDataIndexByOffset(int offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
// Header offset. No code or data here.
return -1;
int index = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, offset);
if (index < 0) {
return -1;
while (mLineList[index].LineType != Line.Type.Code &&
mLineList[index].LineType != Line.Type.Data) {
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Generates Lines for the entire project.
/// </summary>
public void GenerateAll() {
// Do this now in case the project properties have changed.
List<Line> headerLines = GenerateHeaderLines(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames);
mLineList.InsertRange(0, headerLines);
GenerateLineList(0, mProject.FileData.Length - 1, mLineList);
Debug.Assert(ValidateLineList(), "Display list failed validation");
private void ConfigureCharacterEncoding() {
TextScanMode textMode = mProject.ProjectProps.AnalysisParams.DefaultTextScanMode;
switch (textMode) {
case TextScanMode.LowAscii:
mCharTest = CharEncoding.IsPrintableAscii;
mCharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertAscii;
case TextScanMode.LowHighAscii:
mCharTest = CharEncoding.IsPrintableLowOrHighAscii;
mCharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertLowAndHighAscii;
case TextScanMode.C64Petscii:
mCharTest = CharEncoding.IsPrintableC64Petscii;
mCharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertC64Petscii;
case TextScanMode.C64ScreenCode:
mCharTest = CharEncoding.IsPrintableC64ScreenCode;
mCharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertC64ScreenCode;
mCharTest = CharEncoding.IsPrintableAscii;
mCharConv = CharEncoding.ConvertAscii;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a list of Lines for the specified range of offsets, replacing
/// existing values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startOffset">First offset. Must be the start of an instruction
/// or data area.</param>
/// <param name="endOffset">End offset (inclusive).</param>
public void GenerateRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
if (startOffset < 0) {
// Clear existing header lines. Find the first non-header item.
int headerEndIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, 0);
if (headerEndIndex == 0) {
// no header lines present
Debug.WriteLine("No header lines found");
} else {
Debug.WriteLine("Removing " + headerEndIndex + " header lines");
mLineList.RemoveRange(0, headerEndIndex);
List<Line> headerLines = GenerateHeaderLines(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames);
mLineList.InsertRange(0, headerLines);
mDisplayList.ClearListSegment(0, headerEndIndex, headerLines.Count);
if (endOffset < 0) {
// nothing else to do -- header-only change
// do the rest
startOffset = 0;
Debug.Assert(startOffset >= 0);
Debug.Assert(endOffset < mProject.FileData.Length);
Debug.Assert(endOffset >= startOffset);
//Debug.WriteLine("DL gen range [" + startOffset + "," + endOffset + "]");
// Find the start index. The start offset should always appear at the
// start of a Line (as opposed to being in the middle of a multi-byte instruction)
// because it comes from item selection.
int startIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, startOffset);
if (startIndex < 0) {
Debug.Assert(false, "Unable to find startOffset " + startOffset);
// Find the end index. The end offset can be part of a multi-line data item, like
// a long string. Find the first Line that starts at an offset larger than endOffset.
int endIndex;
if (startOffset == endOffset) {
// Simple optimization for single-offset groups.
endIndex = startIndex;
} else {
endIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, endOffset);
if (endIndex < 0) {
Debug.Assert(false, "Unable to find endOffset " + endOffset);
// There may be more than one line involved, so we need to scan forward.
for (endIndex++; endIndex < mLineList.Count; endIndex++) {
if (mLineList[endIndex].FileOffset > endOffset) {
if (endIndex == mLineList.Count) {
// whoops, loop ended before we had a chance to decrement
endIndex = mLineList.Count - 1;
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateRange: offset [+" + startOffset.ToString("x6") + ",+" +
endOffset.ToString("x6") +
"] maps to index [" + startIndex + "," + endIndex + "]");
Debug.Assert(endIndex >= startIndex);
// Create temporary list to hold new lines. Set the initial capacity to
// the previous size, on the assumption that it won't change much.
