mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-10-27 07:29:00 +00:00
Andy McFadden 03a0fc13fd Expand max local variable width to 257
Code generated by one of the C compilers sets up the stack frame and
then maps the direct page on top of it.  If the value at the top of
the stack is 16 bits, it will be referenced via address $ff.  The
local variable editor was regarding this as illegal, because lvars are
currently only defined for direct page data, and the value doesn't
entirely fit there (unless you're doing an indirect JMP on an NMOS
6502, in which case it wraps around to $00... but let's ignore that).

The actual max width of a local variable is 257 because of the
possibility of a 16-bit access at $ff.

Older versions of SourceGen don't seem to have an issue when they
encounter this situation, as worrying about (start+width) is really
just an editor affectation.  The access itself is still a direct-page
operation.  You won't be able to edit the entry without reducing the
length, but otherwise everything works.  I don't think there's a need
to bump the file version.
2021-07-20 13:08:19 -07:00

424 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Asm65;
namespace SourceGen.WpfGui {
/// <summary>
/// Symbol edit dialog.
/// </summary>
public partial class EditDefSymbol : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged {
// 256-byte zero page, +1 for 16-bit access at $ff.
private const int MAX_VAR_WIDTH = 257;
/// <summary>
/// Result; will be set non-null on OK.
/// </summary>
public DefSymbol NewSym { get; private set; }
public enum InputField {
Unknown = 0, Label, Value, Comment
/// <summary>
/// Determines which field gets focus initially.
/// </summary>
public InputField InitialFocusField { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Set to true when all fields are valid. Controls whether the OK button is enabled.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid {
get { return mIsValid; }
set { mIsValid = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
private bool mIsValid;
public string Label {
get { return mLabel; }
set { mLabel = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private string mLabel;
public string Value {
get { return mValue; }
set { mValue = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private string mValue;
public string VarWidth {
get { return mWidth; }
set { mWidth = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private string mWidth;
public string WidthLimitLabel {
get { return mWidthLimitLabel; }
set { mWidthLimitLabel = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
private string mWidthLimitLabel;
public string Comment {
get { return mComment; }
set { mComment = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
private string mComment;
public bool IsAddress {
get { return mIsAddress; }
set { mIsAddress = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private bool mIsAddress;
public bool IsConstant {
get { return mIsConstant; }
set { mIsConstant = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private bool mIsConstant;
public string ConstantLabel {
get { return mConstantLabel; }
set { mConstantLabel = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
private string mConstantLabel;
public bool IsReadChecked {
get { return mIsReadChecked; }
set { mIsReadChecked = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private bool mIsReadChecked;
public bool IsWriteChecked {
get { return mIsWriteChecked; }
set { mIsWriteChecked = value; OnPropertyChanged(); UpdateControls(); }
private bool mIsWriteChecked;
public bool ReadOnlyValueAndType {
get { return mReadOnlyValueAndType; }
set { mReadOnlyValueAndType = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
public bool NotReadOnlyValueAndType {
get { return !mReadOnlyValueAndType; }
private bool mReadOnlyValueAndType;
/// <summary>
/// Set to true if we should create a Variable rather than a project symbol.
/// </summary>
public bool IsVariable {
get { return mIsVariable; }
set { mIsVariable = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
public bool IsNotVariable {
get { return !mIsVariable; }
private bool mIsVariable;
/// <summary>
/// Format object to use when formatting addresses and constants.
/// </summary>
private Formatter mNumFormatter;
/// <summary>
/// Old symbol value. May be null.
/// </summary>
private DefSymbol mOldSym;
/// <summary>
/// List of existing symbols, for uniqueness check. The list will not be modified.
/// </summary>
private SortedList<string, DefSymbol> mDefSymbolList;
/// <summary>
/// Full symbol table, for extended uniqueness check.
/// </summary>
private SymbolTable mSymbolTable;
/// <summary>
/// Set to true if the width value is optional.
