mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-09-30 23:55:09 +00:00
David Youd 89df3278bc
Additional C64 .sym65 support files (#157)
* additional c64 symbols
2024-04-11 18:00:02 -07:00

204 lines
11 KiB

; See the LICENSE file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0).
; Parts adapted from multiple sources:
; - Commodore 1541 / OC-118 Disk Drive Memory Map (v1.3, Jan 18, 1995)
; https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/MJK/ascii/1541map.txt
; - Commodore 1541 drive memory map
; https://sta.c64.org/cbm1541mem.html
; - DOS 2.6 ROM LISTINGS (v1.0, Feb 11, 2000)
; http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/docs/1541dis.html
; - CBM DOS ROM disassembly and memory variables for Commodore 1541 drive
; https://g3sl.github.io/c1541rom.html
*SYNOPSIS 1541 RAM locations used by the 1541 ROM
cmdCodeBuf0 @ $0000 ;Command code for buffer 0
cmdCodeBuf1 @ $0001 ;Command code for buffer 1
cmdCodeBuf2 @ $0002 ;Command code for buffer 2
cmdCodeBuf3 @ $0003 ;Command code for buffer 3
cmdCodeBuf4 @ $0004 ;Command code for buffer 4
trkBuf0 @ $0006 ;Track buffer 0
secBuf0 @ $0007 ;Sector buffer 0
trkBuf1 @ $0008 ;Track buffer 1
secBuf1 @ $0009 ;Sector buffer 1
trkBuf2 @ $000a ;Track buffer 2
secBuf2 @ $000b ;Sector buffer 2
trkBuf3 @ $000c ;Track buffer 3
secBuf3 @ $000d ;Sector buffer 3
trkBuf4 @ $000e ;Track buffer 4
secBuf4 @ $000f ;Sector buffer 4
d0DiskID @ $0012 ;Disk ID, drive 0
d1DiskID @ $0014 ;Disk ID, drive 1
hbID @ $0016 ;Header block: ID
hbTrk @ $0018 ;Header block: Track
hbSec @ $0019 ;Header block: Sector
hbParity @ $001a ;Header block: Parity
diskChgD0 @ $001c ;Flag for disk change, drive 0 01
diskChgD1 @ $001d ;Flag for disk change, drive 1 01
writeProtD0 @ $001e ;Flag for write protect sense, drive 0 01
writeProtD1 @ $001f ;Flag for write protect sense, drive 1
d0Status @ $0020 ;Drive 0 status (disk and step motor)
d1Status @ $0021 ;Drive 1 status (disk and step motor)
d0CurTrk @ $0022 ;Current track for drive 0
driveType @ $0023 ;Flag for 1541 (0), 1540 (not 0)
gcrWorkArea @ $0024 ;Scratch pad of GCR conversion
ptrTmpMem @ $002e 2 ;Pointer for temporary storage
bufPtrCtrl @ $0030 2 ;Buffer pointer for disk controller
ptrCurTrk @ $0032 2 ;Pointer: active track
ptrCurSec @ $0033 2 ;Pointer: active sector
ptrLastConvByte @ $0034 2 ;Pointer to last converted byte
convByteCnt @ $0036 ;Byte counter for GCR/BIN conversion
byteStartBlk @ $0038 ;Constant 7, ID mark for start of data block
byteStartBlkHdr @ $0039 ;Constant 8, ID mark for start of block header
dataBufParity @ $003a ;Parity for data buffer
motorFlag @ $003d ;Motor flag
curDrive @ $003e ;Active drive (FF, if not active)
ctrlBufNum @ $003f ;Buffer number for disk controller
gcrConvByteCnt @ $0040 ;Byte counter for GCR conversion
workCnt @ $0041 ;Number of next work in queue (0 - 5)
destTrk @ $0042 ;Destination track (to move R/W head to)
secPerTrk @ $0043 ;Number of sectors per track for formatting
tmpArea @ $0044 ;Temp. work area; Scratch pad
tmpArea2 @ $0045 ;Work code temp. storage
byteBlkID @ $0047 ;Data block ID char, default 07.
