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Andy McFadden 3702448780 Correctly handle a label update edge case
Test case:
 1. create a label FOO
   (can be referenced or unreferenced)
 2. add a platform symbol file that also defines FOO
   (the platform symbol will be masked by the user label)
 3. rename FOO to BAR
   (platform symbol should appear)
 4. hit "undo"
   (platform symbol should disappear)
 5. delete label FOO
   (platform symbol should appear)
 6. hit "undo"
   (platform symbol should disappear)

This will fail to update the display list properly, and/or crash
when we try to add FOO to a symbol table that already has a
symbol with that label.

The problem is the optimization that tries to avoid running the
data analysis pass if we're just renaming a user label.  We need to
check to see if the rename overlaps with project/platform symbols,
because we need to update the active def symbol set in that case.

To avoid the crash, we just need to use table[key]=value syntax
instead of table.Add(key,value).
2019-10-13 15:53:46 -07:00

275 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using CommonUtil;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Loads and maintains a collection of platform-specific symbols from a ".sym65" file.
/// </summary>
public class PlatformSymbols : IEnumerable<Symbol> {
public const string FILENAME_EXT = ".sym65";
public static readonly string FILENAME_FILTER = Res.Strings.FILE_FILTER_SYM65;
/// <summary>
/// Regex pattern for name/value pairs in symbol file.
/// Alphanumeric ASCII + underscore for label, which must start at beginning of line.
/// Value is somewhat arbitrary, but ends if we see a comment delimiter (semicolon) or
/// whitespace. Width is decimal or hex. Spaces are allowed between tokens.
/// Group 1 is the name, group 2 is '=' or '@', group 3 is the value, group 4 is
/// the symbol width (optional), group 5 is the comment (optional).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If you want to make sense of this, I highly recommend https://regex101.com/ .
/// </remarks>
private const string NAME_VALUE_PATTERN =
@"^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*([@=])\s*([^\ ;]+)\s*([0-9\$]+)?\s*(;.*)?$";
private static Regex sNameValueRegex = new Regex(NAME_VALUE_PATTERN);
private const string TAG_CMD = "*TAG";
/// <summary>
/// List of symbols. We keep them sorted by label because labels must be unique.
/// </summary>
private SortedList<string, Symbol> mSymbols =
new SortedList<string, Symbol>(Asm65.Label.LABEL_COMPARER);
public PlatformSymbols() { }
// IEnumerable
public IEnumerator<Symbol> GetEnumerator() {
return mSymbols.Values.GetEnumerator();
// IEnumerable
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
return mSymbols.Values.GetEnumerator();
public bool ContainsKey(string label) {
return mSymbols.ContainsKey(label);
/// <summary>
/// Loads platform symbols.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileIdent">External file identifier of symbol file.</param>
/// <param name="projectDir">Full path to project directory.</param>
/// <param name="loadOrdinal">Platform file load order.</param>
/// <param name="report">Report of warnings and errors.</param>
/// <returns>True on success (no errors), false on failure.</returns>
public bool LoadFromFile(string fileIdent, string projectDir, int loadOrdinal,
out FileLoadReport report) {
report = new FileLoadReport(fileIdent);
ExternalFile ef = ExternalFile.CreateFromIdent(fileIdent);
if (ef == null) {
CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + ": " + fileIdent);
return false;
string pathName = ef.GetPathName(projectDir);
if (pathName == null) {
Res.Strings.ERR_BAD_IDENT + ": " + fileIdent);
return false;
// These files shouldn't be enormous. Just read the entire thing into a string array.
string[] lines;
try {
lines = File.ReadAllLines(pathName);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Debug.WriteLine("Platform symbol load failed: " + ioe);
CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + ": " + pathName);
return false;
string tag = string.Empty;
int lineNum = 0;
foreach (string line in lines) {
lineNum++; // first line is line 1, says Vim and VisualStudio