List<Line> newLines = new List<Line>(endIndex - startIndex + 1);
GenerateLineList(startOffset, endOffset, newLines);
// Out with the old, in with the new.
mLineList.RemoveRange(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1);
mLineList.InsertRange(startIndex, newLines);
mDisplayList.ClearListSegment(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1, newLines.Count);
Debug.Assert(ValidateLineList(), "Display list failed validation");
/// <summary>
/// Validates the line list, confirming that every offset is represented exactly once.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if all is well.</returns>
private bool ValidateLineList() {
int expectedOffset = 0;
int lastOffset = Int32.MinValue;
foreach (Line line in mLineList) {
// Header lines aren't guaranteed to be sequential and don't have a span.
// They are expected to be in sorted order, and to be unique (with the
// notable exception of the header comment, which is multi-line).
if (line.FileOffset < 0) {
if (line.FileOffset < lastOffset || (line.LineType != Line.Type.LongComment &&
line.FileOffset == lastOffset)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Header offsets went backward: cur=" +
line.FileOffset + " last=" + lastOffset);
return false;
lastOffset = line.FileOffset;
// Blank lines and comments can appear before or after code/data. They
// must have the offset of the associated line, and a span of zero.
if (line.FileOffset != expectedOffset && line.FileOffset != lastOffset) {
Debug.WriteLine("ValidateLineList: bad offset " + line.FileOffset +
" (last=" + lastOffset + ", expected next=" + expectedOffset + ")");
return false;
if (line.SubLineIndex != 0) {
// In the middle of a multi-line thing, don't advance last/expected.
Debug.Assert(line.FileOffset == lastOffset);
} else {
lastOffset = expectedOffset;
expectedOffset += line.OffsetSpan;
if (expectedOffset != mProject.FileData.Length) {
Debug.WriteLine("ValidateLineList: did not cover entire file: last offset " +
expectedOffset + ", file has " + mProject.FileData.Length);
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a synthetic offset for the FileOffset field from an index value.
/// (The exact algorithm isn't too important, as these offsets are not stored in the
/// project file.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Index into DisasmProject.ActiveDefSymbolListlist.</param>
/// <returns>Synthetic file offset. Value will be < 0.</returns>
public static int DefSymOffsetFromIndex(int index) {
Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < (1 << 24));
return index - (1 << 24);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the DisasmProject.ActiveDefSymbolList index for an EQU line with
/// the specified file offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Synthetic file offset, from DefSymOffsetFromIndex().</param>
/// <returns>Index into DisasmProject.ActiveDefSymbolListlist.</returns>
public static int DefSymIndexFromOffset(int offset) {
Debug.Assert(offset < 0);
return offset + (1 << 24);
// NOTE: the two functions above are tied to the implementation of the function
// below: we output the lines in the order in which they appear in ActiveDefSymbolList.
// If we want to get fancy and sort them, we'll need to do some additional work.
/// <summary>
/// Generates the header lines (header comment, EQU directives).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proj">Project reference.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Output formatter.</param>
/// <param name="opNames">Pseudo-op names.</param>
/// <returns>List with header lines.</returns>
private static List<Line> GenerateHeaderLines(DisasmProject proj, Formatter formatter,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames) {
List<Line> tmpLines = new List<Line>();
Line line;
// Check for header comment.
if (proj.LongComments.TryGetValue(Line.HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET,
out MultiLineComment headerComment)) {
List<string> formatted = headerComment.FormatText(formatter, string.Empty);
StringListToLines(formatted, Line.HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET, Line.Type.LongComment,
CommonWPF.Helper.ZeroColor, 1.0f, tmpLines);
// Format symbols.
int index = 0;
foreach (DefSymbol defSym in proj.ActiveDefSymbolList) {
line = new Line(DefSymOffsetFromIndex(index), 0, Line.Type.EquDirective);
// Use an operand length of 1 so things are shown as concisely as possible.
string valueStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, proj.SymbolTable,
null, defSym.DataDescriptor, defSym.Value, 1,
valueStr = PseudoOp.AnnotateEquDirective(formatter, valueStr, defSym);
string comment = formatter.FormatEolComment(defSym.Comment);
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.CreateEquDirective(
valueStr, comment);
line.Parts = parts;
if (proj.ActiveDefSymbolList.Count != 0) {
// We had some EQUs, throw a blank line at the end.
line = new Line(DefSymOffsetFromIndex(index), 0, Line.Type.Blank);
return tmpLines;
/// <summary>
/// Generates lines for the specified range of file offsets.