headMoveCnt @ $0048 ;Counter for head movement
headStepCnt @ $004a ;Step counter for head transport
lastReadSec @ $004c ;Last read sector
nextSec @ $004d ;Next sector
gcrConvBufPtr @ $004e 2 ;Pointer to buffer for GCR->BIN conversion
gcrFormatFlag @ $0050 ;Flag for GCR format (0=BIN, 1=GCR)
curFormatTrk @ $0051 ;Current track number for formatting FF
gcrConvBytesBuf @ $0052 4 ;Storage for 4 BIN bytes for GCR coding
gcrConvStore @ $0056 5 ;Storage for 5 GCR bytes
headAccSteps @ $005e ;Number of steps for head motor accel/decl
headAccFactor @ $005f ;accelerating/decl. factor 04
headMoveVec @ $0062 2 ;Pointer to routine for head movement $fa05
headStepsMin @ $0064 ;Minimum number of steps C8
nmiVec @ $0065 2 ;Pointer to start of NMI routine ($eb2e)
nmiInProc @ $0067 ;Flag: NMI in process
diskInitInProc @ $0068 ;Flag for disk initialisation
secDivStepSize @ $0069 ;Step size for sector division $0a
numReadAttempts @ $006a ;Number of read attempts 5
ptrStartJumpTbl @ $006b 2 ;Pointer: Start of Jump table for U commands $ffea
ptrStartBitmap @ $006d 2 ;Pointer: Start of bitmap $0400
ptrMBcmds @ $006f 2 ;Pointer to address for M & B commands
tmpArea3 @ $0071 4 ;Temp work area
indPtrVar @ $0075 2 ;Indirect pointer variable ($0100)
listenAddr @ $0077 ;Listener address (Device number + $20)
talkAddr @ $0078 ;Talker address (Device number + $40)
curListenFlag @ $0079 ;Flag: Active listener
curTalkFlag @ $007a ;Flag: Active talker
atnRecevFlag @ $007c ;Flag for ATN from serial bus receiving
atnActiveFlag @ $007d ;Flag for ATN on serial bus active
lastPrg @ $007e ;Last handled program
driveNum @ $007f ;Drive number (on 1541 always 00)
curTrk @ $0080 ;Current Track number
curSec @ $0081 ;Current Sector number
chnlNum @ $0082 ;Channel number (Logical index)
scndAddr @ $0083 ;Secondary address
scndAddrOrig @ $0084 ;Original Secondary address $6f
curDataByte @ $0085 ;Current Data byte $3f
tmpArea4 @ $0086 9 ;Temp Results area
curBufPtr @ $0094 2 ;Current dir buffer pointer
ptrNxtByteBuf0 @ $0099 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in buffer 0 $0300
ptrNxtByteBuf1 @ $009b 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in buffer 1 $0400
ptrNxtByteBuf2 @ $009d 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in buffer 2 $0500
ptrNxtByteBuf3 @ $009f 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in buffer 3 $0600
ptrNxtByteBuf4 @ $00a1 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in buffer 4 $0700
ptrNxtByteCmdBf @ $00a3 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in command buffer $0200
prtNxtByteErrBf @ $00a5 2 ;Pointer: Next byte in error message buffer $02d6
tblBufChnls @ $00a7 ;Table: buffer channel assignments
tblLoBufRecNum @ $00b5 6 ;Table: lo bytes of record numbers for each buffer
tblHiBufRecNum @ $00bb 6 ;Table: hi bytes of record numbers for each buffer
relWritePtr @ $00c1 ;Write pointer for REL file
relRecLen @ $00c7 ;Table: Record length for REL file
tblSideSecs @ $00cd 6 ;Table: Side sectors
relInRecPtr @ $00d4 ;Pointer in record for REL file
sideSecNum @ $00d5 ;Side sector number
blkPrtSideSec @ $00d6 ;Pointer to data block in side sector
relToRecPtr2 @ $00d7 ;Pointer to record in REL file
dirSectors @ $00d8 ;Directory sectors
indexDir @ $00dd ;Index: Directory
defaultDrive @ $00e2 ;Default disk drive 00
chnlStatus @ $00f2 ;Channel status
flatEOI @ $00f8 ;Flag for EOI
currWorkBufNum @ $00f9 ;Current work (Buffer number)
