mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-10-11 10:23:41 +00:00
Andy McFadden d58b747571 Use relocation data to format instruction operands
This was a relatively lightweight change to confirm the usefulness
of relocation data.  The results were very positive.

The relatively superficial integration of the data into the data
analysis process causes some problems, e.g. the cross-reference table
entries show an offset because the code analyzer's computed operand
offset doesn't match the value of the label.  The feature should be
considered experimental

The feature can be enabled or disabled with a project property.  The
results were sufficiently useful and non-annoying to make the setting
enabled by default.
2020-07-03 17:58:41 -07:00

570 lines
23 KiB

* Copyright 2020 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen.Tools.Omf {
/// <summary>
/// Apple IIgs OMF loader. This works like the GS/OS System Loader, reading the contents
/// of an executable file and resolving the relocation records. This only handles Load
/// files, as Object and Library files contain unresolved references.
/// </summary>
public class Loader {
private const string IIGS_SYSTEM_DEF = "Apple IIgs (GS/OS)";
private OmfFile mOmfFile;
private Formatter mFormatter;
private byte[] mLoadedData;
private DisasmProject mNewProject;
private class SegmentMapEntry {
public OmfSegment Segment { get; private set; }
public int Address { get; private set; }
public SegmentMapEntry(OmfSegment omfSeg, int address) {
Segment = omfSeg;
Address = address;
private List<SegmentMapEntry> mSegmentMap;
private Dictionary<int, DisasmProject.RelocData> mRelocData =
new Dictionary<int, DisasmProject.RelocData>();
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="omfFile">OMF file to load.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Text formatter.</param>
public Loader(OmfFile omfFile, Formatter formatter) {
Debug.Assert(omfFile.OmfFileKind == OmfFile.FileKind.Load);
mOmfFile = omfFile;
mFormatter = formatter;
/// <summary>
/// Prepares the loaded form of the binary and the disassembly project.
/// </summary>
public bool Prepare() {
if (!CreateMap()) {
mSegmentMap = null;
return false;
Debug.WriteLine("Segment map:");
for (int i = 0; i < mSegmentMap.Count; i++) {
SegmentMapEntry ent = mSegmentMap[i];
if (ent == null) {
Debug.Assert(i == 0 || i == 1); // initial hole and optional ~ExpressLoad
OmfSegment omfSeg = ent.Segment;
Debug.WriteLine(i + " " + ent.Address.ToString("x6") + " SegNum=" + omfSeg.SegNum +
" '" + omfSeg.SegName + "'");
Debug.Assert(i == ent.Segment.SegNum);
if (!GenerateDataAndProject()) {
mSegmentMap = null;
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Writes the data and disasm project files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataPathName"></param>
/// <param name="projectPathName"></param>
public bool WriteProjectFiles(string dataPathName, string projectPathName,
out string errMsg) {
Debug.WriteLine("Writing " + dataPathName + " and " + projectPathName);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dataPathName, FileMode.Create)) {
fs.Write(mLoadedData, 0, mLoadedData.Length);
if (!ProjectFile.SerializeToFile(mNewProject, projectPathName, out errMsg)) {
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a map of file segments. The position of each segment in the list will
/// match the segment's position in the file, i.e. the segment in Map[5] will have
/// SEGNUM==5.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// I'm assuming that the SEGNUM in the file matches the position. This seems to be
/// the case everywhere. ExpressLoad goes to some lengths to ensure this is still the
/// case after a file is "expressed", including a remap table so that loader calls made
/// by the application go to the right place (instead of, say, giving ~ExpressLoad a
/// SEGNUM of 255.)