/// Does not generate formatted parts in most cases; that usually happens on demand.
/// Complicated items, such as word-wrapped long comments, may be generated now
/// and saved off.
/// This still needs a formatter arg even when no text is rendered because some
/// options, like maximum per-line operand length, might affect how many lines
/// are generated.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startOffset">Offset of first byte.</param>
/// <param name="endOffset">Offset of last byte.</param>
/// <param name="lines">List to add output lines to.</param>
private void GenerateLineList(int startOffset, int endOffset, List<Line> lines) {
//Debug.WriteLine("GenerateRange [+" + startOffset.ToString("x6") + ",+" +
// endOffset.ToString("x6") + "]");
Debug.Assert(startOffset >= 0);
Debug.Assert(endOffset >= startOffset);
// Assume variables may have changed.
// Find the previous status flags for M/X tracking.
StatusFlags prevFlags = StatusFlags.AllIndeterminate;
if (mProject.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag) {
for (int scanoff = startOffset - 1; scanoff >= 0; scanoff--) {
Anattrib attr = mProject.GetAnattrib(scanoff);
if (attr.IsInstructionStart) {
prevFlags = attr.StatusFlags;
// Apply the same tweak here that we do to curFlags below.
prevFlags.M = attr.StatusFlags.ShortM ? 1 : 0;
prevFlags.X = attr.StatusFlags.ShortX ? 1 : 0;
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateLineList startOff=+" +
startOffset.ToString("x6") + " using initial flags from +" +
scanoff.ToString("x6") + ": " + prevFlags);
// Configure the initial value of addBlank. The specific case we're handling is
// a no-continue instruction (e.g. JMP) followed by an instruction with a label.
// When we rename the label, we don't want the blank to disappear during the
// partial-list generation.
bool addBlank = false;
if (startOffset > 0) {
int baseOff = DataAnalysis.GetBaseOperandOffset(mProject, startOffset - 1);
if (mProject.GetAnattrib(baseOff).DoesNotContinue) {
addBlank = true;
int offset = startOffset;
while (offset <= endOffset) {
Anattrib attr = mProject.GetAnattrib(offset);
if (attr.IsInstructionStart && offset > 0 &&
mProject.GetAnattrib(offset - 1).IsData) {
// Transition from data to code. (Don't add blank line for inline data.)
} else if (mProject.VisualizationSets.ContainsKey(offset) && !addBlank &&
offset != 0) {
// Blank line before visualization set helps keep image visually grouped
// with its data. (Slightly weird things happen with .ORG at the start of
// the file; don't try to add a blank there.)
} else if (addBlank) {
// Previous instruction wanted to be followed by a blank line.
addBlank = false;
// Insert long comments and notes. These may span multiple display lines,
// and require word-wrap, so it's easiest just to render them fully here.
// TODO: integrate into FormattedOperandCache so we don't have to
// regenerate them unless they change. Use the MLC as the dependency.
if (mProject.Notes.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment noteData)) {
List<string> formatted = noteData.FormatText(mFormatter, "NOTE: ");
StringListToLines(formatted, offset, Line.Type.Note,
noteData.BackgroundColor, NoteColorMultiplier, lines);
if (mProject.LongComments.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment longComment)) {
List<string> formatted = longComment.FormatText(mFormatter, string.Empty);
StringListToLines(formatted, offset, Line.Type.LongComment,
longComment.BackgroundColor, NoteColorMultiplier, lines);
if (mProject.VisualizationSets.TryGetValue(offset, out VisualizationSet visSet)) {
lines.Add(new Line(offset, 0, Line.Type.VisualizationSet));
// Local variable tables come next. Defer rendering.
if (mProject.LvTables.TryGetValue(offset, out LocalVariableTable lvt)) {
int count = lvt.Count;
// If "clear previous" is set, we output an additional line.
if (lvt.ClearPrevious) {
if (count == 0) {
// Need to show something so the user will know an empty table is here.
count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Line line = new Line(offset, 0, Line.Type.LocalVariableTable, i);
if (attr.IsInstructionStart) {
// Generate reg width directive, if necessary.
if (mProject.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag) {
// Changing from "ambiguous but assumed short" to "definitively short"
// merits a directive, notably at the start of the file. The tricky
// part is that E=1 means definitively M=1 X=1. And maybe
// indeterminate E also means that.
