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Andy McFadden d542a809f8 Implement local variables for ACME
Unlike 64tass and Merlin, which allow you to redefine symbols, ACME
uses "zones" that provide scope for local variables.  This means
that, at the point of a local variable table definition, we have to
start a new zone and output the full set of active symbols, not just
the newly-defined ones.  (If you set the "clear previous" flag in
the LvTable there's no difference.)

We could do a bit better by only outputting the symbols that are
actually used within the zone, similar to what we do for global
project/platform symbols, but that's a bunch of work for questionable
2019-09-01 10:55:19 -07:00

332 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Given a list of LocalVariableTables, this determines the mapping of values to symbols
/// at a specific offset.
/// </summary>
public class LocalVariableLookup {
/// <summary>
/// List of tables. The table's file offset is used as the key.
/// </summary>
private SortedList<int, LocalVariableTable> mLvTables;
/// <summary>
/// Table of symbols, used to ensure that symbols are globally unique.
/// </summary>
private SymbolTable mSymbolTable;
/// <summary>
/// Reference to project, so we can query the Anattrib array to identify "hidden" tables.
/// </summary>
private DisasmProject mProject;
/// <summary>
/// Set to true if we want all variables to be globally unique (because the assembler
/// can't redefine them).
/// </summary>
private bool mDoUniquify;
/// <summary>
/// Label uniquification helper.
/// The BaseLabel does not change, but Label is updated by MakeUnique.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// LvLookup is run multiple times, and can be restarted in the middle of a run. It's
/// essential that UniqueLabel behaves deterministically. For this to happen, the
/// contents of SymbolTable can't change in a way that affects the outcome unless it
/// also causes us to redo the uniquification. This mostly means that we have to be
/// very careful about creating duplicate symbols, so that we don't get halfway through
/// the analysis pass and invalidate our previous work. It's best to leave
/// uniquification disabled until we're generating assembly source code.
/// The issues also make it hard to do the uniquification once, rather than every time we
/// walk the code. Not all symbol changes cause a re-analysis (e.g. renaming a user
/// label does not), and we don't want to fill the symbol table with the uniquified
/// names because it could block user labels that would otherwise be valid.
/// </remarks>
private class UniqueLabel {
public string BaseLabel { get; private set; }
public string Label { get; private set; }
private int Counter { get; set; }
public UniqueLabel(string baseLabel) {
Label = BaseLabel = baseLabel;
Counter = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the Label to be unique. Call this when a symbol is defined or
/// re-defined.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="symbolTable">Symbol table, for uniqueness check.</param>
public void MakeUnique(SymbolTable symbolTable) {
// The main symbol table might have user-supplied labels like "ptr_2", so we
// need to keep testing against that. However, it should not be possible for
// us to clash with other uniquified variables. So we don't need to check
// for clashes in the UniqueLabel list.
// It *is* possible to clash with other variable base names, so we can't
// exclude variables from our SymbolTable lookup.
string testLabel;
do {
testLabel = BaseLabel + "_" + Counter;
} while (symbolTable.TryGetValue(testLabel, out Symbol sym));
Label = testLabel;
private Dictionary<string, UniqueLabel> mUniqueLabels;
/// <summary>
/// Duplicate label re-map. This is applied before uniquification.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// It's hard to do this as part of uniquification because the remapped base name ends
/// up in the symbol table, and the uniquifier isn't able to tell that the entry in the
/// symbol table is itself. The logic is simpler if we just rename the label before
/// the uniquifier ever sees it.
/// </remarks>
private Dictionary<string, string> mDupRemap;
/// <summary>
/// Most recently processed offset.
/// </summary>
private int mRecentOffset;
/// <summary>
/// Symbols defined at mRecentOffset.
/// </summary>
private List<DefSymbol> mRecentSymbols;
/// <summary>
/// Cumulative symbols defined at the current offset.
/// </summary>
private LocalVariableTable mCurrentTable;
// Next point of interest.
private int mNextLvtIndex;
private int mNextLvtOffset;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lvTables">List of tables from the DisasmProject.</param>
/// <param name="symbolTable">Full SymbolTable from the DisasmProject. Used to
/// generate globally unique symbol names.</param>
/// <param name="project">Project reference.</param>
/// <param name="uniquify">Set to true if variable names cannot be redefined.</param>
public LocalVariableLookup(SortedList<int, LocalVariableTable> lvTables,
DisasmProject project, bool uniquify) {
mLvTables = lvTables;
mSymbolTable = project.SymbolTable;
mProject = project;
mDoUniquify = uniquify;
mCurrentTable = new LocalVariableTable();
mDupRemap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (uniquify) {
mUniqueLabels = new Dictionary<string, UniqueLabel>();
public void Reset() {
mRecentOffset = -1;
mRecentSymbols = null;
if (mLvTables.Count == 0) {
mNextLvtIndex = -1;
mNextLvtOffset = mProject.FileDataLength;
} else {
mNextLvtIndex = 0;
mNextLvtOffset = mLvTables.Keys[0];
/// <summary>
/// Gets the symbol associated with the operand of an instruction.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset of start of instruction.</param>
/// <param name="operandValue">Operand value.</param>
/// <param name="type">Operand type. Should be ExternalAddress for DP ops, or
/// Constant for StackRel ops.</param>
/// <returns>Symbol, or null if no match found.</returns>
public DefSymbol GetSymbol(int offset, int operandValue, Symbol.Type type) {
return mCurrentTable.GetByValueRange(operandValue, 1, type);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the symbol associated with a symbol reference. If uniquification is enabled,
/// the unique-label map for the specified offset will be used to transform the
/// symbol reference.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset of start of instruction.</param>
/// <param name="symRef">Reference to symbol.</param>
/// <returns>Symbol, or null if no match found.</returns>
public DefSymbol GetSymbol(int offset, WeakSymbolRef symRef) {
// The symRef uses the non-uniquified symbol, so we need to get the unique value at
// the current offset. We may need to do this even when variables can be
// redefined, because we might have a variable that's a duplicate of a user label
// or project symbol.