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>True on success.</returns>
private bool CreateMap() {
// Segments are numbered 1-N, so create a map with N+1 entries and leave first blank.
mSegmentMap = new List<SegmentMapEntry>(mOmfFile.SegmentList.Count + 1);
// Create a bank in-use map.
bool[] inUse = new bool[256];
// Flag special memory as in-use.
inUse[0x00] = inUse[0x01] = inUse[0xe0] = inUse[0xe1] = true;
// Find segments that require specific addresses, and mark those banks as in use.
foreach (OmfSegment omfSeg in mOmfFile.SegmentList) {
if (omfSeg.Kind == OmfSegment.SegmentKind.DpStack) {
// This just allocates space in bank 0.
if (omfSeg.Length == 0) {
// Nothing to do here.
int addr;
if (omfSeg.Org == 0) {
// The docs say that a value of zero always means relocatable, but that
// would mean you can't set the "absolute bank" flag to position code or
// data in bank 0. I'm going to assume that's intentional, since people
// (a) shouldn't be doing that, and (b) can use DP/Stack instead (?).
addr = omfSeg.Org;
if ((omfSeg.Attrs & OmfSegment.SegmentAttribute.AbsBank) != 0) {
// Bank is specified, rest of address is not.
addr &= 0x00ff0000;
// Mark the banks as being in use. It's okay if multiple segments want the
// same space.
MarkBanks(addr, omfSeg.Length, inUse);
// Assign segments to banks. Note we always start at offset $0000 within a bank.
int nextBank = 0;
int dpAddr = 0x1000; // somewhat arbitrary
foreach (OmfSegment omfSeg in mOmfFile.SegmentList) {
if (omfSeg.Kind == OmfSegment.SegmentKind.DpStack || omfSeg.Length == 0) {
mSegmentMap.Add(new SegmentMapEntry(omfSeg, dpAddr));
dpAddr += omfSeg.Length;
if (dpAddr > 0x00010000) {
Debug.WriteLine("Stack/DP overflow");
return false;
if (omfSeg.IsExpressLoad) {
// We totally ignore these. Add a null ref as a placeholder.
int addr;
if (omfSeg.Org != 0) {
// Specific address requested.
addr = omfSeg.Org;
if ((omfSeg.Attrs & OmfSegment.SegmentAttribute.AbsBank) != 0) {
// just keep the bank
addr &= 0x00ff0000;
} else {
// Find next available spot with enough space.
while (true) {
while (nextBank < 256 && inUse[nextBank]) {
if (nextBank == 256) {
// Should be impossible on any sane Apple IIgs Load file.
return false;
if (!CheckBanks(nextBank << 16, omfSeg.Length, inUse)) {
// Didn't fit in the space.
// We only go forward, so no need to mark them.
addr = nextBank << 16;
// Advance nextBank. We do this by identifying the last address touched,
// and moving to the next bank.
int lastAddr = addr + omfSeg.Length - 1;
nextBank = (lastAddr >> 16) + 1;
SegmentMapEntry ent = new SegmentMapEntry(omfSeg, addr);
return true;
private static bool CheckBanks(int addr, int memLen, bool[] inUse) {
Debug.Assert(memLen > 0);
while (memLen > 0) {
if (inUse[(addr >> 16) & 0xff]) {
return false;
addr += 65536;
memLen -= 65536;
return true;
private static bool MarkBanks(int addr, int memLen, bool[] inUse) {
Debug.Assert(memLen > 0);
while (memLen > 0) {
inUse[(addr >> 16) & 0xff] = true;
addr += 65536;
memLen -= 65536;
return true;
private bool GenerateDataAndProject() {
// Sum up the segment lengths to get the total project size.
int totalLen = 0;
foreach (SegmentMapEntry ent in mSegmentMap) {
if (ent == null) {
totalLen += ent.Segment.Length;
Debug.WriteLine("Total length of loaded binary is " + totalLen);
byte[] data = new byte[totalLen];
// Create the project object.
DisasmProject proj = new DisasmProject();
// Try to get the Apple IIgs system definition. This is fragile, because it
// relies on the name in the JSON file, but it's optional. (If the default CPU
// type stops being 65816, we should be sure to set that here.)
try {
// TODO(maybe): encapsulate this somewhere else
string sysDefsPath = RuntimeDataAccess.GetPathName("SystemDefs.json");
SystemDefSet sds = SystemDefSet.ReadFile(sysDefsPath);
SystemDef sd = sds.FindEntryByName(IIGS_SYSTEM_DEF);
if (sd != null) {
} else {
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to find Apple IIgs system definition");
} catch (Exception) {
// never mind
Debug.WriteLine("Failed to apply Apple IIgs system definition");
ChangeSet cs = new ChangeSet(mSegmentMap.Count * 2);
AddHeaderComment(proj, cs);
// Load the segments, and add entries to the project.
int bufOffset = 0;
foreach (SegmentMapEntry ent in mSegmentMap) {
if (ent == null) {
if (ent.Segment.Kind == OmfSegment.SegmentKind.JumpTable) {
if (!RelocJumpTable(ent, data, bufOffset, cs)) {
// Could treat this as non-fatal, but it really ought to work.