// We don't want to mess with Anattrib, but we do need to tell the
// assembler something. So we tweak our local copy and propagate it.
string operandStr = string.Empty;
StatusFlags curFlags = attr.StatusFlags;
curFlags.M = attr.StatusFlags.ShortM ? 1 : 0;
curFlags.X = attr.StatusFlags.ShortX ? 1 : 0;
if (curFlags.M != prevFlags.M) {
operandStr = (curFlags.M == 0) ? "longm" : "shortm";
if (curFlags.X != prevFlags.X) {
if (operandStr.Length > 0) {
operandStr += ",";
operandStr += (curFlags.X == 0) ? "longx" : "shortx";
if (operandStr.Length > 0) {
Line rwLine = new Line(offset, 0, Line.Type.RegWidthDirective);
// FormatPseudoOp isn't quite right for the operand, but there
// isn't anything more suitable, and there are only eight
// possible values. Having the operand capitalization match the
// pseudo-op's feels reasonable.
rwLine.Parts = FormattedParts.CreateDirective(
prevFlags = curFlags;
// Look for embedded instructions.
int len;
for (len = 1; len < attr.Length; len++) {
if (mProject.GetAnattrib(offset + len).IsInstructionStart) {
// Create Line entry. Offset span only covers the instruction up to
// the point where the embedded instruction starts.
Line line = new Line(offset, len, Line.Type.Code);
// Insert blank after an instruction that doesn't continue. Provides a
// break in code, and before a data area.
// TODO(maybe): Might also want to do this if the next offset is data,
// to make things look nicer when code runs directly into data.
// We don't want to add it with the current line's offset. If we do that,
// the binary search will get confused, because blank lines have a span
// of zero. If the code is at offset 10 with length 3, and we search for
// the byte at offset 11, then a blank line (with span=0) at offset 10 will
// cause the binary search to assume that the target is farther down, when
// it's actually one line up. We deal with this by setting a flag and
// generating the blank line on the next trip through the loop.
if (attr.DoesNotContinue) {
addBlank = true;
offset += len;
} else {
Debug.Assert(attr.DataDescriptor != null);
if (attr.DataDescriptor.IsString) {
// See if we've already got this one.
List<string> strLines = mFormattedLineCache.GetStringEntry(offset,
mFormatter, attr.DataDescriptor, mPseudoOpNames, out string popcode);
if (strLines == null) {
//Debug.WriteLine("FMT string at +" + offset.ToString("x6"));
strLines = PseudoOp.FormatStringOp(mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames,
attr.DataDescriptor, mProject.FileData, offset,
out popcode);
mFormattedLineCache.SetStringEntry(offset, strLines, popcode,
mFormatter, attr.DataDescriptor, mPseudoOpNames);
FormattedParts[] partsArray = GenerateStringLines(offset,
popcode, strLines);
for (int i = 0; i < strLines.Count; i++) {
Line line = new Line(offset, attr.Length, Line.Type.Data, i);
line.Parts = partsArray[i];
} else {
int numLines = PseudoOp.ComputeRequiredLineCount(mFormatter,
mPseudoOpNames,attr.DataDescriptor, mProject.FileData, offset);
for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
Line line = new Line(offset, attr.Length, Line.Type.Data, i);
offset += attr.Length;
// See if there were any address shifts in this section. If so, go back and
// insert an ORG statement as the first entry for the offset. We're expecting to
// have very few AddressMap entries (usually just one), so it's more efficient to
// process them here and walk through the sub-list than it is to ping the address map
// at every line.
