mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-10-05 10:55:09 +00:00
Andy McFadden 9321f15052 Minor fix for 24-bit MULTI_MASK
The test for max allowed value was assuming 16-bit addresses.

We had no tests for 24-bit values, so this adds a 65816-specific
version of 20170-external-symbols.
2020-11-03 11:47:53 -08:00

411 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Loads and maintains a collection of platform-specific symbols from a ".sym65" file.
/// </summary>
public class PlatformSymbols : IEnumerable<Symbol> {
public const string FILENAME_EXT = ".sym65";
private const string ERASE_VALUE_STR = "ERASE";
public const int ERASE_VALUE = -1;
public static readonly string FILENAME_FILTER = Res.Strings.FILE_FILTER_SYM65;
/// <summary>
/// Regex pattern for symbol definition in platform symbol file.
/// Alphanumeric ASCII + underscore for label, which must start at beginning of line.
/// Value is somewhat arbitrary, but ends if we see a comment delimiter (semicolon) or
/// whitespace. Spaces are allowed between tokens, but not required. Value, width,
/// and mask may be hex, decimal, or binary; these are simply tokenized by regex.
/// Looks like:
/// NAME {@,=,<,>} VALUE [& MASK] [WIDTH] [;COMMENT]
/// Regex output groups are:
/// 1. NAME
/// 2. type/direction char
/// 3. VALUE (can be any non-whitespace)
/// 4. optional: WIDTH (can be any non-whitespace)
/// 5. optional: COMMENT with leading ';'
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If you want to make sense of this, I highly recommend https://regex101.com/ .
/// </remarks>
private const string SYMBOL_PATTERN =
private static Regex sNameValueRegex = new Regex(SYMBOL_PATTERN);
private const int GROUP_NAME = 1;
private const int GROUP_TYPE = 2;
private const int GROUP_VALUE = 3;
private const int GROUP_WIDTH = 4;
private const int GROUP_COMMENT = 5;
/// <summary>
/// Regex pattern for mask definition in platform symbol file.
/// Looks like:
/// </summary>
private const string MULTI_MASK_PATTERN =
private static Regex sMaskRegex = new Regex(MULTI_MASK_PATTERN);
private const string MULTI_MASK_CMD = "*MULTI_MASK";
private const string TAG_CMD = "*TAG";
/// <summary>
/// List of symbols. We keep them sorted by label because labels must be unique.
/// </summary>
private SortedList<string, Symbol> mSymbols =
new SortedList<string, Symbol>(Asm65.Label.LABEL_COMPARER);
public PlatformSymbols() { }
// IEnumerable
public IEnumerator<Symbol> GetEnumerator() {
return mSymbols.Values.GetEnumerator();
// IEnumerable
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
return mSymbols.Values.GetEnumerator();
public bool ContainsKey(string label) {
return mSymbols.ContainsKey(label);
/// <summary>
/// Loads platform symbols.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileIdent">External file identifier of symbol file.</param>
/// <param name="projectDir">Full path to project directory.</param>
/// <param name="loadOrdinal">Platform file load order.</param>
/// <param name="report">Report of warnings and errors.</param>
/// <returns>True on success (no errors), false on failure.</returns>
public bool LoadFromFile(string fileIdent, string projectDir, int loadOrdinal,
out FileLoadReport report) {
report = new FileLoadReport(fileIdent);
ExternalFile ef = ExternalFile.CreateFromIdent(fileIdent);
if (ef == null) {
CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + ": " + fileIdent);
return false;
string pathName = ef.GetPathName(projectDir);
if (pathName == null) {
Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_IDENT + ": " + fileIdent);
return false;
// These files shouldn't be enormous. Just read the entire thing into a string array.
string[] lines;
try {
lines = File.ReadAllLines(pathName);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Debug.WriteLine("Platform symbol load failed: " + ioe);
CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + ": " + pathName);
return false;
string tag = string.Empty;
DefSymbol.MultiAddressMask multiMask = null;
int lineNum = 0;
foreach (string line in lines) {
lineNum++; // first line is line 1, says Vim and VisualStudio
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line[0] == ';') {
// ignore
} else if (line[0] == '*') {
if (line.StartsWith(TAG_CMD)) {
tag = ParseTag(line);
} else if (line.StartsWith(MULTI_MASK_CMD)) {
if (!ParseMask(line, out multiMask, out string badMaskMsg)) {
report.Add(lineNum, FileLoadItem.NO_COLUMN, FileLoadItem.Type.Warning,
//Debug.WriteLine("Mask is now " + mask.ToString("x6"));
} else {
// Do something clever with *SYNOPSIS?