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line[0] == ';') {
// ignore
} else if (line[0] == '*') {
if (line.StartsWith(TAG_CMD)) {
tag = ParseTag(line);
} else {
// Do something clever with *SYNOPSIS?
Debug.WriteLine("CMD: " + line);
} else {
MatchCollection matches = sNameValueRegex.Matches(line);
if (matches.Count == 1) {
//Debug.WriteLine("GOT '" + matches[0].Groups[1] + "' " +
// matches[0].Groups[2] + " '" + matches[0].Groups[3] + "'");
string label = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
bool isConst = (matches[0].Groups[2].Value[0] == '=');
string badParseMsg;
int value, numBase;
bool parseOk;
if (isConst) {
// Allow various numeric options, and preserve the value.
parseOk = Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(matches[0].Groups[3].Value,
out value, out numBase);
badParseMsg =
} else {
// Allow things like "05/1000". Always hex.
numBase = 16;
parseOk = Asm65.Address.ParseAddress(matches[0].Groups[3].Value,
(1 << 24) - 1, out value);
badParseMsg = CommonUtil.Properties.Resources.ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS;
int width = -1;
string widthStr = matches[0].Groups[4].Value;
if (parseOk && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(widthStr)) {
parseOk = Asm65.Number.TryParseInt(widthStr, out width,
out int ignoredBase);
if (parseOk) {
if (width < DefSymbol.MIN_WIDTH || width > DefSymbol.MAX_WIDTH) {
parseOk = false;
} else {
badParseMsg =
if (!parseOk) {
report.Add(lineNum, FileLoadItem.NO_COLUMN, FileLoadItem.Type.Warning,
} else {
string comment = matches[0].Groups[5].Value;
if (comment.Length > 0) {
// remove ';'
comment = comment.Substring(1);
FormatDescriptor.SubType subType =
DefSymbol symDef = new DefSymbol(label, value, Symbol.Source.Platform,
isConst ? Symbol.Type.Constant : Symbol.Type.ExternalAddr,
subType, comment, tag, width, width > 0, loadOrdinal, fileIdent);
if (mSymbols.ContainsKey(label)) {
// This is very easy to do -- just define the same symbol twice
// in the same file. We don't really need to do anything about
// it though.
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: stomping previous definition of " + label);
mSymbols[label] = symDef;
} else {
report.Add(lineNum, FileLoadItem.NO_COLUMN, FileLoadItem.Type.Warning,
return !report.HasErrors;
/// <summary>
/// Parses the tag out of a tag command line. The tag is pretty much everything after
/// the "*TAG", with whitespace stripped off the start and end. The empty string
/// is valid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">Line to parse.</param>
/// <returns>Tag string.</returns>
private string ParseTag(string line) {
string tag = line.Substring(TAG_CMD.Length).Trim();
return tag;
/// <summary>
/// One-off function to convert the IIgs toolbox function info from NList.Data.TXT
/// to .sym65 format. Doesn't really belong in here, but I'm too lazy to put it
/// anywhere else.
/// </summary>
public static void ConvertNiftyListToolboxFuncs(string inPath, string outPath) {
const string TOOL_START = "* System tools";
const string TOOL_END = "* User tools";
const string PATTERN = @"^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) (\w+)(.*)";
Regex parseRegex = new Regex(PATTERN);
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(inPath);
List<String> outs = new List<string>();
bool inTools = false;
foreach (string line in lines) {
if (line == TOOL_START) {
inTools = true;
} else if (line == TOOL_END) {
if (!inTools) {
if (line.Substring(5, 4) == "=== ") {
// make this a comment
outs.Add("; " + line.Substring(5));
MatchCollection matches = parseRegex.Matches(line);
if (matches.Count != 1) {
Debug.WriteLine("NConv: bad match on '" + line + "'");
outs.Add("; " + line);
GroupCollection group = matches[0].Groups;
string outStr;
if (matches[0].Groups.Count != 4) {
Debug.WriteLine("NConv: partial match (" + group.Count + ") on '" +
line + "'");
outStr = ";" + group[0];
} else {
while (sb.Length < 19) { // not really worried about speed
sb.Append(' ');
sb.Append(" = $");
while (sb.Length < 32) {
sb.Append(' ');
File.WriteAllLines(outPath, outs);
Debug.WriteLine("NConv complete (" + outs.Count + " lines)");