// It should not be possible for an address map change to appear in the middle
// of an instruction or data item.
foreach (AddressMap.AddressMapEntry ent in mProject.AddrMap) {
if (ent.Offset < startOffset || ent.Offset > endOffset) {
int index = FindLineByOffset(lines, ent.Offset);
if (index < 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("Couldn't find offset " + ent.Offset +
" in range we just generated");
if (lines[index].LineType == Line.Type.Blank) {
Line topLine = lines[index];
Line newLine = new Line(topLine.FileOffset, 0, Line.Type.OrgDirective);
string addrStr = mFormatter.FormatHexValue(ent.Addr, 4);
newLine.Parts = FormattedParts.CreateDirective(
mFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(mPseudoOpNames.OrgDirective), addrStr);
lines.Insert(index, newLine);
// Prepend a blank line if the previous line wasn't already blank, and this
// isn't the ORG at the start of the file. (This may temporarily do
// double-spacing if we do a partial update, because we won't be able to
// "see" the previous line. Harmless.)
// TODO(maybe): consider always adding blanks, and doing a fix-up pass afterward.
// (but keep in mind that blank lines should always come above things)
// Interesting case:
// .dd2 $1000
// <blank>
// .org $1234
// .dd2 $aabb ;comment
// We need to include "index == 0" or we'll lose the blank when the comment
// is edited.
if (ent.Offset != 0 &&
(index == 0 || (index > 0 && lines[index-1].LineType != Line.Type.Blank))){
Line blankLine = GenerateBlankLine(topLine.FileOffset);
lines.Insert(index, blankLine);
/// <summary>
/// Generates a blank line entry.
/// </summary>
private static Line GenerateBlankLine(int offset) {
return new Line(offset, 0, Line.Type.Blank);
/// <summary>
/// Takes a list of strings and adds them to the Line list as long comments.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">String list.</param>
/// <param name="offset">File offset of item start.</param>
/// <param name="lineType">What type of line this is.</param>
/// <param name="color">Background color (for Notes).</param>
/// <param name="lines">Line list to add data to.</param>
private static void StringListToLines(List<string> list, int offset, Line.Type lineType,
Color color, float mult, List<Line> lines) {
foreach (string str in list) {
Line line = new Line(offset, 0, lineType);
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.CreateNote(str,
Color.Multiply(color, mult));
line.Parts = parts;
line.BackgroundColor = color;
private FormattedParts GenerateInstructionLine(int offset, int instrBytes) {
Anattrib attr = mProject.GetAnattrib(offset);
byte[] data = mProject.FileData;
string offsetStr = mFormatter.FormatOffset24(offset);
int addr = attr.Address;
string addrStr = mFormatter.FormatAddress(addr, !mProject.CpuDef.HasAddr16);
string bytesStr = mFormatter.FormatBytes(data, offset, instrBytes);
string flagsStr = attr.StatusFlags.ToString(mProject.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag);
string attrStr = attr.ToAttrString();
string labelStr = string.Empty;
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = attr.Symbol.GenerateDisplayLabel(mFormatter);
OpDef op = mProject.CpuDef.GetOpDef(data[offset]);
int operand = op.GetOperand(data, offset, attr.StatusFlags);
int instrLen = op.GetLength(attr.StatusFlags);
OpDef.WidthDisambiguation wdis = OpDef.WidthDisambiguation.None;
if (op.IsWidthPotentiallyAmbiguous) {
wdis = OpDef.GetWidthDisambiguation(instrLen, operand);
string opcodeStr = mFormatter.FormatOpcode(op, wdis);
if (attr.Length != instrBytes) {
// An instruction is embedded inside this one. Note that BRK is a two-byte
// instruction, so don't freak out if you see it marked as embedded when a
// $00 is followed by actual code. (But be a little freaked out that your
// code is running into a BRK.)
//opcodeStr = opcodeStr + " \u00bb"; // RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
//opcodeStr = opcodeStr + " \u23e9"; // BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE
opcodeStr = opcodeStr + " \u25bc"; // BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
string formattedOperand = null;
int operandLen = instrLen - 1;
PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.None;
// Tweak branch instructions. We want to show the absolute address rather
// than the relative offset (which happens with the OperandAddress assignment
// below), and 1-byte branches should always appear as a 4-byte hex value.
if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.PCRel) {
Debug.Assert(attr.OperandAddress >= 0);
operandLen = 2;
opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.IsPcRel;
} else if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.PCRelLong ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.StackPCRelLong) {
opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.IsPcRel;
} else if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.Imm ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongA ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongXY) {
opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.HasHashPrefix;
// Use the OperandAddress when available. This is important for relative branch
// instructions and PER, where we want to show the target address rather than the
// operand value.
