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Andy McFadden 9c3422623d External symbol I/O direction and address mask, part 1
Memory-mapped I/O locations can have different behavior when read
vs. written.  This is part 1 of a change to allow two different
symbols to represent the same address, based on I/O direction.

This also adds a set of address masks for systems like the Atari
2600 that map hardware addresses to multiple locations.

This change updates the data structures, .sym65 file reader,
project serialization, and DefSymbol editor.
2019-10-15 19:12:57 -07:00

119 lines
5.0 KiB

; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved.
; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0).
; Adapted from various online references. Comments are most directly from
; http://www.classic-games.com/atari2600/specs.html
; Some info on memory mirror maps by Chris Wilkson.
*SYNOPSIS Atari 2600 (VCS) registers and constants
; 4K ROM is primarily $f000-ffff
; mirror: $x000
; x = {odd}
; For 8K ROM, second bank is primarily $d000-dfff
; 128 bytes of RIOT RAM is primarily $80-ff and $180-1ff
; mirror: $xy80
; x={even}
; y={0,1,4,5,8,9,C,D}
; --> ???0 ??0? 1xxx xxxx
; TIA write registers
; mirror: $xyz0
; x = {even}
; y = {anything}
; z = {0, 4}
; --> ???0 ???? 0?xx xxxx
*MULTI_MASK %0001000010000000 %0000000000000000 %0000000000111111
VSYNC > $00 ;W 0000 00x0 Vertical Sync Set-Clear
VBLANK > $01 ;W xx00 00x0 Vertical Blank Set-Clear
WSYNC > $02 ;W ---- ---- Wait for Horizontal Blank
RSYNC > $03 ;W ---- ---- Reset Horizontal Sync Counter
NUSIZ0 > $04 ;W 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 0
NUSIZ1 > $05 ;W 00xx 0xxx Number-Size player/missle 1
COLUP0 > $06 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 0
COLUP1 > $07 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Player 1
COLUPF > $08 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Playfield
COLUBK > $09 ;W xxxx xxx0 Color-Luminance Background
CTRLPF > $0a ;W 00xx 0xxx Control Playfield, Ball, Collisions
REFP0 > $0b ;W 0000 x000 Reflection Player 0
REFP1 > $0c ;W 0000 x000 Reflection Player 1
PF0 > $0d ;W xxxx 0000 Playfield Register Byte 0
PF1 > $0e ;W xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 1
PF2 > $0f ;W xxxx xxxx Playfield Register Byte 2
RESP0 > $10 ;W ---- ---- Reset Player 0
RESP1 > $11 ;W ---- ---- Reset Player 1
RESM0 > $12 ;W ---- ---- Reset Missle 0
RESM1 > $13 ;W ---- ---- Reset Missle 1
RESBL > $14 ;W ---- ---- Reset Ball
AUDC0 > $15 ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Control 0
AUDC1 > $16 ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Control 1
AUDF0 > $17 ;W 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 0
AUDF1 > $18 ;W 000x xxxx Audio Frequency 1
AUDV0 > $19 ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 0
AUDV1 > $1a ;W 0000 xxxx Audio Volume 1
GRP0 > $1b ;W xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 0
GRP1 > $1c ;W xxxx xxxx Graphics Register Player 1
ENAM0 > $1d ;W 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 0
ENAM1 > $1e ;W 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Missle 1
ENABL > $1f ;W 0000 00x0 Graphics Enable Ball
HMP0 > $20 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 0
HMP1 > $21 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Player 1
HMM0 > $22 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 0
HMM1 > $23 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Missle 1
HMBL > $24 ;W xxxx 0000 Horizontal Motion Ball
VDELP0 > $25 ;W 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 0
VDELP1 > $26 ;W 0000 000x Vertical Delay Player 1
VDELBL > $27 ;W 0000 000x Vertical Delay Ball
RESMP0 > $28 ;W 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 0 to Player 0
RESMP1 > $29 ;W 0000 00x0 Reset Missle 1 to Player 1
HMOVE > $2a ;W ---- ---- Apply Horizontal Motion
HMCLR > $2b ;W ---- ---- Clear Horizontal Move Registers
CXCLR > $2c ;W ---- ---- Clear Collision Latches
; $2d-3f undefined, but $3e/3f may be used for bank switching
; TIA read registers. Same basic area as the write registers, but
; only the low 4 bits matter. I'm using $3x as the canonical value
; because that's what Adventure did.
; --> ???0 ???? 0??? xxxx
*MULTI_MASK %0001000010000000 %0000000000000000 %0000000000001111
CXM0P < $30 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-P1 M0-P0
CXM1P < $31 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M1-P0 M1-P1
CXP0FB < $32 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision P0-PF P0-BL
CXP1FB < $33 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision P1-PF P1-BL
CXM0FB < $34 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-PF M0-BL
CXM1FB < $35 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision M1-PF M1-BL
CXBLPF < $36 ;R x000 0000 Read Collision BL-PF -----
CXPPMM < $37 ;R xx00 0000 Read Collision P0-P1 M0-M1
INPT0 < $38 ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 0
INPT1 < $39 ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 1
INPT2 < $3a ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 2
INPT3 < $3b ;R x000 0000 Read Pot Port 3
INPT4 < $3c ;R x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 0
INPT5 < $3d ;R x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 1
; PIA/RIOT (6532) registers
; mirror: $xyz0
; x = {even}
; y = {2,3,6,7,a,b,e,f}
; z = {8,a,c,e}
; --> ???0 ??1? 1??x xxxx
*MULTI_MASK %0001001010000000 %0000001010000000 %0000000000011111
SWCHA @ $280 ;RW Port A data register (joysticks...)
SWACNT @ $281 ;RW Port A data direction register (DDR)
SWCHB @ $282 ;RW Port B data (console switches)
SWBCNT @ $283 ;RW Port B data direction register (DDR)
INTIM < $284 ;R Timer output
TIM1T > $294 ;W set 1 clock interval
TIM8T > $295 ;W set 8 clock interval
TIM64T > $296 ;W set 64 clock interval
T1024T > $297 ;W set 1024 clock interval