Debug.WriteLine("Ignoring CMD: " + line);
} else {
MatchCollection matches = sNameValueRegex.Matches(line);
if (matches.Count == 1) {
string label = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_NAME].Value;
char typeAndDir = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_TYPE].Value[0];
bool isConst = (typeAndDir == '=');
DefSymbol.DirectionFlags direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.ReadWrite;
if (typeAndDir == '<') {
direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.Read;
} else if (typeAndDir == '>') {
direction = DefSymbol.DirectionFlags.Write;
string badParseMsg;
int value, numBase;
bool parseOk;
string valueStr = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_VALUE].Value;
if (isConst) {
// Allow various numeric options, and preserve the value. We
// don't limit the value range.
parseOk = Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(valueStr, out value, out numBase);
badParseMsg =
} else if (valueStr.ToUpperInvariant().Equals(ERASE_VALUE_STR)) {
parseOk = true;
value = ERASE_VALUE;
numBase = 10;
badParseMsg = CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS;
} else {
// Allow things like "05/1000". Always hex.
numBase = 16;
parseOk = Asm65.Address.ParseAddress(valueStr, (1 << 24) - 1,
out value);
// limit to positive 24-bit values
parseOk &= (value >= 0 && value < 0x01000000);
badParseMsg = CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS;
int width = -1;
string widthStr = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_WIDTH].Value;
if (parseOk && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(widthStr)) {
parseOk = Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(widthStr, out width,
out int ignoredBase);
if (parseOk) {
if (width < DefSymbol.MIN_WIDTH || width > DefSymbol.MAX_WIDTH) {
parseOk = false;
badParseMsg = Res.Strings.ERR_INVALID_WIDTH;
} else {
badParseMsg =
if (parseOk && multiMask != null && !isConst) {
// We need to ensure that all possible values fit within the mask.
// We don't test AddressValue here, because it's okay for the
// canonical value to be outside the masked range.
int testWidth = (width > 0) ? width : 1;
for (int testValue = value; testValue < value + testWidth; testValue++) {
if ((testValue & multiMask.CompareMask) != multiMask.CompareValue) {
parseOk = false;
Debug.WriteLine("Mask FAIL: value=" + value.ToString("x6") +
" width=" + width +
" testValue=" + testValue.ToString("x6") +
" mask=" + multiMask);
if (!parseOk) {
report.Add(lineNum, FileLoadItem.NO_COLUMN, FileLoadItem.Type.Warning,
} else {
string comment = matches[0].Groups[GROUP_COMMENT].Value;
if (comment.Length > 0) {
// remove ';'
comment = comment.Substring(1);
FormatDescriptor.SubType subType =
DefSymbol symDef = new DefSymbol(label, value, Symbol.Source.Platform,
isConst ? Symbol.Type.Constant : Symbol.Type.ExternalAddr,
subType, width, width > 0, comment, direction, multiMask,
tag, loadOrdinal, fileIdent);
if (mSymbols.ContainsKey(label)) {
// This is very easy to do -- just define the same symbol twice
// in the same file. We don't really need to do anything about
// it though.