int operandForSymbol = operand;
if (attr.OperandAddress >= 0) {
operandForSymbol = attr.OperandAddress;
// Check Length to watch for bogus descriptors. ApplyFormatDescriptors() should
// have discarded anything appropriate, so we might be able to eliminate this test.
if (attr.DataDescriptor != null && attr.Length == attr.DataDescriptor.Length) {
Debug.Assert(operandLen > 0);
// Format operand as directed.
if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.BlockMove) {
// Special handling for the double-operand block move.
string opstr1 = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(mFormatter, mProject.SymbolTable,
null, attr.DataDescriptor, operand >> 8, 1,
string opstr2 = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(mFormatter, mProject.SymbolTable,
null, attr.DataDescriptor, operand & 0xff, 1,
formattedOperand = '#' + opstr1 + "," + '#' + opstr2;
} else {
formattedOperand = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(mFormatter,
mProject.SymbolTable, mLvLookup, null, attr.DataDescriptor, offset,
operandForSymbol, operandLen, opFlags);
} else {
// Show operand value in hex.
if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.BlockMove) {
formattedOperand = '#' + mFormatter.FormatHexValue(operand >> 8, 2) + "," +
'#' + mFormatter.FormatHexValue(operand & 0xff, 2);
} else {
if (operandLen == 2) {
// This is necessary for 16-bit operands, like "LDA abs" and "PEA val",
// when outside bank zero. The bank is included in the operand address,
// but we don't want to show it here.
operandForSymbol &= 0xffff;
formattedOperand = mFormatter.FormatHexValue(operandForSymbol, operandLen * 2);
string operandStr = mFormatter.FormatOperand(op, formattedOperand, wdis);
string eolComment = mProject.Comments[offset];
if (mShowCycleCounts) {
bool branchCross = (attr.Address & 0xff00) != (operandForSymbol & 0xff00);
int cycles = mProject.CpuDef.GetCycles(op.Opcode, attr.StatusFlags,
attr.BranchTaken, branchCross);
if (cycles > 0) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eolComment)) {
eolComment = cycles.ToString() + " " + eolComment;
} else {
eolComment = cycles.ToString();
} else {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eolComment)) {
eolComment = (-cycles).ToString() + "+ " + eolComment;
} else {
eolComment = (-cycles).ToString() + "+";
string commentStr = mFormatter.FormatEolComment(eolComment);
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.Create(offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr,
flagsStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
if (mProject.StatusFlagOverrides[offset] != StatusFlags.DefaultValue) {
parts = FormattedParts.SetFlagsModified(parts);
return parts;
private FormattedParts GenerateDataLine(int offset, int subLineIndex) {
Anattrib attr = mProject.GetAnattrib(offset);
byte[] data = mProject.FileData;
string offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr, flagsStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr,
operandStr, commentStr;
offsetStr = addrStr = bytesStr = flagsStr = attrStr = labelStr = opcodeStr =
operandStr = commentStr = string.Empty;
PseudoOp.PseudoOut pout = PseudoOp.FormatDataOp(mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames,
mProject.SymbolTable, null, attr.DataDescriptor, mProject.FileData, offset,
if (subLineIndex == 0) {
offsetStr = mFormatter.FormatOffset24(offset);
addrStr = mFormatter.FormatAddress(attr.Address, !mProject.CpuDef.HasAddr16);
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = attr.Symbol.GenerateDisplayLabel(mFormatter);
bytesStr = mFormatter.FormatBytes(data, offset, attr.Length);
attrStr = attr.ToAttrString();
opcodeStr = mFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(pout.Opcode);
commentStr = mFormatter.FormatEolComment(mProject.Comments[offset]);
} else {
opcodeStr = " +";
operandStr = pout.Operand;
// This seems less useful in practice than in theory, unless you have a lot of
// character data separated by unprintable values. Text generally gets found by
// the data scanner, and having character values next to things that aren't
// actually meant to be character data is more distracting than useful. If
// there's a good use case we could make it an option, and have mCharTest set
// to null if it's switched off.
