FDED- 5 COUT .EQ $FDED 0300- 6 *------------------------------------ 0300- 7 * Print Decimal with Leading Zero 0300- 8 * 0300-A2 AF 9 ( 2) PDW0 LDX #"0"-1 Start with ASCII zero-1 0302-38 10 ( 2) SEC Set up subtraction 0303-E8 11 ( 2) .1 INX Increment ten's digit 0304-E9 0A 12 ( 2) SBC #10 Take out ten 0306-B0 FB 13 (2**) BCS .1 Still more tens 0308-69 BA 14 ( 2) ADC #"0"+10 Add back one ten, and make ASCII 030A-48 15 ( 3) PHA Save unit's digit 030B-8A 16 ( 2) TXA Get ten's digit 030C-20 ED FD 17 ( 6) JSR COUT Print ten's digit 030F-68 18 ( 4) PLA Get unit's digit 0310-4C ED FD 19 ( 3) JMP COUT and print it 0313- 20 *------------------------------------ 0313- 21 * Print Decimal with Leading Space 0313- 22 * 0313-A2 AF 23 ( 2) PDSPC LDX #"0"-1 Start with ASCII zero-1 0315-38 24 ( 2) SEC Set up subtraction 0316-E8 25 ( 2) .1 INX Increment ten's digit 0317-E9 0A 26 ( 2) SBC #10 Take out ten 0319-B0 FB 27 (2**) BCS .1 Still more tens 031B-69 BA 28 ( 2) ADC #"0"+10 Add back one ten, and make ASCII 031D-48 29 ( 3) PHA Save unit's digit 031E-8A 30 ( 2) TXA Get ten's digit 031F-C9 B0 31 ( 2) CMP #"0" Print 0321-D0 02 32 (2**) BNE .2 00-09 as " 0" through " 9" 0323-A9 A0 33 ( 2) LDA #" " 0325-20 ED FD 34 ( 6) .2 JSR COUT Print ten's digit 0328-68 35 ( 4) PLA Get unit's digit 0329-4C ED FD 36 ( 3) JMP COUT and print it