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: stomping previous definition of " + label);
mSymbols[label] = symDef;
} else {
report.Add(lineNum, FileLoadItem.NO_COLUMN, FileLoadItem.Type.Warning,
return !report.HasErrors;
/// <summary>
/// Parses the tag out of a tag command line. The tag is pretty much everything after
/// the "*TAG", with whitespace stripped off the start and end. The empty string
/// is valid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">Line to parse.</param>
/// <returns>Tag string.</returns>
private string ParseTag(string line) {
string tag = line.Substring(TAG_CMD.Length).Trim();
return tag;
/// <summary>
/// Parses the mask value out of a mask command line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">Line to parse.</param>
/// <param name="multiMask">Parsed mask value, or null if the line was empty.</param>
/// <returns>True if the mask was parsed successfully.</returns>
private bool ParseMask(string line, out DefSymbol.MultiAddressMask multiMask,
out string badMaskMsg) {
const int MIN = 0;
const int MAX = 0x00ffffff;
badMaskMsg = Res.Strings.ERR_INVALID_MULTI_MASK;
multiMask = null;
string maskStr = line.Substring(MULTI_MASK_CMD.Length).Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maskStr)) {
// empty line, disable mask
return true;
MatchCollection matches = sMaskRegex.Matches(maskStr);
if (matches.Count != 1) {
return false;
string cmpMaskStr = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
string cmpValueStr = matches[0].Groups[2].Value;
string addrMaskStr = matches[0].Groups[3].Value;
int cmpMask, cmpValue, addrMask, ignoredBase;
if (!Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(cmpMaskStr, out cmpMask, out ignoredBase) ||
cmpMask < MIN || cmpMask > MAX) {
Debug.WriteLine("Bad cmpMask: " + cmpMaskStr);
badMaskMsg = Res.Strings.ERR_INVALID_COMPARE_MASK;
return false;
if (!Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(cmpValueStr, out cmpValue, out ignoredBase) ||
cmpValue < MIN || cmpValue > MAX) {
Debug.WriteLine("Bad cmpValue: " + cmpValueStr);
return false;
if (!Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(addrMaskStr, out addrMask, out ignoredBase) ||
addrMask < MIN || addrMask > MAX) {
Debug.WriteLine("Bad addrMask: " + addrMaskStr);
badMaskMsg = Res.Strings.ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS_MASK;
return false;
// The two masks should not overlap: one represents bits that must be in a
// specific state for a match to exist, the other indicates which bits are used
// to select a specific register. This should be a warning.
if ((cmpMask & ~addrMask) != cmpMask) {
Debug.WriteLine("Warning: cmpMask/addrMask overlap");
return false;
// If cmpValue has bits set that aren't in cmpMask, we will never find a match.
if ((cmpValue & ~cmpMask) != 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("cmpValue has unexpected bits set");
badMaskMsg = Res.Strings.ERR_INVALID_CMP_EXTRA_BITS;
return false;
multiMask = new DefSymbol.MultiAddressMask(cmpMask, cmpValue, addrMask);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// One-off function to convert the IIgs toolbox function info from NList.Data.TXT
/// to .sym65 format. Doesn't really belong in here, but I'm too lazy to put it
/// anywhere else.
/// </summary>
public static void ConvertNiftyListToolboxFuncs(string inPath, string outPath) {
const string TOOL_START = "* System tools";
const string TOOL_END = "* User tools";
const string PATTERN = @"^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) (\w+)(.*)";
Regex parseRegex = new Regex(PATTERN);
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(inPath);
List<String> outs = new List<string>();
bool inTools = false;
foreach (string line in lines) {
if (line == TOOL_START) {
inTools = true;
} else if (line == TOOL_END) {
if (!inTools) {
if (line.Substring(5, 4) == "=== ") {
// make this a comment
outs.Add("; " + line.Substring(5));
MatchCollection matches = parseRegex.Matches(line);
if (matches.Count != 1) {
Debug.WriteLine("NConv: bad match on '" + line + "'");
outs.Add("; " + line);
GroupCollection group = matches[0].Groups;
string outStr;
if (matches[0].Groups.Count != 4) {
Debug.WriteLine("NConv: partial match (" + group.Count + ") on '" +
line + "'");
outStr = ";" + group[0];
} else {
while (sb.Length < 19) { // not really worried about speed
sb.Append(' ');
sb.Append(" = $");
while (sb.Length < 32) {
sb.Append(' ');
File.WriteAllLines(outPath, outs);
Debug.WriteLine("NConv complete (" + outs.Count + " lines)");