Debug.WriteLine("Jump Table reloc failed");
return false;
} else {
// Perform relocation.
if (!RelocSegment(ent, data, bufOffset)) {
return false;
// Add one or more address entries. (Normally one, but data segments
// can straddle multiple pages.)
AddAddressEntries(proj, ent, bufOffset, cs);
// Add a comment identifying the segment and its attributes.
string segCmt = string.Format(Res.Strings.OMF_SEG_COMMENT_FMT,
ent.Segment.SegNum, ent.Segment.Kind, ent.Segment.Attrs, ent.Segment.SegName);
UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateLongCommentChange(bufOffset, null,
new MultiLineComment(segCmt));
// Add a note identifying the segment.
string segNote = string.Format(Res.Strings.OMF_SEG_NOTE_FMT,
ent.Segment.SegNum, mFormatter.FormatAddress(ent.Address, true),
uc = UndoableChange.CreateNoteChange(bufOffset, null,
new MultiLineComment(segNote));
bufOffset += ent.Segment.Length;
proj.PrepForNew(data, "new_proj");
proj.ApplyChanges(cs, false, out _);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, DisasmProject.RelocData> kvp in mRelocData) {
proj.RelocList.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
mLoadedData = data;
mNewProject = proj;
return true;
private void AddHeaderComment(DisasmProject proj, ChangeSet cs) {
// Add header comment.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (SegmentMapEntry ent in mSegmentMap) {
if (ent == null) {
string segCmt = string.Format(Res.Strings.OMF_SEG_HDR_COMMENT_FMT,
ent.Segment.SegNum, ent.Segment.Kind, ent.Segment.SegName,
mFormatter.FormatAddress(ent.Address, true));
UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateLongCommentChange(
null, new MultiLineComment(sb.ToString()));
/// <summary>
/// Edits the data file, changing values based on the relocation dictionary.
/// </summary>
private bool RelocSegment(SegmentMapEntry ent, byte[] data, int bufOffset) {
const int INVALID_ADDR = 0x00ffffff;
byte[] srcData = ent.Segment.GetConstData();
Array.Copy(srcData, 0, data, bufOffset, srcData.Length);
foreach (OmfReloc omfRel in ent.Segment.Relocs) {
int relocAddr = omfRel.RelOffset;
if (omfRel.FileNum != -1 && omfRel.FileNum != 1) {
// Some other file; not much we can do with this. Drop in an obviously
// invalid address and keep going.
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to process reloc with FileNum=" + omfRel.FileNum);
relocAddr = INVALID_ADDR;
} else if (omfRel.SegNum == -1) {
// Within this segment.
relocAddr += ent.Address;
} else {
// Find other segment. This may fail if the file is damaged.
if (omfRel.SegNum < 0 || omfRel.SegNum >= mSegmentMap.Count ||
mSegmentMap[omfRel.SegNum] == null) {
// Can't find the segment. Unlike the file case, this was expected to
// be something we could resolve with what we were given, so this is
// a hard failure.
Debug.WriteLine("Reloc SegNum=" + omfRel.SegNum + " not in map");
return false;
} else {
relocAddr += mSegmentMap[omfRel.SegNum].Address;
if (omfRel.Shift < -32 || omfRel.Shift > 32) {
Debug.WriteLine("Invalid reloc shift " + omfRel.Shift);
return false;
int adjRelocAddr = relocAddr;
if (omfRel.Shift < 0) {
adjRelocAddr >>= -omfRel.Shift;
} else if (omfRel.Shift > 0) {
adjRelocAddr <<= omfRel.Shift;
switch (omfRel.Width) {
case 1:
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr);
case 2:
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr);
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset + 1] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr >> 8);
case 3:
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr);
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset + 1] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr >> 8);
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset + 2] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr >> 16);
case 4:
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr);
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset + 1] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr >> 8);
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset + 2] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr >> 16);
data[bufOffset + omfRel.Offset + 3] = (byte)(adjRelocAddr >> 24);
Debug.WriteLine("Invalid reloc width " + omfRel.Width);
return false;
mRelocData.Add(bufOffset + omfRel.Offset, new DisasmProject.RelocData(
(byte)omfRel.Width, (sbyte)omfRel.Shift, relocAddr));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Edits the data file, essentially putting the jump table entries into the
/// "loaded" state.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// We don't use ent.Segment.Relocs, as that is expected to be empty.
