mirror of https://github.com/fadden/6502bench.git synced 2024-06-11 17:29:29 +00:00
Andy McFadden df04de61e6 Improve visualization
Various improvements:
- Switched to ReadOnlyDictionary in Visualization to make it clear
  that the parameter dictionary should not be modified.
- Added a warning to the Visualization Set editor that appears when
  there are no plugins that implement a visualizer.
- Make sure an item is selected in the set editor after edit/remove.
- Replaced the checkerboard background with one that's a little bit
  more grey, so it's more distinct from white pixel data.
- Added a new Apple II hi-res color converter whose output more
  closely matches KEGS and AppleWin RGB.
- Added VisHiRes.cs to some Apple II system definitions.
- Added some test bitmaps for Apple II hi-res to the test directory.
  (These are not part of an automated test.)
2019-12-04 15:59:37 -08:00

167 lines
3.6 KiB

; Copyright 2019 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved.
; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0).
; Assembler: Merlin 32
HGR equ $f3e2
src_ptr equ $00
xoff equ $02
width equ $03
line equ $04
count equ $05
org $1000
bit bitmap1 ;give the disassembler a reason to label them
bit bitmap2
bit bitmap3
bit bitmap4
bit bitmap5
jsr HGR ;clear screen, set hi-res mode
lda #<bitmap1
sta src_ptr
lda #>bitmap1
sta src_ptr+1
lda #$00
sta xoff
lda #$01 ;1x8
sta width
jsr draw
lda #<bitmap2
sta src_ptr
lda #>bitmap2
sta src_ptr+1
lda #$03 ;start in odd column
sta xoff
lda #$01 ;1x8
sta width
jsr draw
lda #<bitmap3
sta src_ptr
lda #>bitmap3
sta src_ptr+1
lda #$06
sta xoff
lda #$02 ;2x8
sta width
jsr draw
lda #<bitmap4
sta src_ptr
lda #>bitmap4
sta src_ptr+1
lda #$0a
sta xoff
lda #$02 ;2x8
sta width
jsr draw
lda #<bitmap5
sta src_ptr
lda #>bitmap5
sta src_ptr+1
lda #$0e
sta xoff
lda #$03 ;3x8
sta width
jsr draw
; Copies an Nx8 bitmap to the hi-res screen.
; Put X offset in "xoff", width-1 in "width_m1", and a pointer to the bitmap
; data in "src_ptr".
ldy #$00 ;index to input byte
sty line ;init line index to zero
:loop ldx line
lda addrs,x
beq :done
sta _copy+2
lda xoff
sta _copy+1
ldx #$00
:loop1 lda (src_ptr),y
_copy sta $2000,x
cpx width
bne :loop1
inc line
bne :loop ;always (more or less)
:done rts
; hi byte of base addresses on hi-res screen; must be 8 of them
dfb $20
dfb $24
dfb $28
dfb $2c
dfb $30
dfb $34
dfb $38
dfb $3c
dfb $00
; 1x8
dfb $00
dfb $01
dfb $02
dfb $04
dfb $08
dfb $10
dfb $20
dfb $40
; 1x8 (odd byte)
dfb $c0
dfb $a0
dfb $90
dfb $88
dfb $84
dfb $82
dfb $81
dfb $80
; 2x8
dfb $d5,$aa ;pure colors
dfb $aa,$d5
dfb $55,$2a
dfb $2a,$55
dfb $d5,$2a ;high bit split
dfb $aa,$55
dfb $55,$aa
dfb $2a,$d5
; 2x8
dfb $40,$00 ;bits at the edge
dfb $00,$01
dfb $40,$01
dfb $60,$03
dfb $40,$02
dfb $d5,$d5 ;same byte odd/even
dfb $aa,$aa
dfb $d5,$55
; 3x8 (do in B&W)
dfb $7f,$7f,$7f
dfb $03,$08,$60
dfb $03,$1c,$60
dfb $03,$3e,$60
dfb $03,$7f,$60
dfb $43,$77,$61
dfb $63,$63,$63
dfb $7f,$7f,$7f