string label = symRef.Label;
if (mDupRemap.TryGetValue(symRef.Label, out string remap)) {
label = remap;
//Debug.WriteLine("GetSymbol " + symRef.Label + " -> " + label);
if (mUniqueLabels != null && mUniqueLabels.TryGetValue(label, out UniqueLabel ulab)) {
//Debug.WriteLine(" Unique var " + symRef.Label + " -> " + ulab.Label);
label = ulab.Label;
DefSymbol defSym = mCurrentTable.GetByLabel(label);
// In theory this is okay, but in practice the only things asking for symbols are
// entirely convinced that the symbol exists here. So this is probably a bug.
Debug.Assert(defSym != null);
return defSym;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a LocalVariableTable that is the result of merging all tables up to this point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Target offset.</param>
/// <returns>Combined table.</returns>
public LocalVariableTable GetMergedTableAtOffset(int offset) {
return mCurrentTable;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a list of variables defined at the specified offset, if a table is
/// associated with that offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">File data offset.</param>
/// <returns>List of symbols, uniquified if desired, or null if no LocalVariableTable
/// exists at the specified offset.</returns>
public List<DefSymbol> GetVariablesDefinedAtOffset(int offset) {
if (mRecentOffset == offset) {
return mRecentSymbols;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Updates internal state to reflect the state of the world at the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When the offset is greater than or equal to its value on a previous call, we can
/// do an incremental update. If the offset moves backward, we have to reset and walk
/// forward again.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="targetOffset">Target offset.</param>
private void AdvanceToOffset(int targetOffset) {
if (mNextLvtIndex < 0) {
if (targetOffset < mRecentOffset) {
// We went backwards.
while (mNextLvtOffset <= targetOffset) {
if (!mProject.GetAnattrib(mNextLvtOffset).IsStart) {
// Hidden table, ignore it.
Debug.WriteLine("Ignoring LvTable at +" + mNextLvtOffset.ToString("x6"));
} else {
// Process this table.
LocalVariableTable lvt = mLvTables.Values[mNextLvtIndex];
if (lvt.ClearPrevious) {
// Create a list for GetVariablesDefinedAtOffset
mRecentSymbols = new List<DefSymbol>();
mRecentOffset = mNextLvtOffset;
// Merge the new entries into the work table. This automatically
// discards entries that clash by name or value.
for (int i = 0; i < lvt.Count; i++) {
DefSymbol defSym = lvt[i];
// Look for non-variable symbols with the same label. Ordinarily the
// editor prevents this from happening, but there are ways to trick
// the system (e.g. add a symbol while the LvTable is hidden). We
// deal with it here.
if (mSymbolTable.TryGetNonVariableValue(defSym.Label, out Symbol unused)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Detected duplicate non-var label " + defSym.Label +
" at +" + mNextLvtOffset.ToString("x6"));
string newLabel = DeDupLabel(defSym.Label);
mDupRemap[defSym.Label] = newLabel;
defSym = new DefSymbol(defSym, newLabel);
if (mDoUniquify) {
if (mUniqueLabels.TryGetValue(defSym.Label, out UniqueLabel ulab)) {
// We've seen this label before; generate a unique version by
// increasing the appended number.
defSym = new DefSymbol(defSym, ulab.Label);
} else {
// Haven't seen this before. Add it to the unique-labels table.
mUniqueLabels.Add(defSym.Label, new UniqueLabel(defSym.Label));
// Update state to look for next table.
if (mNextLvtIndex < mLvTables.Keys.Count) {
mNextLvtOffset = mLvTables.Keys[mNextLvtIndex];
} else {
mNextLvtOffset = mProject.FileDataLength; // never reached
/// <summary>
/// Generates a unique label for the duplicate remap table.
/// </summary>
private string DeDupLabel(string baseLabel) {
string testLabel;
int counter = 0;
do {
testLabel = baseLabel + "_DUP" + counter; // make it ugly and obvious
} while (mSymbolTable.TryGetNonVariableValue(testLabel, out Symbol unused));
return testLabel;