lruTable @ $00fa 5 ;Least recently used table
d0ReadyFlag @ $00ff ;Flag: FF = drive 0 not ready (No disk), 00 = ready
d1ReadyFlag @ $0100 ;Flag: FF = drive 1 not ready (No disk), 00 = ready
d0FormatMarker @ $0101 ;DOS version from t18 for drive 0
d1FormatMarker @ $0102 ;DOS version from t18 for drive 1
cmdStrBuf @ $0200 42 ;Buffer for command string
cmdCode @ $022a ;Command code
chnl1Index @ $022b ;Logical index, channel 0
chnl2Index @ $022c ;Logical index, channel 1
chnl3Index @ $022d ;Logical index, channel 2
chnlsLastRWbyte @ $022e 6 ;Last read/written byte for each channel
chnlsLastChar @ $0244 6 ;Pointer: Last char on channel
curFileType @ $024a ;Type of active file
strLen @ $024b ;String length
tmpChnlNum @ $024c ;Temp. channel number (secondary address)
curWork @ $024d ;Current work with drive number
workAreaForSec @ $024e ;Work area to find the best sector
bufAlloc @ $024f ;Buffer allocated
d0BamChangFlag @ $0251 ;Flag: BAM changed, drive 0
d1BamChangFlag @ $0252 ;Flag: BAM changed, drive 1
dirEntryFndFlag @ $0253 ;Flag for directory entry found
dirOutputFlag @ $0254 ;Flag for directory output
cmdWaitFlag @ $0255 ;Flag: Waiting for command
lastUsedBuf @ $0257 ;Last used buffer
recordLen @ $0258 ;Record length
sideSecTrk @ $0259 ;Track of side sector
sideSecSec @ $025a ;Sector of side sector
lastWorkBufs @ $025b 5 ;Last work (buffers)
dirSecBufs @ $0260 5 ;Directory sector (buffers)
fileDirIdxBufs @ $0266 5 ;File's index in directory (buffers)
ledFlashCnt @ $026c ;Counter for LED flash
ledFlashMask @ $026d ;Error LED mask for flashing
driveForLastPrg @ $026e ;Drive for last program
secForLastPrg @ $026f ;sector for last program
writeLindx @ $0270 ;Write LINDX
readLindx @ $0271 ;Read LINDX
inputLineLen @ $0274 ;Length of input line
charToProcess @ $0275 ;Char to interpret
endOfCmdBufFN @ $0276 ;Index: End of filename in command buffer
numOfFNs @ $0278 ;Number of filenames
tblPtrFNs @ $027a 6 ;Pointer table: filenames
fileTrk @ $0280 ;Track of a file
fileSec @ $0285 ;Sector of a file
patternFlag @ $028a ;Flag: wild cards
fileStrmImage @ $028b ;File stream image
numDriveSrches @ $028c ;Number of drives to look for
driveSearchFlag @ $028d ;Flag: Looking for drive
driveWthLastErr @ $028e ;drive with last write/open error, used as default drive
foundInDirFlag @ $028f ;Flag: Found in directory
dirSec @ $0290 ;Directory sector
sec1stAvailFile @ $0291 ;Sector for first available file
idx1stAvailFile @ $0292 ;Index (in directory) for first available file
zeroIfLastBlk @ $0293 ;=0 if last block
curBufIndex @ $0294 ;Current buffer-index
filesCnt @ $0295 ;Counter: Files
typeFlag @ $0296 ;Flag: Name matching wild cards
fileMode @ $0297 ;Active file mode (R or W)
jobReturnFlag @ $0298 ;Flag: job return
recoveryPtr @ $0299 2 ;Pointer for recovery
totalTrkOffset @ $029a ;Total tracks offset
lastBamUpdtPtr @ $029b 2 ;Pointer: BAM last update
bamImgTrackNum @ $029d 2 ;Track # of BAM image (drive 0/1)
bamImg @ $02a1 16 ;BAM image
dirOutputBuf @ $02b1 36 ;Buffer for directory output
errMsgBuf @ $02d5 36 ;Buffer for error message
noWriteBamFlag @ $02f9 ;Flag: Don't write BAM
numFreeBlksLo @ $02fa 2 ;Number of free blocks, lo for drives 0 and 1
numFreeBlksHi @ $02fc 2 ;Number of free blocks, hi for drives 0 and 1
stepperPhase @ $02fe 2 ;Current phase of head stepper motor
buffer0 @ $0300 256 ;Buffer 0
buffer1 @ $0400 256 ;Buffer 1
buffer2 @ $0500 256 ;Buffer 2
buffer3 @ $0600 256 ;Buffer 3
buffer4 @ $0700 256 ;Buffer 4