/// </summary>
private bool mIsWidthOptional;
private Brush mDefaultLabelColor = SystemColors.WindowTextBrush;
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "") {
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
/// <summary>
/// Constructor, for editing a project or platform symbol.
/// </summary>
public EditDefSymbol(Window owner, Formatter formatter,
SortedList<string, DefSymbol> defList, DefSymbol defSym,
SymbolTable symbolTable)
: this(owner, formatter, defList, defSym, symbolTable, false, false) { }
/// <summary>
/// Constructor, for editing a local variable, or editing a project symbol with
/// the value field locked.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// TODO(someday): disable the "constant" radio button unless CPU=65816.
/// </remarks>
public EditDefSymbol(Window owner, Formatter formatter,
SortedList<string, DefSymbol> defList, DefSymbol defSym,
SymbolTable symbolTable, bool isVariable, bool lockValueAndType) {
Owner = owner;
DataContext = this;
mNumFormatter = formatter;
mDefSymbolList = defList;
mOldSym = defSym;
mSymbolTable = symbolTable;
IsVariable = isVariable;
mReadOnlyValueAndType = lockValueAndType;
Label = Value = VarWidth = Comment = string.Empty;
int maxWidth;
if (isVariable) {
ConstantLabel = (string)FindResource("str_VariableConstant");
maxWidth = MAX_VAR_WIDTH;
} else {
ConstantLabel = (string)FindResource("str_ProjectConstant");
maxWidth = 65536;
mIsWidthOptional = !isVariable;
string fmt = (string)FindResource("str_WidthLimitFmt");
WidthLimitLabel = string.Format(fmt, maxWidth);
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
if (mOldSym != null) {
Label = mOldSym.GenerateDisplayLabel(mNumFormatter);
Value = mNumFormatter.FormatValueInBase(mOldSym.Value,
if (mOldSym.HasWidth) {
VarWidth = mOldSym.DataDescriptor.Length.ToString();
Comment = mOldSym.Comment;
if (mOldSym.IsConstant) {
IsConstant = true;
} else {
IsAddress = true;
if (mOldSym.Direction == DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.Read) {
IsReadChecked = true;
} else if (mOldSym.Direction == DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.Write) {
IsWriteChecked = true;
} else {
IsReadChecked = IsWriteChecked = true;
} else {
IsAddress = IsReadChecked = IsWriteChecked = true;
private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e) {
TextBox field;
switch (InitialFocusField) {
case InputField.Value:
field = valueTextBox;
case InputField.Comment:
field = commentTextBox;
case InputField.Label:
field = labelTextBox;
/// <summary>
/// Validates input and updates controls appropriately.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateControls() {
if (!IsLoaded) {
// Label must be valid and not already exist in the table we're editing. (For project
// symbols, it's okay if an identical label exists elsewhere.)
string trimLabel = Symbol.TrimAndValidateLabel(Label, string.Empty,
out bool labelValid, out bool unused1, out bool unused2, out bool unused3,
out Symbol.LabelAnnotation unused4);
bool labelUnique;
// NOTE: should be using Asm65.Label.LABEL_COMPARER?
if (mDefSymbolList.TryGetValue(trimLabel, out DefSymbol existing)) {
// It's okay if it's the same object.
labelUnique = (existing == mOldSym);
} else {
labelUnique = true;
// For local variables, do a secondary uniqueness check across the full symbol table.
if (labelUnique && mSymbolTable != null) {
labelUnique = !mSymbolTable.TryGetValue(trimLabel, out Symbol sym);
// It's okay if this and the other are both variables.
if (!labelUnique && IsVariable && sym.IsVariable) {
labelUnique = true;
// Value must be blank, meaning "erase any earlier definition", or valid value.
// (Hmm... don't currently have a way to specify "no symbol" in DefSymbol.)