if (false && attr.DataDescriptor.FormatType == FormatDescriptor.Type.Default) {
FormatDescriptor dfd = attr.DataDescriptor;
Debug.Assert(dfd.Length == 1);
int operand = RawData.GetWord(mProject.FileData, offset, dfd.Length, false);
if (mCharTest((byte)operand)) {
operandStr += " '" + mCharConv((byte)operand) + "'";
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.Create(offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr,
flagsStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
return parts;
private FormattedParts GenerateLvTableLine(int offset, int subLineIndex) {
if (!mProject.LvTables.TryGetValue(offset, out LocalVariableTable lvt)) {
return FormattedParts.CreateLongComment("BAD OFFSET +" + offset.ToString("x6") +
" sub=" + subLineIndex);
if (lvt.ClearPrevious) {
if (subLineIndex == 0) {
return FormattedParts.CreateLongComment(
} else {
// adjust for previously output "clear" line
if (lvt.Count == 0) {
// If ClearPrevious is set, we returned the "clear" line for index zero.
// So this is an empty table without a clear. We want to show something so
// the user knows there's dead weight here.
Debug.Assert(subLineIndex == 0 && !lvt.ClearPrevious);
return FormattedParts.CreateLongComment(
if (subLineIndex >= lvt.Count) {
return FormattedParts.CreateLongComment("BAD INDEX +" + offset.ToString("x6") +
" sub=" + subLineIndex);
} else {
// Getting the symbol directly from the LvTable yields the original form,
// but we want the de-dup form.
//DefSymbol defSym = lvt[subLineIndex];
List<DefSymbol> lvars = mLvLookup.GetVariablesDefinedAtOffset(offset);
DefSymbol defSym = lvars[subLineIndex];
// Use an operand length of 1 so the value is shown as concisely as possible.
string addrStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(mFormatter, mProject.SymbolTable,
null, defSym.DataDescriptor, defSym.Value, 1,
addrStr = PseudoOp.AnnotateEquDirective(mFormatter, addrStr, defSym);
string comment = mFormatter.FormatEolComment(defSym.Comment);
return FormattedParts.CreateEquDirective(
addrStr, comment);
public DefSymbol GetLocalVariableFromLine(int lineIndex) {
Line line = this[lineIndex];
int offset = line.FileOffset;
if (!mProject.LvTables.TryGetValue(offset, out LocalVariableTable lvt)) {
return null;
int tableIndex = line.SubLineIndex;
if (lvt.ClearPrevious) {
if (tableIndex < 0 || tableIndex >= lvt.Count) {
// Will be -1 on first line when ClearPrevious was set. Will be zero on
// first line of empty table.
return null;
// Go through LvLookup to get de-dup form of labels.
//return lvt[tableIndex];
List<DefSymbol> lvars = mLvLookup.GetVariablesDefinedAtOffset(offset);
return lvars[tableIndex];
private FormattedParts[] GenerateStringLines(int offset, string popcode,
List<string> operands) {
FormattedParts[] partsArray = new FormattedParts[operands.Count];
Anattrib attr = mProject.GetAnattrib(offset);
byte[] data = mProject.FileData;
string offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr,
operandStr, commentStr;
for (int subLineIndex = 0; subLineIndex < operands.Count; subLineIndex++) {
if (subLineIndex == 0) {
offsetStr = mFormatter.FormatOffset24(offset);
addrStr = mFormatter.FormatAddress(attr.Address, !mProject.CpuDef.HasAddr16);
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = attr.Symbol.GenerateDisplayLabel(mFormatter);
} else {
labelStr = string.Empty;
bytesStr = mFormatter.FormatBytes(data, offset, attr.Length);
attrStr = attr.ToAttrString();
opcodeStr = mFormatter.FormatPseudoOp(popcode);
commentStr = mFormatter.FormatEolComment(mProject.Comments[offset]);
} else {
offsetStr = addrStr = bytesStr = attrStr = labelStr = commentStr =
opcodeStr = " +";
operandStr = operands[subLineIndex];
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.Create(offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr,
/*flags*/string.Empty, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
partsArray[subLineIndex] = parts;
return partsArray;