/// </remarks>
private bool RelocJumpTable(SegmentMapEntry ent, byte[] data, int bufOffset,
ChangeSet cs) {
const int ENTRY_LEN = 14;
if (ent.Segment.Relocs.Count != 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("WEIRD: jump table has reloc data?");
byte[] srcData = ent.Segment.GetConstData();
Array.Copy(srcData, 0, data, bufOffset, srcData.Length);
// For no documented reason, jump tables start with 8 zero bytes.
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (data[bufOffset + i] != 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: missing 8-byte header");
return false;
TypedRangeSet newSet = new TypedRangeSet();
TypedRangeSet undoSet = new TypedRangeSet();
for (int i = 8; i + 4 <= ent.Segment.Length; i += ENTRY_LEN) {
//int userId = RawData.GetWord(data, bufOffset + i, 2, false);
int fileNum = RawData.GetWord(data, bufOffset + i + 2, 2, false);
if (fileNum == 0) {
// A zero file number indicates end of table.
Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: found fileNum=0 at offset " + i + ", len=" +
} else if (fileNum != 1) {
// External file, ignore entry.
Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: ignoring entry with FileNum=" + fileNum);
} else if (i + ENTRY_LEN > ent.Segment.Length) {
// Make sure the rest fits.
Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: overran buffer");
return false;
// Note: segment might end right after FileNum, so don't try to read further
// until we've confirmed that FileNum != 0.
int segNum = RawData.GetWord(data, bufOffset + i + 4, 2, false);
int segOff = RawData.GetWord(data, bufOffset + i + 6, 4, false);
if (segNum < 0 || segNum >= mSegmentMap.Count || mSegmentMap[segNum] == null) {
Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: invalid SegNum=" + segNum);
return false;
if (data[bufOffset + i + 10] != 0x22) {
Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: did not find expected JSL at off=" + i);
return false;
int addr = mSegmentMap[segNum].Address + segOff;
int jmlOffset = bufOffset + i + 10;
data[jmlOffset] = 0x5c; // JML
data[jmlOffset + 1] = (byte)addr;
data[jmlOffset + 2] = (byte)(addr >> 8);
data[jmlOffset + 3] = (byte)(addr >> 16);
//Debug.WriteLine("JumpTab: off=" + i + " -> " +
// mFormatter.FormatAddress(addr, true));
// It seems to be fairly common for jump table entries to not be referenced
// from the program, which can leave whole dynamic segments unreferenced. Set
// a code hint on the JML instruction.
undoSet.Add(jmlOffset, (int)CodeAnalysis.TypeHint.NoHint);
newSet.Add(jmlOffset, (int)CodeAnalysis.TypeHint.Code);
UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateTypeHintChange(undoSet, newSet);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Adds one or more entries to the address map for the specified segment.
/// </summary>
private static void AddAddressEntries(DisasmProject proj, SegmentMapEntry ent,
int bufOffset, ChangeSet cs) {
int addr = ent.Address;
int segRem = ent.Segment.Length;
while (true) {
// Generate an ORG directive.
int origAddr = proj.AddrMap.Get(bufOffset);
UndoableChange uc = UndoableChange.CreateAddressChange(bufOffset,
origAddr, addr);
// Compare amount of space in this bank to amount left in segment.
int bankRem = 0x00010000 - (addr & 0xffff);
if (bankRem > segRem) {
// All done, bail.
// Advance to start of next bank.
addr += bankRem;
Debug.Assert((addr & 0x0000ffff) == 0);
bufOffset += bankRem;
segRem -= bankRem;
Debug.WriteLine("Adding additional ORG at " + addr);