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueTextBox.Text)) {
bool valueValid = ParseValue(out int thisValue, out int unused5);
//} else {
// valueValid = true;
bool widthValid = true;
int thisWidth = -1;
if (IsConstant && !IsVariable) {
// width field is ignored
} else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VarWidth)) {
// blank field is okay if the width is optional
widthValid = mIsWidthOptional;
} else if (!Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(VarWidth, out thisWidth, out int unusedBase) ||
thisWidth < DefSymbol.MIN_WIDTH || thisWidth > DefSymbol.MAX_WIDTH ||
(IsVariable && thisWidth > MAX_VAR_WIDTH)) {
// All widths must be between 1 and 65536. For a variable, the full thing must
// fit on zero page, except on 65816 where a 16-bit access at $ff can extend
// off the end of the direct page.
// We test the variable width here so that we highlight the "width limit" label,
// rather than the "value range" label.
widthValid = false;
bool valueRangeValid = true;
if (IsVariable && valueValid && widthValid) {
// $ff with width 1 is okay, $ff with width 2 is okay on 65816, width=3 is bad
if (thisValue < 0 || thisValue + thisWidth > MAX_VAR_WIDTH) {
valueRangeValid = false;
} else if (IsAddress && valueValid) {
// limit to positive 24-bit integers; use a long for value+width so we
// don't get fooled by overflow
long lvalue = thisValue;
if (thisWidth > 0) {
lvalue += thisWidth - 1;
if (thisValue < 0 || lvalue > 0x00ffffff) {
valueRangeValid = false;
Symbol.Type symbolType = IsConstant ? Symbol.Type.Constant : Symbol.Type.ExternalAddr;
// For a variable, the value must also be unique within the table. Values have
// width, so we need to check for overlap.
bool valueUniqueValid = true;
if (IsVariable && valueValid && widthValid) {
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DefSymbol> kvp in mDefSymbolList) {
if (kvp.Value != mOldSym &&
DefSymbol.CheckOverlap(kvp.Value, thisValue, thisWidth, symbolType)) {
valueUniqueValid = false;
bool rwValid = true;
if (!IsVariable && IsAddress) {
rwValid = IsReadChecked || IsWriteChecked;
labelNotesLabel.Foreground = labelValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
labelUniqueLabel.Foreground = projectLabelUniqueLabel.Foreground =
labelUnique ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
valueNotesLabel.Foreground = valueValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
addrValueRangeLabel.Foreground = valueRangeValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
varValueRangeLabel.Foreground = valueRangeValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
varValueUniqueLabel.Foreground = valueUniqueValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
widthNotesLabel.Foreground = widthValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
checkReadWriteLabel.Foreground = rwValid ? mDefaultLabelColor : Brushes.Red;
IsValid = labelValid && labelUnique && valueValid && valueRangeValid &&
valueUniqueValid && widthValid && rwValid;
private bool ParseValue(out int value, out int numBase) {
string str = Value;
if (str.IndexOf('/') >= 0) {
// treat as address
numBase = 16;
return Asm65.Address.ParseAddress(str, (1 << 24) - 1, out value);
} else {
return Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(str, out value, out numBase);
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
ParseValue(out int value, out int numBase);
FormatDescriptor.SubType subType = FormatDescriptor.GetSubTypeForBase(numBase);
int width = -1;
if (IsConstant && !IsVariable) {
// width field is ignored, don't bother parsing
} else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(VarWidth)) {
bool ok = Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(VarWidth, out width, out int unusedNumBase);
DefSymbol.DirectionFlags direction;
if (IsReadChecked && IsWriteChecked) {
direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.ReadWrite;
} else if (IsReadChecked) {
direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.Read;
} else if (IsWriteChecked) {
direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.Write;
} else {
direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.None;
// Parse and strip the annotation.
string trimLabel = Symbol.TrimAndValidateLabel(Label, string.Empty, out bool unused1,
out bool unused2, out bool unused3, out bool unused4,
out Symbol.LabelAnnotation anno);
NewSym = new DefSymbol(trimLabel, value,
IsVariable ? Symbol.Source.Variable : Symbol.Source.Project,
IsConstant ? Symbol.Type.Constant : Symbol.Type.ExternalAddr, anno,
subType, width, width > 0, Comment, direction, null, string.Empty);
DialogResult = true;